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1、.2005年硕士研究生入学考试英汉同声传译专业试卷I. 将下列短文译成汉语(25分 )While assembling a new national security team, President George W. Bush is confronting what could become the biggest challenge of his second term: how to contain Irans nuclear program and what Americans believe is its support of violence in Israel and insur

2、gents in Iraq.In an eerie repetition of the prelude to the Iraq, hawks in the administration and congress are trumpeting ominous disclosures about Irans nuclear capacities to make the case that Iran is a threat that must be confronted, either by economic sanctions, military action, or regime change.

3、But Britain, France and Germany are urging diplomacy, placing their hopes in a deal brokered by the Europeans in the past week in which Iran agreed to suspend its uranium enrichment program in return for discussions about future economic benefits.Secretary of State Colin Powell thrust himself into t

4、he debate on Wednesday by commenting to reporters while on the way to Chile that fresh intelligence showed that Iran was “actively working” on a program to enable its missiles to carry nuclear bombs, a development he said “should be of concern to all parties.”The disclosures alluded to by Powell wer

5、e seen by hard-liners in the administration as another sign of Iranian perfidy, and by Europeans as nothing new. Although Powell has praised the negotiations between the Europeans and Iran, an administration official said there was “a steady tightening of outlook between hawks and doves” that Iran w

6、ill use the negotiations as a pretext to continue its nuclear program in secret. II. 将下列文章译成汉语 (50分)The Patent Clerks LegacyAlbert Einstein looms over 20th-century physics as its defining, emblematic figure. His work altered forever the way we view the natural world. “Newton, please forgive me,“ Ein

7、stein begged as relativity theory wholly obliterated the absolutes of time and space that the reigning arbiter of all things physical had embraced more than two centuries earlier.With little more to show than a rejected doctoral thesis from a few 1years before, this 26-year-old patent clerk, who pra

8、cticed physics in his spare time and on the sly at work, declared brashly that the physicists of his day were “out of their depth“ and went on to prove it. Besides special .and general relativity, his work helped to launch quantum mechanics and modern statistical mechanics. Chemistry and biotechnolo

9、gy owe a debt to studies by Einstein that supplied evidence of the existence of molecules and the ways they behave.What is even more amazing is that he purveyed many of these insights through a series of papers that appeared during a single miraculous year, 1905. No other comparably fertile period f

10、or individual scientific accomplishment can be found except during 1665 and 1666, when Isaac Newton, confined to his country home to escape the plague, started to lay the basis for the calculus, his law of gravitation and his theory of colors. The international physics community has set aside 2005 a

11、s the World Year of Physics as a tribute to Einsteins centennial.Scientists in many realms of physics and engineering spent the 20th century testing, realizing and applying the ideas falling out of Einsteins work. As everybody knows, Einsteins E = mc2 formula was a key to the atomic bomb-and all the

12、 history that sprang from it. Einsteins explanation of the photoelectric effect underpinned technologies ranging from photodiodes to television camera tubes. A hundred years later technologists are still finding new ways to harvest novel inventions from Einsteins theories.One mark of genius relates

13、to the length of time needed to fully explore, through experimentation, the implications of a new theory. In that sense, Einstein is still going strong. A recently launched space probe will examine various predictions of general relativity. But physicists are not waiting until the answers are all in

14、 before asking what comes next. Much of the most exciting work in physics now has the more ambitious aim of going beyond Einstein-of transcending his ideas and achieving a task akin to the one to which he devoted the last 30 years of his life, right to his deathbed, without success.III. 将下列短文译成英语(25

15、分)中国是一个发展中国家,也是一个负责任的国家。中国愿意为推进合作共赢、实现可持续发展做出自己的贡献。中国保持经济快速健康发展,对全球经济 及地区经济发展有利。改革开放20多年来,中国经济年均增长9.4%,不仅成功解决了十几亿人的温饱问题,而且使中国人民的生活总体上达到小康水平。当 前,中国经济发展总的形势很好。虽然经济运行中出现了一些问题,但在我们的宏观调控下,一些不健康、不稳定因素已经得到了有效抑制。.IV. 将下列文章译成英语(50分)一位师范教师提醒家长,千万不要迷信专家和特殊的早教方案,家长自己才是孩子早期教育最好的老师。受狭隘早教观念影响,一些年轻父母热衷于迷信专家和特定环境的亲子

