1、翻译理论与实践,英译汉,Translation, Translating, and Translators,What is translation? How to translate? (Behind the techniques) What makes a qualified professional translator?,What is translation?,Translation is the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language (the “source text“) and the production,
2、 in another language, of an equivalent text (the “target text,“ or “translation“) that communicates the same message.,Eugene A. Nida,Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of
3、style.,Alexander Fraser Tytler,A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.,Jakobson (1959):Three Types o
4、f Translation,Intralinguistic: an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language Interlinguistic(translation proper):an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of some other language Intersemiotic:an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal
5、sign system,Foreignization and Domestication,异化:指在翻译方法上迁就外来文化的特点,吸纳外语表达方式. 归化:指恪守本族文化的语言传统,回归地道的本族语表达方式。,评述:归化vs. 异化?,Spring, the sweet spring is the years pleasant king. T. Nash 春,甘美之春,一年之中的尧舜。郭沫若 原诗中的king是一般性说法,没有任何特殊的文化色彩,可是一旦变成了中国古代和平盛世代名词“尧舜”,就染上了强烈的汉民族色彩。,评述:归化vs.异化?,Curiosity enough, he proph
6、esied with oracular accuracy to the amazement of all. 说也奇怪,他像诸葛亮一样,料事如神,大家都惊讶不止。 “oracular” 的名词形式是“oracle”,在希腊神话中指“神示、神启”。这个译文中使用“诸葛亮”的人物典故太随意。 说也奇怪,他料事真准,像神启一样应验,让所有的人都惊讶不止。,在翻译中正确的做法,坚持“和而不同”(孔子语)的原则。“和”是为了不造成译语读者误解和费解;“不同”就是要尽量保持原文有代表性差异特征; 为了保留原文代表性差异,采用“直译夹注”、“直译加注”的方法。 如果“异化”的译法可能造成译语读者的误解,为了在
7、深层语义或语用意义对等,不妨采用“归化”的处理。,异化、归化举例,Youve got to have faith up your sleeve, otherwise you wont succeed. 你必须袖里藏有自信,否则你不会成功(异化) 你必须有锦囊妙计,否则你不会成功(归化) 你必须心中充满自信,否则你不会成功的(“和而不同”),Some Examples of Domestication,as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠 at a stones throw一箭之遥 wet like a drown rat 湿如落汤鸡 as stupid as a goose 蠢得像猪
8、 as stubborn as a mule 犟得像牛 seek a hare in a hens nest 缘木求鱼 as dumb as an oyster 守口如瓶,Examples of Domestication,lead a dogs life 过着牛马一样的生活 cry up wine and sell vinegar 挂羊头,卖狗肉 put back the clock 开倒车 talk horse 吹牛 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵 drink like a fish 牛饮 Once the wife of a p
9、arson, always the wife of a parson. 嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。,直译与意译,直译和意译是翻译中最常见的问题。也是最主要的两个翻译方法。所谓直译,就是既保持原文内容、又保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。译文的语言(或目的语)与原文的语言(或原语)常常拥有相同的表达形式来体现同样的内容,并能产生同样的效果。在这样的情况下,我们采用直译。所谓意译,就是只 保持原文内容、不保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。译文的语言(或目的语)与原文的语言(或原语)在许多情况下并不拥有同样的表达形式来体现同样的内容,更谈不上产生同样的效果。在这种情况下,一般采用意译为好。 例句: I t
10、alked to him with brutal frankness. (1)我同他谈话用粗暴的坦率。(逐词翻译) (2)我同他谈话时,使用了令人不快的真诚的语言。(直译) (3)我对他讲的话,虽然逆耳,却是忠言。(意译) 2. His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night. (1)他的烦恼不能承受夜晚宁静的美丽。(逐词翻译) (2)他的烦恼经不起这宁静的良宵美景的感染。(直译) (3)面对这宁静的良宵美景,他的烦恼不禁涣然冰释了。(意译),Literal Translation and Free Trans
11、lation,短文翻译 (学生课堂讨论) As we topped the hill, the clouds lifted and the harbour looked most beautiful in its semicircle of hills and half-lights. The colour of a pale pearl grey and of a fairy texture. Quite indescribable and unpaintable, the air crisp and fresh. This Arctic scenery has a beauty which
