1、科技论文的撰写,投稿与发表 Writing,Submitting and Publishing Scientific Papers,Binhe Gu South Florida Water Management District, Florida USA,YVETTE HARDMAN EDMONDSON 1915-2006,W. Thomas Edmondson (19162000),This annual award recognizes an outstanding paper dealing with the aquatic sciences. Nominated papers must
2、 be written in English by an author who is no older than 35 years during the publication year. The paper must be published in a peer-reviewed journal two years before the award year. The nominee must be first author if there is more than one author.,Raymond L. Lindeman Award,John Martin Award,Recogn
3、izes a paper in aquatic sciences that is judged to have had a high impact on subsequent research in the field. A nominated paper must be at least 10, but no more than 30 years old.,Martin, JH, RM Gordon, and SE Fitzwater. 1991. The case for iron. Limnol. Oceanogr.,The Top 20 Scientists in Ecology an
4、d Environment (1992-2002),(D. Tilman, J.A. Downing, “Biodiversity and stability in grasslands,“ Nature 3676461: 363-5, 27 January 1994),Dr. G. David Tilman University of Minnesota Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior St. Paul, MN, USA,Who is this person?,Raymond L. Lindeman (1915 1942),The
5、 Trophic-Dynamic Aspect of Ecology Published in 1942 issue of Ecology,Publications by Raymond L. Lindeman,1941. Ecological Dynamics in a Senescent Lake. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Minnesota. 1941. Seasonal food-cycle dynamics in a senescent lake. The American Midland Naturalist 26(3):636-673. 1941.
6、 The developmental history of Cedar Creek Bog, Minnesota. The American Midland Naturalist 25(1):101-112. 1942. Experimental simulation of winter anaerobiosis in a senescent lake. Ecology 23(1):1-13. 1942. Seasonal distribution of midge larvae in a senescent lake. The American Midland Naturalist 27:4
7、28-444. 1942. The trophic-dynamic aspect of ecology.Ecology 23(4):399-418.,相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残。 (唐)李商隐 科研时难发表难,经费耗尽身亦残。 (今) 科研人员,撰写和发表科技论文的目的,完成一项科学研究的证据之一 与同行共享研究成果 为普通读者提供科学知识 为制定相关政策,法律和法规提供依据 为人类的文明和进步积累知识,写作前的考虑,结果值得发表吗? 结果应该用英文发表吗? 向什么杂志投稿?,结果值得发表吗?,实验的科学和应用价值 实验内容在本领域的重要性 实验目的是否明确,是否有新意? 实验手段是否先进
8、? 结果是否准确,可靠?,结果应该用英文发表吗?,用英文发表-与全球同行共享 结果的应用范围 实验的代表性,向什么杂志投稿?,阅读对象 杂志的征稿范围 杂志的质量 1.Science Citation Index (SCI)收录?2. Impact Factor(影响因子)如何?,论文类型,综述文章(Review paper) 研究论文(Research paper) 简报(Note/Short article) 批评/评论/回复(Comments/Reply) 书评(Book Review),杂志对文稿的要求,征稿范围 论文结构 图表格式 参考文献形式阅读期刊的征稿细则(Instructio
9、ns to Authors) 参照最近该期刊发表的论文,科技论文结构,题目(包括作者姓名和工作单位) 摘要(论文目的,问题,方法,结果和结论) 前言(研究领域概括,未决问题,研究目的,思路) 材料和方法(研究地点,时间,材料,仪器,实验分析方法,统计分析方法) 结果(描述主要发现) 讨论(对主要发现和问题进行分析,推导) 结论(对主要发现进行归纳,演绎,指出存在问题和研究方向) 致谢(感谢在研究中提供帮助人员,审稿人,资助单位) 参考文献(列出论文提及的文献),科技论文结构-题目(Title),对实验目的或主要方法和结果的高度概括 例子: Relationship between trophi
10、c state and fish biomass in Florida lakes Stable isotope evidence of feeding overlap in tilapia 副标题(running head) 例子:Trophic state and fish常见毛病: 大而空 使用多余的词(study, research, preliminary, review),科技论文结构-摘要(Abstract),研究目的 研究手段 研究时间地点 主要发现 科学意义,科技论文结构-前言(Introduction),本领域进展 存在问题 本研究的意义 研究目的 研究思路 研究手段,前言
11、:注意问题,熟悉本领域动向 熟悉参考文献 不能过于简单,材料和方法(Materials and Methods),研究地点(经纬度,面积,水深等) 时间 (要具体) 材料(采样方法) 仪器(型号,制造商) 实验分析方法(方法来源,步骤) 统计分析方法(统计软件,version),给读者足够的信息能够重复你的实验,结果(描述主要发现)Results,客观地陈述你的发现 先描述背景材料 然后描述主要发现 对非主要结果有时可以加以解释,讨论(Discussion),为论文之心脏 对主要发现和问题进行分析并提出你的观点 把主要发现分门归类 引用其它证据(参考文献)解释和支持你的发现和观点,结论(Con
12、clusions),对主要发现进行归纳,演绎 提出你对结果的看法 指出存在问题和研究方向 长度1-2段,致谢(Acknowledgements),感谢在研究中提供帮助人员,审稿人,资助单位,参考文献,列出论文提及的文献 引用高质量影响大的论文 每次引用不超过3篇 总引用通常30篇以下 注意每个期刊的引用形式,文稿各部分排列顺序,Title, authors address and contact information Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion References Tables Figure
13、legends Figures,Figure LegendsFigure 1. Schematic diagram showing location and structure of test cells.Figure 2. Test cells with different vegetation communities: emergent system (top), SAV system with limerock berm (middle) and PSTA system showing emergent plant (Eleocharios) and floating calcareou
14、s periphyton mats (bottom).Figure 3. Time series and box plot of inflow and outflow concentrations of various P species in the north test cells. All units are mg L-1.Figure 4. Time series and box plot of inflow and outflow concentrations of various P species in the south test cells. All units are mg
15、 L-1.Figure 5. Conceptual model for phosphorus removal from constructed wetlands.,论文的内部审稿 Internal Review,投稿 (Submission),网上投稿 通过电子邮件投稿 通过普通信件投稿,RE: Manuscript / Poster / Artwork - Submissions Sorry, at this time, we DO NOT accept any book manuscripts or new poster ideas. Do not send us any material
