1、 分类号: 密 级:公 开0 号:2009107050 单位代码:10759 石河子大学硕 士 学 位 论 文不同作物与棉花间作对棉花品质和作物养分吸收利用的影响学 位 申 请 人0 导 教 师 申请学位门类级别 学 科 、 专 业 名 称 研 究 方 向 所 在 学 院0 小 燕 0 隆 教授 危常州 教授 农学硕士 植物营养学 植物生理生态 0 学 院 中国新疆 石河子2012 年 6 月不同作物与棉花间作对棉花品质和作物养分利用的影响Cotton fiber Quality, Uptake and conversion efficiencies of nitrogen, phosphor
2、us and potassium in cotton-based intercropping systemsA Dissertation Submitted toShihezi UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofMaster of AgricultureBy Dang Xiaoyan(plant nutriology)Dissertation Supervisor: Li Long and Wei ChangzhouJune, 2012石河子大学学位论文独创性声明及使用授权声明学位论文独创
3、性声明本人所呈交的学位论文是在我导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究 成果。据我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外 ,本论文不包含其他个人已经 发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在 文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。研究生签名: 时间: 年 月 日使用授权声明本人完全了解石河子大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,学校有权保留 学位论文并向国家主管部门或指定机构送交论文的电子版和纸质版。有权将学 位论文在学校图书馆保存并允许被查阅。有权自行或许可他人将学位论文编入 有关数据库提供检索服务。有权将学位论文的标题和摘要汇编出版。保密的学 位论文在解密后适用本规定。研究生签名
4、: 时间: 年 月 日导师签名: 时间: 年 月 日摘 要棉田间作能够解决棉花与粮食作物和蔬菜作物争地的矛盾, 但是否有间作 优势以及间作优势的作物营养基础,棉花纤维品质是否受间作影响,如何降低 棉田间作中作物种间竞争,提高养分资源的利用效率等问题是棉田间作优势的 关键,也是众所关心的问题 。本研究在新疆石河子大学试验站设置棉花与花 生、大豆、鹰 嘴豆、洋葱、萝卜、 线辣椒间作以及各个作物单作的田间试验, 并在中国农业大学资环学院温室开展盆栽试验,旨在揭示以棉花为基础的间作 体系的间作优势以及养分吸收和利用效率对间作优势的贡献,分析间作对棉花 品质的影响,及间作后作物养分吸收的氮磷钾等大量元素
5、积累动态和种间相互 的影响,为新疆棉花为主的间作体系的发展提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)与单作相比,棉花与洋葱间作能显著地提高棉花上半部分 平均长度,且达到了 5%的显著水平;尽管棉花与 线辣椒、 鹰嘴豆、花生间作 时棉花的麦克隆值显著地高于单作,但都 处于这一指标的合理范围之内;间作 体系对棉花纤维的断裂比强度、整齐度、伸长率、反射率、纺纱均匀性指数都 没有影响;间作并没有显著影响棉花的品质,甚至与洋葱间作提高了棉花品 质。 (2)棉花与鹰嘴豆、花生、洋葱、萝 卜间作以后土地当量比(LER )分别为 1.02、1.30、1.12、1.68 都大于 1, 说明具有间作优势; 棉花与大豆、 线辣
6、椒间 作后 LER 分别为 0.91 和 0.99 小于 1, 没有间作优势。 (3)棉花与鹰嘴豆、花 生、洋葱、萝卜间作体系作物的吸氮量明显高于单作 18% 74%, 棉花与大豆 和线辣椒间作体系作物的吸氮量低于 单作 10%和 34%; 棉花与大豆、鹰嘴豆、 花生、洋葱、萝卜间作体系中作物吸磷量比单作增加 5%104%, 棉花与线辣 椒间作体系作物的吸磷量低于单作 6%; 棉花与花生、洋葱、萝卜 间作体系中作 物吸 钾量高于单作 20%58%, 棉花与大豆、鹰嘴豆和线辣椒间作作物吸钾量 低于间作 19%22%。 (4)棉花与花生、洋葱、萝卜间作体系氮磷钾吸收效率 对 土地当量比的贡献分别为
7、 0.410.82, 0.251.04, 0.150.59, 利用效率的贡 献分别为 0.350.04, 0.030.14, 0.160.01。间作优势在营养方面的基础主 要来自于间作相对于单作吸收效率的增加, 而不是利用效率的改变。 (5)棉花 和大豆以及棉花和萝卜共生期间,棉花对养分的竞争能力弱于大豆(CRcc 1 1),表现为棉花生长和养分吸收积累处于优势地位,辣椒、花生、洋 葱处于不利地位;棉花和鹰嘴豆共生的前一阶段,棉花对养分竞争能力弱于鹰 嘴豆(CRcc 1 1),表 现为棉花生长处于优势地位,鹰嘴豆处于不利地位。I不同作物与棉花间作对棉花品质和作物养分利用的影响关键词:间作棉花;
8、棉花纤维品质;间作优势; 养分吸收量; 土地当量比AbstractCotton-based intercropping is popular in Northwest China, because they are able to solve the conflict in planting areas between cereals and cotton. However, there is shortage of knowledge in yield advantage, nutrient competition uptake, and nutrient conversion of cot
9、ton-based intercropping. Therefore, the objectives of the study were to investigate the fiber quality of cotton intercropped with various crops and vegetables, yield advantage, uptake and conversion efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in several intercropping systems, which include pean
10、uts/cotton, soybean/cotton, chickpea/cotton, onion/cotton, radish/cotton, line chilli/cotton intercropping, and their corresponding monocultures. A field experiment was conducted to determinate the yield advantage and nutrient uptake and conversion of peanuts/cotton, soybean/cotton, chickpea/cotton,
11、 onion/cotton, radish/cotton, line chilli/cotton intercropping, compared to their corresponding monocultures. A greenhouse study of cotton intercropped with radish and onion was also set up to determine the contribution of interspecific root interactions to crop nutrient uptake and cotton fiber qual
12、ity, through a root barrier devise.Results showed that fiber length of cotton intercropped with onion was significantly (P0.05) greater than that in sole cropping cotton. Although the micronaire of cotton fiber is significantly greater in the cotton/linear chilli, cotton/chickpea and cotton/peanut i
