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1、中药与方剂名的翻译 Translation of TCM Herbs and Formula,Jeanelle chin,1 方药常用术语,方剂 prescription, recipe, formula 方剂学 Prescriptionologyscience for studying prescriptions,七方是方剂分类的合称。指七种组成不同的方剂。见伤寒明理论。即大、小、急、缓、奇、偶、复等七方。详各条。素问至真要大论:“治有缓急,方有大小”,“君一臣二,奇之制也;君二臣四,偶之制也”,“奇之不去则偶之,是谓重方。”至金代成无己才将其总结为七方。 七方说明处方立法,应按照病情缓急,

2、病位上下,适当配伍药物,并斟酌剂量等,作为制方依据,逐渐演变而成七方。即大、小方,缓、急方;奇、偶方或复方。一般指处方中药味多或量大者为大方,反之为小方;用药和缓,或长期服用的方剂为缓方,反之为急方,单味药或奇数药的为奇方,反之为偶方;数方组合的方剂为复方,1 方药常用术语,与方剂有关的术语,1 方药常用术语,与方剂有关的术语 (续),1 方药常用术语,与方剂有关的术语 (续),1 方药常用术语,剂型 prescription types 1. 汤剂 (decoction) 2. 散剂 (powder) 3. 丸剂 (bolus, pellet, pill) 蜜丸 honeyed bolus

3、水丸 water pellet / water-paste pill 糊丸 paste pill 濃縮丸 condensed pellet,1 方药常用术语,剂型 prescription types (续) 4. 膏剂 (extract, ointment and plaster) 浸膏 extract 流浸膏 liquid extract 煎膏 decocted paste 软膏 ointment, paste 硬膏 plaster 5. 丹剂 (elixir, dan) 6. 酒剂 (medicated wine, vinum) 7. 茶剂 (medicated tea) 8. 药露 (

4、distilled medicinal water / medicinal dew),1 方药常用术语,剂型 prescription types (续) 9. 錠剂、餅剂 (lozenge, pastille, troche and medicated cake) 10. 片剂 (tablet) 11. 糖漿剂 (syrup) 12. 沖剂 (granule, infusion) 13. 灸剂 (moxa) 14. 針剂 (injection) 15. 栓剂 (suppository) 16. 胶囊剂 (capsule),1 方药常用术语,配伍 composition / combinati

5、on 配伍禁忌 contradiction of compatibility 七情 seven features 單行 single application / going alone 相須 mutual promotion / mutual reinforcement 相使 mutual enhancement / assistance 相畏 mutual antagonism / restraint 相恶 inhibition / aversion 相杀 detoxification / suppression 相反 incompatibility / antagonism,1 方药常用术

6、语,炮制 processing,2 方剂命名与翻译,2.1 以方中主要药物命名 a) 以主药一味命名 麻黃汤 (Ephedra Decoction) 桂枝汤 (Cinnamon Twig Decoction) b) 以主药二味命名 桑菊饮 (Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Beverage) 银翘散 (Lonicera and Forsythia Powder) c) 以三味主药命名 麻黄连翹赤小豆汤 (Ephedra, Forsythia and Rice Bean Decoction),2 方剂命名与翻译,2.2 以方中全部組成药物命名 a) 按組成各味药物

7、全名命名 麻黃杏仁石膏甘草汤 (麻杏石甘汤) Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice Decoction Maxing Shigan Decoction,2 方剂命名与翻译,2.2 以方中全部組成药物命名 b) 取組成药品中各一個字命名 参桂朮甘汤 Ginseng, Cinnamon Twig, Bighead Atractylodes and Licorice Decoction Shengui Zhugan Decoction 参苓白朮散 Ginseng, Poria and Bighead Atractylodes Powder Shen

