1、第六章大学英语四、六级写作College English Writing (Band 4 the women of South Korea are the most hit: their pay is only half as much as mens.From the information above, we can conclude that the status of women is not quite satisfactory. Women are still faced with various kinds of disadvantages, education and pay
2、in particular. “Equal right for women” remains an empty promise. There is still a long, long way to go before women are really on an equal footing with men.作者的短文结构是典型的“三段文” 。引言段以设问开始,但并没有作回答,只是为导入表格的信息作铺垫。第二段重点介绍表格的内容,条理清楚,句式也有变化。在结尾段里,作者提出自己的看法,同时也解答了短文开头的设问。字数虽然远远超出规定的 150字,但为了不丢失表格中的信息,只得如此。可以预料,
3、在英语短文试题中,如果是图表题,所含信息量不会太多,否则篇幅必然会过长。因此,图表本身不会太复杂难懂。只要仔细阅读图表,领会所给信息,应无障碍。 圆形图 圆形图 (Pie Graph) 是由圆形和圆形内的若干扇面构成。圆形图常用来表示总量和各分量之间的百分比关系。整个圆表示总量,各个扇面表示分量,通常附有有关数据信息说明。圆形图作文方法大致上与表格相同:先看清题目要求;然后仔细看懂图表的表层信息;再按题目要求对信息进行分析、处理;最后用流畅的文字准确地表述出来。请看下面的题目:Directions: Write a composition based on the pie gra
4、ph. Your composition should cover: 1.the situation of soft drink consumption2.your comment on such a situationThe Cola War in HarbinThe people of Harbin are not crying wolf. The wolf, or, to be more precise, the foreign wolves are already there growing fast! They are two big soft drink wolves: Coca
5、Cola and Pepsi Cola. If the home-made soft drinks do not redouble their efforts, they will be gobbled up by the foreign wolves some day.As the pie graph shows, the soft drink market of Harbin in 1996 was dominantly occupied by two foreign brands: Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola, the former having a share o
6、f 41% and the latter 36%.In other words, 77% of the local market of soft drinks was seized by foreign brands, and home-made soft drinks held only 23% of the market, less than a quarter of the total! There is no telling whether or not they can hold fast to the present position in the years to come.Th
7、e pie graph conveys to us a message that home-made soft drinks have lost ground in the “cola war”. If the manufacturers of home-made soft drinks do not take effective measures to launch a counterattack, their final defeat will be unavoidable. To prevail in the market, one has to have high quality as
8、 the strong backing of ones products. People should lose no time in raising the quality of home-made soft drinks and place more ads on TV and in the newspapers so as to attract more buyers. Only by doing so will the local home-made drinks eventually defeat the foreign wolves.本文作者在开首段的写法值得一提。他先借用英语“c
9、ry wolf”(喊“狼来了” )这个短语引起读者的兴趣,把两大气势汹汹的外国品牌饮料比作 foreign wolves 也很生动得体。在正文段里,作者把圆形图的信息以及附加文字的意思清楚、完整地传达出来。在结尾段作者按题目要求作了自己的评议,以预测国产饮料的前途来结束全文,富有积极意义。 条形图此类图形是由横轴、纵轴以及宽度相同但长度不等的矩形条块构成。横轴通常表示时间,纵轴一般表示量。条形图(Bar Graph / Histogram)可用来表示同一项目在不同时间的量以及同一时间不同项目的量。在看条形图时,应搞清两条不同方向的轴的含义以及上面的刻度值,再弄懂各矩形条块在纵、横
10、两轴所处的位置以及相互之间的关系。条形常用不同的颜色、点、线等加以区别。Directions: Write a three-paragraph composition in about 150 words. Your composition should include all the informations given in the histograms and your explanation for the female dissatisfaction with their new jobs.Histogram of Workers Unemployment and Re-employ
