1、Celine (C) Andy (A)8:30-9:00 开幕式 Opening Ceremony:尊敬的各位领导、专家、在英语基础教育战线辛勤耕耘的园丁们Dear distinguished leaders, respectable experts, basic unit teachers, :以及热心于基础教育事业的朋友们:and friends who support elementary education.大家上午好!Good morning!(这句最好在开头就说,中英文习惯不一样):百花又放新气象,教苑更翻新华章In this blossomy spring, our career
2、 cause enters a new stage.:为了进一步贯彻落实 2011 版国家英语课程标准 , 提升教育理念,引领素质教育,分享实验经验,今天我们聚集在这里,以 “整体教学 ”-整体输入,整体感悟,整体输出 为主题,举办西安市莲湖区第三届小学英语课堂教学及校本课程观摩会。In order to implement further the National English Curriculum Standard,2011 version, so as to enhance our education ideas, set examples for quality-oriented e
3、ducation, and share our experiences with each other, we gather here today to attend this meeting-the third watch party for elementary English class teaching and curriculum set,Lianhu District, Xian. The theme of the party is the overall teaching, which would be described as follows: all-round input,
4、 general comprehension and all-wave output. 介绍来宾 Introduce the guests :出席本次研讨会的嘉宾有:(介绍来宾)Here are the guests who attend this seminar:A 西安外国语大学继续教育学院院长,教授 赵凌君Professor Zhao Linjun, Dean of Further Education College, Xian International Studies University(以下简称 XISU)C 西安外国语大学教授,浸入式课题组专家,迟延萍Professor Chi
5、 Yanping, Immersion Research Group Expert, XISU. A 西安外国语大学英文学院教授,浸入式课题组专家,李本现Professor Li Benxian, Immersion Research Group Expert, English Academy of XISU. C 西安外国语大学英文学院教授,浸入式课题组专家,吕允丽Professor LV Yunli, Immersion Research Group Expert, English Academy of XISU. A 西安市教科所教研员,白文化Bai Wenhua, Education
6、Researcher of Xian Educational Science Institute.C 陕西省莲湖教师进修学校书记、副校长,曹静Caojing, Secretary and Vice President of Teachers Improving School of Lianhu, Shaanxi Province.A 陕西师范大学实验小学校长,高弘健Gao hongjian, President of the Experimental Primary School of Shaanxi Normal University. C 西安市莲湖区青年路小学校长,何静Hejing, P
7、resident of the Youth Road Primary School, Lianhu, Xian.A 西安外国语大学附属小学校长,权慧芳Quan Huifang, President of the Affiliated Primary School of Xian International Studies University.:让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!接下来,让我们有请陕西师范大学实验小学高校长为大家致欢迎词。有请高校长。Lets give them welcome with our warm applause, and please have Mr. Gao, t
8、he President of the Experimental Primary School of Shaanxi Normal University to deliver us his welcoming speech.:下面有请陕西省莲湖教师进修学校书记曹静致开幕词。欢迎。Now please have Miss Cao, Secretary of Teachers Improving School of Lianhu, Shaanxi Province to make the opening speech.9:009:30 开始上课 Start ClassA 感谢曹静致书记的致辞,下面
9、我们将观摩 7 节英语课堂教学。第一位示范课授课教师是西安市第二实验小学王慧老师,大家欢迎。Thanks for Miss Caos opening speech. In the next stage, we will watch English classroom teachings. The first teacher gives us the model class is Wanghui, who is from the Second Experimental Primary School of Xian. Lets Welcome her.A 感谢王老师和孩子们的精彩展示。下一位示范课
10、授课教师是西关一小的张晓曼老师,有请张晓曼老师。Thanks for Miss Wang and her students fabulous exhibition. The next teacher gives us the model class is Zhang Xiaoman, who is from the First Xiguan Primary School. Lets Welcome her.C 感谢张老师和孩子们的活力展示。下一位示范课授课教师是西安外国语学校附属小学的朱传哲老师,有请 朱传哲老师。Thanks for Miss Zhang and her students e
11、xciting exhibition. The next teacher gives us the model class is Zhu Chuanzhe, who is from the Affiliated Primary School of Xian International Studies University. Lets Welcome him.C 感谢朱老师和孩子们的精彩展示。下一位示范课授课教师是青年路小学的黄新英老师,有请黄老师。Thanks for Mr. Zhu and his students fabulous exhibition. The next teacher
12、gives us the model class is Huang Xinying, who is from the Youth Road Primary School, Lianhu, Xian. Lets Welcome her.A 感谢黄老师和孩子们的精彩展示。下面有请陕西师范大学大兴新区小学的赵欢老师,有请赵老师。Thanks for Miss Huang and her students fabulous exhibition. The next teacher gives us the model class is Zhaohuan, who is from the Daxin N
13、ew Affiliated Primary School of Shaanxi Normal University. Lets Welcome her.C 感谢赵老师和孩子的精彩展示。下面有请陕西师范大学实验小学王曼老师,让她给我们带来二年级浸入式音乐英语Thanks for Miss Zhao and her students fabulous exhibition. The next teacher gives us the model class is Wangman, who is from the Affiliated Primary School of Shaanxi Normal
14、 University. She will bring us the immersion music English of the second grade, lets welcome her.A 感谢王曼老师精彩纷呈的授课。下面有请陕西师范大学大兴新区小学 刘清老师Thanks for Miss Wang and her students fabulous exhibition. The next teacher gives us the model class is Liuqing, who is from the Daxin New Affiliated Primary School o
15、f Shaanxi Normal University. Lets Welcome her.C 感谢刘老师和孩子们的精彩展示,下面,有请 xxx 老师为以上示范课做现场点评。Thanks for Miss Liu and her students fabulous exhibition. Now lets ask Miss/Mr.XXX to make his/her comment on these model classes.(结束)The EndA 非常感谢 xxx 老师为我们做出的精彩点评。教育乃经国之大业,不朽之盛事,一次探讨交流显然不足以解决其中的问题,但是手植弱葵,灌溉日久,护惜
16、良嘉,参天巨茂指日可待。Thanks for Miss/Mr.XXX to give us her/his comment. Education is crucial to the development of our country, and is should be given constant care. We know this watch party cannot solve all the problems, however, we believe that if we devote ourselves to education, the cause of education will be fully-functioned in near future.C 让我们共同努力,积跬步,行千里;积小流,汇江海,为基础英语素质教育奋斗不息!Lets join together to better our elementary quality-oriented English teaching.T 再次感谢各位来宾,各位朋友!再见!Fellow leaders, experts, teachers and friends, thanks again for your presence. Hope to see you again in the next time.