1、| You have to believe, there is a way. The ancients said:“ the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter“. Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it s time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it. - Guo Ge Tech胡敏雅思作文讲座第一课第一课: O4 O8 i* i B; | x6 A, N; y* d% f二:写作总的指
2、导/ B2 e3 N; p) h6 i“ P9 1.总的指导2.写作流程,问题极其对策(审题)重点在第二篇作文上(2/3 含金量)3.怎么审题,写作指令是什么,怎么展开文章4.书信作文十种信的写法$ G: q$ h# e+ | M7 i5.图表作文a)图表作文本身内容,b)图表作文的语言可以准备范文作用:吸取语言的营养,不能机械背诵。写作要用心观察,用心体会。 Q0 R9 ! 9 Q三:写作总论 1 s6 c4 a, j. m% o3 y1用书面语言写作,根据对象选择语言风格 j/ p9 p8 X* V; ?2题目中有单词不认识,看不懂题的对策:a)某个单词对写作文章非常重要,但不认识,由于作
3、文命题是情景作文,通过联系上下文可以知道大概意思;b)单词很有可能是不重要的;c)整个题实在看不明白,就抓住看得懂的题目的最大面积的内容做文章;审题时出现语言难点,怎么突破而不导致失败。3时间概念特别重要,重点在第二篇,所以要先写第二篇(注意写对位置)。4字数:第一篇至少 140 字(10 到 12 句话);第二篇至少 240 字(15 到 18 句话)。雅思是唯一在乎写多少字的考试,允许有 10 个字左右的偏差。 b d( ?0 X$ z0 h. Y 图表作文重点在 “描述 Describe”,不要随意解释,根据文字应该可以复原图表;书信作文也包含描述成分。要让考官觉得你的思路万分清晰“co
4、mmunicate your ideas clearly”,要有“路标行标”,承上启下的短语、结构词,使其成为一篇文章的句子手段。, N9 7 r u( w I( H |NOTE:切记不要乱使用专业词汇,会让考官心情郁闷!常识性的低级语言错误要降低至最低。第二课:一 针对十个问题的思考1 情感分段(中文)和逻辑分段(英文)写作文一定要去适应对方,而不是让对方适应你;对考官而言,你的作文是阅读理解;首先晾出观点,罩住一个自然段。5 B* z# l3 B) I% b, d+ p2文章中心思想句是读者体会(中文)还是作者交待(英文)第一段就说* ) ?0 p4 k$ b- _- c5 Z/ b1 ?
5、0 f3 引言段(开头第一段)是开门见山(英文)还是层层剥开(中文)4 * Z A8 x9 V5 |1 |议论文不可以写太长,尤其是在考场上,第一段只能 35 句话 0 |# F# h9 Y) p6 p8 K2 y0 I4 段落主题句有(英文必备)没有(中文); i+ 4 v- q: y4 X% B/ g; f不要把每个主题句分散在不同处,考试一定要在每段的第一句写,方便考官阅读5 线性段落(英文)还是螺旋性段落(中文)英式思维:想说什么(思考)说出来为什么这样说中式思维:喜欢绕来绕去地兜圈子, “画龙点睛”6 人证(中文:捍卫真理)与法证(英文:追求真理)6 E/ m! 9 q3 K/ ?-
6、 V6 X% . K西方人更强调事实材料、数据、普通人的事件(如引用邻居的经历) 、该领域专家- V* o* . 2 J3 D8 r- T# P5 a7 一般具体(英文:先概括再具体叙述加以支持)还是曲折前进(中文)8 段内连贯:过渡词语(英语)还是词义重复(中文)英语是形式语言,靠语言形式手段来完成相互之间的关联; e8 l/ W; t7 m. % 4 2 A中文是意合语言,靠内在意义来连接 ;5 I2 t6 S2 A$ G- S- Q4 k% Z! R. M# V, I如:for 是英文的一个衔接手段:用在句首,引导并列句,表原因;because 不能引导单独的一句话,只能引导从句;再如:
7、Obviously 显而易见, turn out, as a result 结果是, and, in the end 最后英语靠过渡词的衔接、词汇的纽带、语法的照应9 段落与段落之间的连贯:形(英)和义(中) ,思维习惯不同 0 G7 c3 r, g$ S/ r9 T/ X“ E10 结尾部分是概括(英文)还是训导(中文)二点评文章谁对我们的老年人负责任?) S( “ l. i* C0 G6 m 第一段一定要清楚地给出整篇文章的中心思想句,一般来说应该写在第一段最后,注意第二段的首句只是段主题句而已,且第二段和第三段是平级的;7 v* Z ?9 v$ |* Z 不要让读者体会主题,应该明确交待
8、 - O% A$ w1 B/ ! T 交代了的观点就必须要展开,否则就不要交待,提都不要提 结构上的错误是致命的,代表思维的错误# m( 2 I9 I% G: x1 ? N 首段切忌原封不动地抄袭原文题目,后果:一是扣字数,二是降分数。: T( L4 V0 y* f3 T# C! I0 y! R 命题中给的信息应该扩充和延伸,不要限于某个国家或者某个特例 中间几段必须是平行的、均匀的;有观点,没有 evidence,support 要扣分,而且每段首句一定是主题句; 注意段落间的衔接三范文 Who should be responsible for our old people?(Give r
