1、cI|: 1009-6094(2012)04-0056-06V 1iQ : !9*陈仲如1,张澄博1,2,李洪艺1,2,张永定1,邱锦安1,林 涛1(1 v o S“,Bt ? !9b 1 :+ dr c a ia bWsa %MZ T#Hq; a/ a1 a1M;c # 1i“ a d#a R ) a/ o+( pHaEhaDOaa q,Ca2+aMg2+aNO-3aSO4+0c );C 3 ;C HqaY; armaaS; “n18bPRB 3 /1 p:1)Q : 1i“ vc 1i“ 38,KvK/ Y;2) s ,YV i = k,4 a a :8? Z, rT;3) !A1S,S
2、ePRB ?, 3 Y;4) V ?S a6a/ # Kvb312 PRB !9BB f /,4PRB !9Z -,1 +C Hq , k i k k, Qi k rTQ ,y b t 9 PRBa aZ#ja P KaSZ,i 9gnb 8 !9nm443b313 PRB !91 PRB !9 = 431 PRB 4a4a a? a T = HWaZaQ : 1i“ a 4# 1b !9 y C $ ,7C M1 ,!9 V ? 9 , ?Q pE44, prrTKv,/ p 9 ,p 0r !9 Qb31311 PRB 4PRB1“ “ rT,1G L - V, +a %MZ THq, a
3、/ o+#C 3 Hq8 I nb 8/b572012 M8 ,: V 1iQ : !9 Aug., 2012m4 PRB !9BemFig.4 Schematic diagram of PRBdesign processB:YVr / 8 |“a k i kaC , u, Sv , VPRB PV 19,y bW, 49 S,7y ismb=:YVC ,/ , / v8 _b : “/ ,) %M Z TS, V ? U)PRB b : V ?S ,L ,d u PRBK b31312 PRB4PRB !9 V ?/ ?za6rm# aC Hq b s+a ac a !a a # Hq,46
4、a a b4V, K1oBb1 ,9) TPRB1 a;7 0 . , VPRB T“bN, I nQ 65, Q H, P- Tz,y Q u1 p ; PLRQ ,5 T 1iQ :z, E y P- T H V 1i :b31313 PRB !9? PRB? a zQ :, ? vl1 | % bWs/ +,1“ “g bPRB !9, Q : 11bQ :(B)1/ (v) T = HW(t) 43bB= vt (1)T v/ ,cm/s; t Q HW, Q :T = HW, K HW,sbi ,/ (v) / YVQ : ( ,1Q d# qc 1i“ %b ,Q d# qvhl,
5、yN !9BKv bN,L P- T, I n P/ Y, 8Y“ b Q :T = HW(t)1 i = (Hal-f life) Q : H S i %b i = (t015) i = k bC/ is ( , I n, !9 HB Kv i9 bN,1 I naQ y b 89 Tt= nt015u1 u2R (2)T n irS 1i = Q ; t015i = , t015= ln 2/k18( kBQQ q); u1ny0,1YV D ZY 58Vol.12 No.4 安 全 与 环 境 学 报 12 4 Q q, V |210 21544,20 25 e ; u2 ny0,1YQ
6、 1i“ , V |115 210;R “ , V |210310b1, ny0 “ k S5 V1iQ :/ 618,S =M1 LlbPRB1i i %b x SEPRBC V,PRB3 i 0160m43, ? 3 1T _/ ub / nQ :,F /1o,Q : ,NMQ K,PRB / K bPRB z1 j %, I n/ _ jB v V ?,PRBL= z aFv, VPRB PV 44,B z112 11518, P- T H | % P 1 q# b I ny , sVv H, V P- Ti Z T, !9 ,86h / b31314 PRB,9F !9 y ,+Y a
7、 ( / , y Flb L=, C/ _ 4,+Y u, P/ v8 _,Q :(+Y P- T)9 V ? 3M,1 9Y/ _byNy / 44,B LPRB !9Z vilbN, s I n ? _,L P , P V b L= !9,B / Q :Z ), JIN Zhaohui(), et al. Batch experiment on reduction of nitrate in water bynanoscalezero valent iron particlesJ. Journal of Jilin University:Engineering and Technology
8、 Edition ( v:),2006, 36(2): 264-268122 WILLIAMA A, LYNN RA. Pathways and kinetics of chlorinatedethyleneandchlorinatedaccytlenereactionwithFeOparticlesJ. En-vironmental Science), ZHAOXiaobo(uko), etal. PRBtechnology in situremediationofgroundwaterpo-lluted by landfill leachateJ. Environmental Scienc
9、e( S),2003, 24(5): 151-156148 NEERAJG, TADCF. HydrogeologicmodelingforpermeablereactivebarriersJ. Journal of HazardousMaterials, 1999, 68: 19-391On the structure and design of permeable reac-tive barrierCHENZhong-ru1, ZHANGCheng-bo1,2, LIHong-yi1,2,ZHANGYong-ding1, QIUJin-an1, LINTao1( 1 Department
