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1、Chapter Two,Process of Translation,1. Translating ProcessThe process of translation refers to “the cognitive and creative activity in which translators establish interlingual equivalences between texts or text segments ” (Delisle et al, 2004, 277),Wilss declares in his book ”Knowledge and Skills in

2、Translator Behavior”: “Translator performance can be seen as the manifestation of an information-performance device consisting of (1) lexical, phraseological, syntactic, and pragmatic processing of the textual input;”,(2) lexical, phraseological, syntactic, and pragmatic transfer of the ST into the

3、TT environment, with the translator having in mind the need to achieve functional equivalence; and,(3) the assessment of the translation product in a more or less detailed evaluation phase. (1996:124),Hatim &Mason states in their book “Discourse and The Translator”: “Aids to translators are improvin

4、g all the time, but the basic problems faced by translators in their work remain the same. In broad and general terms, these can be listed as follows:,(1) Comprehension of source text: (a) parsing of text (grammar and lexis) (b) access to specialised knowledge (c) access to intended meaning,(2) Tran

5、sfer of meaning(a) relaying lexical meaning(b) relaying grammatical meaning(c) relaying rhetorical meaning, including implied or inferrable meaning, for potential readers.,(3) Assessment of target text: (a) readability (b) conforming to generic and discoursal conventions (c) judging adequacy of tran

6、slation for specified purpose.” (2001: 21),Nidas Linguistic View,The process of translation is a very complex one. Nida thinks that “The process of translating is always a matter of choosing the best or the better rendering from various alternatives” (翻译过程是不断从各种不同译文中选择最佳或较佳译文的过程。),The Four-phase Pro

7、cess in Translating,The four basic processes in translating consist of (1) analysis of the source text, (2)transfer from source to target language, (3) restructuring in the target language, and (4) testing of the translated text with persons who represent the inteded audience. (Nida 1999: 146).,Proc

8、esses of Translation,美国著名翻译理论研究专家尤金 奈达(Eugene Nida)的观点是翻译的本质是两种语言之间的信息转换,这种转换既是文化交流的过程,又是语言再创造的过程,这一过程犹如一环扣一环的思维过程,他在The Theory and Practice of Translation中把这个过程划分成分析、转换、重建三个阶段:,A (Source),B ( Receptor),(Restructuring),(Analysis),(Transfer),X,Y,Source 指待译的语言材料。翻译时首先一定要通览待译语言材料的全文,细心研读,分析意义,透彻理解原文,掌握

9、内容大意,熟悉全文风貌,即全面理解原文的确切含义和涉及的具体事物,理解语言现象,理解逻辑关系。准确理解是确切表达的前提,这是翻译的基础。,Analysis 指分析待译的语言材料。也就是分析原文各层次的语义,包括词、短语、句子的基本意义、字面意义、内涵意义、关联意义、引申意义、抽象意义或具体意义、文化意义或社会意义等,分析结构关系、上下关系、逻辑关系等,对原文有一个比较全面的了解,有一个总体的印象。,Transfer 指把源语言材料转换成目标语言。也就是在分析原文的基础上,把所分析好的语言材料,运用不同的语码,把原文所表达的思想内容准确地转入到译文中来,在目标语中再现原文的风貌。转换的好坏取决于

10、对源语言的掌握程度以及对源语言分析理解的深度。,Restructuring 指重组目标语言。也就是打破源语言的语言结构框架,重新组织目标语言,合理并句、断句、拆句、选词造句或选定句型调整顺序,把源语言中的重要信息按目标语的语言习惯进行恰如其分的表达,最后呈现给读者。例如:,例1:Some had beautiful eyes, others a beautiful nose, others a beautiful mouth and figure: few, if any, had all. (Thomas Hardy: Tess of the dUrbervilles) 【译文】她们有的长着