16、游戏,将孩子送进早教机构接受某种方案的专门训练。科学研究表明,无论是“小 学化” 式的超常教育,还是盲目跟风的特长教育,既违背婴幼儿身心发展规律,又脱离孩子天性和兴趣,不仅难以收到成效,还可能为孩子长远发展埋下隐患。 这位教师还说,游戏和快乐才是孩子早教的主要构成,生活则是最好的内容。家长与其带着孩子在各种拔苗助长的特长班之间疲于奔命,不如有的放矢地 进行寓教于乐的亲子游戏,使其在学中玩,玩中学,顺其自然,因势利导。比如敲盆敲碗,可以培养婴幼儿的节奏感和听觉;如果孩子对抽水马桶好奇,就可讲解马 桶几个开关的使用关系,让孩子知道“抽水马桶的水箱怎么用了又会满”的小秘密等。通过这些共同参与的游戏,

17、同样可开发孩子的观察能力。更重要的是,亲子互 动加强了与孩子的沟通,有利于培养儿童健全的心智。千万别以为早教就是要教什么难懂的大道理,其实就是在“玩水”“ 玩米”等活动中教孩子怎么生活。作为实践者,家长需要的是科学理念、认识,并掌握正确的方法,提高早教水平。只要有心,都能做好。2006年硕士研究生入学考试英汉同声传译专业试卷I. 将下列短文译成汉语(25分 )UNESCOs Global AllianceA radical change in mentalities is under way both in the public sector, which has now been force

18、d to admit that its own means of action are insufficient to meet their development targets, and the private sector, which is becoming aware of its capacity to contribute to the developing countries emergence on the world stage in the role of future partners in local and global markets.Dialogue can b

19、e established within the framework of an already increasing number of forums, as well as in project formulation. The presence of other civil society actors and support from the international .organizationsas much in the thinking and debate as in the actions undertaken ? are crucial factors for enabl

20、ing people to make sense of the new prospects for cooperation.The new twenty-first century world order demands that decision-making be opened up to dialogue with new actors. Civil societys innovative energy has already produced a good number of important initiatives and proposals in many areas. And

21、the business world offers economic resources and know-how that can greatly contribute to development strategy deployment and the promotion of cultural diversity. UNESCO intends to establish cultural patronage agreements with businesses aimed, inter alia, at supporting the initiatives of countries in

22、 the South.II. 将下列文章译成汉语 (50分)Growth may be everything, but its not the only thingEconomists have long been a natural constituency in favor of growth. Since even the richest country has limited resources, the central economic problem is choice: Shall we fund tax cuts for the rich or investment in in

23、frastructure and research and development, war in Iraq or assistance for the poor in developing countries and our own? By providing more total resources, growth should, in theory, make these choices less painful. The United States, however, has powerfully demonstrated that while growth increases sup

24、ply, it also raises aspirations. Choices that rich countries have to make thus seem to be no easier than those confronting 4poor countries, even though the tradeoffs are more heart-wrenching in the case of the poor. Brazil, for example, must choose whether to use its limited health budget to pay ful

25、l-market price for AIDS drugs; some AIDS victims may live as a result, but people in need of other health care will die, because money that could have been spent on their needs is simply not there. More growth-provided resources, in this instance, mean the difference between life and death.Still, gr

26、owth has had its critics. There is a well-developed populist antigrowth literature concerned with, among other things, the impact of growth on the environment and on poverty. Historically, economists have questioned whether, at least in the early stages of development, growth is accompanied by socie

27、tal goods such as greater equality and a better environment. Nobel Prize-winning economist Simon Kuznets (西蒙?库兹列茨) argued, based on experiences largely before World War II, that there is an increase in inequality in the early stages of development. Arthur Lewis, another Nobel economist, went further

28、: greater inequality, he argued, is necessary .to generate the savings that growth requires. A later generation of economists has posited the existence of an environmental Kuznets curve: the early stages of growth cause environmental degradation, not environmental health.Kuznets and his descendants

29、held out the prospect that eventually growth would bring more social justice (greater equality, less poverty) and a better environment. But there is nothing inevitable about this - which means that even if it has been true in the past, it may not be in the future. Inequality did seem to fall in the

