1、【论语范例之四】,子曰:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。” 本段今译:孔子说:“我十五岁立志学习;三十岁立身处世站稳了脚跟;四十岁时明白各种事理而不迷惑;五十岁时懂得天命;六十岁时对别人的话能辨别是非曲直;七十岁时能随心所欲而不越出规矩。”,【概述】,这是论语“为政篇第二”中的第四篇。本篇概括了孔子一生不断追求“仁”所达到的各种境界。中外思想家能象孔子这样简明扼要地总结毕生历程者,似甚罕见。后人常用此指人生的各个阶段。本篇翻译的难点是如何正确理解“而立”、“不惑”、“知天命”、“耳顺”、“从心所欲,不逾矩”等关键词。一百多年前辜鸿铭先
2、生把“天命”译作the truth in religion (宗教的真谛),这种译法的实际效果等于把孔子当作宗教师祖向国外介绍,似乎不符合原意。,【翻译要点评析】,1.“吾十有五而志于学”,“有”是连词,加在整数和零数之间。可不译出,“十有五”意即十五岁。“而”:此段中的六个“而”都是连词,表示时间at。“志”:立志。“于”:是介词,相当于“在方面”。“志于学”set my mind on learning; made up my mind to study。,【翻译要点评析】,2. “三十而立”,对于“立”,有两种理解,王福林认为孔子的本意是“立于礼”,即“一切按礼办事”故译成acted o
3、n the proprieties。而其他中外译者都理解为“在社会上立身出世站稳了脚跟”,故有译文stood firm; planted my feet firm upon the ground; have been well established等。在当代中国人心目中对“而立之年”的理解都与后者相同。,【翻译要点评析】,3. “四十而不惑”,“不惑”:明白各种事理而不迷惑was no longer perplexed; have understood many things and have no longer been confused; had no doubts。王福林先生则从孔子的
4、“仁礼观”出发,认为“不惑”就是“不惑于仁”,亦即能辨明仁与不仁could make clear distinction between benevolence (仁慈,善行) and non-benevolence (不仁)。,【翻译要点评析】,4. “五十而知天命”,王福林认为“天命”是客观必然性,是指道德修养中的一种很高的境界,把“知天命”译为I came to know the existence of the heavenly principles。赖波认为,“知天命”就是“知道上天赋予自己的使命I have known my heaven-sent duty。其他的译者则把“天命”
5、译作the decree of Heaven; the will of Heaven等。 5. “六十而而顺”,“而顺”:对别人的话能辨别是非曲直have been able to distinguish right and wrong on other peoples words。王福林则译为the heavenly principles were not offensive to my ears。,【翻译要点评析】,6. “七十而从心所欲”,“从”:跟从,依从。“所欲”:是“所字短语”,意即“想要的事物”。“从心所欲”意即“心里怎么想就怎么做could do whatever I wish
6、ed; could follow what my heart desired。 7. “不逾矩”,“逾”:逾越go beyond; overstep。“矩”:规矩norms; rules; what was right。王福林解释为“天命的范围”the heavenly principles。美国诗人庞德则把“矩”译成T-square(丁字尺),很形象,但不符合实际,因为孔子时代还没有发明丁字尺。,【六种不同的译文】,1. 理译:The Master said: “At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning. At thirty, I stood fi
7、rm. At forty, I had no doubts. At fifty, I know the decrees of Heaven. At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth. At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right.”,【六种不同的译文】,2. 威译:The Master said, At fifteen I set my heart upon learning.
8、 At thirty, I had planted my feet firm upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from perplexities. At fifty, I knew what were the biddings of Heaven. At sixty, I heard them with docile ear. At seventy, I could follow the dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the b
9、oundaries of right.,【六种不同的译文】,3. 王译:Confucius said: “At fifteen I set my mind on learning. At thirty I acted on the proprieties. At forty I could make a clear distinction between benevolence and non-benevolence. At fifty I came to know the existence of the heavenly principles. At sixty, the heavenly
10、 principles were not offensive to my ears. At seventy I could do whatever I wished to without going beyond the heavenly principles.”,【六种不同的译文】,4. 赖译:Confucius said: “Since the age of 15, I have devoted myself to learning; since 30, I have been well established; since 40, I have understood many thing
11、s and have no longer been confused; since 50, I have known my heaven-sent duty; since 60, I have been able to distinguish right and wrong on other peoples words; and since 70, I have been able to do what I intend freely without breaking the rules.”,【六种不同的译文】,5. 潘译:The Master said, “At fifteen I set
12、my heart on learning. At thirty I could stand firm. At forty I had no doubts. At fifty I knew the Decree of Heaven. At sixty I was already obedient (to this decree). At seventy I could follow the desire of my mind without overstepping the boundaries (of what is right).”,【六种不同的译文】,6. 丁译:Confucius said, “At fifteen I made up my mind to study; at thirty I was established; at forty I was no longer perplexed; at fifty I understood the will of Heaven; at sixty I listened to everything without feeling unhappy; at seventy I followed all my desires and none of them was against the norms.”,