1、Main Effect of Alcohol There was a significant main effect of the amount of alcohol consumed at the night-club, on the attractiveness of the mate that was selected. F(2,42)=20.07, p.001. Main Effect of Gender There was a nonsignificant main effect of gender on the attractiveness of selected mates. F
2、(1,42)=2.03, p=.161 Summary TableMain Effect of Alcohol There was a significant main effect of the amount of alcohol consumed at the night-club, on the attractiveness of the mate that was selected. F(2,42)=20.07, p.001. Interpretation: Main Effect AlcoholSummary TableMain Effect of Gender There was
3、a nonsignificant main effect of gender on the attractiveness of selected mates. F(1,42)=2.03, p=.161 Interpretation: Main Effect of GenderSummary TableInterpretation: Interaction There was a significant interaction between the amount of alcohol consumed and the gender of the person selecting a mate,
4、 on the attractiveness of the partner selected, F(2,42)=11.91, p.001. 简单效应分析 一个因素在另一个因素的 不同水 平上对 于因变 量的影响。 (Use SPSS syntax) glm Attractiveness by gender alcohol /emmeans = tables(gender*alcohol)compare(gender).报告多因素方差分的结果 饮酒量的主效 应 显著, F(2,42)=20.07, p.001, 事 后多重比较(Tukey)的结果表明,饮酒量为4 品脱条件下选择的约会对象的吸引力
5、 水平显 著 低于饮酒量为2 品脱和0 品脱条件下约会对象 的 吸引力水平(ps.001). 饮酒量为2 品脱和0 品脱 时, 选择 的约 会对 象的 吸引 力不 存在 显著 差异 。 性别的主效应 不显著 ,F(1,42) =2.03, p=.161. 饮酒量与性别的交互 作 用显著, F(2,42)=11.91, p.001, 这表明饮酒量对于男性和女 性有着 不同 的影响。具体地说,在未饮酒时,男 性(M=66.88, SD=10.33) 和女性(M=60.63, SD=4.96)选择的约会 对象 的吸 引力 水平 很相 似 ;在 饮酒 量为2 品脱 时, 男性(M=66.88, SD=
6、12.51) 和女 性females (M=62.50, SD=6.55)选择的约会对象吸引力水平仍相似;然 而,在饮酒量为4 品脱的条件下,男性选 择的约 会对象的吸引力水平(M=35.63, SD=10.84) 显著低 于女性(M=57.50, SD=7.07)。课堂练习 试分析数据Method Of Teaching.sav ,以考察不 同的教学(强化)方法对 于男性 和女性 是否有 不同效果。 To answer this question we need to conduct a 2 (Method: electric shock vs. being nice) x 2 (Gender: male vs. female) two-way independent ANOVA on scores on an SPSS exam. glm Mark by gender method /emmeans=tables (gender*method) compare (gender). Test Simple Effect