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1、翻译的过程,翻译是一种语言活动过程,这个过程一般分为两个重要的阶段:理解和表达,一 理解,1 语义系统 2语境 语言语境 Eg, He didnt marry her because he loved her. 情景语境 Eg. Visiting relatives can be very boring. 文化语境 Eg. John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.,表达,When Smith was a drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter; and the next

2、 morning, with a headache, he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius, and abuse, with a good deal of cleverness, and sometimes with perfect reason, the fools, his brother painters. 史密斯喝醉之后常常打老婆和女儿;第二天就头痛,发牢骚,抱怨世人不能赏识他的才华。他用很多的聪明才智痛骂同行的画家们都是傻瓜,有时理由也很完美。,翻译的方法: literal translation & fre

3、e translation,直译:按照词或句的直接含义来表达原文。优点:能顺其自然地表达原文的本色。缺点:在一定程度上影响译文的畅达和可接受性。 意译:在原语与译语无对应形式的情况下,采用折射或迂回的手段来表达原文。优点:能较好地保持译入语的习惯性和增加译文的可接受性。缺点:在一定程度上影响译文的准确性。,. “直译” and “意译” 翻译的过程涉及两种语言和一个信息。翻译,必须把原文的信息移植到译文中去。在这个转换过程中,译者对出发语的表达形式就可能持有两种不同的态度。1. “直译法”译文既传达原文的信息,又尽可能地保持原文的表达形式。直译是一种重要的翻译方法。有人估算,翻译过程中,70%

4、的句子要用直译方法来处理。,Language enriched by literal translation,幽默 (humor); 逻辑 (logic); 芭蕾 (ballet); 引擎 (engine); 扑克 (poker); 歇斯底里 (hysteria); 达摩可利斯之剑 (Damocles Sword, 意指某种威胁); 潘多拉的匣子 (Pandoras Box, 指灾祸之源); 挪亚方舟 (Noahs Ark, 代表和平); 犹大之吻 (Judas Kiss, 表示奸诈的背叛) Lose face 丢面子 paper tiger 纸老虎 Gongfu 功夫 yinyang 阴阳

5、Long time no see,Though a translation may be like old wine in new bottles or a woman in mans clothing, the results can be both tasteful and alive.直译:虽然一篇译文可以象置于新瓶中的老酒,或似身着男装的女子,但是,酒仍不失其甘醇,而女子仍风韵不减。原文中的形式(或曰形象)如wine / bottles / woman / clothing, 均在译文中得以保存。,2. “意译法” 译文忠实传达了原文的信息,但改变了原文的表达形式。意译的运用虽不如直译

6、那么广泛,但意译也常是翻译活动中“别无选择”的途径。She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.意译:她生长在富贵之家。原文中的形式(或曰形象)如:silver spoon / mouth 在译文中消失了。若直译,译文不伦不类:她降生时嘴巴里衔着一把银勺子。,直译和意译的运用受制于语言本质特点,决非取决于译者的 意志。因此,直译和意译并无优劣之分,高低之别。Tess set up in bed, lost in vague interspace between dreams and this information.vague interspac

7、e 写出了 睡眼朦胧,似醒还梦的状态,between dreams and this information 扬足了英语介词(between)的表达优势。直译:苔丝从床上坐起来,沉湎于梦和这个信息的茫然的空隙之间。意译:苔丝从床上坐起来,一听这个话,一半朦胧,一半清醒,在那而发愣。,That tiny catch in my old friends voice dissolved whatever stood between me and my sorrow. My torrents of grief were unleashed.要表达原句那种“玄实互见”、“虚中含实”的手法,直译显得很“无

8、奈”:我的老朋友说话声中的微微哽塞溶解了站立在我和我的悲哀之间的任何东西。我心中悲哀的浪潮释放了。意译:我的老朋友说话声中微带哽塞,我的心堤决口了,悲哀的 大潮奔涌而来。,More examples: 1. It is a long lane that has no turning.直译:那是一条没有拐弯的长巷。(误)意译:无论多长的巷子也有拐弯之处。(路必有弯,事必有变) 2We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much.直译:我们不能过高地估计现代科学的价值。(误)意译:对现代科学的价值无论如何也不会估计过高。,Nidas “

