2021军全球健康相生物料接躁资报告参一江湖3天前M。derna and BioNTech have established mRNA vaccines as a disruptive new drug class f。r numerous applicati。ns.P,。duct cand idates 。” marketIntellectual property Stnteglc collaborati。 nsPage/28 moderna-Revenue / 156x $109M $482M 2019 2020 34 candidates $178 202JE ( one。logy,日,diovascular, autoimmune, rare diseases ) l commercial (Covld-19 mRNA vaccine) 24o+ patents a,o 王Cr-IRevenue 350X/ $60M $803M 2019 2020 22 candidates $218 2021E l 。n col。町 , ln fect i。us diseases, 用陀diseases )l commercial忆。vid 19 mRNA vaccine) 200+ patents AtrnZeneca, Merck, Vertex Genentech, Eli Lilly, Sanofi, Genmab, Bayer, Pfizer, Genevant, Siemens EME RGE I dealroom.co