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1、第3讲 词的翻译,1. 英汉词义的比较2.词的概念意义和内涵意义3. 语境与词义的选择4. 词类的转换,1.英汉词义的对比,词汇是最基本的语言材料,词汇越丰富,对世界的认识也就越精细。英语和汉语都有丰富的词汇量。在英汉语言对比研究中,人们发现了大量的对应词语,这是英汉翻译的语言基础。但是由于自然环境、思维方式、社会历史、文化传统的不同,英汉两种语言中存在许多不相对应的词语,这就给翻译增加了难度。,Q: In E-C translation or C-E translation, can we always find a counter part (equivalent) for a word

2、in the receptor language? How are the word systems of English and Chinese related? What relations can you identify? Eg : 市场经济龙to wear,A. 一一对应关系市场经济 market economy intellectual property rights 知识产权 trading partners 贸易伙伴 mainboard 主板 digital camera 数码相机 stealth fighter 隐形战斗机,假一一对应关系 有时假对应词源于译者未掌握英语的习惯

3、用法,如: sour milk 变质发酸了的牛奶 (不是:酸奶 yoghurt) eat ones words 承认自己说错话 (不是:食言 go back on ones words) 盐水 salt solution (不是:salt water) 方便面 instant noodles(不是:convenient noodles) 休息室 lounge(不是:rest room (卫生间),有时假对应词来自不恰当的搭配,如:战火扩大 The war expands. 改译:The(flame of )war spread. 强硬政策 strong policies 改译:tough po

4、licies 恶性循环 malignant circle 改译:vicious circle 有一本字典就能做翻译的观点 ?,B. 一对多关系一词多义是语言最重要的特征之一,英语如此,汉语亦然。另外,上下文以及搭配都可能使词义产生一对多的对应关系。请看wear在下列句子中的不同翻译:,She wore dark glasses and a thick jersey. In my favorite photo we are on the steps of our new home, wearing red baseball hats and toothy smiles. The girl wea

5、rs the slimness of her mother. I will wear his love in my hearts core forever. 在我最喜欢的照片里,我们站在新房子的门阶上,大家都戴着红色棒球帽,开心地大笑着。 她戴着深色的墨镜,穿着一件厚毛衣。 这个女孩像她母亲一样苗条。 我将永远把他的爱深藏心底。,“水平”在英语中最直接的对应词是level。但是这个词意义抽象化了,多用于上位词,在具体的翻译中,要根据具体的搭配具体化 生活水平 生产水平 技术水平 艺术水平 living standard, production capacity, technical skill

6、s, artistic attainment,C. 零对应 一个社会,一种文化中所特有的表示事物、风俗或理念等的词汇在另一种语言里没有真正对应的词汇,这种现象在翻译中是很常见的。,Eskimo(snow) , Arabs(camels), Chinese (kinship terms)Eskimo languages have many different words to refer to snow. Were you to translate on a word-for word basis, you would translate all those different words in

7、to the one English word “snow”. Compared with Chinese, English has fewer kinship terms. This difference is not just linguistic; it is fundamentally cultural. The fact that a language may have a proportionately high number of words in particular domains is an important index to the focus of a culture

8、.,像中国的农历节气、天干地支、阴阳八卦、道教、中医、武术等,在译语中都很难找到对等的词语。中国人对“六”、“八”、“九”情有独钟,认为这些数字会使人“顺利、发财、长久”。汉语中许多围绕吃饭问题所建立的词语和表达法,在英语中也很难找到字面对应的表达法。比如,“吃香儿”,“吃得开”,“吃大锅饭”,“吃闲饭”,“吃不消”等等。,humor幽默、romantic浪漫、logic逻辑、engine引擎、motor马达、sofa沙发、Pandoras box潘多拉盒子。林黛玉的母亲是贾宝玉的姑母,贾宝玉的母亲是林黛玉的舅母,又是薛宝钗的姨母。红楼梦,具体例子: “饺子”曾翻译成“dumpling”, 但

9、是两种食物其实并不一样,所以采取音译“jiaozi”; “馒头”也从“steamed buns” 变成 “mantou” “豆腐”也从“bean curd” 变成“toufu” “太极”也从“shadow boxing” 变为” taiqi”中国的 “龙” 虽然被翻译成 “dragon”,但是两者严格说来是不对应的。例如to sow dragons teeth 这条成语的意思是 “播下不和的种子”。 建议直接用引译:龙( Long) 福娃 (Fu Wa),2. 词的七种意义,According to G. Leech 概念意义(conceptual meaning) 内涵意义 (connota

10、tive meaning) : Connotative meaning: refers to the implied meaning that is over and above its pure conceptual meaningConnotative meaning 包括搭配意义、风格意义、文化意义、情感意义、联想意义等等。EG: Dog: different affective meaning Red: different cultural meaning,Cultural meaning,Cultural meaning: meaning derived from different