12、 is the exact antithesis of the Christmas card of tradition. Soft, melting half-tones. Nothing brittle or garish. 当我们上到山顶时,云升上去了,海港在半圆形的小山中和半明半暗中,看起来最美。苍白珍珠灰的颜色和仙境般的特征,是非常难以形容和描绘的。空气是清新和爽快的。北极地区的风景有一种美丽,那与传统圣诞节卡片适成对照。它们柔和而动人得象照相铜版,没有什么易碎的或太花哨的东西。 第一种译法不拘泥于原文形式,处理得比较灵活。它根据上下文的意思加了一些字,把句子联结得十分自然,如在翻译时
13、加了“雾散”,成为“云消雾散”。在第二句话的前面加了“这一带充满着”。这些意思符合原文精神实质,这种加法是容许的。第二种译法太机械了,一字对一字,不敢越出原文一步。根本原因在于对原文食而不化,没有完全吃透。,参考译文,我们到了山顶,云消雾散,只见海港在围成半圆形的小山丛中,朦朦胧胧,煞是好看。这一带充满着珍珠似的银灰色,宛如仙境,无法形容,也无法描绘。空气清新宜人。这北极地区景色之美,同传统的圣诞节卡片适成对照,它浓淡交融,光影柔和,清雅绝俗。,Literal Translation or Free Translation?,When I had satisfied the first sha
14、rpness of hunger, I could eat no more. 意译在最初的强烈饥饿感满足以后,我就再也吃不下去了。 Thus, I imagine, must the pious feel cleansed on leaving the confessional after the solemnity of absolution. 意译我想,虔诚的信徒在参加庄严的忏悔仪式之后离开忏悔室时,一定也是这样感到自己圣洁了。,Free Translation,The great scientists are often men of supernormal vitality which
15、 enables them to retain a freshness of outlook and enterprise even into their old age. 意译伟大的科学家往往具有超人的活力,因此,即令到了晚年,他们还保有新颖的观点和朝气蓬勃的事业心。 Watch out for Harlow, hes full of mickey mouse ideas. 字面意义要小心哈洛,他满脑子都是米老鼠的想法。 意译要提防着点哈洛,他满脑子歪门邪道。(下流、不高明的看法),Literal Translation or Free Translation?,Her father was
16、 very fond of Hughie, but would not hear of any engagement. 直译她的父亲很喜欢休希,但不愿意听到任何订婚的事。 意译她的父亲很喜欢休希,但一提到订婚的事他就不干。 A good teacher should have his head in the clouds sometimes, but his feet always on the ground. 字面意义一个好老师的头有时要放在云层中,但他的脚应该永远站在地上。 意译好老师有时应该富于幻想,但时时刻刻必须从实际出发。,直译vs意译,Dont take the low-fat l
17、abel as a license to eat. 不能因为食品标明低脂肪,而敞开食用。 别把标有“低脂肪”的标签看成是可“敞开食用”的许可证。,分析,原句写得精彩诙谐,主要体现在label和license两个词的使用。这两个词,一大一小,一轻一重,前呼后应,幽默风趣,更兼有头韵之美。再读第一种译法,发觉原句文采顿失!首先,祁使语气不见了,且口吻也与原句大相径庭,使人联想到一副板着面孔的形象。这是因为第一种译法只注重了翻译的内容,忽略了翻译的形式,将label和license这两个全句的中心,最具有神韵的词统统丢弃,使得原句中诙谐幽默的口吻荡然无存,实在遗憾!这种译法的遗憾再次证明:翻译须形神
18、兼顾。,当然,第二种译法也有遗憾,比如,原句中的精彩头韵low-label/label/license实在无法译出。,第一节 词类转换法,The abuse of basic human rights in their own country in violation of the agreement reached at Helsinki earned them the condemnation. 他们违反在赫尔辛基达成的协议,在国内侵犯基本人权,因此受到了各地热爱自由的人们的谴责。 (Cf. Freedom-loving people everywhere condemned them b
19、ecause they violated the agreement reached at Helsinki and abused basic human rights in their own country. ),词类转换法补充练习及参考译文,There are stories too of early African voyages to America. 另外,还有一些传说,谈到非洲人最初航海到美洲来的情形。 His drawing of children is exceptionally good. 他画小孩尤其擅长。他的小孩画特别好。(有歧义:一是他很善于画小孩,二是收藏了一些很好
20、的小孩画。) O. Henry is the creator of a new short story genre in literature. 欧亨利在文学上创造了短篇小说的一种新体裁。欧亨利是文学上短篇小说的一种新体裁的创造者。,词类转换补充练习,They were the prime movers in all the exploration of the period. 这个时期所有的大探险事业主要是由他们推动的。 The international food shortage had a direct impact on Kuwait and other barren desert