9、easons for your answers. Reason=argument 观点,论点)One of the most challenging problems of todays society is the question who should be responsible for our old people. Its not only a financial problem but also a question of the system we want our society to have. In my essay I would like to discuss four
10、 different models, namely (也就是,即 ), the company, the government, the individual and the big family.【前两句是铺垫,最后一句是中心句】2 b6 P1 m; h) y9 b; “ Firstly, the company can be responsible for their retired employees .For this reason a special fund could be established .The advantage of this model is, if you b
11、elief in the capitalist system that it should be the cheapest solution. A possible problem is that the companies might have competition disadvantage due to higher staff costs.A second solution is that the government has to have the responsibility for the old peoples care. It can finance this with it
12、s tax incomes. Actually, this is the most democratic model since everybody gets as much money as he or she needs. Unfortunately, as the present situation in our country shows, this solution seems not to work very well. The government can no longer afford supporting all the old peoples.Another way of
13、 solving this problem is to give back the responsibility to the individual. That means that everybody has to save money during their working life for the life after their retirement .This seems to be not a very fair model because their will certainly exist people who cant afford to save part of thei
14、r salary. In this case the government would have to care for them.* g7 X6 S8 P H+ NA last solution is to go back to the old / model of the big family who cares for all their members. I dont think this is possible in our days society because the family structures have so much changed.! o+ A“ Q2 3 x8
15、Y+ 7 F3 X5 j( M9 L* ; F! 7 w4 ? H$ QTo sum up I have to admit that I cant find a really good solution for this problem. All models have advantages and disadvantage .Certainly we have to think about this topic much more in the future.2 N“ i) ! N* 5 u6 EXAMINER COMMENTBand 8This is a very well organiz
16、ed script which contains a lot of well supported arguments and analyses the topic from different angles. The ideas follow each other well and there is a very honest conclusion. The answer is easy to read. There are some areas where the expression is clumsy but this makes little difference to the ove