11、 culture and traditions. Eg: Red In English: violence, bloodshed, danger In Chinese: jubilation, happiness, abundance, propitiousness(吉利)David Hawkes treatment of color terminology, particularly the red problem, in Hong Lou Meng (The Story of the Stone), has given rise to a lot of arguments (his son

12、 in law)., red as a symbol sometimes of spring, sometimes of youth, sometimes of good fortune or prosperityrecurs again and again throughout it. Unfortunatelyapart from the rosy cheeks and vermeil lip of youthredness has no such connotations in English and I have found that the Chinese reds have ten

13、ded to turn into English golds or greens (“spring, the green spring” and “golden boys and girls” and so on). I am aware that there is some sort of loss here, but have lacked the ingenuity to avert it. (David Hawkes, Introduction to The Story of the Stone),避免词汇错误的的一个重要方法就是掌握其引申义。语言中引申义往往是文化、传统的产物。有些词

14、在不同的文化背景中,其褒贬义却有不同。宣传橱窗宣传:disseminate, propagandize, publicize, promote 原译:propaganda window 改译:publicity boardindividualism褒义 “个人主义”或“利己主义”贬义的。Aggression中性词( eg: aggressive student) “侵略”、“入侵”是带有强烈感情色彩的贬义词。,,Company Logo,Affective Meaning,Affective meaning refers to what is communicated of the feeli

15、ngs and attitudes of the writer towards the reader. There are basically three types of affective meanings: positive(commendatory), neutral and negative (derogatory).,,Company Logo,Affective Meaning,Some words when used in different contexts may have different affective meanings.,,Company Logo,Stylis

16、tic Meanings,Some words convey the same idea but differ in stylistic feature. These words are known as stylistic synonyms. Translators have to choose among formal words, neutral words, and informal words to ensure that the style is appropriate to the original context. They must also determine whethe

17、r to use standard dialects or regional dialect, archaic words or contemporary words, general words or technical terms, etc. Literary translators must also try reflect the idiolect of the source language writer.,,Company Logo,Stylistic Meanings,,Company Logo,Stylistic Meanings,(1) 下面三个句子叙述的是同一事件,但由于说

18、话人和场合不同,所以用词的正式程度不同。a. When his dad died, Pete had to get another job. 老皮他爹一死,他只好换个事干。b. After his fathers death, Peter had to change his job. 他父亲死后,彼得不得不改变一下工作。 c. On the decease of his father, Mr. Brown was obliged to seek alternative employment. 父亲亡故(逝世,谢世)之后,布朗先生必须另谋职业。,Stylistic Meanings,He spe

19、aks French better than I do. (formal) He speaks French better than me. (informal)He speaks in a halting way. (formal) He speaks haltingly. (informal)He spoke confidently. (informal) He spoke in a confident way. (formal) He spoke with confidence. (formal,Collocative meaning,broken a broken man 一个绝望的人

20、 a broken soldier 一个残废军人 a broken promise 背弃的诺言 a broken spirit 消沉的意志 broken money 零钱 broken English 蹩脚的英语,heavy heavy rain heavy clouds heavy crops heavy wine heavy news heavy road heavy sea heavy heart heavy fire heavy smoker heavy bread heavy wire heavy load heavy storm heavy traffic heavy reader

21、,heavy heavy rain 大雨 heavy clouds 厚云 heavy crops 丰收 heavy wine 烈性酒 heavy news 令人悲痛的消息 heavy road 泥泞的路 heavy sea 波涛汹涌的海洋 heavy heart 忧伤的心 heavy fire 猛烈的炮火 heavy smoker 烟瘾很大的人 heavy bread 没有发好的面包 heavy wire 粗线 heavy load 重载 heavy storm 暴风雨 heavy traffic 拥挤的交通 heavy reader 沉闷冗长的读物,送: a.送某人一本书 give some

22、body a book b.送礼 present a gift to somebody c.送信 deliver a letter d.送客 see a visitor out e.送行 see somebody off f.送雨伞 bring somebody an umbrella h.送孩子上学 take a child to school j将卫星送上天 launch a satellite k.送罪犯上法庭审判 hand the criminal over to the court for trial,身体好,学习好,工作好。Keep fit, study hard and work

23、 hard. 大城市a big citycosmopolitan 大雨a heavy rain 大志a high aim (ambition) 大人物an important person,区分感情色彩、语体色彩等 死: to expire to pass away to close (end) ones day to breathe ones last to go west to pay the debt of nature to depart to the world of shadows to give up the ghost to kick the bucket to kick up

