1、1,考研翻译特训,颉斌斌,兰州新东方学校,兰州新东方学校,2,a.考研英语是中国大陆组织的最难的英语考试b.考研翻译是考研英语中最难一部分c.大多数非英语专业的学生,未接受翻译训练,一,考研翻译的现状,3,二.翻译的标准,“主要考察考生准确理解内容或结构复杂的英语材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇400字的文章,并将5个划线部分(约150 单词)译成汉语,要求 译文准确、完整、通顺。”考试大纲,4,清代启蒙思想家严复(18531921),从光绪24年(1898年到1911年),共13年潜心翻译, 在天演论卷首的译例言中,提出了著名的“信、达、雅”的翻译标准。,严复:信达雅;傅雷:神似;钱钟书:化境,
2、5,三,考生常见的问题,1,是否有必要去通读全文? 2,翻译有误是不是得零分? 3,怎样超过平均分? 4,怎样获得一个高分?,6,1,是否有必要去通读全文?,不能仔仔细细去读全文!( 1、时间不够,2、会受打击。)划线句子有两处需要阅读:划线句子的上下文两种情况需要读上下文:划线句子中有代词碰到句子中有生词,7,2,翻译有误是不是得零分?,救命策略:2.5分!,8,3,怎样超过平均分?,基本分(3.5-6),1,主干优先2,短句优先,9,4,怎样获得一个高分?(6),1,句子结构的翻译(宏观) 定语从句状语从句被动结构名词性从句 2,词的翻译(微观) 词意的引申、词性的转换、词的增加和减少 3
3、,熟悉英汉差异(灵魂) 被动变主动、抽象化为具体、 省略的东西补充、代词译成名词,“得意忘形” 动词翻译要传神 名词翻译要灵活 代词翻译要还原形容词翻译要专一,10,翻译不是一种语言中的词语和语句结构到另一种语言的词语和语句结构的简单转换,也不是在另一种语言中寻找与一种语言中对等的词语和语句结构然后将其串接成句的过程。Not word to word but notion to notion.,四,翻译认识误区,11,Good good study ,Day day up. 陈皮: Chens skin =orange peels 人山人海:people mountain people sea
4、 =a sea of people 穷光蛋:poor light egg =pauper 哪儿凉快哪儿呆着 where cool where you stay! =Stay where you are. 1500块一个月,包吃包住:1500 per month, eat you, sleep you. =1500 one month,food and dwelling included,案 例,12,Chinglish VS. Engnese,案 例,13,Chinglish VS. Engnese,案 例,14,Chinglish VS. Engnese,案 例,15,案 例,16,17,案
5、 例,18,19,Chinglish VS. Engnese,案 例,20,Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.(2003年62) “社会科学是那个智力询问的分支,它寻找研究人类
6、和他们的努力。在同样自然的、有序的、系统的方式下,自然科学家也用智力询问的方式来研究自然现象。”,Chinglish VS. Engnese,案 例,21,There will be television chat shows hosted by robots,and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.(2001年71)有的考生看到这句话很短,感觉翻译起来比较容易。在没有深入理解句子的情况下,写出这样的译文:“将会有机器人控制的电视聊天节目,以及带有污染监视器的汽车在冒犯时,司机就不能工作了
7、。”看这样的译文,无异于看天书 。,案 例,22,五,什么是翻译?,Translation is the faithful representation of one language into another language on the basis of accurate understanding.翻译是在准确理解的基础上用一种语言来忠实的表达另一种语言。,23,英汉语言差异,借用庄绎传在汉英翻译500例(1980)一书中说过的话,对英、汉语的根本区别做一个小结:“我感觉汉语的句子结构好比一根竹子,一节一节地连下去,而英语的句子结构好比一串葡萄,主干可能很短,累累的果实附着在上面。”
8、英语句子紧、长、“绕”,汉语句子松、短、“直”。,24,1. 英语重形合,汉语重意合 a. 英语:形合(通过形式上紧密结合在一起的) b. 汉语:意合(通过意义上紧密结合在一起的) 翻译时,先看一句话的连接词和引导词,理解它的语法结构和逻辑结构。,25,I bought six pens which cost me thirty yuan. When I took them back home, I found they were second hand. 我买了六支钢笔,一共三十元。拿回家一看,都是用过的。 我买了六支钢笔,(这六支钢笔)一共三十元。(当我把它们)拿回家一看,(我发现钢笔)都
9、是用过的。,26,2.英语多长句,汉语多短句 In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours. 门口放着至少有十二把五颜六色大小不一的雨伞。 门口放着一堆雨伞,少说有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一。翻译时把长句变短句,27,3.英语多被动,汉语多主动 英语的语言多被动文章多为学术论文,客观性。汉语的语言多主动化被动为主动(“主动出击”),28,It is said that 据说It is believed that 据认为It is reported that 据报道It is estimated tha
