1、Progressive Translation 翻译篇,第七章 汉译英的常用技巧,翻译技巧就是使译文忠实而地道的各种方法。本章拟介绍 以下八种翻译技巧:1.断句译法;2.合句译法;3.转句译 法;4.换序译法;5.补全译法;6.缩句译法;7.转态译法; 8.正反译法。,第一节 断 句 译 法,第二节 合 句 译 法,第三节 转 句 译 法,第四节 换 序 译 法,第五节 补 全 译 法,第六节 缩 句 译 法,第七节 转 态 译 法,第八节 正 反 译 法,第一节 断 句 译 法,练习题 将下列句子译成英语,注意使用断句译法 (1)拿我们这些人来说,很多人每年都有一些进步。 (2)耳朵是用来听
2、声音的感官,鼻子用来闻气味,舌头用来尝滋味。 (3)要想着美好的事情,要沉浸在过去的快乐中,并满怀感激之情。 (4)要多花时间刷两侧和后面的牙,并从牙龈处刷起。 (5)卓越不是一门技巧,而是一种态度。 (6)关于能量,有这么一条基本的知识:相似频率的能量会互相吸引。 (7)烟草不仅给人类造成悲剧,而且还加重了我们卫生系统的负担。 (8)人类没有食物不能生存,因此需要农民。 (9)有一位知名的教授,经常应邀到各大学演讲,他的司机也总是随行。,第一节 断 句 译 法,(10)爱美之心人皆有之,注重外表美也并没有犯什么条规,问题是凡事都要有度,超出尺度行事的人便好比买椟还珠。 (11)中日两国是近邻
3、,一衣带水,我们两国的关系已经有一千多年的历史。 (12)我爸爸是我心目中的英雄,当我需要他的时候,他总在我身边。 (13)起初我非常兴奋,然后我想一定在做梦吧,或者他们只是打错了电话。 (14)卡尔寡言少语,他话不多,通常是用灿烂的微笑和有力的握手和你打招呼。 (15)森林里有鹿也有狼,人民为了保护鹿,就把狼消灭了,认为这样就保护了鹿,哪知道适得其反。,第一节 断 句 译 法,译文 (1)Take for example those of us present here. Many of us make some progress each year. (2)The ear is the o
4、rgan that is used for hearing. The nose is used for smelling. The tongue is used for tasting. (3)Dwell on the good. Be consumed by past joys and obsessed with gratitude. (4)Spend more time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Brush away from your gums. (5)Excellence is not a skill. It is an
5、 attitude. (6)Here is a basic fact about energy. It is attracted to energy of a similar frequency. (7)Tobacco is not only a human tragedy. Tobacco also burdens our health system. (8)Human beings cannot live without food. Hence they need farmers. (9)A famous professor was often invited to lecture at
6、various colleges. His driver was always accompanying him.,第一节 断 句 译 法,译文(10)Everyone loves beauty, and caring about ones physical beauty is not wrong. However, there is always a limit. Those who go beyond the limit will miss the real essence of beauty. (11)China and Japan are close neighbors separat
7、ed by just a strip of water. The relations between our two countries have a history of more than 1000 years. (12)My daddy was my hero. He was always there for me when I needed him. 13)At first I was very excited. Then I thought I must be dreaming or maybe it was the wrong number. (14)Carl was a quie
8、t man. He didnt talk much. He would always greet you with a big smile and a firm handshake. (15)Once in the woods, there were both deer and wolves. To protect the deer, people killed the wolves, taking it for granted that the deer were then saved. However it turned out to be just the opposite.,第二节 合
9、 句 译 法,练习题/将下列句子译成英语,注意使用合句译法 (1)即使是最好的厨师,有时也会做出不好的菜来。 (2)门前放着一堆雨伞,少数也有十几把,五颜六色,大小不一。 (3)十年来,亚欧双方在相互尊重的基础上,开展了广泛多样的合作,政治对话不断深化。 (4)乡村地区发展相对滞后,是不少亚欧国家存在的问题。 (5)我们愿意与亚欧伙伴及世界其他国家发展友好合作关系,携手并肩,不懈努力,建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐社会。 (6)日见明显的是,人们越来越希望吃到更高质量的食物。 (7)虽然人们可能在乘车途中用餐,但他们却可以买到从寿司到有机色拉等越来越多的健康食品。 (8)每天我都会握着他的手,和
10、他说话,照顾他的生活所需。,第二节 合 句 译 法,练习题/将下列句子译成英语,注意使用合句译法(9)我们能够通过对非凡人物的研究来获得许多关于日常生活的东西,对杰出人物的分析已经证明了这一规律。 (10)真理是美的;毫无疑问,谎言也是如此。 (11)他家境贫寒,不得不中途退学。 (12)听众听了他的演说,非常感动,全体表示支持这个建议。 (13)中国昂首挺立于世界之林,越来越成为任何人都不能忽视的力量。 (14)如何解决假冒伪劣产品的盛行呢?这是广大群众迫切关心的问题。 (15)很多国家现在大量使用英语,因此他们开始教授有自己特色的英语, 例如,他们使用的句子结构就与英国人使用的不同。,第二
