1、* SATURDAY/SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 - 19, 2021 VOL. CCLXXVIII NO. 67 WSJ.com HHHH $5.00WSJTHEWALLSTREETJOURNALWEEKENDtaxes on those increases, andthe heirs have to pay taxes onlywhen they sell and only ongains that occur after the origi-nal owners death.The White House proposal,which included a $1 milli
2、onper person exemption and spe-cial deferral rules for family-owned farms and businesses,drew criticism from someDemocrats who raised con-cerns about its possible im-pact on family farms. TheHouse Ways and Means Com-mittee this week didnt pro-pose any changes to thestepped-up basis as part of itsrou
3、ghly $2 trillion package oftax increases, instead optingfor only a rate increase.PleaseturntopageA2Democrats Seek NewCapital-Gains TrackWASHINGTONEn-trenched opposition from someDemocrats to a White Houseplan to tax unrealized capitalgains at death has pushed theparty to look for alternativemethods
4、of collecting addi-tional taxes from wealthyAmericans appreciating assets.President Biden put forwarda proposal to tax unrealizedcapital gainsincluding the ap-preciated values of homes,business, and stocks in taxableaccountswhen the originalowner dies, a break from cur-rent policy. Under the current
5、tax rule known as the tax-freestep-up in basis, someone whodies doesnt have to pay anyBY ANDREW DUEHRENIndexperformancethisweekSource:FactSet1.01.00.500.5%Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.DowJonesIndustrialAverageNasdaqCompositeS&P50010-minuteintervalsHowtoBeataHotHousingMarket:Moveto Where the Homes Are
6、FreeiiiPennsylvania mayor gives away vacanthouses to people willing to fix them upHouses are more expensivethan ever. Matt Shorraw is giv-ing them away for free.Mr. Shorraw is the mayor ofMonessen,Pa., a smallcity set in acurve of theMononga-hela River,which hashundreds ofvacant homes. Many of thema
7、re in disrepair and have ac-crued thousands of dollars inback taxes. Property values arelow. It is easier for owners towalk away than to sell.So Mr. Shorraw extended anopen invitation earlier this year:Find a vacant house in Mones-sennot difficult consideringthey make up about 10% of theproper-ties.
8、 Trackdown theowner andask her tosign theplace over.Many arehappy to wash their hands ofthe house and the back taxes.Mr. Shorraws administrationwill clear the taxes if the newPleaseturntopageA10BY BEN EISENHome freeOFFDUTYHow It Shapes Our TastesREVIEWAmericas LongHistory of VaccineMandatesTHOMASBUR
9、DENHowFacebookhobbledMarkZuckerbergsvaccineambitions.B1DESIREERIOSFORTHEWALLSTREETJOURNALCancer patient Juan Mendoza, 63 years old, gets a third dose of a Covid-19 vaccine at a clinic in White Plains, N.Y., on Friday.ing extra shots beyond the au-thorized dosing courses thatprovide full vaccination.
10、“I think that a lot of individ-ualsdofeelthereisaroleforanother dose in populations,and we would like to see thatcome forward,” said JeanettePleaseturntopageA7vaccinations. The group likelyincludes residents of nursinghomes and chronic-care facili-ties who meet the criteria.The unanimous booster en-
11、dorsement followed a daylongmeeting that included intensedebate among committeemembers over who should re-ceive boosters and when, andpresentations that offeredvarying conclusions about de-clining vaccine effectivenessand the benefit of administer-The outside panels actioncomes as the dangerous Delt
12、avariant of the coronavirus con-tinues to spread in the U.S. andfederal health officials hopethat additional doses of ap-proved vaccines will sustainprotection in people who havebeen previously vaccinated.Older adults and those withunderlying health conditionsand other high-risk factorswere among th
13、e earliestgroups in the U.S. to receiveAn advisory panel to theFood and Drug Administrationoffered a limited endorsementof booster shots of theCovid-19 vaccine from PfizerInc. and BioNTech SE, recom-mending injections for people65 and older or at high risk ofsevere disease but stoppingshort of justi
14、fying them for thebroader population.BY JARED S. HOPKINSAND FELICIA SCHWARTZVaccine Booster Is EndorsedFor Older, Higher-Risk PeopleWASHINGTONThe U.S.military said Friday that itmistakenly killed at least 10Afghan civilians, includingseven childrenbut not Is-lamic State terrorists, as in-tendedwhen
15、it launched adrone strike on a car in Kabullast month.It was a reversal of the Pen-tagons position on the Aug.29 strike from just days ago,when military officials saidthey believed that the strikewas justified. Military officialssaid then that civilians mayhave been mistakenly killed,but that Islami
