. (Original Signature of Member) 117TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. R. llTo revitalize and reassert United States leadership, investment, and engagement in the Indo-Pacific region and globally. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MEEKS introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on lllllllllllllllA BILL To revitalize and reassert United States leadership, invest-ment, and engagement in the Indo-Pacific region and globally. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 1tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 2SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. 3(a) SHORT TITLE.This Act may be cited as the 4Ensuring American Global Leadership and Engagement 5Act or the EAGLE Act. 6(b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.The table of contents for 7this Act is as follows: 8VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:26 May 25, 2021 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:USERSMAECKSTEINAPPDATAROAMINGSOFTQUADXMETAL11.0GENCCHINA.XMay 25, 2021 (10:26 a.m.)G:CMTEFA17MISCBILLSCHINA.XMLg:VHLC052521052521.034.xml (801065|9)2 Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2. Definitions. Sec. 3. Statement of policy. Sec. 4. Sense of Congress. Sec. 5. Rules of construction. TITLE IINVESTING IN AMERICAN COMPETITIVENESS Subtitle AScience and Technology Sec. 101. Authorization to assist United States companies with global supply chain diversification and management. Subtitle BGlobal Infrastructure and Energy Development Sec. 111. Appropriate committees of Congress defined. Sec. 112. Sense of Congress on international quality infrastructure investment standards. Sec. 113. Supporting economic independence from China. Sec. 114. Strategy for advanced and reliable energy infrastructure. Sec. 115. Report on the Peoples Republic of Chinas investments in foreign en-ergy development. Sec. 116. Ensuring the International Development Finance Corporation is posi-tioned to achieve national security, economic, and development objectives. Subtitle CEconomic Diplomacy and Leadership Sec. 121. Findings on regional economic order. Sec. 122. Review of PRC trade and economic engagement globally. Sec. 123. Report on entrenching American economic diplomacy in the Indo-Pa-cific. Sec. 124. Sense of Congress on the need to bolster American leadership in APEC. Sec. 125. Sense of Congress on digital technology issues. Sec. 126. Digital trade agreements. Sec. 127. Digital connectivity and cybersecurity partnership. Subtitle DFinancial Diplomacy and Leadership Sec. 131. Findings on Chinese financial industrial policy. Sec. 132. Report on importance of American financial strength for global lead-ership. Sec. 133. Review of Chinese companies on United States capital markets. Sec. 134. Report on diplomatic and economic implications of changes to cross- border payment and financial messaging systems. TITLE IIINVESTING IN ALLIANCES AND PARTNERSHIPS Subtitle AStrategic and Diplomatic Matters Sec. 201. Appropriate committees of Congress defined. Sec. 202. United States commitment and support for allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific. Sec. 203. Boosting Quad cooperation. Sec. 204. Establishment of Quad Intra-Parliamentary Working Group. Sec. 205. Statement of policy on cooperation with ASEAN. Sec. 206. United States representation in standards-setting bodies. VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:26 May 25, 2021 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6211 C:USERSMAECKSTEINAPPDATAROAMINGSOFTQUADXMETAL11.0GENCCHINA.XMay 25, 2021 (10:26 a.m.)G:CMTEFA17MISCBILLSCHINA.XMLg:VHLC052521052521.034.xml (801065|9)3 Sec. 207. Sense of Congress on negotiations with G7 and G20 countries. Sec. 208. Enhancing the United States-Taiwan partnership. Sec. 209. Taiwan Fellowship Program. Sec. 210. Increasing Department of State personnel and resources devoted to the Indo-Pacific. Sec. 211. Diplomatic and economic efforts to deter PRC use of force against Taiwan. Sec. 212. Report on bilateral efforts to address Chinese fentanyl trafficking. Sec. 213. Facilitation of increased equity investments under the Better Utiliza-tion of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018. Sec. 214. Expanding investment by United States International Development Finance Corporation for vaccine manufacturing. Sec. 215. Ensuring United States diplomatic posts align with American stra-tegic national security and economic objectives. Sec. 216. Authorization of appropriations for the Fulbright-Hays Program. Sec. 217. Supporting independent media and countering disinformation. Sec. 218. Global Engagement Center. Subtitle BInternational Security Matters Sec. 221. Definitions. Sec. 222. Additional funding for international military education and training in the Indo-Pacific. Sec. 223. Statement of policy on maritime freedom of operations in inter-national waterways and airspace of the Indo-Pacific and on ar-tificial land features in the South China Sea. Sec. 224. Report on capability development of Indo-Pacific allies and partners. Subtitle CMultilateral Strategies to Bolster American Power Sec. 231. Findings on