1、五晦涩长句理解与翻译,在翻译中,原文难度大、句子繁复、作者表达晦涩和作品的文化背景复杂等因素,使得翻译极其艰难。运用简明的语法法则,梳理长句子、复杂句子以及句子里令人困惑的难点,是把文字翻译做到更高层次的有效方法。 1 Murmurously beyond their windows, yet so close they might be in the cloud of it, the beech accepts, leaf upon leaf, shelves and stairs of continuous dripping, the rain. 误译:窗外的山毛榉离得这么近,他们的房间大
2、概也在它的树冠下面,它发出低沉和不停顿的响声,用一片片叶子把雨水接受下来,然后再让它们一层层一阶阶地连续流淌下来。 改译:他们的窗户上方在沙沙作响,不过窗户或许离枝叶茂盛的树冠很近,山毛榉把雨接住,叶子层层叠叠,持续不停的滴落在层层下淌,在节节下淌。 评析:这句话的核心成分,也就是主句,是the beech accepts the rain(山毛榉把雨接住),主、谓、宾分明,只是中间插入了两个短语,误译的问题是没有按这样的句序去处理,而是颠倒语序,乱加词汇。改译基本是顺着原文往下翻译的。,2 Town after town numbingly demonstrated to him that
3、his life was a paltry thing, roughly duplicated by the millions in settings where houses and porches and trees mocking those in Mt. Judge fed the illusions of other little boys that their souls were central and important and invisibly cherished. 误译:看到了这些千篇一律的城镇他才意识到他的生活是多么微不足道,它们的众多街景差不多是同一个模子造出来的,跟
4、贾基山的房屋、门廊和树木十分相似,而生活在贾基山的其他小男孩看来却有一个错觉,以为他们便是世界的中心,他们的生活是有声有色和令人神往的。 改译:路过一个又一个镇子,它们无声地在前面展现,让他明白他的生活是一种渺小的东西,被芸芸众生大同小异地复制出来,所处环境是和贾奇山的那些建筑差不多的房舍、门廊和树木,它们让小孩子们产生幻觉,以为他们的灵魂是中心,很重要,被无形地宠爱着。,评析:这段英语究竟是什么意思并不容易弄懂。它不仅体现了一个作家遣词造句的风格,也因为里面有几个从句和许多修饰成分而显繁复。误译中增加了许多表达语,但仍令人不知所云。关键是译者没有搞懂numbingly demonstrate
5、d to him、roughly duplicated by the millions in settings、fed the illusions到底指什么。这个英文句子虽然长,但是也只有第一行是主要成分,其余都是围绕这个核心深入阐释的。,3 I have looked after the wild stock of the town, which gave a faithful herdsman good deal of trouble by leaping fences. 误译:我也曾守护过城区的野兽,使忠于职守的牧人要跳过篱笆,遇到过许多的困难。 改译:我曾看守过该镇的野兽群,因为它们跳
6、过围栏让忠于职守的牧人吃尽了苦头。,瓦尔登湖,散文集,记录了作者隐居瓦尔登湖畔,与大自然水乳交融,在田园生活中感知自然、重塑自我的奇异历程。美国19世纪的作家亨利戴维梭罗(Henry David Thoreau,1817-1862)坚持自己的理念,把自己的经历写成了瓦尔登湖。在书中提倡简化生活,不要成为财富的奴隶,同时更要亲近自然,修炼自我。梭罗曾说过,你的财富越多,美德越少,心灵只有和自然结合才能产生想象力和智慧。,我曾经照看/看管过市镇里那些不听话的羊群/牛羊,它们老往栅栏外面跳,给忠于职守的牧人惹了不少麻烦。,4 Though the view from my door was stil
7、l more contracted, I did not feel crowded or confined in the least. There was pasture enough for my imagination. 误译:虽然我的门口望出去,风景范围要狭隘,我却一点不觉得它拥挤,更无被囚禁的感觉。尽够我的想象力在那里游牧的了。 改译:尽管从我的门边一眼望去,视野比较狭窄,但是我却没有感觉到拥挤或局促,一点也没有。牧场有的是,由我想象好了。 评析:原译句法、逻辑不通,改译重新作了调整。,从我的门口望出去,视野虽不开阔,但我却并无感到拥挤或受限。我的想象如同那辽阔的草原。,5 The h
8、eroic books, even if printed in the character of our mother tongue, will always be in a language dead to degenerate times, and we must laboriously seek the meaning of each word and line, conjecturing a larger sense than common use permits out of what wisdom and valor and generosity we have. 误译:如果这些英
9、雄的诗篇是用我们自己那种语言印刷成书的,这种语言在我们这种品德败坏的时代也已变成死文字了;所以我们必须辛辛苦苦地找出每一行诗每一行字的原意来,尽我们所有的智力、勇武与力量,来寻思他们的原意,要比通常应用时更深更广的原来的意义。 改译:这些写英雄的书籍,即使用我们的母语印刷出来,在世风日下的时代也会变成一种僵死的文字,我们必须孜孜不倦地把每个单词和每句话的意思弄清楚,用我们具备的智慧、幻想和气量推断出比一般用法所允许的更广大的意义。 评析:英文原句有点饶舌,误译为了传达原意,也跟着绕,结果叫人不知所云。在翻译时必须把主谓语弄清楚才行。,本节练习四: 1 He was studying Greek
10、 sculpture of the primitive and classical periods. 2 The D. D. T. and rat extermination squads set to work. 3 The Red Army soldiers marched from the southeast to the northwest of Chinaacross some of the highest mountains and the greatest rivers of Asia. 4 The X-ray or post-mortem examination reveals
11、 many broken bones. 5 In 1945 he returned to his Paris museum and teaching posts.,6 What are the perspectives of the national liberation movement and the relations between China and the Third World countries? 7 But his titanic determination, his powerful mind and his fierce commitment to the mission
12、 of his class and the lofty principles of the Party overrode all physical handicaps. 8 If there were no gravity, you would not be able to talk or shout or hear anything at all. 9 I take it that Comrade Lee has gone for the tickets and we are to meet him at the theatre. 10 Your sentences should be direct and straightforward, not too long or too complicated for others to grasp easily.,