10、t 据估计It must be pointed out that 必须指出It must be admitted that 必须承认It has been found that 实践证明It is suggested that 有人建议It is agreed that 人们同意,29,It is imagined that人们认为 It can not be denied that不可否认 It will be seen from this that由此可知 It should be realized that必须认识到 It is(always)stressed that人们(总是)强调
11、It is(generally)considered that大家(普遍)认为 It may be said without fear of exaggeration that可以毫不夸张地说,30,4. 英语多抽象,汉语多具体 a. 英语的语言是抽象的 b. 汉语的语言是具体的 化抽象为具体:增加表范畴、表概念的词,解释具体。增加依据: 根据汉语习惯。,31,evolution 进化 in evolution finding n. 发现 report their finding tension ease the tension in the Middle East Must The Grea
12、t Wall is a must for tourists. past look into the past 看到过去的现象/情况/景象。,32,5. 英语多简洁,汉语多重复 They began to study and analyze the situation of the enemy. 他们开始研究敌情、分析敌情。,33,6. 英语右扩展,汉语左扩展 (英语前重心,汉语后重心) 昨天下午三点钟我在东方红广场附近的百货大楼花了50元买了一条裤子。 I bought a pair of trousers at the cost of 50 yuan in Department Store
13、near Dongfanghong Square at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon.,34,那个女孩很漂亮。 The girl was very beautiful. 我昨天碰到的那个女孩很漂亮。 The girl I met yesterday was very beautiful. 我昨天在电影院里面碰到的那个女孩很漂亮。 The girl I met in the cinema yesterday was very beautiful. 我昨天在电影院里面碰到的那个穿了一身红女孩很漂亮。 The girl in red that I met in the c
14、inema yesterday was very beautiful.,35,总结:把被动变主动变化处理成重复把抽象化为具体把省略的东西补充把代词译成名词,36,六,分析句子结构,首先判断句子是什么句型,二是弄清句子的主干在哪里 英语句型分为两大类:简单句(没有从句);复合句(有从句的句子),A does B. A leaves. A gives B sth. A tells B to do sth. * There is A A is B.,英文中简单句的六大句型,37,他看书。,长难句:就是对简单句增加修饰成分无限扩展下去!(考点),困倦的他在看一本旧书。,一夜没睡的困倦的他目光呆滞地在看
16、成一个个的“基因”,然后是:()抽筋留骨去皮毛:先找出英语句子中的主要成分主、谓、宾语或主、系、表(“筋骨”),先不管次要的成分定、状语(“皮毛”);,40,(2)接骨连筋添皮毛:按照汉语的句法结构,先把主、谓、宾语或主、系、表(筋骨)放在正确的位置上(即“接骨连筋”),得出一个汉语大骨架,再加上定语和状语(“添皮毛”)。此法最保险、忠实,尤其适用于想在短期内找到感觉的考生。,41,Creating a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the
17、connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice.(05年49题),42,()抽筋留骨去皮毛:Creating a “European identity” (主语) is no easy task and (系表结构)demands a strategic choice(谓宾结构),43,(2)接骨连筋添皮毛:第一步:按照汉语句法结构(与英语一样),将上句译为: 创造一个 “欧洲品牌”绝非易事,需要战略性的选择。评论:上述句子,英、汉语句法结构完全相同(同序),很容易掌握。
18、,44,第二步:按照汉语的“定语总在名词前”的句法要求,把that respects the different cultures and traditions定语译出,放在中心词“European identity”之前,得出“创造一个尊重不同文化和传统的“欧洲品牌”绝非易事,需要战略性选择。”由于which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent是连环套定语从句,为避免中心词前的定语太复杂拗口,因此翻译时采用“定从若是连环套,择其后者单独译”的办法。,45,译文:创造一个尊重不同文化和传统的“欧洲品牌”绝非易事,需要
19、战略性选择。正是/就是/而这些文化和传统组成了连接欧洲大陆的纽带。,46,拆分点: 1.连词(and, or, but, yet, for等并列连词连接并列句;when, as, since, until, before, after, where, because, since, though, although, so that) 2.引导词(that, which , who) 3.介词 (on, in, with, at, of, to),考研翻译的最重要的技能拆分,47,4.分词 (现在分词、过去分词) 5.to (不定式常常构成不定式短语作修饰语) 6.标点(标点符号常常断开句子的