multilateral engagement. Sec. 232. Statement of policy on Americas multilateral engagement. Sec. 233. Support for Americans at the United Nations. Sec. 234. Report on American employment in international organizations. Subtitle DRegional Strategies to Bolster American Power Sec. 241. Statement of policy on cooperation with allies and partners around the world. PART IWESTERN HEMISPHERE Sec. 242. Sense of Congress regarding United States-Canada relations. Sec. 243. Sense of Congress regarding the Government of Chinas arbitrary im-prisonment of Canadian citizens. Sec. 244. Strategy to enhance cooperation with Canada. Sec. 245. Strategy to strengthen economic competitiveness, governance, human rights, and the rule of law in Latin America and the Carib-bean. Sec. 246. Engagement in international organizations and the defense sector in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sec. 247. Defense cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sec. 248. Engagement with civil society in Latin America and the Caribbean regarding accountability, human rights, and the risks of perva-sive surveillance technologies. Sec. 249. Caribbean energy initiative as alternative to Chinas Belt and Road Initiative. VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:26 May 25, 2021 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6211 C:USERSMAECKSTEINAPPDATAROAMINGSOFTQUADXMETAL11.0GENCCHINA.XMay 25, 2021 (10:26 a.m.)G:CMTEFA17MISCBILLSCHINA.XMLg:VHLC052521052521.034.xml (801065|9)4 Sec. 250. U.S.-Caribbean resilience partnership. PART IITRANSATLANTIC RELATIONSHIPS Sec. 255. Sense of Congress on Transatlantic relationships. Sec. 256. Strategy to enhance transatlantic cooperation with respect to the Peoples Republic of China. Sec. 257. Enhancing Transatlantic cooperation on promoting private sector fi-nance. Sec. 258. Report and briefing on cooperation between China and Iran and be-tween China and Russia. PART IIISOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIA Sec. 261. Sense of Congress on South and Central Asia. Sec. 262. Strategy to enhance cooperation with South and Central Asia. Sec. 263. Indian Ocean Region Strategic Review. PART IVAFRICA Sec. 271. Assessment of political, economic, and security activity of the Peoples Republic of China in Africa. Sec. 272. Increasing the competitiveness of the United States in Africa. Sec. 273. Digital security cooperation with respect to Africa. Sec. 274. Increasing personnel in United States embassies in sub-Saharan Afri-ca focused on the Peoples Republic of China. Sec. 275. Support for Young African Leaders Initiative. Sec. 276. Africa broadcasting networks. Sec. 277. Expansion of authorities of the United States International Develop-ment Finance Corporation in sub-Saharan Africa. PART VMIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA Sec. 281. Strategy to counter Chinese influence in, and access to, the Middle East and North Africa. Sec. 282. Sense of Congress on Middle East and North Africa engagement. PART VIARCTIC REGION Sec. 285. Arctic diplomacy. PART VIIOCEANIA Sec. 291. Statement of policy on United States engagement in Oceania. Sec. 292. Oceania strategic roadmap. Sec. 293. Oceania Security Dialogue. Sec. 294. Oceania Peace Corps partnerships. PART VIIIPACIFIC ISLANDS Sec. 295. Short title. Sec. 296. Findings. Sec. 297. Statement of policy. Sec. 298. Definitions. Sec. 299. Authority to consolidate reports; form of reports. Sec. 299A. Diplomatic presence in the Pacific Islands. Sec. 299B. Coordination with regional allies. Sec. 299C. Climate resilient development in the Pacific Islands. VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:26 May 25, 2021 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6211 C:USERSMAECKSTEINAPPDATAROAMINGSOFTQUADXMETAL11.0GENCCHINA.XMay 25, 2021 (10:26 a.m.)G:CMTEFA17MISCBILLSCHINA.XMLg:VHLC052521052521.034.xml (801065|9)5 TITLE IIIINVESTING IN OUR VALUES Sec. 301. Sense of Congress on the continued violation of rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong. Sec. 302. Authorization of appropriations for promotion of democracy in Hong Kong. Sec. 303. Hong Kong peoples freedom and choice. Sec. 304. Export prohibition of munitions items to the Hong Kong police force. Sec. 305. Sense of Congress condemning the ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity against Uyghurs and other minority groups. Sec. 306. Prevention of Uyghur forced labor. Sec. 307. Uyghur human rights protection. Sec. 308. Removal of members of the United Nations Human Rights Council that commit human rights abuses. Sec. 309. Policy with respect to Tibet. Sec. 310. United States policy and international engagement on the succession or reincarnation of the Dalai Lama and religious freedom of Tibetan Buddhists. Sec. 311. Development and deployment of internet freedom and Great Firewall circumvention tools for the people of Hong Kong. Sec. 312. Authorization of appropriations for protecting human rights in the Peoples Republic of China. Sec. 313. Repeal of sunset applicable to authority under Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act. Sec. 314. Sense of Congress condemning anti-Asian racism and