11、节 合 句 译 法,练习题/将下列句子译成英语,注意使用合句译法(16)知道辜鸿铭这个名字的人,首先想到的,是他的那 根在民国以后的北平知识界里堪称独一无二的辫子。 (17)在课堂上,他挥洒自如,海阔天空,旁征博引。 (18)英国研究者说,家务劳动既费时又累人,虽然也算是身体运动,却既无益于身体健康也无助于减除赘肉。 (19)芬芳的气味,比如玫瑰或杏仁的香气,可以减轻人的痛苦,不过这似乎只对女人有效。 (20)据我所知,今天有许多嘉宾要致词祝贺。这真是令人期待。,第二节 合 句 译 法,练习题/译文 (1)The best cook sometimes makes bad dishes. (2
12、)In the doorway lay at least a dozen of umbrellas of all sizes and colors. (3)Over the past decade, guided by the principle of mutual respect, Asia and Europe have carried out extensive and diversified cooperation and deepened political dialogue. (4)Underdevelopment in rural areas is a problem in qu
13、ite a number of Asian and European countries. (5)We will continue to develop friendly relations and cooperation with our Asian and European partners and other countries in the world and work with them to build a world of harmony, durable peace and common prosperity. (6)One thing emerging is a greate
14、r demand of higher quality food. (7)While the food maybe eaten in transit, people are increasingly being offered healthy fare from sushi to organic salads.,第二节 合 句 译 法,练习题/译文(8)I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him, helping with anything that needed to be done. (9)We can learn
15、much about everyday life by studying the extraordinary, a principle exemplified by the analysis of eminent researchers. (10)Truth is beautiful, without doubt, and so are lies. (11)The want of his family forced him to leave off school. (12)The audience, greatly touched by his speech, all voiced suppo
16、rt for the proposal. (13)Standing firm and proud among the nations of the world, China has become an ever stronger force which no one can ignore.,第二节 合 句 译 法,练习题/译文 (14)How to solve the problem of fake products was a question to which the broad masses urgently needed a solution. (15)Many countries a
17、re now using English so much that they are starting to teach their own particular brand of the language with different forms of sentence construction, for example. (16)For those who know the name Ku Hongming, the first thing that is associated with him is his pigtail, which was unique among the inte
18、llectual community in Peking in the days after the founding of the Republic. (17)In class, he was completely at home with his lectures, covering a broad range of topics and citing all kinds of resources. (18)Its exhausting, time consuming and although it counts as physical activity, housework doesnt
19、 improve health or help to shed those excess pounds, British researchers said. (19)Sweet scents, such as the smell of roses or almonds, could help to relieve pain but the effect only seem to work in women. (20)I know today many guests will extend their congratulations by delivering speeches, for whi
20、ch we are waiting.,第三节 转 句 译 法,练习题/采用转句译法将下列句子译成英语 (1)任何一个人,如果不努力,就有可能失败。 (2)路遥知马力,日久见人心。 (3)穿着舒适的服装如牛仔裤或卡其裤、运动衫和软底鞋时,要比穿笔挺的西装、套裙和高跟鞋时消耗更多的卡路里。 (4)一个服务员看到我的女儿把筷子掉到地上了,我还没来得及开口,他就跑过来把新的一套餐具送了上来。 (5)在养老院的大厅里耐心地等了几小时后,当被告知房间已经准备就绪时,她甜美地笑了。 (6)每一天都是一份礼物,只要我睁开眼,我就会专注于崭新的一天和一直收藏起来的大量幸福,这一切仅为了此时此刻。 (7)想到要和
