1、,You were born to run. And we were born to help you do it better. 奔跑是你的天性,让你跑得更快是我们的天职。 运用了多种修辞手法:重复、押头韵 Skin firming/toning agent 紧肤水/爽肤水 成分 Coriander 芫荽、香菜 Lavender 薰衣草,Adidas Sports ShoesOver twenty-eight years ago, adidas gave birth to a new idea in sports shoes. And the people who wear our shoe
2、s have been running and winning ever since. In fact, adidas has helped them set over 400 world records in track and field alone.Maybe thats why more and more football, soccer, basketball, baseball and tennis players are turning to adidas. They know that, whatever their game, they can rely on adidas
3、workmanship and quality in every product we make.So whether you are pounding the roads on a marathon, or just jogging around the block, adidas shall be on your feet.You were born to run. And we were born to help you do it better. Youll find us anywhere smart sports people buy their shoes. Adidas, th
4、e all sports people. 阿迪达斯运动鞋28年前,阿迪达斯为运动鞋注入了一种全新的理念,从此以后,脚穿阿迪的运动健儿风驰电掣、频频夺冠。事实上,仅在田径场上阿迪达斯就帮助人们创造了400多项世界记录。或许正因为如此,才有越来越多的足球、橄榄球、篮球、棒球和网球运动员青睐这个品牌。他们知道,无论从事哪项运动,他们都可以信赖阿迪达斯产品的精湛工艺和优秀品质。因此,无论是在马拉松跑道上飞奔,抑或绕着社区慢跑,您都可脚着阿迪。奔跑是您的天性,助你一臂之力是我们的天职。在优秀运动员购买战靴的地方,总有我们的身影。阿迪达斯,献给所以热爱运动的人们!,Petal-Drops For the
5、girl who wants a petal-soft skinWith Petal-Drops Moisturizing Bath-Essence you can give your skin a petal-fresh softness and fragrance that will last and last the whole day through.All sorts of oils, delicately perfumed herbal essences and the gentlest of toning agents-all combined with our loving c
6、are to give that oh-so-good-to-be-alive feeling.Relax. Petal-Drops your way to a smooth, silky skin.Choose from two exciting fragrances: New Petal-Drops Coriander-with its faintly spiced hint of seductiveness, or the classic Petal-Drops Lavender.花露沐浴乳献给梦想拥有嫩如花瓣般肌肤的少女使用花露保湿沐浴精华,可使您的肌肤一整天嫩如花瓣、柔软芬芳。(精挑
7、细选的)各种精油、精心熏香的草本精华、柔和无比的爽肤因子,再加上我们的悉心呵护,将使您领略到生活的美好之处。放松身心!有了花露沐浴乳的滋润,您的肌肤将光滑细腻、丝般柔顺,映衬出您曼妙的身材。有两种美妙的香型供您选用:全新芫荽香花露沐浴乳,散发淡淡幽香,令您平添无穷魅力;您也可选择传统的薰衣草香花露沐浴乳!,重复翻译法,重复法实际上也是一种增词法,只不过所增加的词是上文中刚刚出现过的词。翻译和写作一样,力求简练,尽量省略一些可有可无的词,但有时为了明确、强调或生动,却往往需要将一些关键性的词加以重复。,为了明确:,1. 重复名词 (1)Lets revise our safety and san
8、itary regulations. 我们来修订安全规则和卫生规则吧。(重复作宾语的名词) (2)I had experienced oxygen and / or engine trouble. 我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备出故障,就是引擎出故障,或两者都出故障。(重复作宾语的名词),(3)This has been our position-but not theirs. 这一直是我们的立场,而不是他们的立场。(重复作表语的名词) (4)John is your friend as much as he is mine. 约翰是你的朋友,又是我的朋友。 (重复作表语的名词),(5) The d
9、octor will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred ordinary patients. 医生从我身上得到的锻炼,比从一千七百名普通病人身上得到的锻炼还多。(重复前置短语所省略的名词) (6)The story of Tom is a story of groans and tears, of poor human beings destroyed by the capitalist industrial machine. 汤姆的故事是一篇充满呻吟和泪水的故事,是资本主义工业机器摧残不幸的人们的故事。(重复前
10、置短语所省略的名词),(7) They have staged demonstrations and sit-ins and distributed petitions which inevitably find their way to foreign correspondents posted in Moscow. 他们举行了示威游行和静坐,散发了请愿书,而这些请愿书必定会传到驻莫斯科的外国记者手中。(重复先行词所代表的名词) (8)The President announced, with relish, that the planes took off from “Shangri-la
11、”, the fictional, remote retreat in the Himalayas. 总统得意洋洋地宣称,这批飞机是从“香格里拉”起飞的,而“香格里拉”是一个虚构的喜马拉雅山中的世外桃源。(重复同位语),重复动词:,1. 一个动词连接几个宾语或表语,在译文中往往重复这个动词。 (1) Is he a friend or an enemy? 他是朋友呢,还是敌人? (2)Chairman Mao is an activist, a prime mover, an originator and master of strategy achieved by alternating s
