1、Lecture 8 视角的转换DefinitionShift of perspectives:The rearrangement of the form of the information expressed in the original from a different angle or even the other way round in order to make the translated version more expressive and idiomatic. 翻译在很大程度上不仅是语言的交流,更是文化之间的交流。由于英、汉语在产生的背景、经历的历史上有很大的不同,许多文
2、化的观察视角也就有了很大区别。What we lose in hake we shall have in herring. 失之东隅,收之桑榆。 在此例中原句用了 hake(鳕鱼)和 herring(鲱鱼)两种鱼来表示,因为历史上西方人以航海捕鱼闻名,各种鱼类对他们而言是非常必需的,从中就可以看出西方人的生活习惯。但如果直译成 “我们从鳕鱼中失去的将会从鲱鱼中得到 ”,中国读者就不明其意了。如果换成中国人熟悉的 “东隅 ”“桑榆 ”两个词,就能达到意义上的对等,中国读者便能很清楚地了解这句话所传达的意思。一、形象转换( Shifts of Image) 在成语和比喻修辞的翻译中,视角转换常体现
3、在形象转换中。形象的转换是指将原语中不符合译语文化的形象转换为译语文化中惯用的形象,使读者不致产生理解上的困难或误解。 fish in the air 水中捞月 make a wild goose chase 缘木求鱼 drink like a fish 牛饮 此例举出了一个中英语言文化上的差异,原文是指喝得又快又多,但如果译成 “像鱼一样喝水 ”则显得生涩难懂,不符合汉语的习惯表达。译为 “牛饮 ”则既未改变原文意义,又以 “牛 ”的形象作为补偿,没有减损原文的比喻夸张效果。 值得注意的是,有些英语的习惯表达在形式形象上与汉语极为相似,是译者很容易联想到汉语的习惯表达,如 move heav
4、en and earth翻天覆地 ?想方设法二、正反转换( negation) 正反转换是最主要的视角转换类型之一, 意即对那些正面译不通顺的英语表达从反面来译,从反面译不通顺的从正面来译,出于对译语优势、可接受性和可读性方面的考虑,而舍弃形式方面的意义对等,保留内容方面的意义对等。正说反译1. 名词1) There was a complete absence of information on the oil deposit in that area.人们对于该地区的石油储藏情况,一 无 所知。2) All international disputes must be settled th
5、rough negotiation and the avoidance of any armed conflicts.一切国际争端应通过谈判 而不是 武装冲突来解决。3) He is anything but a musician.他根本 不 是当音乐家的料。4) Heaven will always leave a door open.天 无 绝人之路 。Every cloud has a silver lining.5) Herb died with only strangers around him.赫伯死时,身边 一个亲人也没有 。6) That building is in a st
6、ate of neglect.那座大楼一直处于 无 人管理的状态。7) She made a great show of reluctance, but finally accepted our offer.他对我们的建议做出极 不 满意的样子,但最后还是接受了。8) Never concentrate all your attention on one or two problems to the exclusion of others.别把注意力集中在一两个问题上,而 不顾 其它问题。2. 动词1) The beauty of Mt. Fuji passes all power of de
7、scription.2) 富士山的旖旎风光 无法 用语言形容。3) 2) The plan leaves much to be desired.该计划有许多 不足 的地方亟待改进。3) Disaster wears many masks.大难临头 , 人们往往觉察 不出 。4) Please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a complete stop.飞机停稳前,请 不要 离开座位。5) Such a chance denied me.我 没有 得到这个机会。6) He was 75, but he carried his years l
8、ightly.他 75岁了,可是并 不显老 。7) His body is fine other than the paralysis, but he has told me that if it ever gives out he would be interested in having his head put on another body.除了四肢瘫痪以外,他的身体还算不错的,他已对我说过,身体 一旦不行 了,他愿意将自己的脑袋安在别人身上。8) She has missed out the sweet course. 那道甜食她已 不 吃了。3. 形容词1) The explana
9、tion is pretty thin.这个解释 站不住脚 。2) Now, Clara, be firm with the boy.听我说,克拉拉,对这孩子可 不能心软 。4) There is no doubt that the novel stands distinctly apart from her other novels in tone and moral message, though not in theme.无疑这部小说,与她的其它小说相比,主题未改,但情调与道德信仰却 全然不同 。5) An unfortunate person would be drowned in a