8、ling Baizhu Powder,2 方剂命名与翻译,2.2 以方中全部組成药物命名 (续) c) 按組成药物味數命名 四物汤 Four Agents Decoction 六味汤 Six-Ingredient Decoction d) 按組成药物味數与功效、作用結合命名 四君子汤 Four Gentlemen Decoction 四神丸 Four Spirits Pill,2 方剂命名与翻译,2.3 以功效命名 温脾汤 Spleen Warming Decoction 2.4 以方中有特殊作用的药物命名 十枣汤 Ten Jujubes Decoction 2.5 以方中主药的別名命名 鸡苏

9、散 Mint Powder,2 方剂命名与翻译,2.6 以方中主药物与功效或主治結合命名 人參养荣丸 Ginseng Construction-Nourishing Pill 疏风清热汤 Wind-Coursing Heat-Clearing Decoction 荊防败毒散 Schizonepeta and Ledebouriella Toxin-Vanquishing Powder 龙胆泻肝汤 Gentian Liver-Draining Decoction 黃連解毒汤 Coptis Toxin-Resolving Decoction Antidotal Decoction of Copti

10、s,2 方剂命名与翻译,2.7 特殊命名 以服药時間命名 鸡鸣散 Rooster Crowing Powder Cockcrow Powder 以比喻命名 舟車丸 喻行气逐水之效 Boats and Carts Pill 以典故命名 吳婆散 吳市吹簫寄食漂母 Wupo Powder,2 方剂命名与翻译,2.7 特殊命名 (续) 以方中药物采集特點命名 二至丸 Double Supreme Pill 以方中药物入药部分命名 三子养親汤 Three Seeds Filial Devotion Decoction 以炮制法命名 十灰散 Ten Cinders Powder,2 方剂命名与翻译,方剂翻

11、译原则 简洁原则 信息原则 回译原则,3 方剂示例,清咽利膈汤 清瘟败毒饮 犀角地黃汤 銀花解毒汤 清宮汤 仙方活命饮,蒼耳子散 通窍活血汤 桃红四物汤 溫肺止流丹 补中益气汤 六味地黃汤 金匱肾气丸,3 方剂示例,清咽利膈汤 Throat-Clearing Diaphragm-Disinhibiting Decoction 清瘟败毒饮 Scourge-Clearing Toxin-Vanquishing Beverage Antipyretic and Antitoxic Decoction 犀角地黃汤 Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction Fair

12、y Decoction for Treating Cutaneous Infections 銀花解毒汤 Honeysuckle Decoction for Relieving Toxin,3方剂示例,清宮汤 Palace-Clearing Decoction 仙方活命饮 Immortal Formula Life-Giving Beverage 蒼耳子散 Xanthium Powder 通窍活血汤 Orifice-Freeing Blood-Quickening Decoction 桃红四物汤 Peach Kernel and Carthamus Four Agents Decoction,3

13、 方剂示例,溫肺止流丹 Lung-Warming Nose-Drying Elixir 补中益气汤 Center-Supplementing Qi-Boosting Decoction Decoction for Reinforcing Middle-Warmer and Replenishing Qi 六味地黃汤 Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Decoction 金匱肾气丸 Golden Coffer Kidney Qi Pill,以数字方式命名的中医常用方剂名称英译的探讨,一贯煎辞源云:“一贯,即以一理贯串于事物之中。”肾藏精,肝藏血,肝肾同源,肝肾之病,同一论治。本方

14、以脏腑制化关系的理论为遣药立法的依据。取“滋水涵木”之意,通滋肾养肝,补肝体以和肝用,而治疗肝肾阴虚肝气不舒之证,故名“一贯煎”。英译有: All-the-Way-Through Brew(Nigel Wiseman) 2. An Ever Effective Decoction for Nourishing the Liver and Kidney (汉英医学大辞典) 3. One Linking Decoction (Giovanni Maciocia),二陈汤 命名缘由:方中陈皮、半夏二药以陈久者良,故名“二陈汤”。 英译有: Two Matured Ingredients Decoct

