1、 3 Y Feb. 20, 2015, 42(2): 400410Microbiology China 2015 by Institute of Microbiology, CAS DOI: 10.13344/j.microbiol.china.140474 “ SE 8639 “ (No. 2011AA100902)*YT Tel 86-471-4300583 l 2014-06-13 s 2014-11-13 5 3 () 2014-11-17 8 ) %h1“ZR * 8 *f ( = j ) a )a ? o ) ) b bL ) ( ) O ) )aM ) ( ) S% )a )a
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3、topobium )T22b2.6 8 (IBS)8 B ? y%h +eanaL b “ M 3=F ya JM8?h q 6 t b Jefferys 37 IBS 20 r B L 3F?C IBS ) r B C ) E) A923bSaulnier24 454 3 / sr B8 IBS8 3s?C -M ) IBS8A9l _ )A9b?CB ? o ) IBS1.e?T q Alistipes% )M1 3 ? yM1 b2.7 Wang 25YV 454/ _ 16SrRNAy V3 uy 46 56 r B L% )“iYVss X H o 3WsTA Uc E )a )av
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5、4 3Y Microbiol. China 2015, Vol.42, No.2http:/ QT bRidlon28 = ) a) Sa, ) S r B A9b Chen29 454/ s r BvF ) F?C E )A 7 )a )A9b?C ) Sa o ) Sa o ) S 6 ) Sb2.9 /h“S J 38M /h9F O?h M -1“ Mb Vaziri30 U J0 /#h 3M sYV 12 /#h 12 r B L4 | 3yF DNA YV“d s FW 190% )s As ) Sa ) Sa ) Sa ) Sa ) Sa S f ) a 5 )aL )# ;
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7、: Oral glucose tolerance of rats at 14thweek. : NC group; : HM II group; : LT group. C: AUC of OGTT among NC, LP, HM groups after 9-week high-fructose fed. D: AUC ofOGTT among NC, LT, HM groups after 13-week high-fructose fed. 0 wL AvFV HMFa LPFa HMF LT F (VC A 0 s b HMF LPF 0 wLsA7 LT F 0 wLA HMbTV
8、 Lactobacillus casei Zhang Uhv 0 wL A Tiv Uh9zT46b L i 11 M ( ( M - 26 )a12 M ( ( M - 51 )# 10 M ( ( M - 76 ) M - = 33 L g ) 61010CFU/mL Lactobacillus plantarum P-8 l“L i s f o A(SIgA)c bT V 1 U MF MF 2L SIgAc A 6 (P! 0.05) m 3 ) Lactobacillusplantarum P-8s f o Ac 9F1Tbs f o A 8* “d1F YV“V h )hN h )
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