20、主干和修饰部分,也是一个明显的拆分点) 注意:单个的单词不拆分出来:比如you and I. 不用断开。,“非常6+1”,48,Creating a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice.(05年49题),“连词与动词配比原则”: n:n-1 n个谓语动词,n-1个连词,4
21、9,Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture” , like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding-03年65题,50,()抽筋留骨去皮毛:the anthropological concept of “culture,” (主语) is an abstract concept (系表结构),51,(2)接骨连筋添
22、皮毛:第一步:按照汉语句法结构(与英语一样),将上句译为: 人类学中的“文化”概念是一个抽象概念。,52,第二步:按照汉语的“定语总在名词前”或“单独译成句” 的句法要求,把which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding定语译出,放在中心词abstract concept之后,得出:“人类学中的“文化”概念是一个抽象概念,它使得大量的具体研究和理解成为可能。”,53,第三步:补上插入语“like the concept of “set” in mathematics”得出: 人类学中的“文化
23、”概念是一个抽象概念,就像数学中的“集”的概念一样,它使大量的具体研究和理解成为可能。” 人类学中的“文化”概念,就像数学中的“集”的概念一样,是一个抽象概念,它使大量的具体研究和理解成为可能。”,54,就像数学中的“集”的概念一样,人类学中的“文化”概念也是一个抽象概念,它使大量的具体研究和理解成为可能。”,55,Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed - and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect d
24、ifferent peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.(05年46题),56,()抽筋留骨去皮毛:Television is one of the means (主系表结构) and perhaps never before has it served so much (主谓宾结构),57,(2)接骨连筋添皮毛:第一步:按照汉语句法结构(与英语一样),将上句译为: 电视是手段之一,也许电视以前没有(起到)如此大的作用。,58,第二步:按照汉语的“定语总在名词前”的句法要求,把by which these feelings
25、are created and conveyed定语译出,放在中心词“the means ”之前,得出:“电视是制造和传递这种情感的手段之一”to connect different peoples and nations是不定式表示目的,是serve的具体内容,按汉语的习惯“在方面起作用”所以可移到前面;“so.as”是一个比较级结构,比较复杂,以单独拿出来译。,59,电视是制造和传递这种情感的手段之一,也许在此之前,在联系不同民族和国家上,电视从来没有像在欧洲最近的事件中那样起过如此重大的作用。电视是引发和传递这种情感的手段之一;在联系不同民族和国家方面,电视从来没有像在欧洲最近的事件中那
26、样起过如此重大的作用。,60,定语从句翻译要点: A.限定性定语从句: 信息量小时把定语前置,形成形容词结构的分句。 从句套从句、并列结构时后置,重复先行词。 B.非限定性定语从句: 独立成句,重复先行词。 将英语原文的复合句翻译成汉语的简单句,61,This is the reason why I am not in favour of revising the plan. 这就是我不赞成修改计划的原因。(信息量小) I must make full use of the time there is left to me and do as much as I can for the peo
27、ple. 我要充分利用我剩下的岁月,尽量为人民多做些事情。(信息量小),62,难点: 先行词+其他成分+定语从句,The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into the root.(1991阅读)先行词+其他定语+定语从句,63,there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex
28、ideas.(2005阅读)先行词+状语+定语从句,64,questions will arise which will require specific scientific answers.(1996)先行词+谓语部分+定语从句,65,Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner that natural s
29、cientists use for the study of natural phenomena.(2003年62),66,()抽筋留骨去皮毛:Social science (主语) is that branch of intellectual enquiry (系表结构),67,(2)接骨连筋添皮毛:第一步:按照汉语句法结构(与英语一样),将上句译为: 社会科学是那个智力询问的分支。 社会科学是那个知识探索/研究的分支。 社会科学是知识探索/研究(领域/方面)的分支。,68,第二步:按照汉语的“定语总在名词前”或“单独译成句” 的句法要求,把which seeks to study huma