15、ion (Nigel Wiseman) Erchen Decoction (汉英医学大辞典) Two Old Decoction (Giovanni Maciocia)建议英译:Decoction of Two Long-preserved Herbs,三拗汤,命名缘由:“三拗”者,乃谓方中三味药物煎煮时违拗常法:麻黄不去根节,杏仁不去皮尖,甘草不用蜜炙而生用。英译有: 1. Rough and Ready Three Decoction (Nigel Wiseman) 2. Decoction of Three Crude Drugs(汉英医学大辞典) 3. Three Break Deco

16、ction(Giovanni Maciocia) 建议英译: Decoction of Three Irregularly Prepared Herbs Three Disobedience Decoction,三子养亲汤,命名缘由:本方由紫苏子、白芥子、莱菔子三味药物所组成。用于老人中虚喘嗽,痰壅气滞之症。有降气消食、温化痰饮之功。本方用三种果实组方,以治老人喘嗽之疾,并寓“子以养亲”之意,故名“三子养亲汤”。英译有: Decoction of Three Kinds of Seeds for the Aged (汉英医学大辞典) Three-seed the Ancestors Decoc

17、tion (Giovanni Maciocia) Three Seed Filial Devotion Decoction (Nigel Wiseman),四妙勇安汤,命名缘由:本方药仅四味,功效绝妙,且量大力专,勇猛迅速,使邪袪病除,身体健康,平安无虞,故称“四妙勇安汤” 英译有: 1. Mysterious Four Resting Hero Decoction (Nigel Wiseman) 2. Decoction of Four Wonderful Drugs for Quick Restoration of Health (汉英医学大辞典) 建议英译: Decoction of F

18、our Well-matched Potent Herbs for Stopping Groaning,四逆散 命名缘由:本方能治阳气内郁所致的四肢厥逆证;根据主治病证来命名,故名“四逆散”。 英译有: 1. Counter flow Cold Powder (Nigel Wiseman) 2. Powder for Treating Cold Limbs (汉英医学大辞典) 3. Four Rebellious Powder (Giovanni Maciocia),五味消毒饮 命名缘由:本方由金银花、野菊花、蒲公英、紫花地丁、紫背天葵子五味药物组成,有清热、解毒、消肿之功,故命名为“五味消毒

19、饮”。 英译有: Five Ingredient Toxin Dispersing Beverage (Nigel Wiseman) Antiphlogistic Decoction of Five Drugs(汉英医学大辞典) 3. Five-Ingredient Resolving Poison Decoction (Giovanni Maciocia) 建议英译:Decoction of Five Herbs for Eliminating Heat Evil,五苓散 命名缘由:本方由猪苓、泽泻、白朮、茯苓、桂枝诸药组成。用于外有表证,内停水饮之证。方中由五味药组成,以利水之猪苓为主,故

20、称“五苓散”。 英译有: Poria Five Powder (Nigel Wiseman) Powder of Five Drugs with Poria (汉英医学大辞典) Five- Ingredient Poria Powder (Giovanni Maciocia) 建议英译: Powder of Five Herbs Led by Polyporus,八正散 命名缘由:本方以八味药物为散,通过正治之法(热者寒之),以奏清热通淋之功,用以治疗湿热下注之淋证,故称“八正散”。 英译有:Eight Corrections Powder (Nigel Wiseman) 2. Powder

21、for Dispersing Heat and Promoting Diuresis(汉英医学大辞典) 3. Eight Rectification Powder (Giovanni Maciocia) 建议英译: Powder of Eight Herbs by Routine Treatment,十全大补汤 命名缘由:本方由补气基础方“四君子汤”,与补血基本方“四物汤”合并而成的“八珍汤”,再加补气之黄芪、补阳之肉桂二药而成,大补阴阳气血,故名“十全大补汤”。 英译有:1. Perfect Major Supplementation Pill (Nigel Wiseman) 2. Decoction of Ten Powerful Tonics (汉英医学大辞典)3. Ten Complete Great Tonification Decoction(Giovanni Maciocia)4. All-inclusive Grand Tonic Decoction(新编汉英中医药分类辞典 ) 建议英译:Decoction of Ten Grand Tonics,


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