1、浅谈在优化的情境中培养学生的创新能力中英文对照How to cultivate the students innovation ability in both Chinese and English in the optimization context在教学实践中,我们感到由于情境教学具有以美为突破口,以情为纽带,以思为核心,以儿童活动为途径等鲜明的特色,因而对培养学生的创新意识、创新思维及创新人格有着独特的作用。现就如何在优化的情境中激发儿童的创新动机、营造创新氛围以及培养创新思维谈几点做法和体会。In teaching practice, we feel because of the s
2、ituational teaching has to the United States as the breakthrough point, to love as a link, to think of as the core, to childrens activities as the characteristic way bright, thus to cultivate students innovation consciousness, plays a unique role of innovative thinking and innovative personality. No
3、w how to optimize the environment to stimulate childrens creative motivation, create innovative atmosphere and the cultivation of innovative thinking to make a few practice and experience.一、注重情境的探究性,激发创新动机One, pay attention to the inquiry situation, stimulate innovation motivation动机是激发和维持个体的活动,并使活动朝
4、向一定目标的内部心理倾向和动力。人类的任何行为、活动的产生和维持都离不开动机,创新活动同样需要创新动机来激发和维持。创新动机将直接决定个体从事创新活动的期待,对结果的评价和体验,进而影响其从事创新活动的积极性和创新能力的发展。情境教学十分重视在教学过程中创设探究性问题情境,这就为儿童创新动机的激发提供了契机。Motivation is to stimulate and maintain the individual activities, and make the activity toward a goal of internal psychological tendency and pow
5、er. Any act of human activity, and maintenance are inseparable from the motivation, innovation also need motivation to stimulate and maintain. Innovation motivation will directly determine the individual engaged in innovation activity expectations, the evaluation results and experience, development
6、and impact in the innovation activities and innovation ability. Situational teaching attaches great importance to the creation of problem situations in the teaching process, and provides an opportunity for children to stimulate the innovation motivation.情境中提出问题,引发好奇心。好奇心是兴趣的先导,是人们积极探求新奇事物的倾向,是人类认识世界
7、的动力之一,对于形成动机有着重要的作用。富有创新精神的人往往有着强烈的好奇心。爱因斯坦就曾说,他没有特别的天赋,只有强烈的好奇心。我们在创设探究性情境时,注意在情境中提出问题引发学生的好奇心。例如教学寓言寒号鸟时,李吉林老师这样导入新课:“这一课,李老师给你们讲个民间故事。很久以前,在很远的一座高山脚下,有一堵石崖(用粉笔勾画石崖) 。如果在冬天的夜晚从山脚下经过,你会听到从石崖的缝隙里传来了小鸟哭叫的声音:哆罗罗,哆罗罗 。所以,人们就给这种小鸟取了个名字叫寒号鸟 (板书课题) 。寒号鸟为什么在严寒的夜晚号哭呢?我们可以去问问它的邻居喜鹊,喜鹊就住在寒号鸟对面的大杨树上(用粉笔勾画杨树并贴上
8、喜鹊的剪贴画)”这一课的导入,教者以讲故事这一儿童喜爱的形式,加上简笔画、剪贴画等手段创设情境,并提出学生感兴趣的问题,引发了他们强烈的好奇心,使学生一上课就被深深地吸引住,取得了先声夺人的效果。Present situation, cause curiosity. Curiosity is the interest in the pilot, is the tendency of people to http:/ seek for novelty, is one of the power of human understanding of the world, plays an import
9、ant role for the formation of motivation. Creative people often have a strong curiosity. Einstein once said, he had no particular talent, only the strong curiosity. We in the creation of situation, pay attention to in the context of questions arouse students curiosity. For example, teaching fable “
10、Hanhao bird “, Li Jilin teacher inducts the new class: “ this lesson, a folk story to you Mr. li. A long time ago, at the foot of a mountain far far away, there is a stone cliff ( chalked out stone cliff ). If after from the foot of the mountain at night in winter, you will hear from gap stone cliff
11、 came the bird crying voice: duo Rolls-Royce, duo Rolls-Royce . So, people gave the bird a name Hanhao bird ( writing on the blackboard .). Hanhao bird why in the cold night crying? We can ask its neighbors magpie, magpie live Hanhao bird opposite Dayang tree ( chalked out of poplar and paste the cl
12、ip art ) . . “ Introduction of this lesson, teaching the children with a story like the form, with brief strokes, clip art, and other means of creating situation, and puts forward the students interested in the issue, raised their curiosity, to enable students to a school was deeply attracted, made