21、countries. 由于世界普遍缺乏粮食,这就直接影响到科威特和其他不毛的沙漠国家。 The presence of the Indians here at the time of Columbus arrival being sufficient proof of it. 在哥伦布来到美洲的时候,此地已经有了印地安人,仅凭这个事实,就足以证明这一点。 We were all concerned with serious contemporary problems, especially the Middle East question and the continuation of the
22、 cruel war in Viet-Nam. 我们都十分关切当前的重大问题,特别是中东问题和仍在进行的残酷的越南战争。,词类转换法补充练习及参考译文,Public opinion was against the proposal. 舆论都反对这个提议。 All the suggestions Ive made are for your reference only. 所提意见,仅供参考。 South Africa has refused to heed the legitimate appeal of the United Nations for co-operation. 南非无视联合国要
23、求合作的正当呼吁。 that we here highly resolve, that this nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 所以我们应在这里表示最大的决心; 这个国家在上帝保佑下,一定要获得自由的新生;而这个政府也一定要民有、民治、民享,才不会从地球上消失。 Wisely, you made no attempt to
24、have this problems discussed by the General Assembly, believing that they should be dealt with elsewhere. 你非常明智,没有试图让大会讨论这些问题,而认为应在其他场合解决。,词类转换法补充练习,Upon reading its report (A/6897) we are sadly and regretfully forced to admit that the United Nations Council for South West Africa has failed lamentab
25、ly in discharging its functions and that its work has been a total failure. 读了理事会的报告(A /6897), 我们感到很难过,也感到很遗憾,不得不承认联合国西南非洲理事会未能履行其职责,实在是一件可悲的事;因此,我们不得不承认它的工作是彻底失败了。(读了理事会我们难过地和遗憾地不得不承认理事会令人惋惜地未能履行其职责,而且它的工作是彻底失败的。),短文翻译:,Every child in Britain must by law receive full-time education from the age of
26、five to fifteen. If a child fails to attend school, a school Attendance Officer will come to his house to find out why, and if there is no good reason the parents may be prosecuted. But the parents themselves have a certain amount of choice as to what school the child goes to in fact they could educ
27、ate the child themselves if they wished, provided their time-table, methods and equipment were approved by an inspector. 英国法律规定,5至15岁的所有儿童均要接受全日制教育。如有适龄儿童不上学,负责学龄儿童入学事务的教育官员就会登门查询原因。如无充分理由,学生家长有可能受到起诉。至于送孩子去何类学校,家长有一定能够的选择权。事实上,如果学生家长愿意,他们可以自己承担教育子女的责任,只要检查官批准他们的教学计划、教学方法和教学设施即可。,第二节 重复法,一般说来,除非有意强调
28、或出于修辞的需要,英语总的倾向是尽量避免重复。讲英语的人对于随意重复相同的音节、词语或句式往往感到厌烦。为了避免文章单调乏味,英语写作时要尽量避免重复。除了使用代词外,同一个所指,常常要用同义词来表示。汉语则不怕重复,重复并不会给人单调乏味的感觉。相反,如果使用得当,重复可以起反复强调的作用,还可以增强文章的思想性和战斗性。这正是汉语修辞的一种手法排比。 例句:If an atom contains three protons, it must have three electrons to be electrically neutral. 如果一个原子含有三个质子,这个原子必然有三个电子,使
29、之不带电荷。,重复法,Tesss excitable heart beat against his by way of reply and there they stood upon the red-brick floor of the entry, the sun slanting in by the window upon his back, as he held her tightly to his breast; upon her inclining face, upon the blue veins of her temple, upon her naked arm, and her
30、 neck, and into the depths of her hair. (64词),重复法练习参考译文,苔丝那颗容易激动的心,紧靠在克莱的心上,怦怦直跳,表示反响。于是两个就站在穿堂里的红砖地上,克莱把苔丝紧紧地搂在怀里,日光从窗户眼儿斜着射了进来,射到克莱的脊背上,同时射到苔丝侧垂着的脸上,射到她的太阳穴的青筋上,射到她露着的胳膊和脖子上,又深深射进她那又多又厚的头发里。,第三节 正反反正翻译法,英语和汉语均有从正面或反面来表达一种概念的现象。如果原文从反面表达直译出来不合乎译语习惯,就可考虑从正面表达,反之亦然。使用哪种方法,主要看译语表达习惯及修辞效果而定。正反翻译法例句: He
31、rb may be dying somewhere, calling out for his mum and dad, and only strangers around him. 赫伯也许正在什么地方快死了,嘴里喊着爹妈,而周围连一个亲人也没有。 反正翻译法例句:We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life. 我们要永远对生活抱乐观态度。,第四节 抽象与具体转换法,中西思维方式的一个重要差异,是西方人喜欢抽象,中国人喜欢具体。英语中有许多概念抽象的词语,译成汉语时宜以实的形式表达英语中虚的概念,以具体的形象表达抽象的内容,才能做到通