11、漂亮的眼睛,有的生着俏丽的鼻子,有的有着妩媚的嘴巴、婀娜的身段;但是,这样样都美的,虽然不能说是人间少有,却也是画里难寻。,Peter Newmark: (A Textbook of Translation, p19)My description of translating procedure is operational. It begins with choosing a method of approach. Secondly, when we are translating, we translate with four levels more or less consciously

12、 in mind:,the SL text level, the level of language, where we begin and which we continually (but not continuously) go back to;,1)You flatter me.误译:你拍我马屁。,1)You flatter me.正译:你过奖了。,2)He is lying on his back.误译:他仰卧着在他的背上。,2)He is lying on his back.正译:他仰卧着。,3)唐长安城划分为一百零八坊和东市、西市两个商业区。误译:It was divided i

13、nto one hundred and eight workshops and two commercial districtsthe East City and the West City.,3)唐长安城划分为一百零八坊和东市、西市两个商业区。改译:It was divided into one hundred and eight squares and two commercial centres called the East Market and the West Market.,(4) 好几个人摸摸头,摸摸脖子,说下得好没意思,不知谁是赢家,就有几个人离开走出去,把油灯带得一明一暗。

14、(棋王) 原译:Quite a few of the spectators started scratching their heads and their necks and saying that this was a boring way of playing as you couldnt tell who was winning. Some of them left, taking some of the oil lamps with them and leaving the room half in darkness.,分析:这里“带”不是“携带”的意思,油灯并没有拿走,“ 一明一暗

15、” 说的是灯光闪烁不定。(另外,这里“离开”指离开棋局,译文中没有译出这一层意思) 。 试改译为:Some of them withdrew and left the room, leaving the oil lamp flickering there.,(2) the referential level, the level of objects and events, real or imaginary, which we progressively have to visualize and build up, and which is an essential part, first

16、 of the comprehension, then of the reproduction process; .,(3) the cohesive level, which is more general, and grammatical, which traces the train of thought, the feeling tone (positive or negative) and the various presuppositions of SL text. This level encompasses both comprehension and reproduction

17、: it presents an overall picture, to which we may have to adjust the language level;,(4)The English arrived in North America with hopes of duplicating the exploits of the Spanish in South America, where explorers had discovered immense fortunes in gold and silver. Although Spain and England shared a

18、 pronounced lust for wealth, differences between the two cultures were profound.原译:英国人抱着和西班牙人开拓南美洲一样的动机来到北美洲,西班牙的探险者在南美洲发现了大批金银财宝。虽然西班牙和英国都同样明显地贪图财富,但是两国的文化却存在着很大的差异。,(4)The English arrived in North America with hopes of duplicating the exploits of the Spanish in South America, where explorers had d

19、iscovered immense fortunes in gold and silver. Although Spain and England shared a pronounced lust for wealth, differences between the two cultures were profound.改译:当年西班牙探险者在南美洲发现了大批金银财宝。英国人来到北美洲的动机也如出一辙。尽管两国对财富的贪欲同样强烈,但是两国在文化上却存在着巨大的差异。,5) 唐长安城包括今西安城和近郊区,面积相当于现在西安城的七倍半,城周有三十六点七公里,城内居住着约一百万人口。原译:The

20、 Changan City in the Tang Dynasty included todays Xian city proper and its suburbs. Its area was seven and a half times as large as Xian city. Its circumference was 36.7 kilometers. There lived about one million people in the city.,5) 唐长安城包括今西安城和近郊区,面积相当于现在西安城的七倍半,城周有三十六点七公里,城内居住着约一百万人口。改译:The Chang

21、an City in the Tang Dynasty included todays Xian city proper and its suburbs. It covered an area seven and a half times as large as Xian city, with a circumference of 36.7 kilometers. It had a population of about one million.,6) 白杨不是平凡的树。它在西北极普遍,不被人重视,就跟北方农民相似;它有极强的生命力,磨折不了,压迫不倒,也跟北方的农民相似。(茅盾: 白杨礼赞)