24、 ones heels,区分感情色彩、语体色彩等死: to expire 逝世 to pass away 与世长辞 to close (end) ones day 寿终 to breathe ones last 断气 to go west 归西天 to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘 to depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉 to give up the ghost 见阎王 to kick the bucket 翘辫子 to kick up ones heels 蹬腿,医学认证报告中词的翻译方法总结,1 译前充分准备,积累规范表达。网

25、络的发展为译者获得资源和信息提供了便捷,笔者充分利用一些世界性的或区域性的医学教育学会的官方网站,如世界医学教育联合会(WFME) (www.wfme.org);澳大利亚医学理事会(AMC)(www.amc.org.au)等,查找阅读背景文本和平行文本,积累医学教育和管理相关的规范表达。例如:门诊/住院/急诊: out-patient /impatient/emergency; 专科医师/全科医师/住院医师: specialist/general physician/resident physician; 主要利益方/外部利益方/内部利益方: principal stakeholder /ex

26、ternal/ internal stakeholders。,2 根据具体搭配,措词具体准确。医学和教育的术语往往能有一一对应相对固定的表达。往往是最一般的词汇,转换起来发现最为不易。译者可能轻易地将之与某个英语词汇对应起来,而忽略了具体的搭配。以下以“学习”、“教学”、“改革”和“建设”等词汇的处理为例:,“学习”这个词初稿中一般转换为了“study(ing)” 或“Learn(ing)”。普遍忽略了两者的区别。如, 自主学习 终身学习 有的地方用study, 有的地方用了learning。最后统一为“self-directed learning” 以及 “life-long learnin

27、g”。,“教学”初稿中大部分对应为了“teaching”。改稿中根据具体的上下文,具体化为: education /teaching/instruction/training 床边教学: bedside instruction; 教学方法: instructional method(具体的方法); 医学教学委员会: Medical Education Committee; 教学顾问组: Teaching Advisory Group; 临床技能教学: clinical skills training。,“改革”初稿中几乎全部对应为“reform”。考虑到具体的搭配中,“改革”的具体内容不同,一

28、概使用“reform” 不符合英语的文化语用习惯。 “reform”一般表示改革社会、政治、经济和法律体制等(朗文当代高级英语词典:1652)。而如“教学方法改革”,主要指教学方法和技术手段的革新,使用“reform”意义过泛,有失准确。改稿中将大部分reform 具体化为: innovate/modify/revisie/adapt/renew,Reform: innovate/modify/revise/adapt/renew 如课程改革: curriculum revising(或curriculum innovation);教学方法改革:instructional method inn

29、ovation (adaptation of instrcutional method); 专业计划改革: programme modification;持续改革: continous renewal,“临床实践能力 clinical practice ability”一般具体化为“clinical skills”;,3 措辞规范简洁一些中文词汇和表达习惯使用上位词或范畴词,大部分的范畴词和上位词没有存在实义信息,根据具体语境有些完全可以省略。如下例中的 “能力”、“培养”,如果按照字面直译出来,显得抽象模糊,不够简洁。尤其考虑到这些短语是作为系列小标题出现,更是需要做到简洁规范。,例:能力培

30、养模式包括:自学能力培养;社区卫生服务能力培养;临床能力培养;外语应用能力培养;信息处理能力培养原译:Ability cultivation model: Improving self-studying ability;Strengthening the ability of health service in community;Enhancing clinical ability;Improving the ability of English application; Developing the ability of information management改译:Ability-o

31、riented model: Autonomous learning;Community health-service;Clinical skills; Foreign language competence;Information management,4. 舍弃字面意义,传达语用和文化意义部分词汇和短语按照字面意思来译,不符合译入语的文化语用习惯,且意义不够具体明确。考虑到译文的交际功能,对这样的词语应该尽量优先考虑其文化语用意义。 如 “大课/小课” 原译为“big class/small class”,国外大学的课程主要分为三类:lecture, seminar, laboratory

32、 course,据此,可以将“big class/small class”按译入语的习惯转换为“lecture/seminar” ;,“科学思维能力” 翻译为 “scientific thinking”是可行的,平行文本中也有此表达, 但是根据具体语境,有时也可以具体措辞为“analytical and critical thinking” 或 “critical thinking”,突出分析问题或批判思维能力; 又如“淘汰制”指在七年或八年制实行的竞争机制,将不具有竞争力的少数学生淘汰至五年制,按照字面译为“elimination system”行不通, 在专家的建议下,改为了“re-directioning system”,更符合译入语文化语用规范。,任何两种语言的词汇系统中相当一部分是不对应的,尤其是在具体的搭配中, 意义又有了多种 引申,翻译的本质在于在源语和目的语中找出所描述的概念, 描述的世界的最接近的对等体。 翻译的本质: 语言本身只是一个符号, 符号所代表的概念和世界才是翻译的对象 同时好要注意符号使用的规范、简洁、有效.,


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