第一章 语用学概说,第一节 什么是语用,语用是指人们在具体的交际情景中使用语言进行交际,表达特定意义,并产生相应交际效果的活动,这种活动具体表现为交际双方进行交际的动态过程,即恰当地表达和准确地理解等活动。,语用学教程,或者说:语用是指人们在一定的语境中对于语言的实际运活动,特别是话语表达和话语理解
1、第一章 语用学概说,第一节 什么是语用,语用是指人们在具体的交际情景中使用语言进行交际,表达特定意义,并产生相应交际效果的活动,这种活动具体表现为交际双方进行交际的动态过程,即恰当地表达和准确地理解等活动。,语用学教程,或者说:语用是指人们在一定的语境中对于语言的实际运活动,特别是话语表达和话语理解等活动。语用表现为发话人和受话人进行话语交际的动态过程,而话语交际又是在特定的语言情景中进行的,因此用于交际的话语都是同特定的语言情景相联系的。发话人要根据特定的交际情景准确而又得体地表达自己的思想感情,受。
2、PragmaticsChang Yueyuan1120140431,2019/7/8,2,Contents,1 The Definition of Pragmatics 2 Speech Act Theory 3 Classifying Speech Acts 4 Conversational Implicature 4.1 Cooperative Principle(CP) 4.2 Categories of Maxims in CP 4.3 Violation of the Maxims 5 References,1 Definition of Pragmatics,Pragmatics can be defined as the study of how speakers use the sentences of a language to effect successful communication. The study of language in use.,2 Speech Act Theory,John Austin (1911-1960) How to Do Thin。
3、语际语用学,interlanguage pragmatics (ILP),语际语用学,: 研究非母语的第二语言操作者,在使用和习得第二语言行为时 的模式 (Kasper, 1989): 以非本族语者对本族语者的言语行为的理解和表达为对象的学科 (Kasper,1995)。,语际语用学属于跨文化语用学, 它的研究包括:跨文化交际中是否一定会形成中介语?(过渡语或语际语言); 这种中介语是否来自语言接触; 它是不是一种独立存在的语体。,语际语用学的研究内容,研究如何理解语际语言中的话语,语际语用学研究语用理解 (pragmatic comprehension),早期着重研究语言学习者对以言行事意图(illoc。
4、,Presupposition冯德煜 郑悦,Presupposition,1. Introduction 2. A semantic analysis2.1 Presupposition VS Entailment2.2 Presupposition VS focus2.3 Presupposition-triggers 3. Problems in the semantic approach3.1 Defeasibility 3.2 Projection problem 4. The Application of Presupposition,Introduction,Presupposition is a pragmatic topic that originates within the tradition of the philosophy of language. The german mathematician and lofician gottlob frege is generally recognized as the first scholar in mo。
5、How to cancel (scalar) implicature?,陈慧珍 廖曦仪 白 黎,Contents,Proposal,Experiment therefore he know how to use chopsticks,-The oil has run out. -Oh, there is a garage around the corner.,-What on e。
6、英语语言学练习 语用学 一 Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false 1 The contextual view is often considered as the initial effort to study meaning in a pragmatic sense 2 Pragmatics is rel。
7、浅谈语用学概况摘 要: 语用学是语言学各分支中一个以语言意义为研究对象的新兴学科领域,是专门研究语言的理解和使用的学问,它研究在特定情景中的特定话语,研究如何通过语境来理解和使用语言。语用学因其本身的目的性和价值性而不同于语法研究,它是关于人类语言本身的研究。语用学是一门古老而年轻的学科。早在古希腊、古罗马时期便受到学者的关注。但直到 1986 年,语用学才作为一个相对独立的语言学分支得到国际学界的承认。 关键词: 语用学;发展历史;研究领域;主要流派;发展方向 正 文:一、发展历史 (一) 语用学的确立 语用。
8、11. Pragmatics is the study of language in use. Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader).Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaningPragmatics is the study of contextual meaningPragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance.Pragmatics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms.2. Syntax is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms, 。
9、10英本班 1组,林敏 201005012003号 杨昌敏 201005012004号 朱祖顺 201005014,6 PRAGMATICS (语用学),6.1 Some basic notions6.2 Speech act theory6.3 Principle of conversation6.4 Cross-cultural pragmatic failure,Chapter,Some basic notions,1.What is pragmatics? Pragmatics can be defined in various ways. 1.Pragmatics can be usefully defined as the study of how utterance have meanings in situations. Leech 2.Pragmatics is the branch of linguistics that deals with the meanings and effects which come。