30、ns and their endeavors定语译出,放在中心词intellectual enquiry之后,得出:它寻找研究人类和他们的努力它试图研究人类和他们的努力它试图研究人类和他们的行为/活动,69,第三步:方式状语“in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner”修饰谓语动词study,所以根据汉语思维“谓前为状谓后补 ”的顺序,可把“ inmanner”方式状语放在谓语study 前译出:它试图在理性的、有序的、系统的、冷静的方式下研究人类和他们的行为/活动,70,第四步:按照汉语的“定语总在名词前”或
31、“单独译成句” 的句法要求,把that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena定语译出:“自然科学家用这种方式研究自然现象” 放在中心词manner之前/之后,得出:,71,它试图像自然科学家研究自然现象一样,用理性的、有序的、系统的、冷静的方式研究人类和他们的行为/活动。它试图在理性的、有序的、系统的、冷静的方式下研究人类和他们的行为/活动,而自然科学家就是用这种方式研究自然现象。,72,译文:社会科学是知识探索/研究(领域/方面)的分支。它试图像自然科学家研究自然现象一样,用理性的、有序的、系统的、冷静的方式研究人
32、类和他们的行为/活动。社会科学是知识探索/研究(领域/方面)的分支。它试图在理性的、有序的、系统的、冷静的方式下研究人类和他们的行为/活动,而自然科学家就是用这种方式研究自然现象。,73,The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.( 2004年61 ),74,()抽筋留骨去
33、皮毛:The Greeks (主语) assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought (主谓宾结构),75,(2)接骨连筋添皮毛:第一步:按照汉语句法结构(与英语一样),将上句译为: 希腊人假定语言结构与思想过程存在某种联系。 希腊人认为语言结构与思维过程存在某种联系。,76,第二步:按照非限定性定语从句,独立成句,重复先行词的规则,把which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse la
34、nguages could be. 译出,放主句之后。 which took root in Europe 这种观点扎根在欧洲。这种观点在欧洲生了根。(谓前为状),77, long before people realized how diverse languages could be 早在人们认识到语言可能有多么不同之前 早在人们认识到语言的多样性之前,78, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be 这种观点早在人们认识到语言的多样性之前就已经在欧洲生了根。,7
35、9,译文: 希腊人认为语言结构与思维过程存在某种联系。这种观点早在人们认识到语言的多样性之前就已经在欧洲生了根。,80,We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished, as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages ( 2004年62),adv. 后来 conj. 既然,因为 prep. 自从,81,()抽筋留骨去皮毛:We (主语) are oblige
36、d to them (主谓宾结构),两种情况需要读上下文:,82,Two anthropologistslinguists,Franz Boas and Edward Sapir,were pioneers in describing many native languages of North and South America during the first half of the twentieth century. (62)We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished,as the
37、 peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages.,83,(2)接骨连筋添皮毛:第一步:按照汉语句法结构(与英语一样),将上句译为: 我们感激他们,84,第二步:译出because 引导的原因状语从句because some of these languages have since vanished,as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native lan
38、guages. 译出,放主句之后。 because some of these languages have since vanished因为其中一些语言已经消失,85, as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages. 做原因状语丛句因为说这些语言的民族消亡或者被同化或者失去自己的本族语言。,86, because some of these languages have since vanished,as the peoples who spoke th
39、em died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages因为说这些语言的民族消亡或者被同化或者失去自己的本族语言,所以其中一些语言从此已经消失了。(英语中心在前,汉语中心在后),87,译文:我们感激他们,因为说这些语言的民族消亡或者被同化或者失去自己的本族语言,所以其中一些语言从此已经消失了。 我们感激他们,因为随着说这些语言的民族消亡或者被同化或者失去自己的本族语言,其中一些语言从此已经消失了。,88,(63)The newly described languages were often so strikingly