16、.Good Luck Walrus Productions,切勿一稿多投,请看一稿三投的文章,三个杂志同时决定撤稿! 中科院上海光机所,还有我们的 XXX大院士挂名! J Phys Chem Solid, 2006, 67: 1605 Retraction Notice to “Effect of F-ions on spectroscopic properties of Yb3+-doped zinc-tellurite glasses”, by G. Wang, J. Zhang, S. Dai, J. Yang and Z. Jiang, Journal of Physics and C
17、hemistry of Solids, Vol 66, Issue 6, June 2005, pp. 1107-1111 This article has been retracted at the request of the Editors, after a reader brought the following to their attention. The article substantially reproduces parts of articles published by the same authors in the Journal of Luminescence (e
18、ffect of F-ions on physical and spectroscopic properties of Yb3+-doped TeO2 glasses, Volume 113, Issues 1-2, Pages 27-32) and the Journal of Alloys and Compounds (fluorescence lifetime increase by introduction of F-ions in tterbium-doped TeO2-based glasses, Volume 393, Issues 1-2, Pages 279-282). Th
19、ere was also a failure to cite either of these articles. These other articles have also been retracted. This action has been agreed by the Editors of the three journals.,附信(Cover Letter),介绍文稿的题目 投稿目的 文稿研究领域 说明文稿数据来源,是否发表过 本研究的特点(与其它研究有何不同) 文稿可能读者 推荐审稿人 联系方法(email,fax,phone),Limnology and Oceanograph
20、y Editorial Office 343 Lady MacDonald Crescent Canmore AB T1W 1H5 Canada September 6, 2005 Dear Editor: Attached is a pdf file of a manuscript entitled “Seasonal variations in stable isotopes of particulate organic matter in a softwater eutrophic lake” by Gu, Chapman and Schelske for your considerat
21、ion of publication as an article in Limnology and Oceanography. Data from this manuscript have not been submitted or published elsewhere. We believe that the finding from this study is a novel contribution to the research in freshwater C and N cycles. The publication of this manuscript will draw a b
22、road attention from aquatic ecologists, biogeochemists and lake managers. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this submission. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Binhe Gu, Ph. D. South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach FL 3
23、3406 Phone: 561-682-2556 Fax: 561-682-0100 E-mail: bgusfwmd.gov,编辑部的决定(Decision Letter),1。接受(Accepted at current status) 2。接受,要求作小修改(Accepted with minor revision) 3。接受,要求作重大修改(Accepted with major revision) 4。拒绝,但可以修改后重新投稿(Rejected and resubmit) 5。拒绝,没有邀请重新投稿(Rejected),迟到的修改稿,如何应对匿名审稿人的意见(Peer Review
24、),认真分析匿名审稿人的意见 尽量满足匿名审稿人的要求 逐点逐句回复审稿人的意见 如果不能接受审稿人意见,充分陈述你的理由,Reviewer # 1 have three major comments which are targeted to the mixing models. As we mentioned in the cover letter, we found these comments are valid. Because we do not have sufficient data to accurately establish either C or N model, we
25、 have decided to exclude the model sections from our revision. Specific comments: Abstract. Last sentence. A change has been made here. p. 4. Lines 1-3. We feel that this work was weakly linked to the issue of lake restoration and has revised the introduction section. P. 4. Lines 7-9. We deleted thi
26、s phrase and revised the sentence accordingly. P. 4. Para. 1. Last sentence. A change has been made. P. 4. Bottom. Changes in the text and reference have been made.,最后步骤,审阅校样版权转让支付版面费购买抽印本,如何提高论文写作能力,精读几篇论文(熟读唐诗三百首) 写作前做好充分准备(数据,图表) 列出主要论点 从最容易部分入手(材料与方法,结果?) 不断修改完善,常见错误,太多定语: 修改前: This study from a
27、 high chemical oxygen demand concentration polluted lake was done. 修改后: This study was conducted in a polluted lake with high chemical oxygen demands. 简单句子: 修改前: Samples from the experimental plots were collected. Samples were dried. 修改后: Samples from the experimental plots were collected, dried and
28、 ground.,常见错误,误用时态 修改前: Experiments were conducted in three years. 修改后: Duration of the experiment was three years. 修改前: The results were indicating. 修改后: Results indicated,常见错误,残缺句子 修改前: Samples were processed and data being analyzed. 修改后: Samples were processed and data were analyzed. 不对称 修改前: The
29、 purposes of this study were to demonstrate, to verify and confirming. 修改后: The purposes of this study were to demonstrate, to verify and to confirm,常见错误,多余的词: 修改前: A preliminary study of the relationship between plant type and nutrient removal in southern China 修改后: Relationship between plant type and nutrient removal in southern China,常见错误,误用时态: Previous studies indicates。 Previous studies indicatedExperiments were conducted in 3 years Experiments were conducted,祝您成功!,