1、 韩愈论文:韩愈哲学思想研究【中文摘要】韩愈生于公元 768 年,卒于公元 824 年。河南孟州人(今河南孟州市)。他是唐代著名的文学家,古文运动的领导者,也是一个对宋明理学有着重大影响的哲学家。韩愈年幼时生活在新禅学学说浓厚的环境中,深受其影响,韩愈为了抵御、压倒佛道两派,继承和发展了前贤的人性论学说,提出了自己的性三品论并建立自己的一套道统理论体系。他推崇大学,尊崇孟子。由于韩愈的提倡,孟子和大学的地位得到空前提高,至宋代已被列入四书之中,与中庸和论语一起成为载道的典籍。并逐步取代六经,成为经学发展的主体。宋代有关韩愈研究的资料多达 20 万字,而研究者有数百之众,其中以二程,朱熹,王安石
4、的人对此也颇有微词。第五部分主要是总结韩愈哲学思想的合理价值以及对后世的影响,主要包括韩愈在儒学发展史上的地位,其中他的道统论、人性论及对孟子和大学的推崇最具有代表性。韩愈在儒学发展史上是一个承前启后的代表人物,对宋明理学家的思想学说都产生了较大的影响,甚至是近代对于韩愈及其思想的讨论从未停止过。通过这几章的概述,本文力求写出一部总结性的,并提出新的见解的文章,以求重塑韩愈的形象,深刻揭示韩愈的哲学思想。【英文摘要】HanYu borned in A.D.768 year, dead in A.D.824 year. Henan MengZhou people (today).He is th
5、e Tang dynasty famous litterateur, neo-classic movement leader, is also a significant influence on the idealist phylosophy of philosophers. When HanYu was youth,he lived in buddhist strong environment。In order to resist, overwhelmingly Buddhism and Taoism, he inherited and developed the theory of hu
6、man nature and put forward his own theory.He respected the DaXue,Due to the promotion of the HanYu, Menzi and the status of the Daxue, They have become the subject of developed Confucianism.From that time, HanYus writings research on its merits and books, has been disputed unceasingly.This paper fro
7、m the philosophical thoughts in HanYus thoughts on five generous face excavation.The first chapter is the HanYus life time,The second chapter is about the research of HanYus thought, HanYus ruling the third chapter discusses the theory of human nature, the fourth chapter is HanYus criticism of Buddh
8、ism and the analysis,the fifth chapter analized HanYus thought, the rational value and the influence on later generations.The first part introduced the life and times of political career and most typical representative events.Finally, the achievements of HanYu highlighted the advocate of ancient pro
9、se movement, and analysis of ancient prose movement produced era background and on the impact of future generations.The second part amply introduced HanYus philosophy thought achievements.Thorough discussion of the elements formed social background and the time background, the paper on the han ultru
10、ism founded the value of process and obtain.This gets Confucian especially after the scientists to identify with it and after the influence of Confucianism. The third part is about HanYus human thought.It based on the theory of human nature ideas, such as Confucius, menzi,DongZhongShu,YanXiong, modi
11、fy and inherited a greater influence on later generationsThe fourth part back against Buddhism.Analysis of the social effects of Buddhism prevailed and display the era of HanYus against Buddhism and social background.But the theory is HanYus against buddhist defects, the later and then have against,
12、 especially with the Great Britain monk han not only in the communication was become Buddha ACTS refuted anlysing and disinformation han, and later point to some unknown truth also have quite disapprove.The fifth part mainly summarized the rational value about HanYus philosophy and the impact of fut
13、ure generations.Include in the history of HanYu Confucianism status、Ultruism theory、humanity.In the history of Confucianism, Han is the representative figure of a link to all the doctrines Confucian scientists had a greater influence on modern, even with their ideas for discussion of han has never s
14、topped.Through an overview of these chapters, this paper tries to write a summary, and puts forward some new ideas of the article, in order to reshape HanYus image, profound HanYus philosophical thoughts.【关键词】韩愈 佛教 孟子【英文关键词】HanYu Buddhism MenZi【目录】韩愈哲学思想研究 摘要 3-5 Abstract 5-6 引言 9-11 第一章 韩愈生平与时代 11-
15、21 第一节 韩愈生平及政治倾向 11-14 第二节 唐中后期儒释道三教发展趋势和现状 14-18 1. 佛教发展的趋势和状况 14-17 2. 唐代中后期道教的发展趋势 17-18 第三节 唐儒学发展趋势及状况 18-19 第四节 韩愈对古文运动倡导 19-21 第二章 韩愈道统思想 21-28 第一节 道统形成的社会历史背景 21-22 第二节 “道”的范畴以及韩愈对道统的阐释 22-24 第三节 重视大学,推崇孟子 24-26 第四节 道统对后世的影响 26-28 第三章 韩愈人性论思想 28-35 第一节 性三品论 28-30 第二节 情三品论 30-32 第三节 性与情的关系 32-35 第四章 对佛教的批评 35-43 第一节 佛教的盛行对社会的影响 35-37 第二节 韩愈对佛教的批评的理论依据及其不足 37-41 第三节 佛教对韩愈的批评 41-43 第五章 韩愈思想的合理价值以及对后世的影响 43-50 第一节 韩愈思想的在儒学发展史上的价值 43-46 第二节 韩愈在宋明理学复兴中的地位 46-47 第三节 宋明理学及后世对韩愈的评价 47-50 结语 50-51 参考文献 51-52 致谢 52-53 攻读学位期间发表的论文 53