22、,6) 译文: White poplars are no ordinary trees. But these common trees in Northwest China are as much ignored as our peasants in the North. However , like our peasant s in the North , they are bursting with vitality and capable of surviving any hardship or oppression.,7) 知己知彼,百战不殆;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知己不知彼,每战

23、必殆。,7)(若)知己(而又)知彼,(则) 百战不殆;(若)不知彼而知己,(则)(将)一胜(及)一负;(若)不知己(而又)不知彼,(则)每战(将)必殆。You can fight a hundred battles without defeat if you know the enemy as well as yourself. You will win one battle and lose one battle if you know yourself but leave yourself in the dark about the enemy. You will lose every b

24、attle if you leave both the enemy and yourself in the dark.,8) 出发了。走到巷口,一点名,小秃没影了。大家折回家里,找了半点多钟,没找着。大家决定不看电影了,找小秃是最重要的。把新衣裳全脱了,分头去找小秃。(老舍有声电影) 译文:Finally they were all outside the door, and were all set to start on the journey, when it was found that Little Bald-Head was missing. Back they came into

25、 the house to look for him, but couldnt establish his whereabouts. They agreed to give up going, because looking for Little Bald-Head was more important. Everybody began to take off his or her things, and went off in different directions to look for Bald-Head. (林语堂译),9)他跑来跑去的寻。他想寻一个窟穴,躲了身子,将石子堵了穴口,隐

26、隐的蜕壳。他知道外面蜕壳是危险的。身子还软,要被别的螃蟹吃去的。这并非害怕,他实在亲眼见过。,9) 他跑来跑去的寻。他想寻一个窟穴,躲了身子,将石子堵了穴口,隐隐的蜕壳。他知道外面蜕壳是危险的。身子还软,要被别的螃蟹吃去的。这并非害怕,他实在亲眼见过。 He dashed here and there in search of a cave to hide. He was going to block up the mouth of the cave so that he could moult in secret. He knew it would be very dangerous to

27、shed his shell in the open because, with his new shell still being soft, he might be eaten up by other crabs. This fear was not groundless for he himself had really seen it happen to other moulting crabs.,10) On one of those sober and rather melancholy days, in the latter part of autumn, when the sh

28、adows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey. (Washington Erving, Westminster Abbey) 译文:时方晚秋,气象肃穆,略带忧郁,早晨的阴影和黄昏的阴影,几乎连接在一起,不可分别,岁云将暮,终日昏暗,我就在这么一天,在西敏大寺去信步走了几个钟头。,(4) the level of natura

29、lness, of common language appropriate to the writer or the speaker in a certain situation.,Finally, there is the revision procedure, which may be concentrated or staggered according to the situation.,Usually there are three steps in the process of translation:Comprehension(理解) Representation(表达) Pro

30、ofreading &Correction(审校),理解 分析 全面了解,表达 转换 重现原文,审校 润色 点睛出神,翻译的过程,4.1. Comprehension (理解) 理解就是透彻地了解、懂得、掌握原文所表达的内容和实质,包括词义、句义、段义、语义。没有对原文的全面理解,翻译就无从下手;理解不深不透,译文就不忠不顺。理解必须通览待译文的全文,熟悉全文风貌,掌握内容大意,摸清所涉及的具体人物、事件、背景,搞懂语言现象,辨明逻辑关系。,理解,篇章 段落 词句,词义的选择 固定搭配、成语、短语、惯用词组 歧义 矛盾修辞 逻辑关系 夸张 重复 平行结构,准确理解是确切表达的前提,理解的诸多方

31、面如图所示:,正确理解语言现象, 不仅要了解句子的字面意义,还要了解句子的内涵意义。必须上下有联系地、全面地理解原文的词汇含义、语法关系和逻辑修辞。不能孤立地看待一句一词,因为同一个词或一个词组,在不同的上下文和不同的语法结构中,往往有不同的含义。有时不同词义的词却被认为是同义词,而同一词在不同的上下文中又产生了不同的含义。,4.1.1 Have a good grasp of the linguistic phenomenon, the meaning of the vocabulary, the sentence structure and idiomatic usages.,e.g. (