10、IMPLICATURE,Group: 王莉 王妍琨廖晶 刘靓利,Definition of implicatureGeneralized implicatureParticularized implicatureHow to distinguish implicature and presupposition,overview,definition,Implicature is a technical term in the pragmatics subfield of linguistics, coined by H.P.Grice, which refers to what is suggested in an utterance, even though neither expressed nor strictly implied by the utterance.,Carmen: Did you get the milk and the eggs?Dave: I got the milk.,(Did Dave buy the eggs?),Dave did 。
11、,语用学课程,第一讲:绪论,语用学的定义语用学的发展阶段语用学的分支领域,第二讲:言语行为理论,一、言语行为理论提出的意义,1、打破真值判断的局限2、深化了言语交际,交际的基本单位是言语行为,语言就是施为。3、开创了研究话语功能模式来使用规律研究的新路子。,二、Austin的言语行为理论 (一)、叙述句constatives和施为句performatives之分说,1、叙述句:揭述事物状态或陈述某事实,有真假之分 2、施为句:以言行事 后期取消二分理论,提出统一的言语行为理论。,(二)、言语行为三分说,将一个完整的言语行为分成三个层面的构成行。
12、Presupposition 预设,思考: 我们在这句话中可以得到哪些信息?,老师肯定了她的开题报告。,老师肯定了她的开题报告。1、“老师”和“她”存在、有所指 2、她写做了开题报告这两个信息都不是这句话陈述的内容,也不是说话人打算传递给听话人的新信息,而是说话人认定或假定听话人知道的信息,说话人不打算就这个问题与听话人进行探讨。这两个信息是句子预设的。,大纲,1、背景 2、定义 3、分类 4、属性 5、预设与蕴涵、会话含义区别 6、触发语 7、特点 8、功能,1. 背景,1.1. 弗雷格的预设说 1.2罗素的摹状词说 1.3斯特劳森的预设理论 1.4. 。
13、英语语用学教程English Pragmatics: A Coursebook1. Background and definitionsWarming up activityWhat does the boy still need to learn about using language?A little boy comes in the front door.Mother: Wipe your feet, please.He removes his muddy shoes and socks and carefully wipes his clean feet on the doormat.1.1Background of pragmatics1.1Definitions of pragmaticsPragmatics is the study of how the speaker produces and how the hearer understands the peculiar uses of language. 1.2Component vs. perspe。
14、Regularity,Aspects,Introduction: What is regularity? Regularity =Pragmatics rulesBody: Set some examplesConclusion: A brief summary to the examples The significance to learn pragmatics rules,什么是语用规则: 指根据一定的交际对象、交际场合、交际目的等,对言语形式进行正确选择的规则,是语言的外部规则。语用原则运用的类型: 会话合作原则;数量准则;质量准则;关联准则;方式准则;会话礼貌原则;慷慨准则;谦虚准则;一致准则,语用规则包括社交语用和语用语言规则。如对于礼貌,中西就有不同的语用规则。语言规则的。
15、语用概说,一、什么是语用,百度:语言学、哲学和心理学的一个分支学科,研究脉络如何影响人运用和理解语言。语用学分析研究影响语言行为(如招呼、回答、应酬、劝说)的标准和支配轮流发言的规则。语用学还研究语言用於成事的方式。例如,我允诺用於特定语境中就是允诺。,(一)什么是语用学 语用学是研究语用及其规律的科学。语用是指人们在具体的交际情景中使用语言进行交际,表达特定意义,并产生相应交际效果的活动,这种活动具体表现为交际双方进行交际的动态过程,即表达和理解等活动。,美国符号学家、哲学家Morris于1938年在符号学。
16、Contact me Yanling Tang,Foreign Studies College Hunan Normal University 36 Lushan Road, Changsha City, Hunan 410081 The Peoples Republic of China(CHINA) Cellphone:13347319966 E-mail: 1596604813qq.com,An Introduction to Pragmatics A Course for B.A. Students Instructor: Prof. Tang Yanling 唐燕玲,Context,Outline,1. Warming up,4. The role of context,5. Conclusion,Part 1: Warming upCan you explain the meaning of the words in italics in each of the sentences below? Explain why and then make some a。
17、Unit 11 Teaching Reading,Methodology,The nature of reading,What is reading ?,Task 1 Voice your opinionsTrue or False?,1. As a receptive skill,reading is a passive skill.2. Reading is a silent activity. Reading aloud does not help much with comprehension.3. Reading is an individual activity.4. Reading with a purpose is more effective than reading without a purpose.5. We read everything with the same speed.,F,T,T,T,F,True or False?,F,T,F,T,ListeningSpeakingReadingWriting,Receptive skill。