9、 functional equivalent”(功能对等理论):not only the equivalent content of message, but, in so far as possible, an equivalence of the form(From One Language to Another,1986)不但是信息内容的对等,而且尽可能地要求形式的对等。只有在五种条件下,才可以改变形式:1直译会导致意义上的错误时;2引入外来语形成语义空白(semantic zero),读者有可能自己填入错误的意义时;3形式对等引起严重的意义晦涩时;4形式对等引起作者原义所没有的歧义时;

10、5形式对等违反译入语的语法或文体规范时。,Examples: 1. A brewers wife may drink of a tun.a. 酿酒人的妻子不愁酒。b. 近水楼台先得月。 2. He had one foot in the grave.a. 他的一只脚踏进了坟墓,离死不远了。b. 他已经是风烛残年。,3. He was only a cock of the dunghill.a. 他不过是个在自家粪丘上啼叫的公鸡而已。b. 他只是个井底之蛙。 4. A burned child dreads the fire.a. 烧伤的孩子害怕火。b. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 5. Rats

11、 desert a falling house.a. 屋倒鼠搬家。b. 树倒猢狲散。以上5例 a 系直译, b为意译。a 译能传递原文的文化蕴涵,译文散发不同文化的异香。,This organization is today collapsing on its clay feet. Its organs have been cut out, dissected and reshaped so that they may perform the way the puppet masters want. (马来西亚总理马哈蒂尔2004年在第58届联合国大会上的发言)今天这个泥足支撑的组织正在崩溃。

12、它的器官被割掉、肢 解和整形,以使其按照木偶操纵者所要求的方式行事。,Examples:,八字还没有一撇呢a. not even the first stroke of the character 八 is in sight.b. There is not the slightest sign of anything happening yet. 他没料到半路上会杀出一个程咬金来。a. He did not expect that Cheng Yaojin should appear half way. b. Little did he expect that half way another

13、 man should appear and tryto poke his nose into the matter.,貌合神离的假朋友:pull ones leg 拖后腿; (骗人) eat ones words 食言; (收回某人的话)make ones hair stand on end 令人发指; (毛骨悚然) a walking skeleton 行尸走肉; (骨瘦如柴) foot the bill 踩着支票;laugh ones head off 笑掉大牙 (狂笑)in the seventh heaven 升天 ( 飘飘欲仙)hang on sbs lips 挂在嘴上 ( 为某人

14、的口才所迷),She liked to be with him better than with others.她喜欢与他在一起, 并不那样喜欢与别人在一起。 她觉得跟他比跟别人在一起更开心。 她觉得跟他在一起最开心。,exercises,Man cannot be always fortunate; flowers do not last forever. Some people say fear and caution are now a part of their daily routine. You put me on the spot. I have to cook up a sto

15、ry this time. Very straightforward by nature, Mrs. Frank believes in speaking her mind. He sank into the sofa in the corner. Life centered around family and food. John killed himself yesterday when he received a Dear John letter and a pink slip. True blue will never stain. We have had 23 years inves

16、ting in each other. I was past caring now, so I ordered coffee for myself and an ice-cream and coffee for her.,Examples:,Benjamin Franklin :If we do not hang together, we shall mostassuredly hang separately.咱们要是不biao(提手边加票)到一块儿,保准会吊到一块儿。如果我们不能紧密地团结在一起,那就必然分散地走上绞刑台。,Books recommended on translation,.

17、 实用翻译教程 冯庆华 上海外语教育出版社 2. 英汉互译实用教程 郭著章 李庆生 武汉大学出版社 3. 论翻译教学 主编 刘宗和 商务印书馆 4. 英汉互译 方法与实践 主编 王卫平 华中科技大学出版社 5. A Textbook of TranslationPeter Newmark 上海外语教育出版社 6. Translation and Relevance - cognition and Context Ernst-August Gutt 上海外语教育出版社 7. Discourse and the TranslatorBasil Hatim & Ian Mason 上海外语教育出版社

18、 8. Dictionary of Translation Studies Mark Shuttleworth & Moira Cowie 上海外语教育出版社,Lexical translation,英汉两种语言都有一词多类,一词多义的现象,在翻译过程中,我们在弄清楚原句结构后就要善于选择和确定原句中关键词的词义,选择和确定词义通常从以下三方面下手:,根据词在句子中的词类来选择和确定词义,Eg,1. Tom heard no other sound save the tick of his watch.2. Housewives must find ways to save woolen cl

