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1、Chapter Three Major Translation Approaches 翻译常用方法,So when the original coincides or almost tallies with the target language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and rhetorical device, literal translation can be used.,(2) Literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideologica

2、l content and style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech and sentence structures of patterns.,在金堤和奈达合著的“论翻译”一书中,列举了人们对“直译”几种看法或理解: (1)Following the word order of the original. (2)Trying to reproduce the syntactic clauses of the source languages. (e.g. tran

3、slating nouns by nouns and verbs by verbs.),3)Trying to match all the syntactic constructions, actives, passives, relative clauses, conditions contrary to fact, etc.,(4)Trying to follow a strict concordance of lexical items, that is always translating one word in the source language by one and the s

4、ame corresponding word in the target language.,(5)Matching rhetorical features (e.g. parallelism, hyperbole, etc.),e.g. 1) The rewards for the Chinese people are clear, most visibly in the dynamism and prosperity of Beijing and the coastal cities.,e.g. 1) The rewards for the Chinese people are clear

5、, most visibly in the dynamism and prosperity of Beijing and the coastal cities.中国人民获得的实惠显而易见,北京和沿海城市的勃勃生机和繁荣兴旺就是最明显的见证。,2) For the international community, the most striking consequence of these changes is that China has grown rapidly to be the worlds sixth largest economy, and is set to grow furth

6、er.,2) For the international community, the most striking consequence of these changes is that China has grown rapidly to be the worlds sixth largest economy, and is set to grow further. 对国际社会来说,这些变化带来的最引人注目的结果是中国已跃居为世界第六经济大国,而且今后注定进一步发展。,3) Chinas rapid emergence as a major world actor is a tribute

7、 to the drive and entrepreneurial economic reforms she has pursued over the past two decades.,3) Chinas rapid emergence as a major world actor is a tribute to the drive and entrepreneurial economic reforms she has pursued over the past two decades.中国迅速崛起,成为世界舞台上表演重要角色的一个国家,这应归功于中国人民的努力和进取精神,尤其应归功于过去

8、20年里中国所推行的根本性的经济改革。,baptism of war to show ones cards to be armed to the teeth to shed crocodile tears gentlemens agreement,baptism of war 战争洗礼 to show ones cards 摊牌 to be armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿 to shed crocodile tears 掉鳄鱼眼泪 gentlemens agreement 君子协定,an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth ray of h

9、ope His life hangs on a thread.,an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 ray of hope 希望之光 His life hangs on a thread.他的生命悬于一线。,Cast a shadow over 纸老虎 一国两制,Cast a shadow over 笼罩上一层阴影 纸老虎paper tiger 一国两制one country, two systems,to fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水,由于

10、大多数谚语采用生动形象的比喻,只要不影响译文读者的理解,应尽可能使用直译的方法,把原文的内容、形式和风格都输入到译文中去,努力减少翻译中的损失。 1. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 同时追两兔,全都抓不住。 2. Half a loaf is better than no bread. 有半块面包总比没有好。,3. The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。 4. Better to reign in hell tha

11、n serve in heaven. 宁为地狱主,不当天堂仆。 5. To save time is to lengthen life. 节约时间就等于延长生命。,3.1.2 Free translation (意译)Free translation or liberal translation means giving up the original image or vehicle and making effort to find an appropriate way to express the intended meaning of the original.,Free transl

12、ation is also called liberal translation because it does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original. Its a supplementary means to mainly convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figures of speech.意译是指按照原文的句子结构翻译,所得译文不符合汉语习惯

13、的情况下,重新组织句子结构,即舍形式而取内容,用贴切的译入语准确传达原作的意义。,Free translation, also known as sense-for-sense translation, emphasizes transfer of the meaning or “spirit” of a source text over accurate reproduction of the original wording. The purpose of sense-for-sense translation is to accommodate the needs of the targ

14、et language reader by producing a text which conforms to the linguistic and textual norms of the target language and culture and which does not therefore sound “foreign” (Shuttleworth & Cowie 1997: 151).,When there exist dissimilarities or great differences between English and Chinese in the sequenc

15、e of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and artistic devices, free translation should be used.,As for free translation, the translator is never really “free”, but is always restricted by the source text. Actually the purpose of any and all translation is to convey the meaning of the source text, j