13、the first people to effect.2在情境中揭示矛盾,诱发求知欲。如果探求“是什么”体现了儿童的好奇心,那么,寻求“为什么”则更多地体现了儿童的求知欲。求知欲一般由好奇心发展而来,是人们探究、了解自己未知的东西而产生的愿望和意向。它激励着人们学习知识、认识事物、研究问题、探索规律。在教学中,我们注意在情境中适时揭示矛盾,诱发学生的求知欲。如教学毛泽东同志的长征诗中“金沙水拍云崖暖”一句时,我先用简笔画勾勒出“水拍云崖”的画面,让学生体会到这是一幅险景,继而提出,既然看到的是一幅险景,那么红军战士心中怎会涌出“暖”意来呢?使学生产生进一步寻找答案的欲望。在教学诗中“更喜岷山千
14、里雪”一句时,我让学生联系过去学过的讲述红军过雪山故事的课文及相关的画面,提出过雪山是红军长征途中最为艰难的历程之一,那么为什么红军战士看到岷山的千里雪景会“更喜”呢?让学生讨论体会到红军历尽千辛万苦终于看到胜利在望时不可抑制的喜悦之情。在教学中根据教材的难点,提出疑点,揭示矛盾,可以有效地诱发学生的求知欲,进而形成内在动机。2 in the context of exposing the contradictions, evoked curiosity. If the search “ what “ embodies the curiosity of children, then, seek
15、ing the “ why “ shows more childrens thirst for knowledge. Curiosity is generally composed of curiosity and exploration, understand their own people, is unknown and the desire and the intention of. It inspires people to learn the knowledge, understanding, research, explore the law. In teaching, we p
16、ay attention to reveal the contradiction between the timely in the context, evoked the curiosity of students. Comrade Mao Zedong such as teaching “ Long March “ in the poem “ the water of Jinsha yunya warm “ sentence, I use first strokes outline “ steep cliffs lapped by the water “ picture, let stud
17、ents feel this is a dangerous scenes, and then puts forward, since the saw is a dangerous scene, then the Red Army soldiers heart. Gush, “ warm “ come? Enable students to further find answers desire. In the teaching of poetry “ more hi Minshan snow thousands of miles “ sentence, I let the students c
18、ontact the past learned about red snow story text and pictures, this mountain is one of the most difficult process for the Long March, so why the Red Army soldiers saw the Minshan snow will “ more like a thousand miles “? Let the students discuss the experience to the Reds through go through untold
19、hardships finally see victory can not be suppressed joy. In the teaching according to the teaching, put forward questions, reveal the contradiction, can effectively induce students thirst for knowledge, and the formation of intrinsic motivation.3在情境中展开冲突,激发挑战性。具有创造性的人都不会满足已有的认识和现成的结论,http:/ in the c
20、ontext of conflict, stimulate the challenge. Creative people will not meet the existing knowledge and ready-made conclusion, they often have a spirit of exploration and bold challenge. Teaching in the situation we often try various devices to stir up conflict, stimulates the student to the courage t
21、o accept the challenge. Such as teaching “ Tian Ji horse “ a class, in the study of the first race and the second race, let the students discuss the horse before and after four, the order of appearance and what collocation method? These methods can not let Tian Ji to win? Thus make the students unde
22、rstand that although there are four kinds of exchange method, but Tian Ji each method are two lost one, and can snatch a victory out of defeat, only the Sun Bin that arrangement method of order of appearance of horse, and thus to understand the bin is a careful observation, consider a comprehensive,
23、 thoughtful people. Then let the students to think, if the king did not underestimate the enemy, in the first round of the competition after the second field, discover each other out of order change, that the others strategy, in the following two games and not win? So in the process of teaching cons
24、tantly presented with exploring new problems, guiding students to seek answer by thinking about, and in the successful experience and gradually develop a daring adventure, dare to challenge the spirit, constantly strengthen innovation motivation, make it into the creative personality.二、强化情境的互动性,营造创新