11、ment in HarbinHistogram of Workers Satisfaction With Their New Jobs in HarbinWith the rapid development of market economy, the work forces of Harbin are reshaping themselves in recent years. As Histogramindicates, there was an increase in unemployment and a decrease in re-employment in 1996 as again
12、st 1995.In 1995, 10,000 male workers and 15,000 female workers were unemployed while 20,000 males and 25,000 females lost their jobs in 1996.The drop of re-employment rate in 1996 was very noticeable. In 1995, the re-employment rates of males and females were 75% and about 67% respectively while the
13、 corresponding re-employment rates in 1996 were about 60% and 40%.Histogramshows that not all of the re-employment were happy about their new jobs. The dissatisfaction rates in 1996 were greater than those in 1995, females being far less satisfied with their new jobs. In 1995, 90% of the re-employme
14、nt males found their new jobs satisfactory while 80% of the females were happy about their re-employment. In 1996, 80% of the males were satisfied with their new jobs while the percentage of female satisfaction dropped sharply to 65%!Females tended to be more dissatisfied with their new jobs. The re
15、ason is not difficult to find. Socially prejudiced, women receive less education than men on the average. So the poorly-paid jobs for unskilled workers are womens major choice. Additionally, there is no denying that some women are so choosy that very few jobs available at todays job market can reall
16、y please them.本题提供的信息比较丰富,由两个条形图表明。作者按图和图的信息分两段来写。第一段关于失业与再就业状况,第二段关于再就业的满意度。在第三段中,作者按题目要求,着重写妇女对新工作不满意的两个原因。文章虽然稍长了些,但是符合题目要求,没有遗漏图表中的主要内容。 曲线图曲线图 (Line Graph) 常用来表示两个变量间的函数关系,从而直观地描述其发展过程和趋势。与条形图相似的是,曲线图也有纵、横两轴。看图时,先看横轴,它往往代表时间等变量。然后再看纵轴所显示的变量。尤其要留意曲线上的突升或骤降点所表明的特殊意义。为了准确表明变量的值,常有附加文字甚至其他表格
17、来充实。在写作上,与前面介绍的图表写作并无实质区别,只要按要求将获得的表层和深层信息写出即可。尽可能运用以前介绍过的展开段落的方法,使你的段落通顺充实,请看下面曲线图例子:图表底下的文字告诉我们,图表显示世界人口的增长情况。横轴表示年份(公元) ,据推算,每点代表 100 年。纵轴表示人口数(以百万为单位) ,每点代表 1,0001 百万。从曲线来分析,世界人口呈上升趋势,虽然在 1,300 至 1,400 年之间有所下降。曲线上有两个点有文字说明。从 1980 年开始人口增长率在飙升,预计至本世纪末,世界人口可达 70亿。这是我们可以从曲线图中提取的表层信息。有时,试题还会以附加注释的形式提
18、供信息,考生在作文时可以使用。以下是一篇基于上面的曲线图写成的短文:As indicated in the graph, a thousand years ago there were less than 400 million people on earth. However, in the year of 1988, we had 5,000 million people, a figure 12.5 times as great as that 1,000 years ago. It can be seen from the graph that human population, wi
19、th the exception of a few years, has been on the increase. The Industrial and Agricultural Revolution, which began in 1650 contributed a bit to the growth of population. Then the emergence of modern medicine in 1850, which lowered the death rate sharply, caused the population to increase rapidly. Du
20、ring the past half century, the worlds population increased at a fantastic speed and the problem of “population explosion” came into our notice.With the worlds population growing rapidly, human beings are now faced with food shortage, land shortage, energy shortage, etc. If unchecked, the population