30、United States after the Great Depression, but in the last 30 years it has increased enormously. Many forms of pollution have gone down as richer countries have turned their mind to air-quality issues, but greenhouse gas emissions - with all the dangers they present for global warming - have continue

31、d to increase with economic growth, especially in the United States. 5III. 将下列短文译成英语(25分)中国是欧亚地区重要的国家。中国的发展离不开世界,更离不开欧亚地区。同样,世界的发展、欧亚地区的发展也离不开中国。中国的发展给世界各国尤 其是欧亚地区国家带来重要机遇。中国稳定和谐的政治社会环境、丰富优秀的劳动力资源和潜力巨大的市场,为与世界各国尤其是欧亚地区国家开展互利互惠的经济 合作提供了理想的场所。我们高兴地看到,通过这些年的不懈努力,中国的中西部地区和东北等老工业基地有了长足进步,呈现美好的发展前景。我们欢迎欧亚

32、地区国家积极参与中国西部大开发和东北老工业基地振兴,增强中国与欧亚地区各国互利合作的生机与活力。欧亚地区国家与中国有传统友谊,经济互补性强,中国政府将鼓励、支持中国企业与欧亚地区发展贸易、投资办厂,实现共同发展。IV. 将下列文章译成英语(50分)中国公司想创造世界品牌,外国公司想增加在中国的销量,这些都正改变着中国的设计产业。中国制造商意识到,若他们想在本国市场脱颖而出,在外国 市场崭露头角,就必须设计更好的产品。索尼这样的外国公司也开始明白,.从前海外公司常把随便什么地方设计的产品拿到中国来卖,而现在,中国消费者变得更加 挑剔,他们不再那样容易满足了。尽管全球大量的电子产品和鞋等都是中国制

33、造,但这些产品的设计都是在欧美或日本完成的。中国公司制造自己品牌的产品时,通常是模仿国外。但如今 不同了,他们都想开创自己的品牌。随着中国公司在设计上的改进,跨国公司意识到,他们的产品需要专门针对中国消费者的品味进行“量身定做” 了。这些使中国 设计产业开始繁荣起来。中国公司开始建立设计中心或雇人帮他们打造自己的品牌。成百上千的设计顾问公司在上海、北京和广州涌现。国外年轻设计师也开始拥入中国,想在这 个全球最有活力的消费市场上一试身手。现在,中国约有400所学院提供设计课程,每年有1万名毕业生。一些中国设计师获得国际大奖,许多人开始到米兰、东 京、纽约等地工作, 设计成为中国最热门的专业之一。

34、2007年硕士研究生入学考试英汉同声传译专业试卷I. 将下列短文译成汉语(25分 )After 28 years of reform, China faces challenges of an unprecedented scale, complexity, and importance. China has already liberalized its markets, opened up to foreign trade and investment, and become a global economic powerhouse. Now its leaders and people

35、must deal with popular dissatisfaction with local government, environmental degradation, scarce natural resources, an underdeveloped financial system, an inadequate health-care system, a restless rural population, urbanization on a massive scale, and increasing social inequality. Most of these probl

36、ems, of course, have existed throughout the period of reform. What is different now is that the pace of change is accelerating while the ability of the state to manage that change is not keeping pace.Solving any one of these problems by itself would be a formidable task. And the Chinese government t

37、oday finds it harder than ever to attract, develop, and retain talent. Graduates from the countrys top universities, who once would have filled government posts, are instead choosing to take jobs in the private sector. Moreover, the structure of the countrys bureaucracy stifles initiative and promot

38、es mediocrity. Worse, many officials, from the .village to the central government, are corrupt, eroding the governments effectiveness and feeding popular discontent. Of all of Chinas challenges, none is more critical - or more daunting - than that of nurturing a new generation of leaders who are ski

39、lled, honest, committed to public service, and accountable to the Chinese people as a whole.II. 将下列文章译成汉语 (50分)The New Middle EastJust over two centuries since Napoleons arrival in Egypt heralded the advent of the modern Middle East - some 80 years after the demise of the Ottoman Empire, 50 years af

40、ter the end of colonialism, and less than 20 years after the end of the Cold War - the American era in the Middle East, the fourth in the regions modern history, has ended. Visions of a new, Europe-like region-peaceful, prosperous, democratic-will not be realized. Much more likely is the emergence o