19、othes during the hot summer time.,二. 根据上下文以及词在句中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义,Eg, 1) The local press challenged the liscense of the TV station.( 要求吊销) 2) The Australian football team challenged the Americans to meet them the next summer.(邀请进行) 3) He put forward some new ideas to challenge the interest of all concer

20、ned.(引起了) 4) They didnt challeged the data, only the conclusions drawn from it.( 对异议),词语的引申,一) 词义引申 Lee is swollen in everything, in body and in mind. 李各方面都虚有其表, 身体虚胖,头脑也华而不实。,概念引申,1 具体概念抽象化 Eg, His success in this field has pushed his forerunners point into the background. 他在这方面的成就使其前辈们黯然失色。 Thats

21、a long story. You are getting into the deep water. 说来话长,算你问到难处了。,抽象概念具体化,All the members of the security Council will hold themselves available. 安理会各理事国代表准备随时准备出席会议。 2. It is more than transient everydayness. 这远远超出了一时的柴米油盐,衣食住行问题。,逻辑引申,Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I qould r

22、ace from page to page, eager to know what came next. Now, I decided, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar.,在那这前,我要是对一本书真感兴趣,我往往一页一页拼命往下翻,急于知道下文的内容。现在我决定对词汇像守财奴那样不轻易放过;也要像穷人过日子,把每一个日子当做身边最后一块钱,省吃俭用,慢慢花费。,形象引申,1. There is a mixture of t

23、he tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists. 帝国主义的本质既残暴,又狡猾。 2. See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct. 在那以后的四个星期内,消息时而有部分好转,时而又有点不妙,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗化。,典故引申,Mother didnt think of the nice looking car bought the day befo

24、re should become a Helen of Troy in her family. Because of this her daughter and her quarreled for a long time.,词类转译法(conversion),英语和汉语比较起来,汉语中动词用的比较多,这是一个特点。在英语中只用一个谓语动词,而在汉语中却可以连用几个动词性结构。 一) 名词与动词相互转译 1.She has a firm conviction that she will overcome.她坚信她会克服所有的困难。 2. His use of free-market remedi

25、es, previously taboo throughout most of Latin America, transformed Argentina into a model of economic reform for the region. 他运用自有经济手段挽救经济,把阿根廷变成了该地区经济改革的榜样。在此之前,自有经济手段在拉丁美洲的大多数国家是不可容忍。 3. The camel is characterized by the ability to go for long periods without water. 骆驼的特点是能够长期行走而不喝水。 4. One after

26、another, speakers called for the downfall of imperialism ,abolition of exploitation of man by man, liberation of the oppressed of the world. 发言人一个接一个表示要打倒帝国主义,要消灭人剥削人的制度,解放世界上被压迫的人民。,英语介词与汉语动词相互转译,英语有大量的介词和介词词组,汉语则多用动词,少用介词。 Such inns there were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food, simply loca

27、l cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old, was all washed down with coarse wine. 那里的小客栈一般都很肮脏,而且跳蚤猖獗。食物是当地的干酪和通常存放了一年之久的面包。人们就着劣质酒吞下了这食物。 Downstairs ,then, they went, Joseph very red and blushing, Rebecca very modest, and holding her green eyes downwards. She was dressed in bare shoulder

28、s as white as snow the picture of youth, unprotected innocence, and humble virgin simplicity. 他们一路下楼,约瑟夫涨红了脸,丽贝卡举止端庄,一双绿眼望着地下,她穿了一件白衣服,露出雪白的肩膀,年纪轻轻,越发显得天真浪漫,活脱是一个娴静又纯洁的小姑娘。,英语形容词与汉语动词相互转译,英语句子中用作表语的形容词属于动态形容词,常常表示知觉,情欲,愿望等心理状态,他们往往可以同表示知觉,情感等心理活动的汉语动词相互转译 Eg, Scientists are quite confident that all

29、matters are indestructible. All the students say that the professor is very informative.,英语形容词与汉语副词相互转译,It was a clear and unemotional exposition of the Presidents reasons for willing to begin a chinese-American dialogue. 这篇发言清清楚楚地,心平气和地说明了总统希望开始中美对话的原因。 Julien was a dandy now, and understood the ar