17、rall flow of the answer. There are minor errors in spelling and structure.+ m“ n) l. z* V2 i9 d9 g3 点评:3 G, N8 |; Y R* m; w1 x, r* F/ K共 21 个句子:第一段 3 句、二 4、三 5、四 4、五 2、六 3;$ T b! J% ) 5 317 个词(不计标点符号):16 个错误(不影响理解,重视沟通能力,大部分已经修正) , 到第五段的 old 已经满 250 个词(3、5、5、3 四段可满 250 句) ,但是字数多不一定会拿高分;/ n9 L X+ x9
18、m ) 4 Z) D( h l; r; V! G2人们普遍认为,现在家庭关系不如以前亲密,什么原因,有什么好的建议。3新生在上学第一天感到孤独,你怎么看待这一现象,假设你是校长,你会采取什么措施。 I3)行人对交通法规意识淡漠,举例:高速公路上有人散步,自行车在机动车道。( E) Y t- p, ( v4)其它原因:路面状况(road conditions) ,基础设施的问题。举例:私家车迅速增加。# ?4 _. K8 , S$ 8 o“ Y最后一段:拿方案(recommendation)in order to solve the problems mentioned above, the f
19、ollowing steps must be taken immediately. First, both drivers and passengers should have a strong awareness of traffic rules and regulations. Secondly, the government should put more money in the road construction, and restrict the development of private cars.7 O8 W9 l# W9 ( b rage: 一直进行着 列举的多个词,后面的
20、比较低级Some people are fascinated by the idea of traveling to distant/remote planets, while others are skeptical/doubt about the value of such a costly 昂贵的 undertaking 事业. 6 d4 K6 i/ A N5 _6 g1 i8 THere, I shall explore the pros/proves and cons of the question. 惯用句型“common/ordinary” people=people/we=”人
21、们,普通人” can gain easy access to the information they need through computers. We can now make friends with people all around the world through the internet and feel that we are living in a global village. Village of the earth 没有见过,所以不要轻易用 j“ O5 ! T2 s: K$ X5 V0 C; S M五大题型之五:你怎么认为 0 q6 T: R2 b/ u5 K. 7
22、 b. B 第一段必须表态,两种观点选择一种,考试意图是两个观点选择其一进行充分论证, ,也就是“一边倒”; 题目要求:如果要求讨论在前,则讨论后再说明你的观点,如果要求讨论在后,则对两种观点进行讨论; 开头段落:可提及对方观点,作为铺垫;写作意图,表明自己的立场(可以在题目某一原始观点基础上进行延伸拓展,如对待动物像宠物像朋友,提高境界) ;中间段落 killing animals equals to dig our own graves;services the animals offer for so many years;help in a spiritual aspect ; 叙述三
23、点每一点可以两三句概括,两点则需要更充分些;“Get the meaning first”先把意思表达清楚;结尾段落:Animals are human beings friendsfor our own future benefits;“ K+ $ I% ?- M. S3 8 E2 0 H6 V五命题方式和基本的写作思路分解动作: 7 |7 Z6 , Y7 t8 J c P0 tdiagram大学老师,注意老师的语言行为,严谨,绝对不能出现“I”,或者“我认为”,客观描述,非常正式;essay受过教育的人 (在第一段和最后一段可以提到“我认为”,可以举自己的例子,中间不要出现,而应用逻辑论证
24、来说服读者) 【被动:根据已知信息,对考官而言是可预测的注重内容】小作文你必须要知道的:文体格式胜过语言;语言胜过内容;内容很重要,但千万不可以累赘!3)TASK1 的图表作文写完后,要注意检查,看重要信息是否遗漏。图表中,重要趋势的地方标记号。 【有任何遗漏都会被扣分,表达内容比语言地道更加重要】. a: V- ) i * 4)essay: 检查语言,其次是内容。语言质量的提高:主谓一致、时态、名词的单复数、 (不)定冠词、搭配、拼写【主动:未知信息,对考官而言是不可预测的注重表达】5第三课:+ “ f) a$ n# V# d: R0 Z V一 考官如何判卷:分开判卷1 看字数 0 Y U;