discrimination. Sec. 315. Annual reporting on censorship of free speech with respect to inter-national abuses of human rights. TITLE IVINVESTING IN OUR ECONOMIC STATECRAFT Sec. 401. Sense of Congress regarding the PRCs industrial policy. Sec. 402. Economic defense response teams. Sec. 403. Countering overseas kleptocracy. TITLE VENSURING STRATEGIC SECURITY Sec. 501. Cooperation on a strategic nuclear dialogue. Sec. 502. Report on United States efforts to engage the Peoples Republic of China on nuclear issues and ballistic missile issues. Sec. 503. Countering Chinas proliferation of ballistic missiles and nuclear tech-nology to the Middle East. TITLE VIINVESTING IN A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Sec. 601. Ensuring national security and economic priorities with China and other countries account for environmental issues and climate change. Sec. 602. Enhancing security considerations for global climate disruptions. Sec. 603. Balancing accountability and cooperation with China. Sec. 604. Promoting responsible development alternatives to the Belt and Road Initiative. Sec. 605. Using climate diplomacy to better serve national security and eco-nomic interests. Sec. 606. Driving a global climate change resilience strategy. Sec. 607. Addressing international climate change mitigation, adaptation, and security. VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:26 May 25, 2021 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6211 C:USERSMAECKSTEINAPPDATAROAMINGSOFTQUADXMETAL11.0GENCCHINA.XMay 25, 2021 (10:26 a.m.)G:CMTEFA17MISCBILLSCHINA.XMLg:VHLC052521052521.034.xml (801065|9)6 Sec. 608. Reducing the negative impacts from black carbon, methane, and high- GWP hydrofluorocarbons. Sec. 609. Building United States economic growth and technological innovation through the Green Climate Fund. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. 1In this Act: 2(1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- 3TEES.Unless otherwise defined, the term appro- 4priate congressional committees means 5(A) the Committee on Foreign Relations of 6the Senate; and 7(B) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of 8the House of Representatives. 9(2) CCP.The term CCP means the Chinese 10Communist Party. 11(3) PEOPLES LIBERATION ARMY; PLA.The 12terms Peoples Liberation Army and PLA mean 13the armed forces of the Peoples Republic of China. 14(4) PRC; CHINA.The terms PRC and 15China mean the Peoples Republic of China. 16SEC. 3. STATEMENT OF POLICY. 17(a) OBJECTIVES.It is the policy of the United 18States to pursue the following objectives: 19(1) The United States global leadership role is 20sustained and its political system and major founda- 21tions of national power are secured for the long-term 22VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:26 May 25, 2021 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:USERSMAECKSTEINAPPDATAROAMINGSOFTQUADXMETAL11.0GENCCHINA.XMay 25, 2021 (10:26 a.m.)G:CMTEFA17MISCBILLSCHINA.XMLg:VHLC052521052521.034.xml (801065|9)7 in the political, economic, technological, and military 1domains. 2(2) The United States position as an indispen- 3sable power in the Indo-Pacific and globally is sus- 4tained through diplomacy, multilateralism, and en- 5gagement. 6(3) The United States deters military con- 7frontation with the PRC and both nations work to 8reduce the risk of conflict. 9(4) The United States and its allies maintain a 10stable balance of power in the Indo-Pacific with 11China. The United States and its allies maintain un- 12fettered access to the region, including through free- 13dom of navigation and the free flow of commerce, 14consistent with international law and practice. 15(5) The allies and partners of the United 16States 17(A) maintain confidence in United States 18leadership and its commitment to the Indo-Pa- 19cific region; 20(B) can withstand and combat subversion 21by the PRC; and 22(C) work closely with the United States in 23setting global rules, norms, and standards that 24benefit the international community. 25VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:26 May 25, 2021 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:USERSMAECKSTEINAPPDATAROAMINGSOFTQUADXMETAL11.0GENCCHINA.XMay 25, 2021 (10:26 a.m.)G:CMTEFA17MISCBILLSCHINA.XMLg:VHLC052521052521.034.xml (801065|9)8 (6) The combined weight of the United States 1and its allies and partners is strong enough to dem- 2onstrate to the PRC that the risks of attempts to 3dominate other states outweigh the potential bene- 4fits. 5(7) The United States leads the free and open 6international order, which comprises resilient states 7and institutions that uphold and defend principles, 8such as sovereignty, rule of law, individual freedom, 9and human rights. The international order is 10strengthened to withstand attempts at destabiliza- 11tion by illiberal and authoritarian actors. 12(8) The key rules, norms, and standards of 13international engagement in the 21st century are 14maintained, including 15(A) the protection of human rights, com- 16mercial engagement and investment, and tech- 17nology; and 18(B) that such rules, norms, and standards 19are in alignment with the values and