32、顺易懂。 例句1: From this employment she suddenly desisted. 她突然停止了活动(董秋斯翻译)。(董秋斯译文失之过泛) 掏着掏着忽然打住了(张谷若翻译)。(张谷若先生的译文化一般为特殊,在翻译方法属于“深化”) 例句2: Society then had not lost its exclusiveness nor its brilliance. 当时上流社会还有一些才华出众的人物,而且依然壁垒森然,不容下层人涉足。(具体到人和事),抽象与具体转换法,Such were the kind of lamentations resounding perp
33、etually through Longbourn-house. 浪搏恩这家人家的两位小姐,就是这样没完没了地长吁短叹。 “The catalogue is imperfect; many of the best books have been added to the collection lately.” “Can you spare half an hour to explain the arrangement to me?” “图书目录是不完全的;最近又新添了许多很好的新书。” “你能不能花半个钟头把编目的方法给我解释一下?”,抽象与具体转换法,But my mother had no
34、t passed this way for years. And the slimness and the stride were long past, too. 但是,母亲已经很多年没有走这条路了。苗条的倩影和宽阔的步伐已不可复睹。 The basilica is a conglomeration of contrary styles and periods. 这座王宫把不同时期的不同建筑风格融为一体。,翻译练习,Clinton had remained coy since election night, maintaining a low profile in Little Rock, A
35、rkansas, and emerging mostly for photo opportunities. (Time) 大选后之夜,克林顿先躲在阿肯色州小石城,不愿露面,偶尔出来也多半是为了有机会拍照而已。 The bitter conflict has given him a high profile. 这场激烈的冲突提高了他的知名度。 He is very kind and good, but he scarcely ever speaks to me. 他人也好,心也好,可是从来不睬我。 He had surfaced with less visibility in the polic
36、y decisions. 在决策过程中,他已经不那么抛头露面了。,抽词拆译法补充练习,All the way along the line, from the border right up to Peking, as far as the eye could see, the countryside was literally covered up with a green carpet of growing crops, holding a promise of bumper harvests.,参考译文,从边境到北京,一路上沿铁路线极目纵观,但见农村到处是茁壮的庄稼,仿佛铺上一块绿地毯,
37、这说明丰收在望了。,第六节 增词与减词,在翻译中有时译者不得不在原文的基础上略有增减或故意重复某些词。因此,英汉翻译中增词法和减词法使用得异常频繁。不过,增减重复时有一条金科玉律:增词不增意,减词不减意。 增词例句:The first black president (New Yorker) 第一个与黑人关系密切的总统(作者想表示克林顿特别重视黑人利益并与黑人有特别密切的关系) 减词例句:“Remember: you are not any old Tom, Dick or Harry giving his opinion. Youre a man who was sent as a repr
38、esentative of the British Government.” (译文中删去了“are a man who” 不翻译,语气干脆而有力。如勉强译出:“你是作为英国政府派出的一个代表的人”,反而显得欧化。顺便说一下,old Tom, Dick or Harry最好不要用“张三、李四、王五”来翻译。有人以为其通俗程度正好相等。殊不知“张三、李四”的民族色彩太浓厚,太过于归化。),第七节物称与人称转换,Not a sound reached our ears. (A. S. Hornby) 我们没有听到任何声音。 A great elation overcame them. 他们欣喜若狂
39、。 Alarm began to take entire possession of him. (W. Thackeray) 他开始变得惊恐万状。 The news that greeted us in Guangzhou and our visits later to various places turned anxiety into joy. 通过在广州的见闻以及随后在各地的访问,我们的忧虑已化为喜欢。 His addition completed the list. 把他添上,名单就齐全了。,物称与人称转换练习,But the thought of a definite rupture
40、 had never come to him, and even now could not lodge itself in his mind. 但是他没有想到她要和她决裂,直到此刻还是没摸着她的意思。 The morrow produced no abatement of Mrs. Bennets ill humour or ill health. 班纳特太太直到第二天还是同样不高兴,身体也没有复原。 It is time you boy was sent to school. 现在你该送儿子上学了。 It is requested that every guest should bring
41、 a gift with him. 请每位客人各带一份礼物来参加。 It is unbearable for me to work in this dreadful heat. 在这种盛暑中工作我受不了。,物称与人称练习,Unfortunately, the want of his family had kept him from school, and he seemed to feel the loss. 不幸得很,他因家庭贫困,不能上学,他似乎痛切地感到这种损失。 He had given all up for lost, when the appearance of a distant