30、t of living in Paris. He behaved with exemplary coldness toward Miss de La Mole.,名词与副词互相转译,1.When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor. 只要是一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用自己的魅力和幽默将这个人争取过来。 2. They have not done so well ideologically , however, as or

31、ganizationally.,Exercise,1.I am afraid I cant teach you dancing, I think my daughter is a better teacher than i. 2. They took a final look at the old buildings of their town, the intactness in the darkness after the war. 3 My suggestion is that he should stop taking drugs at once. 4 I am no eater, n

32、or drinker. 5. My friend is both a bibliomaniac and a lover of calligraphy. 6. The terrorist planes bow-on attack against the World Trade Center in New York feast. 7. The friend without principle is the last to be trusted. 8. The Spring Festival is the big reunion, culminating in a sumptuous New Yea

33、r fest. 9. Encroachment on Chinas Sovereignty and interests in the South China sea are not infrequent. 10. The happiness of having such a sister was their first suffusion,and the fair laidies mingled in embraces and tears of joy.,2.1 译文增加原文词语中暗含的意思,2.1.1 在翻译由动词或形容词派生而来的英语抽象名词时,通常按照语境意义在其后面增添适当的名词 To

34、 develop-development To persuade-persuasion To prepare-preparation Poor-poverty Emergent-emergency Tense-tension After all preparations were made, the planes flew across the U.S. to San Francisco. The publishing house has to take the readability of the novel into consideration.,The heaven being spre

35、ad with this pallid screen, the earth with the darkest vegetation, their meeting-line at the horizon was clearly marked. 天上悬的既是这样灰白的帐幕,地上铺的又是那种最苍郁的灌莽,所以天边远处天地交接的界线,显得清清楚楚。,二 amplification,增补词语就是在翻译时按照意义(或修辞)和句法的需要增加一些词语来更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。增补词语大致可以分为两种情况:一是增补原文句法上的省略成分;二是根据原文语境的意思,逻辑关系以及译文语言的行文习惯,在表达时增加

36、字面上没有的,但意思上包含的词语。,2.2 在形容词前后加上它所说明的名词,1. She was small and slight in person, pale, sandy-haired. 她她身材瘦小,脸色苍白,头发是淡黄色的。 2. these early cars were slow, clumsy, and inefficient. 这些早期生产的汽车速度缓慢,操作笨拙,而且效率很低。,增加原文暗含的动词,In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts, and the table tennis exhibitions, he wo

37、uld work on the drafting of the final communique. 晚上在参加宴会,出席音乐会,观看乒乓球表演后,他还得起草最后公报。 In some years, April burst upon our Virginia hills in one prodigious leapand all stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of flowering plum. 郁金香盛开宛如张嘴欢唱的hechangdui连翘构成了阿拉伯式

38、图案,洋李花儿灿烂,争奇斗艳,独具他特色,增加形容词,He doubtlessly expected hugs, tablefuls of food, tears, laughter, and conversations followed by more conversation, then hugs and more hugs all over again, without end. 毫无疑问,他以为会有热烈的拥抱,满桌的食物,激动地泪水,欢乐的笑声,一段接一段的谈话,一次又一次的拥抱,没完没了。 Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed,

39、and some few to be chewed and digested.,二根据形式增加词语,英语和汉语在形式上有很大差异,如英语有各种时态,而中文则靠标志性词语来表达;英文有冠词,有复数形式,而中文却没有;中文喜欢用量词而英文却很少;中文有许多概括词,范畴词,而英文却很少,在翻译的过程中,根据两种语言的习惯表达方式,需要适当增加词语,1. 增加不及物动词后面的宾语,Miss Havisham sent her out to attract and torment and do mischief, with the malicious assurance that she was bey

40、ond the reach of all admirers. 赫薇香小姐把她放出去招蜂引蝶,去折磨男人,去糟害男人,其险恶用心就是让追求她的男人对她永远可望不可及。 She committed the crime of loving wrongly. 她犯了罪过,爱错了人。,Exercises,Into the dim clouds was swimming a crescent moon. In spite of the fact you treat him very nice, he is a yellow dog. The hospital gave them a special roo