41、f a new Middle East that will cause great harm to itself, the United States, and the world.The modern Middle East was born in the late eighteenth century. For some historians, the signal event was the 1774 signing of the treaty that ended the war between the Ottoman Empire and Russia; a stronger cas

42、e can be made for the importance of Napoleons relatively easy entry into Egypt in 1798, which showed Europeans that the region was ripe for conquest and prompted Arab and Muslim intellectuals to ask - as many continue to do today - why their civilization had fallen so far behind that of Christian Eu

43、rope. Ottoman decline combined with European penetration into the region gave rise to the “Eastern Question,“ regarding how to deal with the effects of the decline of the Ottoman Empire, which various parties have tried to answer to their own advantage ever since.The first era ended with World War I

44、, the demise of the Ottoman Empire, the rise of the Turkish republic, and the division of the spoils of war among the European victors. What ensued was an age of colonial rule, dominated by France and the United Kingdom. This second era ended some four decades later, after another world war had drai

45、ned the Europeans of much of their strength, Arab nationalism had risen, and the two superpowers had begun to lock horns. “He who rules the Near East rules the world; and he who has interests in the world is bound to concern himself with the Near East,“ wrote a historian, who correctly saw the 1956

46、Suez crisis as marking the end of the colonial era and the beginning of the Cold War era in the region.III. 将下列短文译成英语(25分)中国特色社会主义社会是一个变革的社会,是一个开放的社会,是一个不断发展和完善的社会。改革开放是决定中国命运的重大决策,要贯穿社会主义社会发展的全过程。只有坚持改革开放,才能不断激发亿万人民的积极性和创造性,解放和发展生产力,永葆社会主义的生机与活力。我们要坚定不移地推进经济体制改革,建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制,贯彻落实科学发展观,促进国民经济持续快速

47、健康发展。同时,要积极推进政治体制改革、文化体制改革和社会管理体制改革,促进社会主义物质文明、政治文明、精神文明与和谐社会建设全面协调发展。IV. 将下列文章译成英语(50分)在外国旅行,特别是美国,最不习惯的就是处处要付小费。说是小费,数目对于我这样的中国土鳖来说可不算小,住旅馆,每天早上要在枕头放一两个美 元,给打扫房间的大姐;吃饭要把餐费的10%-20%给服务员;甚至连坐出租车也要额外给小费,其实很多出租车司机自己都是老板。我特别不能理解,干吗不 直接把价格提高,算小费除了麻烦,而且让人有额外付出的感觉,特别像我这样平时俭省惯了的人,在中国自己嗓子冒烟了都舍不得买瓶矿泉水,到了美国一伸手

48、就 得给人付出几美元,还叫“小费” ,简直让我心头淌血。小费大概得算上美国社会最重要的“潜规则” ,对于酒店的门童、餐馆的服务员,老板有意会付比较低的工资,小费成了他们主要的收入。我曾经非常困 惑,主要依靠被服务对象事后的自觉,太脆弱了,假如有1/3的人不遵守,这个游戏就玩不下去了,拿吃饭来说,假如你坚持不付小费,别人也拿你没办法,大不 了下次换个馆子,以免服务员在你比萨饼里吐口水。请教了很多人这种规则何以能维系下去,几个美国人都说觉得付小费是很自然的事情,压根没考虑过这个问题。不过我听说小费源于18世纪的英国伦 敦。那时,当地酒店的餐桌上一般都摆着写有 “To Insure Promptne

49、ss”(保证.及时服务)的碗。顾客坐下后,只要将少量的零钱放入碗中,就会得到优先服务,服务的殷勤程度也和小费多少成正比。这一典型的 贿赂行为被渐渐发扬光大,而且规范化、制度化,从事先付款,到诚信为本的事后付款,甚至如果你不付得体的小费,会受到道义的谴责有一次希拉里没给服务 员付小费就被媒体批评:那些服务员收入不高,你不付小费他们怎么养家糊口呀?2008年硕士研究生入学考试英汉同声传译专业试卷一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)Outside Europe, the most important powers in 1939 were undoubtedly Japan and the United States. Japan was at the time already deeply involved in hostilities with China. After seizing the northern provinces of that country in 1931 and organizing them into the puppet state of Manchukuo, Japan had tried to protect its rich loot and to expand


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