32、1) The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the poor.,e.g. (1) The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the poor.新市长来看望了城市贫民,这一表示关心的举动赢得了他们的某种好感。,2) It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected

33、and appreciated.,2) It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected and appreciated. 当您认识到您的崇高事业受到人们如此 广泛的尊敬和赞赏时,您就力量倍增。(或:您就有了力量。),no more than句型,1. He is no more a writer than a painter. 他既不是画家,也不是作家。 2. He is no more an artist than you are a mathematician. 就像你

34、不是数学家一样,他也不是艺术家。 3. I know no more Spanish than I know Greek. 我对西班牙语和希腊语同样都不懂。,4. A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. 马不是鱼,鲸也不是鱼。 5. He can no more sing than I can dance. 他不会唱歌正如我不会跳舞一样。 6. I am no more out of my mind than you are (out of your mind). 你我两人都没有疯狂。,not so much (that) as/but (that

35、)与其说是不如说是; 倒不是而是.,1. It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is important. 译文:值得重视的倒不是世界人口的现状,而是其增长率。,2. They werent so much island as sandbars.与其说那是岛屿,还不如说都是些沙洲。3. It wasnt so much her appearance I like as her personality.与其说我喜欢她的外表,不如说我喜欢她的品格。,4. It wasn

36、t so much the clothes as the man himself who impressed immediately.立即给人以深刻印象的与其说是衣服,还不如说是这个人本身。,下面是一个丈夫在对妻子说他自己的生活计划: 例7: Honey, they want me to run for Congress, but I said no. I have other fish to fry - I need all my time for my business so I can retire when I reach 50 and we can move to Hawaii. 亲

37、爱的,他们要我竞选国会议员,但是我拒绝了。我还有别的事要干。我需要把所有的时间放在我的生意上。这样我到了五十岁就能退休,然后我们可以搬到夏威夷去住。,4.1.2 Have a thorough comprehension of the underlying logic of the original. The logical relationships can help you to comprehend what the grammatical relationships cannot.理解逻辑关系,1) John has bought the Times.A: John has bough

38、t a copy of the Times.B: John has bought the press enterprise, which publishes the Times.,由于不善于逻辑思考,对原文理解歧义,闹出笑话,历来是翻译的一大忌讳。 E.g. 2) The old man informed us that his wife had had thirteen children, one in every month of the year and one over besides. 原译:老人风趣地告诉我们,他的妻子生了13个孩子,每月生一个还多了一个。 改译:老人风趣地告诉我们

39、,他的妻子生了13个孩子,如果用一年十二个月的名字给他们取名的话,还多出来一个。,E.g. 3) The object did not move because I pushed it. 原译:因为我推了它,该物体才没有移动。 改译:不是因为我推了它,该物体才移动。,1.3 Try to have a thorough understanding of the subject matter concerned. A translator should be familiar with the cultural background of the language, this includes

40、historical, literary, philosophical and even religious references and allusions.,e.g. John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.,e.g. John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.约翰为人可靠。他既忠诚又正直。to eat no fish means to be loyal and honest.to play the game means to play fa

41、ir ; behave in a just honorable and fair manner (规规矩矩地比赛,为人正直),4.2. Representation (表达)Representation is the result of comprehension, but accurate comprehension does not mean adequate representation. It seems that sometimes you understand the meaning of the sentence, but you dont know how to represe

42、nt it in appropriate words. At this stage, words chosen and sentences constructed must all be expressed to convey the accurate meaning of the original.,表达就是准确地运用各种翻译技巧,以规范的语言体现原文的内容,从而使所译的东西在内容和形式上成为有机的统一体。表达是理解的继续和升华,表达的好坏取决于对原文的理解的深度及对英语语言掌握的程度。若不能用确切的汉语表达出来,译文则显得别扭生硬,晦涩难懂, 表达也就失去了意义。,理解和表达是翻译过程中两