21、 of the world will be 7,000 million in the year of 2000!I think it is high time that we took measures to solve the problem of population explosion. As one of the effective measures, family planning should be practiced everywhere in the world. 图表写作常用的句型图表所表示的内容可以千百万化,但“万变不离其宗” ,超不出这几种基本图型,因此考生
22、记住一些常用的句型是有必要的,以免应试时搜肠刮肚。在写作时,可以运用以下句型:句型The句型It can be seenfrom the.句型TheAccording toAs shown inAs indicated byAs can be seen inchartdiagramfiguresgraphetc.chartdiagramdatafiguresgraphhistogrampicturestatisticsthatchartdiagramfiguresgraphhistogrametc.tells usindicatesrevealsshowsconveysthe message
23、that.句型句型句型6.2.2 提纲作文提纲作文的题型也属于“受控制的写作” ,其主要特点是,要求写作的内容限定在作文的题目和提纲的范围之内。作文提纲明确提出段落的主旨及段落扩展内容的依据,同时也显示短文的段落层次。考生对所规定的情景必须在文章中按顺序逐一阐述,不可随意改动。规定的情景提示可能用英文给出,也可能用中文给出。写作文体大都为议论文、说明文或二者的结合。考生在动手写作前,应认真审题,发掘题目与提纲之间的关系,然后确定文章的中心There is We notice People findaminimalslightsmallslowinsignificantsharprapidmar
24、kedsignificantdramaticriseincreasedecreasedeclinedropreductionfallfluctuationIn relation to.Comparedwith.itheshetwicethree timehightalllargemanymuchasis asBy comparisonwith.As against.Comparedwiththe flgurethe percentagethe turnoutincreased threetimesdereased sharplyfell almosttwofolddoubledtripled思
25、想和各段落的中心意思,使文章成为有机整体,尤其遇到提纲只有短短的几个字时,各段落之间的联系还得费一番思考。在审题时,务必周到。否则,文章写到一半时才发觉考虑不周而推翻重写,时间会不够。请看下面的试题:题目:Rain提纲:1.下雨并不总是受欢迎的2.下雨为我们提供饮用水3.下雨对庄稼有利4.下雨对某些工业有利5.结论在审题时,先看清题目,明确“大方向” 。然后逐字阅读各段要求。经过分析、比较,可以看出第一段要求写下雨不利的方面,第二、三、四段写有利的方面。再仔细分析,既然文章是围绕下雨从正反两方面展开的,结论段自然应概括一下利弊。展开各段时,还应考虑安排些什么细节、例证等来充实、深化中心思想。经
26、充分考虑,便可动笔。以下是一位学生写的短文:RainWe do not always welcome the falling rain. It makes us feel like staying at home. If we go outside, we have to wear a raincoat or hold an umbrella, which makes us quite uncomfortable. Sometimes rain may upset our wonderful plans. For example, our Sunday picnic is coming aft
27、er a long wait when it unexpectedly begins to pour with rain. The untimely rain ruins our plan of the week!Despite the inconveniences rain may bring us, we should not forget that rain benefits us a lot. Its most obvious benefit is the drinking water. It fills our lakes, rivers and streams. These, in
28、 turn, supply the water we get from our taps.Rain is especially important to the crops. They will wither and die if they cannot take in enough water in the soil. Indeed, not only crops but all plants are dependent on rain, as rain water is the easiest and cheapest kind of water supply in most parts
29、of the world.Industries also need the help of rain to create a market for their products. Umbrellas, raincoats, and overshoes industries are a case in point.To sum up, rain can sometimes make us miserable, but in the final analysis, its merits outweigh its demerits. It would be ungrateful of us if w
30、e forget the tremendous contributions rain makes to mankind.该生在写短文时很注意运用例证来展开段落。在第一段中,除了提及下雨时人们不愿外出、穿雨衣和打伞不便外,还举了因野餐受阻的例子来深化人们不喜欢下雨的中心思想。第二段也是按照提纲写作的。作者的段首句 Despite the inconveniences rain may bring us, we should.写得很好,既承上(下雨的不利)又启下(下雨的好处) ,使读者明白作者的笔锋在“转向” 。该生在结尾及段首用了过渡性短语,表明在作结论,两句话便精炼地概括了全文大意。6.2.3