16、ust as Eugene Nida put it: “Translating is the translating of meaning. ”,By the 1980s, Chinese scholars seem to have reached a general consensus which favors literal translation wherever possible and free translation whenever literal translation is not a good choice. Translation practice has proven

17、that literal translation and free translation are not contradictory but complementary.,无论直译、意译,都要符合“忠实、通顺”的标准 许渊冲1984:5 )。,e.g.(1)He wanted to learn, to know, to teach. 原译:他渴望博学广闻,喜欢追根穷源,并且 好人 为师。(译文过分意译,偏离原作思想),e.g.(1)He wanted to learn, to know, to teach. 改译:他想学习,增长知识,也愿意把自己的知识 教给别人。,当译文的形式和原文的形式不

18、一致的时候,就有直译或意译的问题,而且直译可以有程度不同的直译、意译也可以有程度不同的意译、如: He had about as much chance of getting a job as of being chosen mayor of Chicago. (J. London), 他找到工作的机会和当选芝加哥市长的机会几乎差不多。(直译的程度最大) 他要找到工作简直跟要当选芝加哥市长同样困难。(直译的程度减少,意译的程度增加) 他找到工作的机会简直微乎其微。(意译的程度最大),(2) They love to boast, though often with tongue in chee

19、k. (=They love to brag, though they often do so insincerely or ironically.),(2) They love to boast, though often with tongue in cheek. (=They love to brag, though they often do so insincerely or ironically.)他们喜欢自吹自擂,尽管通常只是说说罢了 。,(4) Insecurity and unemployment, the “rat race” of American life place

20、heavy strains on marriage and the family.失业和缺乏保障,美国生活的“激烈竞争”给婚姻和家庭带来沉重的压力。,(5) Justice has long arms. 原文表层信息: (正义)法律有长胳膊。(不符合汉语表达习惯。) 原文深层信息: (正义)法律的权力和威力是“鞭长可及的,是无边的,罪犯不管逃到何方,终可缉拿归案。 意译: 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。(罪犯难逃法网。),(6) It rains cats and dogs.(7) Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.,(6) It rains cats a

21、nd dogs.大雨滂沱。 (7) Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.不要自寻烦恼。(不用过早担忧),大刀阔斧误译:a great knife and broad axe改译:in a bold and resolute way,袖手旁观误译:to look on with hands in sleeves改译:to look on with folded arms,He always lives ahead of his salary. 原译:他总是生活在他的工资之前。(译文完全直译,难以理解),He always lives ahead of

22、 his salary.改译:他的生活开销总是超过他的工资收入。,Cast pearls before swine. 对牛弹琴,He was left high and dry. 他处在进退两难的境地。,Many dogs soon eat up a horse. 人多好办事。,Im too old a dog that cant learn new tricks. 我太老了, 在也 学不进什么新鲜玩意儿了。,3.1.3 Literal-plus liberal Translation ApproachSome sentences have to be translated both lite

23、rally and freely because of bilingual differences. So when you translate sentences which are partly similar and partly dissimilar in structure or figure of speech, the two methods should be flexibly and cleverly combined.,(1) I want a man who will throw his hat over the Chindwin and then lead his tr

24、oops after it.我要的是这样一个人,他决心在钦敦江破釜沉舟,然后率领部队前进。,(2)To play dance music at a funeral is to put new wine into old bottles. 在葬礼时演奏舞曲就象旧瓶里装新酒一样不协调。,(3)But because we cannot satisfy the desire of our hearts why should we cry “ sour grapes” at them?我们何必因为不能满足内心的欲望就把他们叫做“酸葡萄”来聊以自慰呢?,(4) He is shedding crocod

25、ile tears. 他是鄂鱼掉眼泪,假慈悲。,To sum up, the correct attitude should be: (1) When you translate sentences which are similar in structure or in figure of speech in the two languages, literal translation should be used.,(2 ) When you translate sentences which are dissimilar in structure or figure of speech,

26、 free translation should be used.,(3) And when you translate sentences which are partly similar and partly dissimilar in structure or figure of speech, the two methods should be flexibly and cleverly combined.,In a word, literal translation and free translation are both indispensable and supplementa

27、ry to each other. In the process of translating, we should adopt these two methods flexibly and appropriately.,More often than not, literal translation and free translation may be alternately used in the process of translation, as illustrated by the following examples:,More examples:,1. Theres no po