41、m together, and if you ever wanted to see a 79 year old bride and an 81-year-old groom acting like two teenagers, you had to see this couple. Histories make men wise; poets witty; mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; morality grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Just as a cutting tool

42、is useful only if it is sharp, our knowledge must be accurate and reasonably extensive before we can make good use of it.,根据句法上的需要,1.增加表示名词复数的词 汉语名词没有复数变化,在很多情况下不必表达出来。但要表达多数人的时候,可用“们”,“诸位”,“各位”各位,还可以增加重叠词,数量词来表达 1.1 增加重叠词表示复数 Nowadays students go abroad to further their study. 现在学生纷纷出国深造 There were

43、 only a few old doctors who were helpless to look after the sick men.,1.2 增加数词来表示复数概念的词 1. The essence retains its identity while the appearances may vary. 万变不离其宗 2. The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men. 大地震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒吼。,1.3 增加表达时间的词语,英语动词的时态是靠动词词形变化以及增加助动词来

44、表示的。汉语动词没有词形变化,时态要靠增加汉语的时态助词或表示时间的词来表示。例如“曾”,“已经”,“过”,“了”,“在”,“正在”,“着”,“将”,“就”,“要”,“会”,“便”等。eg, Once renowned for their reserve, the British have taken to wearing their hearts on their sleeve.英国人过去以矜持chuming现在变得感情外露了。,1.4 增加语气助词,汉语中有许多的语气助词,如“的”,“吧”,“呢”,“啊”,“吗”, “啦”,“了”,“呀”,“嘛”,“就”,“还”,“罢了”,“而已”,“难道

45、”等。不同的语气助词起着不同的作用,用来帮助表达语气而已。增加语气助词可以更好地表达原作的意义和修辞色彩。 1. their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed health. 主人又是切肉啊,又是倒酒啊,又是上菜啊,又是切面包啊,说啊,笑啊,敬酒啊,忙个不停。 2. And her thoughtfulness! If the night was anyway cold or wet or windy there was sure to be a little tumbler of punch r

46、eady for him. 她多体贴啊!要是哪天夜里较阴冷,潮湿或是刮风,她必定要斟好一杯混合甜饮料,等着他来畅饮。,增补原文中被省略的成分,为了使行文简洁紧凑,英语中的某些成分常常被省略,但英译汉时如不增补省略部分,就会造成句法不同或语言不畅。所以原文省略而译文不能省略的部分必须将其补足。这既包括主从复合句中从句省略主句的成分,也包括并列复合句中后面分句省略前面分句相同的成分。 1. there are tears for his love; joy for his fortune; honor for his valor; death for his ambition. 用眼泪回报他的爱;

47、用欢乐庆贺他的幸运;用荣誉赞美他的勇猛;用死亡遏制他的野心。 2. they share the risk, the cost and rewards.,1.8 增加表示节奏和音韵的词语,As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will luve you still, my dear, Till a the seas gang dry. 我的好姑娘,你有多么美, 我的情也有多么深。 我将永远爱你,亲爱的, 直到大海干枯水流尽,1.9 增补背景知识,I learned a great many new words

48、 that day. I do not know that mother, father, sister, teacher were among these words that were to make the world blossom before me, “like Aarons rod with flowers”. 那一天我学了许多新词,也记不清都有哪些词了,但是其中肯定有“母亲”, “父亲”,“姐姐”,“妹妹”,“老师”后来就是这些词把一个美好的世界展现在我的面前,就像圣经上说的“ 亚伦的杖开了花” 一样。,2.0 增译关联词,Oxygen combines with hydrog

49、en to form water. 一旦氧和氢结合,就生成了水。 Many people being absent, the meeting had to be put off. 既然有那么多人缺席,会议就只好延期举行。,2 Omission,省略是删去一些可有可无的,或者有了反而嫌累赘或违背译文语言习惯的词语。 从语法角度省略 1.省略代词 Eg, They had grounded him beneath their heel; they had taken the best of him; they had murdered his father, they had broken and wrecked his wife, they had crushed his whole family. 他们把他踩在脚底下,榨干了他的精髓,害死了他的父亲,摧残了他的妻子,毁灭了他的全家。 2. He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing.,


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