1、正译和反译 抽象与具体,赵正阳 张少静 朱慧聪,正译和反译,什么叫做正译和反译?,Eg:please keep the fire burning.,1.别让火灭了(反译) 2.请保持火燃烧(正译) 在英语中,带有no,not,never,non,un,im,in,ir,less等成分的词句,是反说,相反的,就是正说。汉语中就不必赘叙。正说中有许多正说词汇,但译为汉语时可能表示否定意义,比如:avoid,cease,fail等等,下面我们主要看一些翻译实践,正译反: Such a chance was denied me. 我没得到这样一个机会 I have read your article,
2、I expected to meet an older man . 读了你的大作,没想到你这样年轻,Time is what we want most ,but what,alas,many use worst. 时间使我们最缺少的,但,唉,偏偏许多人最不善于利用。 This failure was the making of him. 这次不成功成了他成功的基础。 It was beyond his power to sign such a constrast. 他无权签订这种合同。,I will not go unless I hear from him. 如果他不通知我,我就不去。 Th
3、e guerrillas would fight to death before they surrendered. 游击队员宁愿战斗到死也不投降。 Diet cures more than the doctor 药补不如食补。 A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. 白天不做亏心事,夜半不怕鬼敲门。,反译正: The doubt was still unresolved after he repeated explanation. 虽然她一再解释,但疑团仍然存在。 He carelessly glanced through the note and the
4、n left. 他马马虎虎地看了看那张便条就走了。,An unexamined life is not worth living.只有不断反思的人生才是有价值的人生。 I looked into her eyes with disbelief and found what she said was a lie. 我怀疑地直视她的目光,发现她说的全是谎言。 Its no less than a fraud. 这简直是一场骗局。,双重否定,已知知识:two nos make a yes. 1 直译成汉语双重否定。 It is impossible but that a man will make
5、some mistakes . 人不会不犯错误。 Today ,theres scaresly an aspect of our life than isnt being affected by the internet. 今天。我们的生活的方方面面无不受到互联网的影响。,2译成汉语的肯定 There is no rule that has no exception. 任何规则都有例外。 3直译或意译 It never rains but it pours. 不雨则已,一雨倾盆。 There is not any advantage without disadvantage. 无弊则无利(有利
6、必有弊),重复否定,We never thought of nothing wrong . 我们从来没想到有什么错。 I dont want nothing . 我什么也不要。 虽然逻辑不通,但早已约定俗成。,完全否定 部分否定,迂回肯定 He didnt half love the girl. 他非常爱那姑娘。 否定转移 Bill Gates didnt drop out because he wanted to avoid work to start his own company. 比尔盖茨辍学并不是想逃避学业,而是为了开办自己的公司。 Dont scamp your work beca
7、use you are pressed for time. 不要因为时间紧而敷衍塞责。,抽象与具体,奥则洛夫曾说过:“翻译中存在一个奇妙的辩证法,并为无数实践所证实,接近原著有时反而脱离原著,而脱离原著有时却是接近原著”。对于原著中以“实”喻“虚”或“虚”喻“实”的表现手法,翻译时应根据目标语的表达习惯,尽可能的维系原文的具体性和形象性,再现原文风貌,这就涉及词义具体化和抽象化的问题。,前提:联系上下文,结合语境,自古以来,中国与西方的最大区别就是西方重抽象思维,规律原理,中国重器物和实用,即具象。这就要求我们翻译时考虑到这一文化差异,这样才能理解原语,译出来的作品才能为受众所接受。但仍要具体
8、问题具体分析。,化抽象为具体,Again ,therefore, she applied herself to the key ,and after moving it every possible way ,for some instants ,with the determined celebrity of hopes last effort , the door suddenly yield to her hand .,在中国读者看来,APPLY和YIELD 两个动词表示的都是抽象概念,如果照搬英汉词典的释义,译文将会很生硬,还会很费解。译者采取化抽象为具体的办法,将之分别译为“搬弄(钥
9、匙)”和“(柜门)打开”,读起来就很确切自然。,抽象名词具体化,success是“成功”;a success指 “成功的人或事” wind是“风”;a strong wind“一阵大风”; dinner泛指饭 a good dinner一顿美餐 rain泛指雨 a heavy rain一场大雨 knowledge 泛指知识 a knowledge of. .的一门知识,化具体为抽象,eat like a bird:吃得极少 1)化隐喻为抽象:从认知的角度来看,任何语言中都充满了隐喻。为了使语言的表达形象生动,人们往往用意象表达抽象的概念,用部分代替整体。 man for the field a
10、nd woman for the hearth; man for the sword and woman for the needle; man with the head and woman with the heart; man to command and woman to obey - Tennyson 男人适于农耕,女人适于家务 男人宜于征战,女人宜于缝纫 男人善于深思,女人富于感情 男人发号施令,女人惟有服从。-坦尼森,Over the past hundred odd years, the Chinese people have gone through storm and st
11、ress, and in the course of vigorous struggle they have accomplished a great historic transformation. 在过去的一百年间,中国人民历经沧桑,在奋起斗争的过程中进行了伟大的历史变革。,A good conscience is a soft pillow. 良心过得去,睡觉才安稳。 Kissing doesnt last; cookery does. 甜言蜜语不可靠,粗茶淡饭才长久。 Love is the mother of love. 情生情,爱生爱。,You should not show your hand to a stranger. 对陌生人要保持戒心。 She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. 她生长在富贵之家。 His mother had brought him up by doing spinning and had given him whatever he wanted. 母亲拎着纺车把他拉扯大,真是要星星不给月亮。,