1、0618 翻译:我的伯父鲁迅先生(周晔)Translation: My Uncle Lu Xun (Zhou Ye)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)伯父鲁迅先生在世的时候,我年纪还小,根本不知道鲁迅是谁,I was still little when my Uncle Lu Xun was alive, and I wouldnt know what a celebrity Lu Xun was.以为伯父就是伯父,跟任何人的伯父一样。I thought Uncle was Uncle, and he would be no diff
2、erent from an uncle of any other people.伯父去世了,他的遗体躺在万国殡仪馆的礼堂里,When Uncle passed away, his body was laid in repose in the grand hall of Universal Funeral Home.许多人都来追悼他,向他致敬,Many people came to mourn over his death and pay their respect to him.有的甚至失声痛哭。Some even broke out in tears.数不清的挽联挂满了墙壁,大大小小的花圈堆
3、满了整间屋子。Countless elegiac couplets were hung all over the walls and floral wreaths of all sizes were piled in heaps inside the room.送挽联送花圈的有工人,有学生,各色各样的人都有。People sending couplets and wreaths were blue-collar workers, school students, and others from all walks of life.那时候我有点惊异了,为什么伯父得到这么多人的爱戴?At that
4、 time I was astounded and wondered why Uncle was so well-respected by that many people?我呆呆地望着来来往往吊唁的人,I watched in stunned silence at the people coming in and out to express their condolences.想到我就要永远见不到伯父的面了,听不到他的声音了,也得不到他的爱抚了,泪珠就一滴一滴地掉下来。When I thought about the specter of not being able to see Unc
5、les face, hear his voice and feel his tender loving care, drops of tears began to come down my face.-就在伯父去世那一年的正月里,有一天,是星期六的下午,爸爸妈妈带我到伯父家里去。Earlier in January of the year when Uncle passed away, one Saturday afternoon my parents took me to Uncles home.那时候每到周末,我们姐妹三个轮流跟随着爸爸妈妈到伯父家去团聚。At that time on w
6、eekend, the three of us sisters took turns to go with our parents to Uncles house for family gathering.这一天在晚餐桌上,伯父跟我谈起水浒传里的故事和人物。At the dining table on that day, Uncle talked to me about the story and characters in “Outlaws of the Marshes”.不知道伯父怎么会知道我读了水浒传,大概是爸爸告诉他的吧。I wouldnt know how Uncle found o
7、ut I read “Outlaws of the Marshes” and likely my father told him.老实说,我读水浒传不过囫囵吞枣地看一遍,In truth, I only glanced through the novel once.只注意紧张动人的情节;My focus was on the taut and captivating plots.那些好汉的个性,那些复杂的内容,全搞不清楚,I was never able to sort out those tough guys characters and the complicated contents.有
8、时候还把这个人做的事情安在那个人身上。Sometimes I even mistook what one person did as having been done by another person.伯父问我的时候,我就张冠李戴地乱说一气。When Uncle asked me, I just told him a bunch of garbage.伯父摸着胡子,笑了笑,说:“哈哈!还是我的记性好。 ”Uncle stroke his mustache and said with a smile: “Ha-ha! It was I who have a better memory.”听了伯
9、父这句话,我又羞愧,又悔恨,比挨打挨骂还难受。In hearing what Uncle said, my feeling of shamefulness and regretfulness was more unbearable than verbal and corporal punishment.从此,我读什么书都不再马马虎虎了。From that day onwards, I was never shoddy again on my thoroughness in reading books. -那天临走的时候,伯父送我两本书,On that day just before I lef
10、t home going elsewhere, Uncle gave me two books.一本是表,一本是小约翰。One was “Watch” and the other was “Little John”.伯父已经去世多年了,这两本书我还保存着。Uncle died many years ago and I still kept those two books.-有一次,在伯父家里,大伙儿围着一张桌子吃晚饭。One time everybody gathered around a table at Uncles home in having dinner.我望望爸爸的鼻子,又望望伯父
11、的鼻子,对他说:“大伯,您跟爸爸哪儿都像,就是有一点不像 ”。After looking at the noses of both Father and Uncle, I said to Uncle: “Big Uncle, you and Dad look every bit alike except one place was dissimilar.” -“哪一点不像呢?” 伯父转过头来,微笑着问我。“Which part was not alike?” Uncle turned around and said to me with a smile.他嚼着东西,嘴唇上的胡子跟着一动一动的。
12、His mustache above his lips was moving up and down as he was chewing.-“爸爸的鼻子又高又直,您的呢,又扁又平。”我望了他们半天才说。“Fathers nose is tall and straight, but yours is low and flat,” I said after looking at them for a long while.-“你不知道,”伯父摸了摸自己的鼻子,笑着说,“ 我小的时候,鼻子跟你爸爸的一样,也是又高又直的。”“Theres something you dont know.” Uncle
13、 touched his nose and said smilingly, “When I was little, my nose was tall and straight just like your fathers.” -“那怎么”“Then what happened?”-“可是到了后来,碰了几次壁,把鼻子碰扁了。”“Afterwards I ran into walls several times and flattened my nose.”-“碰壁?”我说,“ 您怎么会碰壁呢?“You ran into walls?” I said, “How could you run int
14、o walls?是不是您走路不小心?”Was that because you were careless in walking?”-“你想,四周黑洞洞的,“Think for a moment. Its pitch-black everywhere around you.还不容易碰壁吗?”Wouldnt it be easy to run into walls?” -“哦!”我恍然大悟,“ 墙壁当然比鼻子硬得多了,“Oh!” it suddenly dawned on me, “Wall of course is much harder than nose.怪不得您把鼻子碰扁了。”Its n