42、 sail raised his hope of rescue. 他全然断了念,以为是没命了;但是因为见到了远方的帆影,他又生出了一种得救的希望。,第八节 形合与意合,所谓形合,指的是句中的词语或分句之间用语言形式手段(如关联词)连接起来,表达语法意义和逻辑关系。英语造句主要采用形合法。 所谓意合,指的是词语或分句之间不用语言形式手段连接,句中的语法意义和逻辑关系通过词语或分句的含义表达。汉语造句主要采用意合法。英语造句离不开这些关系词和连接词,汉语则少用甚至不用这类词。 例句: Laura wished now that she was not holding that piece of b
43、read-and-butter, but there was nowhere to put it and she couldnt possibly throw it away. 这时劳拉宁愿手里没有这块涂上黄油的面包,拿着又没有地方放,又不可能扔掉。,形合与意合,As the doctor increased in wealth, he began to extend his possessions, and to look forward, like other great men, to the time when he should retire to the repose of a c
44、ountry-seat. - W. Irving 医生一发了财,就开始来增购房地产,也像其他的大人物一样期待着老后退休到乡下的别墅去颐养余年。,翻译练习,The singing of birds, indeed, has many advantages over the singing of human beings. One is that every bird can sing its own song while other birds are singing other songs all around it and that yet, as we listen, we have no
45、 impression of disharmony. - R. Lynd 鸟的歌唱诚然胜过人的歌唱。其优点之一,则为每一只鸟当别的鸟在它周围唱着别的歌的时候,仍能唱它自己的歌,使我们听去,而毫无不和谐的感觉。,形合与意合,Why, only last week, when they were riding home at twilight from Fairhill, he had said: “I have something so important to tell you that I hardly know to say it.” 还不过是上礼拜的事,他们在暮色苍茫中从妙峰山骑马回家,
46、他还对她说:“思嘉,我有一桩非常要紧的事告诉你,我正不知道怎么说才好呢。”,形合与意合,If you give him an inch, he will take a mile. 得寸进尺。 When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west; when things are dark in the south there is still light in the north. 东方不亮西方亮,黑了南方有北方。 “Contrary, then,” answered another, in deep but softened tones.
47、“And now, kiss me, for minding so well.” (E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights) “那好,相反,”另一个人以深沉而柔和的语调答道。“那就亲亲我吧,我学得这么用心。”,第九节 视点转换法,视点转换是指重组原语信息的表层形式,从与原语不同或者相反的角度来传达同样的信息。采用这种手段的原因是原语和译语文化之间存在认知、思维习惯及其表达方式等方面的差异。翻译时,正面表达不通顺,不妨从反面着笔,以求尽量发挥翻译技巧灵活多变的特点。 例句:Mama pursed her lips. “We do not,” she reminded us ge
48、ntly, “want to have to go to the bank.” We all shook our heads. 妈妈噘起嘴,轻轻提醒我们说:“咱们最好别动用银行存款。”我们大家点点头。,被动语态,The garden in which the cottage stood was surrounded by a wall, and could only be entered through a door. 草房所在的那个庭院,四面有墙环绕,只有一个门内外相通。It is generally considered not advisable to act that way. 大家认
49、为这样做是不妥当的。,翻译练习,The weight, measure, marks, numbers, quality, contents and value, being particulars furnished by the Shipper, are not checked by the Carrier on loading. 重量、尺码、唛头、号数、品质、内容和价值是托运人提供的,承运人在装船时并未核对。,用前置法翻译定语从句,This is the soldier who just returned from the front. Those who sacrifice thems
50、elves for the peoples cause are the real heroes of history. Oxygen is a gas which unites with many substances. He was not at ease with those who made diplomacy their profession, particularly ambassdors.,用后置法中重复先行词方式翻译下列句子,The great inviolate place had the ancient permanence which the sea cannot claim. Hell show her the place where they could make her look a proper dame for next to nothing. He made the sound of sympathy which comes so readily from those who have an independent income.,