16、c State mili-tants had been stopped. Chair-man of the Joint Chiefs ofStaff Army Gen. Mark Milleyhad gone so far as to say ear-lier this month that the strikewas “righteous.”But after a detailed analysisover recent days, the mili-tarys Central Command con-cluded that it had struck civil-ians, not mil
17、itants, eventhough there was an “immi-nent and active threat” in thearea. Central Commands topofficer, Marine Gen. FrankMcKenzie, acknowledged thePleaseturntopageA6BY NANCY A. YOUSSEFAND GORDON LUBOLDPentagonAdmitsMistakeIn KabulStrikeU.S. military saysattack killed at least10 Afghan civilians,rever
18、sing earlier stanceStocksPostDeclinesforWeekNew data on consumer sentiment helped pull U.S. shares loweron Friday, with major indexes ending the week with losses. B1risks associated with facilitat-ing ransomware payments, in-cluding fines and other penal-ties. Later this year, expectednew anti-money
19、-launderingand terror-finance rules willseek to limit the use of crypto-currency as a payment mecha-nism in ransomware attacksand other illicit activities.The actions collectivelywould represent the most sig-nificant attempt yet by the Bi-den administration to undercutthe digital finance ecosystem o
20、ftraders, exchanges and otherelements that cybersecurity ex-perts say has allowed debilitat-ing ransomware attacks toflourish in recent years.Senior officials have saidransomware attacks this yearhave grown more severe thanever and represent a seriousthreat to critical infrastruc-ture, including pow
21、er opera-tors, hospitals and banks.The Treasury Departmentdeclined to comment and thepeople familiar with the matterdeclined to specify the targetsof sanctions. But to effectivelydisrupt illicit crypto transac-tions, Treasury would need totarget the digital wallets thatreceive ransom transactions,th
22、e crypto platforms that helpexchange one set of blockchaincoins for another to obscure theculprits and the people thatown or manage those opera-PleaseturntopageA4The Biden administration ispreparing an array of actions,including sanctions, to make itharder for hackers to use digi-tal currency to pro
23、fit from ran-somware attacks, according topeople familiar with the matter.The government hopes tochoke off access to a form ofpayment that has supported abooming criminal industry anda rising national securitythreat.The Treasury Departmentplans to impose the sanctionsas soon as next week, the peo-pl
24、e said, and will issue freshguidance to businesses on theBY IAN TALLEYAND DUSTIN VOLZU.S. to Target Crypto UseIn Ransom CyberattacksEXCHANGE Moderna best at preventinghospital stays. A7Companies grapple withvaccine mandate. B12 Milley defends calls toChinese general. A4The Biden administrationis pre
25、paring an array of ac-tions, including sanctions,to make it harder for hack-ers to use digital currencyto profit from ransomwareattacks, according to peoplefamiliar with the matter. A1Universal Beijing Resort,a high-profile Americanentertainment investmentin China, is set to make itspublic debut Mon
26、day amidsouring relations betweenthe two countries. B1U.S. stocks fell,withtheS&P 500 and Nasdaq bothretreating 0.9% and theDow shedding 0.5%. Allthree major indexes lostground for the week. B1 A chemist who workedat Theranos testified atthe criminal fraud trial ofcompany founder Holmesabout scienti
27、fic failuresthat plagued the defunctblood-testing startup. B3 Several state funds areselling or threatening tosell their investments inUnilever after its Ben &Jerrys brand said it wouldstop sales in Jewish settle-mentsintheWest Bank. B3 Tencent said it wouldgraduallyremovesomecom-petitive barriers f
28、rom itsWeChat messaging app, in-cluding making it easier forusers to share e-commercelistingsfromrivalAlibaba. B3WhatsNewsCONTENTSBooks. C7-12Business News. B3Food. D8-9Heard on Street.B14Obituaries. A10Opinion. A11-13Sports. A14Style & Fashion D2-4Travel. D6-7U.S. News. A2-7Weather. A14Wknd Investo
29、r. B5World News. A8-9s 2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.All Rights ReservedThe U.S. military thatit mistakenly killed atleast 10 Afghan civilians,including seven chil-drenbut not IslamicState terrorists, as in-tendedwhen it launcheda drone strike on a car inKabul last month. A1 An FDA advisory panelend
30、orsed booster shots ofthe Covid-19 vaccine fromPfizer and BioNTech foradults 65 years and olderand those at high risk ofsevere disease. A1France has recalled itsambassadors to Washingtonand Canberra after a newdealamongtheU.S.,U.K.andAustralia to provide Aus-tralia with nuclear-poweredsubmarine tech
31、nology. A8Gen. Milley said hewouldmountavigorousdefenseoftwo calls he placed tohisChinesecounterpartinthetumultuouslastdaysoftheTrumpadministration. A4 The U.S. Border PatrolisholdingthousandsofmostlyHaitianmigrantsun-derabridgeinasmallSouthTexas border town. A3 Biden said the U.S. isworking with th