40、different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.,89,()抽筋留骨去皮毛:63)The newly described languages (主语) were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia (主系表结构),
41、90,(2)接骨连筋添皮毛:第一步:按照汉语句法结构(与英语一样),将上句译为: 最新描述的语言显著的不同于研究的很好的欧洲语言和东南亚语言。最新研究的语言和经过充分研究的欧洲语言和东南亚语言之间有着显著的不同。,91,第二步:译出that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data. 一些学者甚至指责波尔斯( Boas )和萨皮尔( Sapir )的资料是编出来的。 译文:最新研究的语言和经过充分研究的欧洲语言和东南亚语言之间显有着显著的不同,以至于一些学者甚至指责波尔斯( Boas )和萨皮尔( S
42、apir )的资料是编出来的。,92,(64)Being interested in the relationship of language and thought, Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society.,93,()抽筋留骨去皮毛:Whorf (主语) developed the idea (主谓宾结构),94,Develop an energy policy Develop the business
43、Develop the a close relationship with sb Develop the land near the railway station Develop new facts Develop a film Develop a device,制定能源政策扩大业务揭示新的事实 冲洗胶卷 研制出一种装置,95,(2)接骨连筋添皮毛:第一步:按照汉语句法结构(与英语一样),将上句译为: 沃尔夫(Whorf)发展了这样一种观点。沃尔夫(Whorf)形成了/提出了这样一种观点。,96,第二步:译出Being interested in(用分词短语表原因) 引导的原因状语从句Bei
44、ng interested in the relationship of language and thought:“由于对语言和思维的关系感兴趣” 由于对语言和思维的关系感兴趣,沃尔夫(Whorf)形成了这样一种观点,97,沃尔夫(Whorf)由于对语言和思维的关系感兴趣,所以他形成/提出这样一种观点。 that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society 语言结构决定习惯思维结构在一个社会中。 在一个社会中语言结构决定习惯性的思维模式。,98,译文: 沃尔夫(Whor
45、f)由于对语言和思维的关系感兴趣,所以他形成/提出了这样一种观点,在一个社会中语言结构决定习惯性的思维模式。 沃尔夫(Whorf)由于对语言和思维的关系感兴趣,所以他形成/提出了这样一种观点,即(那就是/用破折号/冒号)在一个社会中语言结构决定习惯性的思维模式。,99,(65) Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patter
46、ns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society.,100,)抽筋留骨去皮毛:Whorf (主语) came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism (主谓宾结构),101,(2)接骨连筋添皮毛:第一步:按照汉语句法结构(与英语一样),将上句译为: 沃尔夫(Whorf)逐渐相信了某种语言决定论。沃尔夫(Whorf)逐渐接受了某种语言决定论的观点,102,第二步:译出which, in its strongest form,
47、states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society. which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind这种观点在最极端的时候认为:语言束缚思想。这种观点在最极端的条件下认为:语言束缚思想。,103, and that the grammatical
48、patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society语言的语法方式 可产生意义深远的结果对于社会的文化来说。语言的语法结构 可对于社会文化产生意义深远的影响。,104, which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching conseque
49、nces for the culture of a society. 这种观点在最极端的条件下认为:语言束缚思想,语言的语法结构 可对于社会文化产生意义深远的影响。,105,译文:沃尔夫(Whorf)逐渐接受了某种语言决定论的观点,这种观点在最极端的条件下认为:语言束缚思想,语言的语法结构 可对于社会文化产生意义深远的影响。,106,知识点归纳:状语从句翻译要点 1.遵循直译,顺序翻译。 2.先翻从句,后翻主句。 状语结构 a.时间、方式、地点状语翻译在主语之后,动词之前 b.时间状语结构在前,地点状语结构在后 c.具有概括性的状语,即:修饰整句的状语从句或者状 语结构,要提到句子前面去翻译。,