1、基于低绩效归因的惩罚程度研究第 1 页 共 6 页基于低绩效归因的惩罚程度研究林 锋(同济大学经济与管理学院 上海 200092)摘要:员工的低绩效是任何一个企业都无法回避的问题。若不能适当、有效的对低绩效员工实施惩罚,不仅使得这些员工的低绩效得以延续,还将影响其他员工的士气,进而影响整个团队和组织的绩效。本文利用归因理论对员工的低绩效进行归因,并以情感反应为切入点,分析在各类归因情形下对员工惩罚的轻重程度,以期望为管理低绩效员工提供一些借鉴。关键词:低绩效;归因;情感反应;惩罚 Research in the degree of punishment based on the attribu
2、tion of poor performanceLIN Feng(School of Economics Deborah L. Miller; Connie J. Boudens and Gemma L. Briggs. Effects of casual attributions on coworker interactions: A social motivation perspective. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 23(3), 169-181. 20015 Gordon J. Badovick; Farrand J. Hadaway a
3、nd Peter F. Kaminski. Atrributions and emotions: The effects on salesperson motivation after successful vs. unsuccessful quota performance. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Volume XII, Number3 . 19926 R. Kenneth Teas and James C. McElory. Causal attributions and expectancy estimates:
4、A framework for understanding the dynamics of salesforce motivation. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 50, 75-86 . January 19867 Kathleen Watson Dugan. Ability and effort attributions: Do they affect how managers communicate performance feedback information? Academy of Management Journal. vol. 32, No.1, 87-114. 1989