15、o wonder you flatten your nose in crashing against it.” -在座的人都哈哈大笑起来。Everyone else sitting around laughed out loud.-有一天黄昏,呼呼的北风怒号着,One evening swishing wind from the north was roaring.天色十分阴暗。The sky was gloomy.街上的人都匆匆忙忙赶着回家。People on the street were going home in a hurry.爸爸妈妈拉着我的手,到伯父家去。My father an
16、d mother were holding my hands on our way to Uncles house.走到离伯父家门口不远的地方,看见一个拉黄包车的坐在地上呻吟,At a place not far away from Uncles home, we saw a rickshaw operator moaning on the ground in a sitting position.车子扔在一边。The rickshaw was abandoned on one side. -我们走过去,看见他两只手捧着脚,We walked over and saw he was holdi
17、ng his feet with both hands.脚上没穿鞋,地上淌了一摊血。He was not wearing shoes and there was a pool of blood on the ground.他听见脚步声,抬起头来,饱经风霜的脸上现出难以忍受的痛苦。When he heard footsteps, he raised his head and his weathered face had an unbearably painful expression.-“怎么了?”爸爸问他。“Whats the matter?” Father asked him.-“先生,”他
18、那灰白的抽动着的嘴唇里发出低微的声音,“没留心,踩在碎玻璃上,“Mister,” a hardly audible voice came out from his grayish trembling lips, “I didnt pay attention and stepped on broken glasses.玻璃片插进脚底了。They pierce through the bottom of my feet.疼得厉害,回不了家啦!”Im in excruciating pain and couldnt get home.”-爸爸跑到伯父家里,Father went into Uncle
19、s home.不一会儿,就跟伯父拿了药和纱布出来。After a short while he and Uncle came out with medicine and bandages.他们把那个拉车的扶上车子,They helped the operator get on the rickshaw.一个蹲着,一个半跪着,One of them was squatting and the other one was half-kneeling.爸爸拿镊子夹出碎玻璃片,伯父拿硼酸水给他洗干净。Father removed the broken glasses with tweezers whi
20、le Uncle washed and cleaned his wounds with antiseptic solution.他们又给他敷上药,扎好绷带。Then they applied medicine on the cuts and wrapped bandages around them. -拉车的感激地说:“我家离这儿不远,这就可以支持着回去了。The rickshaw operator said gratefully: “My home is not too far away from here and I can hang on to get back.两位好心的先生,我真不知
21、道怎么谢你们!”I really dont know how to show my appreciation to you two kindhearted gentlemen.”-伯父又掏出一些钱来给他,叫他在家里休养几天.Uncle gave him some money and told him to rest at home for a few days.把剩下的药和绷带也给了他。He also gave him the leftover medicine and bandages.-天黑了,路灯发出微弱的光。The sky was dark and street lamps were
22、emitting faint lights. 我站在伯父家门口看着他们,突然感到深深的寒意,I stood in front of the door of Uncles house and suddenly I felt a deep chill.摸摸自己的鼻尖,冷得像冰,I touched the tip of my nose and it was ice-cold.脚和手也有些麻木了。My hands and feet also got a bit numb.我想,这么冷的天,那个拉车的怎么能光着脚拉着车在路上跑呢?I was wondering why the rickshaw oper
23、ator would be pulling a vehicle on the road bare-footed on such cold temperature.-伯父和爸爸回来的时候,我就问他们。When Father and Uncle returned, I asked them the question.伯父的回答我现在记不清了,只记得他的话很深奥,不容易懂。I cant remember Uncles answer now, but what he said was very profound and hard to understand.我抬起头来,要求他给我详细地解说。I loo
24、ked up and asked him to give me a detailed explanation.这时候,我清清楚楚地看见,而且现在也清清楚楚地记得,他的脸上不再有那种慈祥的愉快的表情了,变得那么严肃。I clearly saw, as I can still remember distinctly right now, the kind and joyous expression disappeared from his face and he turned serious.他没有回答我,只把枯瘦的手按在我的头上,半天没动,He did not answer me, but pu
25、t his scrawny hand on my head for a long time without moving a muscle.最后深深地叹了一口气。Finally he let out a deep sigh. -伯父逝世以后,我见到他家的女拥阿三。After Uncle died, I saw his housemaid Ah San.阿三是个工人的妻子,Ah San was the wife of a menial worker.她丈夫失了业,Her husband lost his job.她愁得两只眼睛起了蒙,看东西不清楚,模模糊糊的像隔着雾。She was so wor
26、ried that her eyes got hazy and could not see clearly in murkiness as if fog came between her and the rest of the world.她跟我谈起伯父生前的事情。She talked to me about Uncle when he was alive.她说:“周先生自己病得那么厉害,还三更半夜地写文章。She said: “Mr. Zhou was very ill but he still kept writing deep into the night.有时候我听着他一阵阵接连不断地
27、咳嗽,真替他难受。Sometimes I heard he was coughing continuously and I could feel his pain.他对自己的病一点儿也不在乎,倒常常劝我多休息,不叫我干重活儿。”He didnt care a bit about his sick condition but instead coaxed me to rest more and stay away from strenuous work.”-的确,伯父就是这样的一个人,他为自己想得少,为别人想得多。Indeed Uncle was the sort of person that cared little about himself but a lot about other people.-