1、1,A Brief Introduction to the History of Translation in China,Wang yunsheng,2,Ancient Times,Zhou Dynasty 周礼秋官 “胥,掌蛮夷闽貉戎狄之国使,掌传王之言而喻说焉,以和亲之。若以时入宾,则协其礼与其言辞传之。 ”礼记王制 “五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲,东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮,北方曰译。 ”,3,Five Phases,1. Translation of Buddhist scripture(2nd11th century) 2. Early translation
2、of Bible and works of social sciences and technology in western countries (17th18th: to the end of the Ming Dynasty)3. Modern introduction to western civilization (19thmid-20th) 4. Translation of Russian works (1950s) 5. Translation boom since 1980s,4,Representative translators of each phase,1. Tran
3、slation of Buddhist scripture(2nd11th century) climax: Tang Dynasty,5,玄奘(约 ),6,7,2. Early translation of Bible and western sci-tech works (17th18th: to the end of the Ming Dynasty),Matteo Ricci (15521610) Born on Oct. 6, 1552, Macerata, Papal States died on May 11, 1610, China Italian Jesuit mission
4、ary,8,co-operated in translation of Euclids Elements,9,co-operation in translation of Euclids Elements terms: 点、线、直线、曲线、平行线、角、直角、锐角、钝角、三角形、四边形 Later introduced into Japan, Korea and other Asian countries.,10,3. Modern introduction of western thoughts through translation (19thmid-20th),11,严复(18531921
5、),12,Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays by T. Henry Huxley,天演论译例言 “译事三难,信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣。顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。”,13,14,林纾(1852-1924 ),best known for his translations of Western fiction into classical Chinese. 183 novels(British, American, French, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Belgium, Norwegian, Greek,etc.),15,Reference books 中国翻译简史 马祖毅,中国对外翻译出版公司 西方翻译简史 谭载喜著,商务印书馆,