1、When Icicles Hang by the Wall(Loves Labour Lost)SCENE II, ACT V.WINTER.When icicles hang by the wallAnd Dick the shepherd blows his nailAnd Tom bears logs into the hallAnd milk comes frozen home in pail,When blood is nippd and ways be foul,Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whit;Tu-who, a merry
2、note,While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.When all aloud the wind doth blowAnd coughing drowns the parsons sawAnd birds sit brooding in the snowAnd Marians nose looks red and raw,When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl,Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whit;Tu-who, a merry note,While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.DON冬之歌冰柱条条悬挂在岩梢牧羊人老李吹着他的手爪,老唐把木柴抱进了厅堂,送来的牛奶冻在路上:手足有冻疮,路又不像样,枭鸟鼓着眼睛,夜,在唱荒唐!荒唐,荒唐!调子倒满响亮!正在搅拌砂锅,那油垢的蒋。寒风四处吹个不停,咳嗽声淹没了牧师的讲经,众鸟栖息在雪地里的巢,玛良的鼻子冻成朵红海椒;酸林檎在钵子里啾啾地响,枭鸟鼓着眼睛,夜,在唱荒唐!荒唐,荒唐!调子倒满响亮!正在搅拌砂锅,那油垢的蒋。(郭沫若 译)