25、氛围Two, strengthen interaction situation, create innovative atmosphere创新思维只有在自由自在的思维空间中才能孕育、诞生。因为没有宽松的环境,学生就没有自主性,而没有自主性就不可能有创新行为。因而在学生处于高度紧张的机械接受知识、缺乏心理安全与自由的地方,他们创造性思维的火花是难于进发出来的。情境教学特别强调宽松的学习情境的营造,让教学情境中的师、生、境诸因素产生互动,从而形成利于创新、易于创新的良好氛围,使学生的思维在宽容的情境中无拘无束,纵横千里,任意驰骋。Innovative thinking only take ones
26、 ease thinking space can be conceived, born. Because there is no loose environment, students have no autonomy, not independence could not have innovative behavior. Thus in the mechanical high-strung accept knowledge, lack of psychological safety and free place in the student, they spark of creativit
27、y is difficult to burst out. Situational teaching emphasizes that create a relaxed learning environment, let the factors in teaching, students, teachers environment interact to form a good atmosphere, conducive to innovation, to innovation, so that students thinking remain free in the tolerant situa
28、tion, Trinidad, free ride.1在情境中师生互动,构建民主平等的师生关系。民主平等的师生关系是营造创新氛围的前提。教师在教学过程中应努力建立一种相互平等、相互尊重、相互信任的师生关系,形成民主和谐的教学气氛,使学生能在一个欢乐、和谐、宽松的支持性环境中学习。而在情http:/ (学生)手下的一员将领,让“黄盖”在火攻曹营的路上回答我的提问。我根据课文内容设计了多个问题向“黄盖”请教。由于学生担当的是黄盖这一重要角色,自然不愿被“手下”问住,于是他们相互补充,争相回答我的问题,从而完全弄懂了这个计策的周密巧妙之处。在以上师生互动的情境中,师生之间既有信息的传递,又有情感的交
29、流,更思维的撞击,师生完全 2、在情境中生生互动,形成交流合作的良好气氛。当今科学的发展日益综合化,集体的创造取代了手工业式的个人创造。因此,当个人的创新置身于创新群体中时,群体的环境就不可避免地影响到个人的创新活动和创新能力的发展。因而,我们在教学过程中,十分重视使学生之间在情境中产生互动,形成相互交流、相互合作、相互补充、相互帮助的良好气氛。如教学寓言守株待兔一课,在揭示寓意时,我指着板上用简笔画勾勒的画面问:“看着这种田人田里满了野草还在那儿守株待兔,我们应该怎么办?”学回答应该规劝、教育他。我借机问:“如果你是一位老农,当你看到这位年轻的种田人在那地守着树桩等子时,你想对他说些什么呢?
30、”接着清一个同学上来当年轻的种田人,让愿意教育这位“年轻人”的“老农”自己上来教育他。这样一来,就形成了众老农纷纷相劝,共同教育“年轻的种田人”的情景,其间,我又让坐在下面的同学参与劝说,这就形成了生生互动、相互合作的可喜局面。1 teachers and students in the context of interaction, the construction of democratic and equal teacher-student relationship. Democratic and equal teacher-student relationship is a prere
31、quisite to create innovative atmosphere. Teachers should try to establish a kind of mutual equality, mutual respect, mutual trust relationship between teachers and students in the teaching process, the formation of a democratic and harmonious teaching atmosphere, so that students can learn in a happ
32、y, harmonious, comfortable support environment. And promote the teacher-student interaction in the context of the formation, is conducive to the good relationship between teachers and students. As in “ battle of Red Cliff “ course teaching, said Huang Gai fire attack Cao Ying the sophistication of t
33、his plot, I read the text after students creating context check understanding of text. I let the students when he, I when the “ Huang Gai “ ( students ) under a general, “ Huang Gai “ answer my question on the Cao camp fire attack. I according to the contents of the text designed a number of questio
34、ns to ask “ Gai “. Because the students play the role of the the role of Gai, naturally do not want to be “ people “ live to ask, so they complement each other, to answer my question, so as to fully understand the subtleties of the stratagem of careful. The teacher-student interaction scenarios, tra
35、nsmission of information between teachers and students, and emotional exchanges, more thinking of the impact, and totally 2, in the context of interaction between students and students, form a good atmosphere of cooperation. The development of science and the increasingly integrated, collective crea