13、ntercropping than in sole cropping, they were distributed within the same range for Standard of Chinese cotton quality. There were no significant differences in elongation, reflectivity, yellow degrees, spinning consistency index and fiber strength between intercropped and sole cropping cotton. Inte
14、rcropping did not reduce the fiber quality of cotton. Land equivalent ratios (LERs) of peanuts/cotton, chickpea/cotton, onion/cotton and radish intercropping were 1.02, 1.30, 1.12 and 1.68, respectively, indicating significant yield advantages. However, LERs of the both soybean/cotton and line chill
15、i/cotton intercropping were 0.91 and 0.99 respectively, indicating no yield advantages. Nitrogen uptake of peanuts/cotton, chickpea/cotton, onion/cotton and radish/cotton intercropping was significantly increased by 18% to74%, comparing to the weighted means of sole cropping crops. In contrast, nitr
16、ogen uptake by soybean/cotton and line chilli/cotton intercropping was decreased by 10% and 34%, respectively comparing to that of corresponding weighted mean for sole crops. Phosphorus uptake by intercropped species also was higher than the weighted means of uptake by sole crops in peanuts/cotton,
17、chickpea/cotton, onion/cotton, radish/cotton and soybean/cotton intercropping by 5% to 104%, but lower in line chilli/cotton patterns by 6%. There were 20% to 58% increases of potassium uptake in peanuts/cotton, onion/cotton and radish/cotton intercropping over that in sole cropping. However, 19% to
18、 22% deceases of potassium uptake were observed in soybean/cotton, chickpea/cotton, and line chilli/cotton intercropping over the weighted means of corresponding sole crops. The contribution of uptake efficiency of N, P, and K to LER were 0.410.82, 0.251. 04 and 0.15 0.59, respectively, and the conv
19、ersion efficiency of N, P, K were 0.350.04, 0.030.14, and 0.160.01, respectively. The yield advantages of intercropping derived mainly from increases of uptake efficiency, rather than conversion efficiency. In cotton/soybean and cotton/radish intercropping, soybean and radish was dominat, and cotton
20、 subordinated species because the N, P, K nutrient competitive ratios of cotton relative to soybean or radish always less than 1 during co-growth of twoIspecies. The peanuts or cotton was dominant species, and onion or line chilli was subordinante species in the intercropping, because the N, P, K nu
21、trient competitive ratios of cotton relative to peanuts, onion or line chilli all exceeded 1 during co-growth of two species. The N, P, K nutrient competitive ratios of cotton relative to chickpea were less than 1 during early co-growth stage of two species , where chickpea was dominant species in t
22、he intercropping, and onion or line chill was subordinante species. The N, P, K nutrient competitive ratios exceeded 1 during co-growth before harvest of chickpea.Key words Intercropped cotton, cotton fiber quality, Yield advantage,Nutrient uptake, Land equivalent ratio intercropping;目 录摘 要 .IAbstra
23、ct .II第一章 绪论 .11.1 研究背景及意义 .11.2 国内外研究现状及分析 .31.3 研究目的 .51.4 研究内容 .51.5 拟解决关键问题 .5第二章 材料与方法 .62.1 研究方案 .62.2 测定指标 .72.3 测定方法 .72.4 计算方法 .82.5 温室试验设计 .92.6 技术路线 .10第三章 不同作物与棉花间作对棉纤维品质的影响 .113.1 不同作物和棉花间作对棉花产量的影响 .113.2 不同作物和棉花间作对棉花纤维品质的影响 .123.3 讨论 .15第四章 不同棉花间作模式中作物养分吸收和利用对间作优势的贡献 .174.1 间作养分吸收量与单作养分加权平均吸收量的比较 .174.2 间作与单作体系中作物养分利用效率的比较 .184.3 土地当量比及养分吸收和利用效率的贡献 .204.4 讨论 .21第五章 棉花间作模式中作物养分竞争吸收和积累动态的研究 .245.1 间作和单作地上部棉花干物质累积和氮磷钾累积的差异 .245.2 棉花间作中配对作物间作和单作干物质累积和氮(N)磷(P)钾(K)累积的差异 .255.3 间作体系和单作体系(加权平均)干物质累积和氮(N)磷(P)钾(K )累积量的比较 .31