21、他分手,真是让人受不了。 (8)与其他欧洲人相比,英国人基本属于腼腆、沉默的人,很难与陌生人进行正式的交谈。,第三节 转 句 译 法,练习题/采用转句译法将下列句子译成英语 (9)你竟然忘了我们的结婚纪念日,我不会原谅你。 (10)5月份,在密西西比州,天气异常闷热。 (11)他考上了北京大学,父母非常高兴。 (12)房间里有一扇窗户,透过它人们可以看到大海。 (13)他们彼此之间的友谊和信任已经荡然无存,真是来得快去得也快。谁也不知道到底什么原因使他们反目成仇。 (14)中国正在实施的西部大开发战略会创造很多就业机会。 (15)人们的时间观念一直处于变化中,但注意这一变化的人并不多。,第三节
22、 转 句 译 法,练习题/采用转句译法将下列句子译成英语 (16)有了意大利语这个外语工具,在大学期间,我和意大利的几位著名数学大师有了通信交往,及时得到了他们的指点和具体帮助。 (17)我想回到儿时,那时孩子们爱在外面捉迷藏,而不是像现在整天目不转睛地盯着电视。 (18)文学有普遍性,但也有界限。 (19)我对新千年最大的希望就是,人们都反对节食,不过坦白地说,这种情况不可能出现。 (20)长期以来,我以为早睡早起自然会带来健康、财富和智慧,最近我已经从这种观念中醒悟出来。,第三节 转 句 译 法,练习题/采用转句译法将下列句子译成英语 (1)Any one who doesnt work
23、hard might fail. (2)As a road tests a horses strength, so an arduous task proves a persons heart. (3)You will blast more calories during the day wearing comfy clothes like jeans or khakis, sports shirts and soft-soled shoes than donning constricting suits, skirts and heels. (4)A waiter noticed that
24、my daughter dropped her chopsticks and ran to the table with a clean set before I could even ask him. (5)After several hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. (6)Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open Ill focus on the new
25、 day and,第三节 转 句 译 法,练习题/采用转句译法将下列句子译成英语 (7)The thought that he would depart was too much for her. (8)The Englishmen, compared with other Europeans, are basically shy and reserved who doesnt easily have formal conversations with strangers. (9)I will never forgive you that you forgot our wedding anni
26、versary. (10)The weather is unusually warm in May in Mississippi. (11)He entered Beijing University, which made his parents quite happy. (12)There is a window in the room through which people can see the sea. (13)Their friendship and trust for each other left as quickly as they came. How they became
27、 enemies, nobody knows. (14)China is carrying out a strategy for the massive development of western areas, thus creating a lot of job opportunities. (15)A little noticed change has been taking place in our time world.,第三节 转 句 译 法,练习题/采用转句译法将下列句子译成英语 (16)In my university days, with my command of Ital
28、ian, I was able to communicate with several renowned Italian mathematicians and get their timely guidance and practical help. (17)I want to return to the days when children played hide-and-seek outside instead of being glued to a television. (18)Literature has its limitations as well as universal qu
29、alities. (19)My biggest hope for the new millennium is that there will be a reaction against diets though frankly I cannot see it happening. (20)For a long time, I believed that “healthy, wealthy and wise” automatically followed “early to bed and early to rise”, and I have recently been disabused of
30、 this notion.,第四节 换 序 译 法,练习题/将下列句子译成英语,注意使用换序译法 (1)他正在和一个穿着红色上衣和蓝色牛仔裤的女孩儿说话。 (2)他很少骑自行车上班。 (3)来夏威夷之前我从来没见过如此美丽的地方。 (4)我们可以看见被太阳照亮的那部分月亮。 (5)村子中间有一条小河流过。 (6)保护视力对每个人,特别是正处于生理发育时期的青少年十分必要。 (7)他一到车站,车就来了。 (8)2006年中国发生了很多变化,尤其是农业的发展。 (9)我做得还不够好。 (10)我有一件重要的事情要告诉你。 (11)有需要就有竞争,这是市场经济的特定逻辑。 (12)只有通过努力学习,