28、t so ugly it cant find a lid. Literal translation: 再丑的罐儿也不愁配个盖儿。 Or:罐儿再丑,配个盖儿不犯愁。 Free translation:再丑的姑娘也不愁找不到婆家。Or:丑女不愁嫁。,2Little fish does not eat big fish. Literal translation: 小鱼吃不了大鱼。 Free translation: 胳膊拧不过大腿。,3What the tongue says, the neck pays for .Literal translation: 舌头说话,脖子还帐。Free transl

29、ation: 舌头闯祸,脖子遭殃。,4What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster!Literal translation: 孵出来是母鸡就别想冒充公鸡!Free translation: 生就是个女人就别想冒充男人!,5A gift is the key to open the door closed against you.Literal translation: 礼物是打开把你关在门外的房门的钥匙。Free translation: 大门把你关在外,礼物送到门自开。,3.2 Domestication(归化)vs. Foreign

30、ization (异化)是由美国著名翻译家劳伦斯韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)提出的。,美国费城坦普尔大学的英文教 授,是美国翻译研究领域内研 究“归化”与“异化”问题上发言 最多最响亮的人物。他属于翻 译研究中的解构学派,即“后 结构主义学派”,他主张文学 翻译不应消除异族特征为目标 ,而应在目标文本中设法把文 化差异表现出来。要突出译者的主体创造性。,“归化”和“异化”的提出基于德国哲学家施莱尔马赫(Schleiermarcher)的理论。施莱尔马赫认为,翻译有两种:一种是 “the translator leaves the author in peace as much as

31、 possible, and moves the reader toward him”,另一种是:“the translator leaves the reader in peace as much as possible, and moves the author toward him”.,施莱尔马赫指出:“有两种翻译方法:译者要么尽可能不去打扰作者,而让读者向作者靠拢(异化);要么尽可能不去打扰读者,而让作者向读者靠拢”(归化)。,韦努蒂认为,在欧美文化中,特别是在英国,异化翻译策略仍处于边缘地位,地位低下,无足轻重。 作者提出译者应该采取抵抗的翻译策略,这样既有助于保留源文的异国情调,也

32、挑战了翻译作品在翻译文学作品中的二流地位,并藉此可以改变译者的隐身状态,提高译者的身份,使其最终能与源文作者享有同等的权威。,Foreignization is a strategy in which a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.,Foreignization: means taking the reader over to the foreign culture,

33、making him or her see the cultural and linguistic difference.,Foreignization (also called alienation,异化), aims to retain some foreign or exotic flavor of the original.,Domestication is a strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text

34、 for target language readers.,Domestication means bringing the foreign culture closer to the reader in the target culture, making the text recognizable and familiar. A translation version should minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for readers of the translation.,The translation version of G

35、one with the Wind by Fu Donghua can be thought to have followed the principle of Domestication. For example, the names of the characters are translated with Chinese characteristics:Scarlett OHara 郝斯嘉 Rhett Butler 白瑞德 Melanie Hampton 韩梅兰 Ashley Wilkes 魏希礼,The following are some more examples of trans

36、lation guided by the principle of Domestication. The English translations are idiomatic and will surely read smooth by native speakers of English.,他每天要处理许多棘手的问题。 He has to address many troublesome issues every day. He has to handle many difficult problems every day. He has many hot potatoes to handl

37、e every day.,妻子骂骂咧咧地闯了进来,这个得了“气管炎”的男人一下子手足无措。 The hen-pecked man became awkward and sheepish (紧张不安)when his wife scolded her way into the room.,The present controversy in China over foreignization and domestication, unlike that over literal translation and free translation which had been contested p

38、owerfully by dissenting scholars for decades before the 1980s, almost leans to one side: the foreignization advocates outnumber the domestication advocates. Whatever the final outcome, there are some points to be noted, as 郭建中 (2000: 287) points out:,翻译中“归化”和“异化”不仅是不矛盾的,而且是互为补充的。文化移植需要多种方法和模式。应用翻译的目

39、的论理论(skopos theory) ,对翻译中涉及的各种因素作综合的分析,译者既可采用“归化”的原则和方法,也可采用“异化”的原则和方法。至于在译文中必须保留哪些源语文化,怎样保留,哪些源语文化的因素又必须作出调整以适应目的语文化,都可在对作者意图、翻译目的、文本类型和读者对象等因素分析的基础上作出选择。对译者来说,重要的是在翻译过程中要有深刻的文化意识,即意识到两种文化的异同。,e.g.(1) 你不要班门弄斧了。,e.g.(1) 你不要班门弄斧了。 Dont teach your grandmother to suck eggs.,e.g.(2) Every dog has his da