43、个各自不同但又密切相关的阶段。也就是说,在理解的基础上进行表达,在表达的过程中加深理解。理解要尽量准确,表达应力求充分。两个方面相互促进、相互补充,这样整个翻译过程才成为一个完整的统一体。,所谓充分表达,即利用对目的语的驾驭能力,完全而恰如其分地表达原文的思想内容、立场感情和风格笔调。例如: (1)Reports of new successes keep pouring in.捷报频传。,(2)We excel at making a living but often fail in making a life. 我们善于谋生,却往往不会营造生活。,(3)He went on standin

44、g against the rail; watching her, as she was taken to the opposite bank of the river in a little boat. 他一直倚着栏杆,目送她坐着小船划向河对岸。,(4)He is a jovial giant, with a huge appetite for food, drink and women. (Brian Crozier: De Gaulle) 【译文】他生性乐观, 身材魁梧,贪食贪杯又贪色。【解析】“huge appetite for.”是“胃口很大”,“特别喜欢”的意思,尤其是和“wome

45、n”搭配一起,就很顺当地译成了“贪”,“贪”和“food, drink”也能搭配一起。接连用了三个“贪”,所以,增译“生性”二字也很符合情理。,说到充分表达,要防止两种倾向:过分表达(Over-representation)和欠充分表达(Under-representation)。 所谓过分表达,即不顾原文本意如何,而任意添枝加叶。例如: He was on his way to China again. 他又风尘仆仆地踏上了去中国的旅程。 其中“风尘仆仆地”五个字是多余的。,He sold hard-to-get items. 他行贿受贿,兜售紧销商品。 其中“行贿受贿”四个字属无中生有,“

46、兜售”一般被视为贬义词,而原文没有明显的贬褒之分。 建议改译:他出售紧俏商品。,所谓欠充分表达,即或任意删减,或不问作者感情态度,或不计文体风格,等等。例如: When we were in port, my crew was responsible for moving, installing and modifying the items to be tested the next week. To compound the problems, our good ship Wyoming was declared to be unsafe. 原译: 进港后,船员们负责搬运、安装、调试仪器和

47、设备,迎接下星期的试验。就在此关键时刻,我们的“怀俄明”号被宣布为不安全。,原文有两处漏译:To compound the problems(使问题复杂化)和good(好端端的)。 建议改译:入港后,舰上的官兵们忙着搬运、安装、调试仪器和设备,迎接下星期的试验。就在此时麻烦事来了:上级宣布我们这艘好端端的“怀俄明”号为不安全舰只。,(1) Use the dictionary flexiblye.g. Ignorance of the law excuses no man.,e.g. Ignorance of the law excuses no man.谁也不能以不懂法律来替自己辩解。,(2

48、) Change the order of the sentence,e.g. Mr. Han believes that many Chinese are overlooking the potential risks because of a “worship of market forces” and the alluring prospect of cheaper imported goods.译文:韩先生认为,许多中国人由于“崇拜市场能量”,并且受到便宜的进口商品的诱惑,对于人世的潜在风险缺乏足够的认识。,e.g. Overall, there could be a net gain

49、 in jobs, but the WTO membership will not reverse the trend of growing rural and urban unemployment. It is likely to aggravate disparities between regions as areas unencumbered by large numbers of state-owned enterprises make the biggest gain. 译文:总的说来,WTO会创造新的就业机会。但它无法扭转城乡失业率的增长趋势。另外,国有企业数量较少的地区将成为最

50、大的赢家,由此还可以进一步扩大地区差别。,(3) Split the sentencee.g. It is a curious fact, of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation, that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort. 原译:这是件我不能想出解释的事,就是正好那些天气最坏和寻找风景如画的地方最带有困难的欧洲国家是对乡村生活具有的热情和对自然景色具有的爱心最强烈的和最普遍的。,


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