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1、H / C #Z* 1,null1, null 1, 1bH sNN M H T,vv N /,B Z H / b M ,H / XV 3 Sa o 5 Z C 5,ZE V “ -4/, s00+ C c # sM, y a 2b 7,H / C , “s%5,H / C CB , ,i ?Z t , H / C8 - Z,Z_ mb1nullH C8CnullSnullH aCH8aAFt8a C R # % da sFbMcDonald3| C8 s a d % d b CnullSnullH ? 3 ,:_ HWT1v100ms,_ HWT210nulls; d , CnullSnul

2、lH Fs, dC T,T1T20.5 1msW; % d HW5 10msS =b“N, V|8 s1 a 4b1 _ HWY0. 1 10ms2,5, VNMRD| d1 s 73 ; _ HWYl100nulls,Jehng4| C8“ 110nullQ48h,M“1 , V4_ HW12nullsbV 6- 8 ,CarrnullPurcellnullMeiboomnullGill(CPMG) k H, C8B1o11 _9 b“ -,H / C8 d81V kX1 ,9 7 S C 8 b1. 1null C C SQ a aF h b?C, C8T1T2 7vhl,T1 ?Q ,

3、h h 1 ,7F hl1 y 9- 13b ,null110null A:8 null null 2011 M4( )25 4 T1 C F CB H 6,BCX$TrittnullGoc 12aApih 9aNestle 14 10,11,y V ?: null d A i | 0i O dC14 ; null AFt_AFmM10,11 ; nullF n4 HT9 ; null V ?Q l M112bN,T1|9 VQ8 M V10,11b?xax P r,4 l q,9 r 0 ?, C T Esi,H / 4 MbNestle15 nQ ?x YA Ca C#NaOH? ?x8“

4、_ HW 7vQC,iw “ =H , “ ?Z,rv sK;B dC, 0 NaOH? ?8x“ “ M16bPipilikaki13s 2 C:_ HW M,?CF , C8 F HW,:_ HW hwLs wL zMv, O_ M, P8 qh bGorce5H E ?x YA C 13null19null128+,?C ?x C8 7d,8? 3M,7 ?x C85114d;7 O “ ?x9,K8 % d1 9, ?xF ,iO8K 3vYbF4 C “ AY9, 17bApih9 n4 YA C Y,?CFn4 C8:_ HW h SB HW1F n48 2h, F HW4 - 1

5、h, F n4, C8 F ybAlenullsiani17 4 4 ; h CY,i O kmSEM d y,?CF 4“ % d dT2 F4“ ,7F 4“ MQ, V60h, _ HWM, 4 4Y 8?Z,7 YbYVSEMV?C,F 4, ; h C1MC4A3null 90min h ,y78 HW1“ b1.2null8 rb 1 b*, C R 1 3 ; , r B V+ s1, 7 a Ka Q18byN,8 s r b T2 D VV U T(1)a T(2) 19:null null 1T2= 1T2,bulk+ 1T2,diff+ 1T2,surf(1)null n

6、ull 1T2, diff= D12(nullG)2T2E (2)T: T2_ HW; T2, bulk 81 T2,diff D HW; T2,surfV r D_ HW; TEo HW; D “ ;nullH1; GH0bH YP 0H (PFG NMR), C8 T1vT2, so91o20 , C8 dC “B M 0, 3 =H,Cotts21 so, V =HYb= ?Z s %M4 v bW,12005 MT1nullT2T2nullstorenullT2= $ nQ C8 , McDonald 7Z v 3,22,23 ,4 % d dW 3 ;9 CnullSnullH dW

7、 “ ,s0 E 22 ;YVcM CnullSnullH T2nullT2 , C8 ? 3 d dW, dC M 0 “123bBt* s28B %M,Pel6,24,25Z v ,1H N(H0.78T,H00.3T/m) Tr l sBs wL; r ehM,ihLC “ WF E 7 h “ s A7 M,KmsO qr1mm, ZEr24b Qd?2 “ B ss HWM,Vo:% , 1iy0null sc 1“,i O?CQ28 1iy0KvnullMAX d?24, Q2 C8 v Y% d,yN2 8425b2002 M B B % d V,4 YV %5 V B ZDar

8、cy pdLZ6 :(3)T: UnullAM , K .“ , null %5 , Knull ( c nullZb “ D( null)“ sc MM1, O B Z:null null D(null)= D1exp(null1null)+ D2exp(null2null) (4)D1aD2anull1null2 ( V9 Eb1. 3null C8 dsH ds YV %8 d#A8 HW WV d#s, C8 d A TA8, 8 D V 9; H ( z,o HW O =H l,5 V 9b , T(1)null111nullH / C #Z/ Ve:null null 1T1= n

9、ullnull SV1T2= nullnull SV (5) y 26, nullV , S/ V1VbH C8 d#YKv C8 H, Hi8=sH q, 3 =H, =H 3| d k 3vY,H ds.dE 3Bs27bJehng28_ HWE E C8 ds,?C kZE dl% dsTB, E 4sv% d,1 yv dbl, ?$ bV 29 ,H ds.dET1 , I nE dj, ? 3+ yHq/b H d sy Y, 84a Te,i Osl4nm4 dv b1.4null C81V C81V V 41B,ZE 8 EalX L EH E30b 8 EG BET 1V ,

10、 1“ b) ,d# 3 ,yN 8 E1V l ZE, H r , k1 HW blX L / 1 G 1“84, C8X L T1 CnullSnullH ,7CnullSnullH s+30bM ZE,H 1V y a se bZE1 G y ,8V _ HW1“ T(6) %:null null S= T2SVnullT2i(V) (6)T: T2S V s0_ HW; V d#“d VM 8; null V s0; T2i(V) V_ HW,YV 82bA s1(V/V0, V0 8 /1 )Hq/, T2iVL1“,| qT2S( nullS) - 1;A s1Hq/, T2i M

11、4 ,1 d#i ,7 1 , y b , T2SG HW30 50nullsW31o, T2S 7M,60nulls4b2nullGZH / C “G1 HH|Y,18C Z : nullA8 HW ; null“ = 3H, bWsO qb h H kTY, A C4, 25,28,i ?V %5b7 O “ Cz1 p4 6, C 3 ?xax l? A t bLT?C, ?xx vv.1b Y L, T ?z % HH |Y,|K C Wb Sharma29, P 2 HWV HH |Y,7 O P0H1 ( HTEbH / “ 6BG ,H | (|, V d#s; rd (M ,i

12、 K ,1F4, 8 sc sa s VbBogdan32Balcom 33Singlepoint imaging(SPI)Single point ramped imaging with T1nullenhancement(SPRITE)/ , A C8B2/ sBs ,7 O V= sbt/ G H8H0 u, H ?bFriedenullmann34, 35|/_ HW/ ,| d( R C8 =!, %MT,7 %MV, ,TV | P rbH y ? ? z C84MV,i O 4V4 BHob “ -,H 1“ C8, #8,1 8aM ,i O aH dtCb8 ? M1,YVH

13、 / V d s %M,a a4 , ZEE1 EbH C8 ? V/+Z : nullYVF _:_ HWaT2swLa|9 M,Q C8M;null ?xax A C8Y; nullh 4a 4 4F48YbyN,H / 8 -b ID1nullfB , d. H s N# J.C SN ,2003(2):522null-, , . C8 V? 1HH +# MJ.A , 2009(10): 16023null McDonald P J, KorbJ P, MitchellL. Surfacerelaxationandnull112null A:8 null null 2011 M4( )

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