40、y.人人都有得意的日子.,e.g.3) Kill two birds with one stone,e.g.3) Kill two birds with one stone一石二鸟(直译,异化)一箭双雕 (归化)一举两得 (意译),4) Laugh off ones head.,4) Laugh off ones head. 笑掉脑袋 (直译)笑掉大牙;捧腹大笑 (归译),5) At sixes and sevens.,5) At sixes and sevens.颠六倒七;六七相杂 (直译)颠三倒四;乱七八糟 (归译),6) Neither fish nor fowls,6) Neither

41、 fish nor fowls即非鱼,又非禽;非鱼非禽 (直译)不伦不类;不三不四;非驴非马 (归译),(7) High buildings and large mansions are springing up like mushrooms in Beijing.,(7) High buildings and large mansions are springing up like mushrooms in Beijing.译文:在北京,高楼大厦犹如雨后春笋般地涌现。(归化),(8)Second, there is the New York of the commuter-the city

42、that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night. (E.B.White,“The Three New Yorks”),(8)Second, there is the New York of the commuter-the city that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night. (E.B.White,“The Three New Yorks”) 其次是家住郊区,乘公交车到市内上班的人们的纽约-这座城市每到白天就被如蝗的人群吞噬进去,每到晚上又给

43、吐出来。(异化),(9)With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes.,(9)With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes.译文:凭着我的决心,我的运气,还有许多许多善良人们的帮助,我终于获得新生。(归化),(10)谋事在人,成事在天。 A. Man pr

44、oposes, Heaven disposes. B. Man proposes, God disposes.,11.俗语说“病来如山倒, 病去如抽丝”。又不是老君的仙丹, 哪有这么灵药? 你只静养几天, 自然就好了。红楼梦第五十二回 Havent you heard the sayings: “Illness comesas fast as a wall falling down, but goes as slowly as unraveling a cocoon”? He is no Lao Tzu with a magic elixir to cure you over night. J

45、ust rest quietly for a few days and youll be all right. Yangs version “A Dream of Red Mansions”,杨译将“抽蚕丝”、“太上老君的仙丹”这些充满中国文化色彩和生活气息的比喻照直译出(仅将“山倒”转换为农户人家熟悉的“垮墙”, 更为生动贴切) ,虽显得陌生, 但异域色彩浓厚, 能让西方读者感受到一份新奇与刺激。而霍克斯(Hawkes) 的译文却对此作了惯常的“归化”处理, 意在读者的理解与接受。,You know what they say: “Sickness comes like an avalanc

46、he but goes like reeling silk”. This stuff isnt the Elixir of Life. You cant expect it to cure you in a twinkling. Youll be all right if you take things easy for a few days. Hawkes version “The Story of the Stone”,霍译用西方人熟悉的“雪崩”、“丝绸”代替“山倒”、“蚕茧”, 用“长生不老药”代替“老君的仙丹”, 这或许更容易被译文读者接受, 但在表现文学作品的异域风采方面却略逊一筹,

47、 忽视了文学创作“求异”的本质。,12. “巧媳妇做不出没米的饭来”,叫我怎么样呢?(红楼梦,第二十四回) 杨译:Even the cleverest housewife cant cook a meal without rice. What do you expect me to do? 霍译:I dont see what I am supposed to do without any capital. Even the cleverest housewife cant make bread without flour!,13. (黛玉)听说宝玉上学去了,因笑道:“好,这一去,可定是要蟾宫

48、折桂去了。” 杨译:When Baoyu told her that he was off to school, Daiyu smiled and said “Good! So you are going to pluck fragrant osmanthus in the Palace of the Moon!” 霍译:When Baoyu told her that he was off to school, Daiyu smiled and said “Good! So you are going to pass the examination for the highest degre

49、e in order to climb up to exalted position!”,Some Useful Tips:,Translation is a continual tug-of-war between faithfulness and smoothness, literalism and liberalism, foreignization and translationese, loyalty to the author and appeal for the reader.,All translation is a compromise the effort to be literal and the effort to be idiomatic (Benjamin Jowett). A translator has divided loyalties. He has a duty to his author, a duty to his reader and a duty to the text. The three are by no means identical and are often hard to reconcile (David Hawkes).,


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