31、 段首句作文段首句作文题型的特点是,题目和每段开头的句子是现成的。考生则将段首句扩展成段落,以组成一篇中心突出、意思连贯的文章。考生在审题时,不仅要仔细推敲作文标题,而且要认真阅读各段首句,明确其含义以及与其他段首句的相互关系。一般来说可把段首句看作本段的主题句 (Topic Sentence),找出段落的“主体”(主题) 以及中心意思 (Controlling Idea),然后设法展开段落。只有抓住了中心意思,写段落时才不会“离题万里” 。在展开段落时,各段还应统一在文章的标题所示的范围之内。考生所写成的文章,应该包括每个给定的段首句,不得遗漏,否则失分惨重。请看下面例文:题目: Keepi
32、ng Healthy段首句:1. Good health is the most valuable possession a person can have, but one cannot take good health for granted.2. Proper nutrition is important for good health.3. the proper amount of sleep is also important.4. Finally, get plenty of exercise.5. If everybody eats the right foods, gets p
33、lenty of sleep and does exercise regularly.按照试题分析,这是一篇谈身体健康的短文。第一句段首句较长,但其重点是在 but后面,即不能认为人们自然而然就会身体健康。仅凭借本句,不足以判断本段文章如何写下去,还得分析一下其余的段首句。第二句是谈营养的重要性。第三句是谈睡眠。第四句是谈锻炼。第五句提及了食物、睡眠以及锻炼,但没有说完。因为食物、睡眠以及锻炼这三者与二、三、四句有些相关,显然是对前三个段落的内容作一个概括。据此,我们可以推断出第一段是个引言段,应该将文章的中心思想写进去。因此,短文可以这样来写:Keeping HealthyGood heal
34、th is the most valuable possession a person can have, but one cannot take good health for granted. It is important to remember that the body needs proper care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good health: eat the right foods, get enough sleep, and e
35、xercise regularly.Proper nutrition is important for good health. Your body cannot function well unless it receives the proper kind of “fuel”. Try to avoid food with too much sugar or fat. Eat plenty of foods rich in protein, such as lean meat, fish, beans and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are especial
36、ly important because they provide necessary vitamins and minerals. However, dont overeat. It is not healthful to be overweight.Getting the proper amount of sleep is also important. If you dont get enough sleep, you will feel tired and irritable. Over a long period of time, lack of sleep may even res
37、ult in a change of personality. Be sure to allow yourself eight hours for sleep every day.Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise strengthens the muscles, and improves heart and lung functions. If you follow a regular program, you will probably live a long life.If everybody eats the right foods, g
38、ets plenty of sleep and does regular exercise, people will be in good health every day and probably keep the doctor far, far away.6.2.4 关键词作文在“受控制的写作”中,还有关键词作文。它要求考生合理运用试题中给定的词语(即关键词) ,把作文写得文理通顺,同时要充分地表达好题意。给出的关键词实际上就是对文章的主题和内容的一种限定,按在文章中的逻辑顺序排列。这样不仅提供了写作线索,而且还提供了语言素材。关键词大致可以分为两类:一是涉及文章主要内容或情节的关键词;二
39、是涉及语篇结构或情景发展的关键词,如:first,furthermore,however,in conclusion,on the contrary 等。考生应试这种作文时,应先认真审题,分析所给关键词语。根据所给题目和关键词之间的相互关系,开拓思路,发挥联想,从而构思出文章的主题。请看下例:题目: Books关键词: limited, boundless, instructive, inspiring, evil,poison, consequentlyBooksLife is limited, but knowledge is boundless. It is impossible for
40、 anyone to read all the books in the world, even if he spends his whole life reading. So before we read any book, we should find out whether it is good or bad.Good books teach us and help us to do good. They are our real companions. They are both instructive and inspiring. On the contrary, bad books