31、你才能把以前失去的补回来。,第四节 换 序 译 法,练习题/将下列句子译成英语,注意使用换序译法 (13)早在1649年,俄亥俄州就规定:每个有50户或以上人口的城镇都必须建立学校。 (14)中国是一个拥有丰富的自然资源和众多人口的大国,这是众所周知的。 (15)把孩子一个人留在家里,太危险了。 (16)明星终于来了,后面跟了一大群粉丝。 (17)在展览会上,展出了许多中国最新的电子产品。 (18)帮助下岗职工再就业是这个组织的目的。 (19)老师们太好了,毕业的时候学生们都流下了眼泪。 (20)我们永远不要放弃。,第四节 换 序 译 法,练习题/译文 (1) He is talking to
32、 a girl who is in red shirt and blue jeans. (2) Seldom does he go to work by bike. (3) Never have I seen such a beautiful place before I came to Hawaii. (4) We can see the part of the moon lighted by sunlight. (5) There flows a river across the village. (6) It is necessary for everybody, especially
33、the growing children and teenagers, to preserve their eyesight. (7) Hardly had he arrived at the station when the bus came.,第四节 换 序 译 法,练习题/译文 (8) In 2006, China witnessed many changes, especially the progress in agricultural development. (9) What I have done is not good enough. (10) I have somethin
34、g important to tell you. (11) One special law of the market economy is that demand decides market. (12) Only by working hard, can you make up for what you have lost before. (13) As early as 1649, Ohio made a decision that schools must be established in every town having 50 households or more. (14) I
35、t is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and big population.,第四节 换 序 译 法,练习题/译文 (15) It is dangerous to leave a child alone at home. (16) Followed by a group of fans, the star finally came. (17) At the exhibition, on display were many Chinas latest electronic products. (18
36、) The purpose of the organization is to help those out of work reemployed. (19) So kind were the teachers that the students shed tears when they graduated. (20) Never shall we give up.,第五节 补 全 译 法,练习题/将下列句子译成英语,注意使用补全译法。 (1)千里送鹅毛,礼轻情义重。 (2)希望能够有越来越多的人学习汉语,了解中国文化。 (3)熟能生巧。 (4)热烈欢迎各国游客参观故宫。 (5)大雨倾盆。 (
37、6)在快速阅读中,主要应掌握全文的大意。 (7)青年人与老年人不同。不考虑到这一点,恐怕解决不好代沟问题。 (8)估计班上大概会有80的人通过期末考试。 (9)司马昭之心,路人皆知。,第五节 补 全 译 法,练习题/将下列句子译成英语,注意使用补全译法。 (10)在过去的几年当中,中国发生了惊人的变化,基本上家家户户都有了电视机。 (11)他原想她会嫁给他,现在看来,那是竹篮子打水一场空。 (12)要解决问题,还需要进行系统而周密的调查和研究工作。 (13)当前能源问题日益突出,直接影响到世界经济的稳定与繁荣。 (14)中国奉行透明的防御性国防政策,立足点是维护国家的安全和统一。 (15)光勤
38、劳是不够的,要看为什么勤劳。,第五节 补 全 译 法,练习题/译文 (1) The gift itself maybe insignificant as a goose feather, but sent from afar, it conveys deep feelings. (2) It is hoped that more and more people learn Chinese and know Chinese culture. (3) Practice makes perfect. (4) Travelers from various countries are warmly we
39、lcomed to visit the Palace Museum. (5) It rains cats and dogs. (6) In fast reading, it is essential to grasp the main idea of the text. (7) The young are different from the aged. Without taking this into consideration, I am afraid, you cannot solve the problem of generation gap. (8) It is predicted
40、that about 80% of the students in the class will pass the final exam. (9) This Sima Zhao trick is obvious to every man in the street. (10) In the past few years, great changes have taken place in China. There is a TV in almost every family.,第五节 补 全 译 法,练习题/译文 (11) He had thought he would agree to ma