12、urprise, tension and easement. (Edgar Snow) 毛主席是一位活动家,是原动力,是创造者,是交替运用出其不意、紧张和松弛而取得成就的战略大师。,(3)We talked of ourselves, of our prospects, of the journey, of the weather, of each other- of everything but our host and hostess. 我们谈到自己,谈到前途,谈到旅程,谈到天气,谈到彼此的情况-谈到一切,唯独不谈我们的男女主人。 (4)He no longer dreamed of st
13、orms, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength. 他不再梦见风暴,不再梦见惊人的遭遇,也不再梦见大鱼、搏斗和角力。,(5)But his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing to his family. 可是他老婆老是在他耳朵边唠叨个没完,说他懒惰,说他粗心,并且说他的一家人都要毁在他身上。,重复代词:英语中用代
14、词的地方有时可以按照汉语的习惯重复其代替的名词。,(1)Jesse opened his eyes. They were filled with tears. 杰西睁开了双眼,眼中满是泪水。 (2)He hated failure; he has conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others. 他讨厌失败;他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败。,(3)The change of Taylor was that of a key man in the key slot-something that s
15、ymbolized the gradual transformation of the other players. 泰勒的转变是一个把守重要关口的关键人物的转变,他的转变象征着其他参与者也正在转变。 (4)Stephen made a bow. Not a servile one - he will never do that. 斯蒂芬鞠了一个躬。这不是一个卑躬屈膝的鞠躬-他绝不会那样做。,有时物主代词所代替的名词也需要重复,以达到明确的目的。,(1)Happy families also have their own troubles. 幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的烦恼。 (2)Each co
16、untry has its own customs. 各国有各国的风俗。 (3)Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines. 强国有强国的策略,小国也有小国的路线。,有时关系代词和关系副词的翻译也需要重复的方法,例如whoever, whenever, wherever,(1) Whoever violates the disciplines should be criticized. 谁违反了纪律,谁就应该受到批评。 (2)Wherever severe oppression
17、 existed, there should be revolution. 哪里有压迫,哪里就有革命。,为了强调:英语句子中往往重复关键性的词,以使读者留下深刻的印象,英译汉时通常也采取同样的重复手段。,1. 英语原文中有词的重复,译成汉语时可以保持同样的词的重复。 (1)He wandered about in the chill rain, thinking and thinking, brooding and brooding. 他在凄雨中荡来荡去,想了又想,盘算了又盘算。 (2)Blood must atone for blood. 血债要用血来还。 (3)They had to st
18、and there in that heat, watching me go in, come out, come out, go in and never saying anything. 大热天,他们站在那里,一言不发,眼巴巴地看着我进去出来,出来进去。,(4)Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 (5)Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。,2. 英文中同一个词的重复在译文中可以用不同的词重复。 (1)“I know you hate me and I hate you, wed better part righ
19、t now!” “我知道你恨我,我也怨你,我们最好还是分手吧!” (2)Every change of season, every change of weather, every hour of that day produces some change in the magical hues and shape of these mountains; and they are regarded by all good wives, far and near, as perfect barometers. 季节的每一次更迭,气候的每一次转变,乃至一天中的每一个小时,都给这些山峦的奇幻色彩和形
20、态带来变化,远近的主妇都把这些看成是准确的晴雨表。,为了生动:英文原文中没有词的重复,但为了使译文生动,有时也可采取重复的手段。,1.运用两个四字词组 (1)But there had been too much publicity about my case. 我的事情已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 (2)The streets were overrun by Hitlers bullies. 那时希特勒的暴徒在大街上横行霸道,无恶不作。,2. 运用词的重叠。词的重叠是汉语的一种修辞手段,常见于古诗词中,如:“青青河畔草,郁郁园中柳”、“年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同”、“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清
21、,凄凄惨惨戚戚”等。 (1)I have been completely honest in my replies, withholding nothing. 我的回答完全是坦坦荡荡,毫无隐瞒。 (2)Only a very slight and very scattering ripples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him. 欢迎他的只有几下轻轻的、零零落落、冷冷清清的掌声。 (3) With his tardiness, carelessness and appalling good humor, we were sore perplexed. 他老是磨磨蹭蹭,马马虎虎,脾气又好得惊人,我们都对他毫无办法。,3.运用四字的对偶词组 Great contribution 丰功伟绩 Gratitude 感恩戴德 Prosperity 繁荣昌盛 Vivid 生动活泼 Careless 粗心大意 Street gossip 街谈巷议 Rumours 流言蜚语 If this was a time of triumph for the many, it was a painful period for the few. 多数人的兴高采烈之日,却是少数人伤心失意之时。,