32、e EU on apledge to help cut globalmethane emissions bynearly a third by 2030. A9Died: Abdelaziz Bouteflika,84, Algerian leader who re-signedamidmassprotests.A8World-WideBusiness&FinanceNOONANAmericaHasLostTheThreadA13For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commerc
33、ial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or .A2 | Saturday/Sunday, September 18 - 19, 2021 * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.Congressman Andy Barr ofKentucky is the leading Republi-can on the House subcommitteethat oversees the World Bankand the Internationa
34、l MonetaryFund. In some editions Friday, aPage One article about theWorld Bank incorrectly said heis the head of the panel.Notice to readersWall Street Journal staffmembers are working remotelyduring the pandemic. For theforeseeable future, please sendreader comments only byemail or phone, using the
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39、OR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPSU.S.WATCHCALIFORNIACrews Try to ProtectGiant SequoiasFirefighters covered some ofthe giant trees of Californias Se-quoia National Park in protectivefoil as growing wildfires threat-ened one of the states mostwell-known groves.The KNP Complex Fire, which ismade up of t
40、he Paradise and Col-ony fires, has burned through11,365 acres with no containmentsince lightning sparked flames lastweek. Firefighters have struggledto contain the blazes as steep anddifficult terrain make ground oper-ations more challenging.The complex fire threatensthe Giant Forest, the most vis-i
41、ted grove of giant sequoias inthe national park that is home to2,000 of the trees. The grove in-cludes the General Sherman Tree,the worlds largest tree based onvolume. Officials say decades ofprescribed burning in the areamight prevent any extensivedamage if the wildfire makes itsway to the Giant Fo
42、rest.The KNP Complex fire is oneof 77 large wildfires and com-plex fires burning in the U.S.Jennifer CalfasNORTH CAROLINAState Court RejectsVoterIDLawJudges in North Carolinablocked a state voter-identifica-tion law on Friday, calling themeasure unconstitutional and dis-criminatory toward Black vote
43、rs.Two of three judges on theNorth Carolina Superior Courtpanel struck down the 2018 law,writing that it “was motivatedat least in part by an unconsti-tutional intent to target African-American voters.” The thirdjudge on the panel dissented.Superior Court Judges Mi-chael OFoghludha and Vince Ro-zier
44、, Jr., wrote that it didnt ap-pear the lawmakers whosupported the law targetedBlack voters because of racism.The judges said Republican law-makers targeted voters “who,based on race, were unlikely tovote for the majority party.” Inhis dissent, Superior Court JudgeNathaniel Poovey disagreed withhis p
45、eers that the law was un-constitutional and racially dis-criminatory.State Republicans have de-fended the requirements as aprotection against voter fraud.Opponents say there are no indi-cations of any widespread fraudand the measures represent re-peated attempts to make votingmore difficult for mino
46、rities.Jennifer CalfasLOS ANGELESDurst Is ConvictedOf Friends MurderA Los Angeles jury convictedRobert Durst on Friday of mur-dering his best friend 20 yearsago, a case that took on new lifeafter the New York real-estateheir participated in a documen-tary that connected him to theslaying that was li
47、nked to hiswifes 1982 disappearance.Mr. Durst, who faces a man-datory term of life in prison with-out parole when sentenced Oct.18, was convicted of the first-de-gree murder of Susan Berman.She was shot at point-blankrange in the back of the head inher Los Angeles home in 2000as she was prepared to
48、tell policehow she helped cover up hiswifes killing. Ms. Berman was hislongtime confidante who toldfriends she provided a phony alibifor him after his wife vanished.Associated PressFirefighters have wrapped the General Sherman and other sequoias with protective foil to protectthem from wildfires thr
49、eatening the most-visited grove in Californias Sequoia National Park.ERICGAY/ASSOCIATEDPRESSCORRECTIONSAMPLIFICATIONSReaders can alert The Wall StreetJournal to any errors in news articlesby emailing orby calling 888-410-2667.But some Democrats in theSenate say they are still push-ing for structural
50、 changes tohow capital-gains taxes are as-sessed, arguing that its theonly way to close a hole thatlets wealthy people escape in-cometaxesiftheyownappre-ciating assets and never sell.“Addressing stepped-up ba-sis is the lowest-hanging fruiton the tree,” said Sen. Eliza-beth Warren (D., Mass.), whoha