41、rry him. But now he saw that he had been drawing water with a bamboo basketall was in vain. (12) In order to solve the problem it is necessary to make a systematic and thorough investigation and study. (13) Energy security has become an increasingly pressing issue. It directly affects global economi
42、c stability and prosperity. (14) China pursues a transparent defense policy. The policy is defensive in nature and it is aimed at safeguarding Chinas national security and unity. (15) It is not enough to be industrious. What are you industrious for?,第六节 缩 句 译 法,练习题/将下列句子译成英语,注意使用缩句译法。 (1)许多教师都献身于教育事
43、业。 (2)我还清楚地记得第一次来北京时的情景。 (3)要改变自己贫穷现状唯一的途径就是努力工作。 (4)火车刚停靠车站,乘客就挤了进来。 (5)无论是清洁环境也好,帮助贫困儿童学习也好,与警察一起保持街道安全也好,这个组织的成员做了实实在在的工作。 (6)他的一生都致力于帮助那些经常被人忽视的人,也就是那些贫穷的人,被遗弃的人,患病的人,和生命垂危的人。 (7)8月底,中国影片英雄登上了美国票房的榜首,对中国影片来说这是第一次,而且这部影片的DVD在上映前已经上市了。 (8)张艺谋的十面埋伏画面如此美丽并不奇怪,他曾是标志中国电影崛起的黄土地的摄影师,而他导演的大红灯笼高高挂在视觉上也有强烈
44、的冲击力。,练习题/将下列句子译成英语,注意使用缩句译法。 (9)我现在不喜欢数学,以后也不会喜欢。 (10)中国人民向来勇于创造、勇于革新。 (11)和别的国家的情况一样,日本人在创业过程中,会 把工作看得比孩子重要。 (12)女生在学校收获更大,这是因为女生在关注未来,而男生在关注女生。 (13)成功求职的现实情况很直接也很简单:要想成功,你需要从招聘者的角度来审视问题。 (14)我们应该反对铺张浪费,制止挥霍奢侈之风。 (15)有些人喜欢名,有些人喜欢利,而他既不喜欢名,也不喜欢利,只喜欢普普通通的生活。,第六节 缩 句 译 法,练习题/译文 (1)Many teachers are d
45、edicated to teaching. (2)I still remember clearly the first time I came to Beijing. (3)The only way to end ones poverty is towork hard. (4)The passengers packed into the train as soon as it pulled up at the station. (5)Members of the organization do real work from cleaning the environment, to helpin
46、g poor children to learn, to working with police tokeep our streets safe. (6)He was devoted to helping those who are often overlooked: the poor, the abandoned, the sick and the dying. (7)At the end of August, a Chinese film, Hero, topped the US box office chart for the first time,despite already bei
47、ng available on DVD. (8)It comes as a surprise that Zhang Yimous House ofFlying Daggers is so beautiful. His Raise the Red Lantern was visually striking and he started as cinematographer on the breakthrough work of modern Chinese cinema, Yellow Earth.,第六节 缩 句 译 法,练习题/译文 (9)I dont and will never like
48、 mathematics. (10)Chinese people have always been courageous enoughto make inventions and innovations. (11)As in other countries, the Japanese have chosen careers over children, as they have grown richer. (12)Girls achieve more at school because they are watching the future while the boys are watchi
49、ng them. (13)The reality of job search is straightforward and simple:to be successful, you need to sit on the other side of the desk. (14)We should oppose and put a stop to the unhealthy tendencyof being extravagant and wasteful. (15)Some people like fame, others like money, while he has interest in nothing but an ordinary life.,第七节 转 态 译 法,练习题/将下列句子译成英语,注意使用转态译法。 (1)手势经常用于交流情感或思想。 (2)虽然手势可以像其他民俗那样进行历史、地理、比较和结构方面的研究,但这方面的研究我们做得还很不够。 (3)这部电影是由中国著名导演冯小刚执导的。 (4)疯狂和创造力早就有密切联系。 (5)另一项试验的对象是稍大一些的婴儿。 (6)2004年的诺贝尔和平奖授予了一名肯尼亚的环保主义政治家。 (7)一份1989年的联合国报告中指出,在非洲每砍伐100棵树木,仅仅新种植9棵树。 (8)2002年,他被选举为议会成员。,