25、 F- L! E2 看第一段,寻找核心句,语言过关,降低错误。主谓一致、时态、名词的单复数、搭配、拼写语言质量要高。3 看下面每段第一句话。中间写了几段(中间段落 23 段,不要超过 3 段): o1 N$ C0 L7 _4 是否有结尾。“ N2 G; n9 0 B. A5 s+ Z4 W) h% I5 随意扫描,感觉语言水平。看是否有承上启下的连接手段。二评分标准 5 H. ?) D. u“ R N交接内容,分支观点及其论证。语法和词汇(9 分) ,句子结构,有简单句,也有复杂句(从句,并列句,非谓语动词)。句子结构的开端多样化(不要总是第一人称开头,这是中国学生的恶习) 。TSAK1 的评
26、分标准有三:1,任务的完成状况;2,内容的连贯和衔接;3,词汇和语法(语言)强调的是词汇的有效度!7 k) o: k- E% t A三第二篇文章每段如何写 0 M6 h# 1 W“ - n6 |第一段包含要素:背景 Setting(background information) ;写作意图 Statement of purpose;总结主要的分支观点Summary of main points(3 句话) ;) y8 K! C7 K; z3 i0 , E“The purpose of this essay is to examine the relative importance of the
27、 sociological and physiological factors which have contributed to this phenomenon.” 尽量简短(35 句)中间段落:1、开头是概括性的话,a summary sentence 5 g8 Z( s. O k7 T e. 4段落里面的句子之间要有内在的连贯,运用连接词等,注意内容的连贯性。! P$ V- S3 H0 y连环套:上面谈到什么问题,对策就套到什么问题。5中间段落要均衡。+ H! U+ I! t% L6、结论:一致性感觉 (结合具体题型不同会有不同) ,和全文契合。e.g.Accommodation for
28、 foreign studentsIncreasingly large numbers of overseas/international/foreign students are seeking to pursue their higher education in Great Britain. As a result, they are faced/confronted with a serious accommodation problem. (It becomes more and more difficult for them to find a cheap and comforta
29、ble accommodation.)In my eyes, we will discuss this problem and try to find out what we can do about it. (The purpose of this essay is to examine/explore/explain their accommodation problem from several aspects.)/ Z9 K+ a9 T8 F; dIntroductionrecommendations (2 at least)conclusion (not a must) Almost
30、 everyone has access to this medium on a daily basis=for daily use四、书信格式1、称呼有两种情况反映人和人之间的关系和距离(1)写给团体组织机构:# 7 g0 q1 m5 c p“ % s! a 不知道其负责人,Dear Sir/Madam;b 有可能知道其负责人(2)写给熟人朋友,应该直呼其名每段都是空一行,顶格,写完一段;落款:yours sincerely(逗号可有可无) 【适合雅思考试中的任何一封信】 ,再空一行,写下你的姓名;首尾要呼应,前后要一致(MaryJohn ;Mary KingJohn Smith;Mr. L
31、eeMiss Zhang) ;给熟人朋友时可以用 best regards/ regards/love/best wishes,在下面一行写下名字。2、语言原则(把握两个方面)a 注意礼貌语言 polite languageb 注意文体:半正式问题是一封正式的信函里面点缀着 35 个非正式的语言表达3、头怎么写?(三种写法)7 H+ m E1 X6 0 ?6 4 P! Xb,首先是写作意图,然后是怎么回事 9 J% # n5 U- b7 C X; e3 _! V g; G6 f* e“ B 中间主体段,描述单方面的趋势(分支观点) ,数据(论证) ,抓住主要观点进行描述,相近的类别归为一类进行
32、描述。独特的类别要交待,以免漏掉重要信息。重要数据必须提及。 【注意:不要在中间段落来回比照、对比。提倡:结构处理,技术处理,简单总体比较。 】 建议:比较的内容放在最后一段作为结论。不要涉及个人观点。# t9 a/ A“ p8 N; 4 : a第二,衔接手段,自然的使用衔接词。第三,词汇语法 词汇:最容易重复自己,避免词汇重复; d3 M ?, b3 O8 t 句子:结构不能太简单 分数:句子结构精确,语法错误最低,6 分;句子结构复杂,用词面比较宽,7 分。 第一人称只能出现“我们”,描述必须是客观的;小心自己的背景知识干扰,图表没有给的就当自己不知道,写了反而“画蛇添足” 。1 o* # X, z. l9 z9 图表语言的时态:第一段是现在时态,主体时态是一般过去时;. j“ D8 ) G- H9 t8 o 过去时间段:1 全文使用一般现在时;2 图表表明使用一般现在时态,其他用过去时。注意时态前后一致。2 e0 T+ i$ M# C8 M8 y+