10、 tea cup.译文 1:倒霉的人会淹死在茶杯中。译文 2:倒霉的人经不起一点儿风波。4. 介词1) She modeled between roles.她 不 演戏时当模特。2) His answer is beside the mark.。他的回答文 不 对题。3) He seemed to be at a loss for the precise word to complete his thought.他似乎 想不出 恰当的字眼来表达思想。4) To visit them all is quite beyond the capacity, both mental and physic
11、al, of any visitor. 任何一个参观者要想把它们看个遍,在脑力和体力上都是 不可能 的。5) His conduct is above reproach. 他的行为 无 可指责。6) 连词1) She would have fallen but that I caught her in time.2) 要不是我及时抓住她 ,她早就摔倒了。2) I will see you dead before I accept your terms.见你的鬼去吧,我才不会接受你的条件呢。3) The soldiers would fight to death before they surr
12、endered.战士们宁愿战死也决不投降。4) In fact, the willingness to experiment is one of the most striking features of China today, and it seems to be rooted in confidences rather than security.事实上,敢于实验是今日中国最引人注目的特点之一,它来源于信心而不是出于稳定感。7. 副词1) Fully clothed, he fell across his bunk and was instantly sleep.他衣服也不脱往床铺上横着
13、一躺,很快就睡着了。2) He evidently thinks otherwise. 他显得有不同的想法。3) Japan has begun offering HDTV (high-definition television) on a limited basis, and some European countries will start within two years. The United States, yet to choose an official HDTV system, may lag slightly.日本已经开始在有限范围内提供高清晰度电视,有些欧洲国家也将在两年
14、以内开始。美国至今尚未选定法定的高清晰度电视制,因此可能会稍微落后一点。反说正译1. 名词1) The illiteracy rate declined from 30 4 percent in 1910 to 22 9 percent in 1920文盲率从 1910年的 30 4降低到 1920年的22 9。2) He showed a strong dislike for fathers business.他对他父亲的生意表现出强烈的厌恶。2. 动词1) At the same time, even as she untied the package, the thought came
15、to hersupposing they would not work? 就在她打开包的时候,她有一个念头:万一它们不灵验呢?2) The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations.虽经他一再解释,疑团仍然存在。3. 形容词1)The scientist must approach the familiar just as carefully and cautiously as he does the unfamiliar科学家在处理熟知的事物时,必须像处理陌生的事物一样小心谨慎。2) He was an indecisi
16、ve sort of person and always capricious.他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。4. 副词1) Everyone felt nervous that afternoon, and they all went about their work in an unusually careful manner那天下午,大家都感到紧张,干活时特别小心谨慎。2) The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him归国的念头始终萦绕在他的心中。习惯用法1. An opportunity is not
17、 likely to repeat itself. 机会 难 得。2. Such things are of no rare occurrence.这些事情 经常 发生。3. Thats not a man that lives who does not know his god-like hours. (William Wordsworth)凡是 活在世上的人 都曾有 过神仙般的几段绝好时光。4) The significance of these incidents wasnt lost on us.这些事 引起 了我们的重视。5) He has no small chance of su
18、ccess.他 大有 成功的可能。6) The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him amid his tribulation.在苦难中,重返故土的想法 始终 在他心头萦绕。7) It is a wise father that knows his own child.聪明的父亲也 未必 了解自己的儿子。8) The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps.我走在厚厚的地毯上 一点儿声音也没有 。9) The pursuit of science withdraws interest from external things.科学家由于致力于科学研究,对外界事物总是 不感兴趣 。10) In the grave the rich and the poor lie equal.人死后即 无 贫富之差别。