10、of Earth Science, Sun Ya-t sen University,Guangzhou, 510275;2 GuangdongProvinceKeyLaboratory of Geo-logical Processes and Mineral Resources Exploration, Guangzhou510275, China)Abstract: Thepresent paperis aimedtoprovideareview ontheup-to-dateadvancesofthepermeablereactivebarrier(PRB)technology,orkno
11、wn as in-situ remediation of contaminated groundwater. ThesaidPRBtechnologyormethodhasbeenwidelyused inrecent yearsinEuropeandAmericaforremovingthedissolved contaminants fromthepollutedwater. Whencomparedwithotherearliermethods, it ischaracterized by its in-situ remediation, long-term positive perfo
12、r-mance, low cost, in addition to its manifold remediable contam-inants. Though thesaid PRB technology has alreadybecomematureandmore and morepopular as a result of application for remedyingcontaminated surfacewaterinthewest, littlehas been reportedherein our country. Thepermeablereactivebarrier(PRB
13、), beingakindofnewly-emerginghighlyeffectivegroundwaterremediationtechnologyintheworld, enjoys atremendous prospect for its development. Inthispaper, wewouldliketomakea comprehensivereview of up-to-dateadvancesbycoveringlargeamountsofdocumentsontheperme-ablereactivewallthat canbefoundbothat homeanda
14、broad, withadetailed summary of the research results and its practical applica-tions. Atthesametime, wehavealsomadeasystemicalintroductiontoitsconception, structure, typeandthemainmaterialselection, in-cludingthedesignprocessoftherelatedtechnicalfacilities. Further-more, wewould liketogivecommentary
15、on theforeign engineeringpracticeand geotechnical engineering design concepts while makinganalysisof sometechnical problems in the design process. What ismore, technicalsurveyand summaryhas alsobeenmade oversomeexperimentalandempiricalformulasastothethicknessoftheperme-ablereactivebarrier, which see
16、ms mainly to be determined bythegroundwatervelocityand hydraulicretention time. Theheight ofthebarriertendstobemainlydeterminedbytheburyingdepthandthick-nessof impermeablelayer. However, thewidthofthepermeablere-activebarrieris likelytobedeterminedmainly bythedimensions ofthepollutant plume. Permeab
17、ilitycoefficient of thereactionmediumshould be determined experimentally via simulation analysis on thespot. In General, the permeability coefficient of reaction mediumshould be twice as great as the hydraulic conductivity of aquifer.Thus, it can beseenthat theabovementioned information can pro-videvaluable reference to the domestic engineering design practiceandtheoreticalresearchinthefuture.Key words: geo-environmental engineering; permeablereactivebar-rier; structure; designprocessCLC number: X43 Document code: AArticle ID: 1009-6094(2012)04-0056-06612012 M8 ,: V 1iQ : !9 Aug., 2012