36、tion instead of the handicraft industry of personal creation. Therefore, when the individual innovation in innovation group, group environment will inevitably affect the development of individual innovation activities and innovation ability. Therefore, we are in the process of teaching, attaches gre
37、at importance to create interaction in the context of students, to form a good atmosphere of mutual exchange, mutual cooperation, complement each other, to help each other. Such as teaching fable “ waiting “ lesson, in revealing the meaning, I pointed to the board outline using sketch picture asked:
38、 “ look at this field the fields full of weeds was still there waiting for him, what should we do? “ Learn the answer should persuade him, education. I asked: “ if you are a farmer, when you see the young farmer to stand by a tree stump in the other, what would you like to say to him? “ Then a stude
39、nt to when the young http:/ education, let the “ young “ and “ old “ oneself up his education. In this way, on the formation of the farmer have to persuade, common education “ young farmer “ scenario, in the meantime, I let sit below the students participating in persuasion, which formed the gratify
40、ing situation interaction between students and students, cooperation.3在情境中境人互动,实现人境融合的理想境界。师生互动,生生互动,对营造良好的创新氛围至关重要,但境与人之间的互动同样应该重视。因为当学生和教师一同创设情境并成为情境的一部分,在其中思考、活动达到忘我的境界时,便进入一种人境融合的最佳的创新状态。在教学蛇与庄稼一课时,为使学生更好地弄清蛇、田鼠、庄稼三者间的关系,我以排为单位让学生分别担当蛇、田鼠、庄稼、老农等角色,让学生根据教师对故事的叙述自主表演该角色在故事情节发展过程的不同表现。这样学生融入情境之中,而情
41、境也因学生的加入变活了。学生全身心的投入,使情境成了激发学生创新思维的最佳土壤。3 in the context of environmental interaction, realize the ideal entry fusion. Teacher-student interaction, student-student interaction, to create essential good innovation atmosphere, but the interaction between the environment and people should also pay atte
42、ntion to. Because when students and teachers together to create situations and become a part of the situation, in which the thinking, reach the realm of ecstasy, then entered a entry converging to the optimal innovation state. In the teaching of “ the snake and the crops “ class, in order to make st
43、udents better understand the snake, voles, crops among the three, I ranked as a unit so that the students were as snakes, rats, crops, farmer role, let students act the role different manifestations in story development process according to the teacher narrative the story. Such students into the sit
44、uation, and the situation is for students to join alive. The students into the heart, the situation has become the best soil to stimulate students creative thinking.三、突出情境的开放性,培养创新思维Open three, prominent situation, cultivation of innovative thinking创新思维是人类思维的高级形式,是创造者在强烈的创新意识的支配下,将大脑中已有的感性和理性的知识信息,借
45、助于想象和直觉,以突发性飞跃的形式进行的重建、组合、脱颖、升华所完成的思维活动过程。创新思维是整个创造活动的实质与核心。人类社会的任何一项创造发明,都是创新思维的结果。在教学中,我们突出情境的开放性、包容性,给学生留下充分的创新余地。Creative thinking is the advanced form of human thinking, is the creator in the dominant strong innovation consciousness, the brain will have the perceptual and rational knowledge of
46、information, with the help of imagination and intuition, thinking activity process with sudden leap in the form of reconstruction, combination, and Ying, sublimation completed. Creative thinking is the essence and core of the whole creation activities. Any one of the invention of the human society,
47、is the result of innovative thinking. In teaching, we highlight the openness, inclusiveness situation, for students to leave sufficient room for innovation.1丰富情境,训练直觉思维。创造活动需要逻辑思维,但更多的是依靠直觉思维。直觉思维实质上是大脑的一种高级的理性“感觉” 。它以极少量的本质现象为媒介,直接预感和洞察到事物的本质。它是创造力的起点,是创造思维的源泉。由于情境教学中的情境是人为优化了的环境,再加上教学过程中对情境的不断丰富,这就使得情境成为训练学生直觉思维的最好凭借。例如,在教学秋天课时,讲完课文