41、 contain evil thoughts. They are our enemies. Should one read them, the harmful ideas would poison his mind at once.Consequently, one who reads good books will be inspired to be a great man while one who reads bad books will lead a wicked life and come to no good end. How important it is to read goo
42、d books!6.2.5 书信作文书信作文 (Letter Writing) 虽属于应用文写作范畴,但在不少写作技巧方面,是与其他形式的写作相通的。因此,适用于别的题型的技巧一般在书信写作时都有可得以灵活运用。不过,书信也有其独特之处,在应试之前有必要对它作些了解。具体有关书信写作内容详见第八章。在此只介绍近年英语四级、六级作文中出现的书信作文。通过横向对比下表所示“历年英语四级、六级作文真题” ,大家可以看出,从 1998 年1 至 2003 年 1 月,英语四、六级的作文题目其实都是一样,只是在字数要求上有点差异。但是从 2003 年 6 份开始,英语四级和英语六级的作文题目就完全不同了
43、,并且大家会明显觉得英语六级作文要比四级作文难写。 通过纵向分析“历年英语四级作文真题”不难发现,四级作文越来越突出“实用”两个字,像书信写作、演讲稿等在实际生活中能运用到的题型。从 1998 年至 2005 年共考到了 7 次,特别是从 2002 年 6 月开始,几乎每年都要考到。另外,由于四级作文一般要求字数在 120 个单词左右,如果按每个句子 10 个单词来算,采用“三段式”的写作形式,每段也就大概 34 句话。这也就决定了四级作文不可能考得很复杂很难。然而六级作文则不同,它对学生英语水平提出了更高的要求,这一点从 2003 年 6 月以后两者的作文题目不同就可以看出。历年英语四级作文
44、真题 历年英语六级作文真题2005 年 6 月四级作文In honour of teachers on the2005 年 6 月六级作文Say No to Pirated Productsoccasion of Teachers Day书信写作:在教师节给老师写信表示感谢议论文:目前盗版的现象比较严重,解释盗版原因及相应对策2005 年 1 月四级作文A Campaign Speech2005 年 1 月六级作文Your Help Needed演讲稿:写一份竞选学生会主席的演讲稿 书信写作:为一个患病同学写一封捐款信2004 年 6 月四级作文A Brief Introduction to
45、ATourist应用文写作:名胜古迹介绍及一天的旅游活动计划安排2004 年 6 月六级作文A Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper书信写作:给报社主编写信反映服务行业存在的问题及解决办法2004 年 1 月四级作文A Letter in Reply to a Friend书信写作:关于报考大学专业问题给朋友回信2004 年 1 月六级作文Reduce Waste on Campus议论文写作:对大学校园里浪费现象发表评论2003 年 6 月四级作文An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident书信写作:假设你在某地目
46、击一起车祸就此向警察同志写一份见证书2003 年 6 月六级作文Changes of Ownership ofHouses in China看图写作:描述图表中公房和私房变化柱状表,再解释原因2003 年 1 月四级作文It Pays to Be Honest 议论文写作:做人应该诚实同左2002 年 6 月四级作文Student Use of Computers看图写作:根据图表阐述大学生使用计算机的情况并解释原因同左2002 年 1 月四级作文A Letter to the UniversityPresident书信写作:就本校食堂饭菜、卫生状况给校长写一封信同左2001 年 6 月四级作
47、文A letter to a Schoolmate书信写作:给同窗好友写信邀请他参加度假活动同左2001 年 1 月四级作文How to Succeed in a JobInterview? 议论文写作:阐述面试在求职过程中的作用及注意事项同左2000 年 6 月四级作文Is a Test of Spoken EnglishNecssary?同左议论文写作:在大学里举行英语口语考试是否有必要?2000 年 1 月四级作文How I Finance My CollegeEducation议论文写作:简述上大学费用的解决途径以及哪种方式适合自己同左1999 年 6 月四级作文Reading Sel
48、ectively orExtensively?议论文写作:读书是否应该有选择性去读同左1999 年 1 月四级作文Dont Hesitate to Say “No”议论文写作:别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”同左1998 年 6 月四级作文Do “Lucky Numbers”Really Bring Good Luck?议论文写作:有人认为某些数字会带来好运,而有人认为数字和运气无关,你怎么看待?同左1998 年 1 月四级作文Fake Commmodities议论文写作:有关假冒伪劣商品方面的主题同左由上表可以看出六级写作近两年已经连续几次考书信类应用文了,2004 年 6 月的作
49、文是给编辑的一封信,2005 年 1 月的作文是为帮助生病的学生写的一封公开信, 而 2005 年12 月的作文写的题目是 A Letter Declining a Job Offer.这是一篇给出中文提纲 (outline) 的拒绝信。这个题目的出现再次印证了写作部分改革的一大趋势就是注重英语实用能力 (Practical ability) 的培养,也就是说英文写作教学的一个重要目标就是“学以致用” (在现实生活中使用英文解决实际问题的能力) ,使学生在大学期间真正建立起英文实用文体的写作能力。现在让我们以 2005 年 12 月六级作文为例,具体分析一下在应试过程中书信作文应注意的问题。Directions: For this part. you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a company declining a job offer on the topic A Letter Declining a Job Offer. You should write at Least 150 words following the outline given below: 1.对公司提供职位表示感谢2.解释为何不能接受所提供的职位3.希望予以谅解,并