1、I中央广播电视大学“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”英语专业本科(教育方向)集中实践环节英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计鉴定表姓 名: 学 号:_1162001256697 级 别: 2011 级秋 分 校:_ 定西分校 指导教师: 完成时间: 2014-6-19 II附件 3甘肃电大开放教育 2011 级(秋)英语专业(本科)英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计报告分校:定西分校 班级代号: _姓名 性别 男 年龄 30学号 1162001256697 教学班 漳县 年级 2011 秋工作单位 漳县四族乡四族小学工作性质 教育教学 工龄 10 职务 教师项目计划设计时间 2013.102014.6 指导
2、教师 一、选题小学生学习英语兴趣的培养二、选题的目的、意义和必要性人们都说兴趣是最好的老师。无数伟人成就事业也是因为对事业的兴趣。兴趣在学习过程中发挥着重要的作用,直接影响到学习的效果。兴趣的作用在小学生学习的活动中则更重要,对学生态度形成的影响更为突出。儿童天真活泼,尚不具备明确的学习目的,学习动机不强烈,自控力较差。教师调动学生的方法主要靠新颖的刺激,直观形象,生动的呈现、讲解、表演和操练等有趣味的活动,把学生领入特定的学习内容之中。教师在学生对学习内容逐渐关注并产生兴趣后,辅之以养成性行为的训练和适时有效的思想教育,使学生渐渐形成良好的学习习惯、意志力和正确的态度。这时正确的态度、良好的
4、课堂上想说、敢说。课堂气氛比以前活跃多了,他们在学习英语方面取得了很大的进步。通过这次课题设计,同时我也发现我的教学水平提高了,对自己的教学有了很大的帮助。在以后的教学中,我要尽量探索一些有利于学生学习英语的方法,让他们能够爱上英语。III附件 4甘肃电大开放教育 2011 级(秋)英语专业(本科)英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计教师指导记录与成绩评定表分校: 定西分校 班级代号: _姓名 _ 学号 1162001256697 第一次 时间、内容、评分2013 年 11 月 4 日该学员能够根据自己的教学实践,确定解决教学当中大部分学生在学习英语时兴趣不大的问题,提出通过加强对话设计提高学生学习和
5、练习英语学习的兴趣。此问题 是困扰英语初学者的一个普遍问题。问题表述正确并制订了时间计划表。建议第一阶段评为 5 分。学生签字 教师签字_ _第二次 时间、内容、评分2014 年 1 月 13 日该学员采用了三种分析方法对所发现的问题进行了比较客观的分析,在此基础上,确定了自己的 设计目标、假 设,开始了具体的方案设计。建议第二阶段评为 5 分。学生签字 教师签字_ _第三次 时间、内容、评分2014 年 3 月 18 日该学员在项目设计部分能够结合自己的教学内容,注重加强游戏的设计和组织,另外注重采用多种激励手段来监控活动的开展。活动比较丰富,活动目标比较具体,具有可操作性。 实施过程 录制
6、了课堂活动的录音带。总 之, 实 施过程比较真实可靠。建议第三、四阶段评为 13+16 分。学生签字 教师签字_ _指导教师指导意见第四次 时间、内容、评分2014 年 5 月 27 日该学员通过实施问卷调查和项目评估的标准,对项目实施进行了比较客观、真 实的评价,并按照要求撰写了项目报告, 毕业论文经过与指导教师讨论修改后,最终形成了 结构规范、 语言通顺的 报告。建议第五、六阶段评为 3+20 分。学生签字 教师签字_ _IV指导教师总评语该学员能够结合教学实践,确定解决教学当中大部分学生不喜欢学习英语的问题,提出通过把游 戏活动融入到英语教学中以此来提高学生对英语学习的兴趣。他能够 采用
7、三种分析方法, 对问题进行比较客观的分析。从分析结果中找出原因并设计解决方案。教学活动注重加强对话的设计和组织,另外注重采用多种激励手段来监控对话练习的开展。项目的实施能够贯彻设计的基本原则,步骤具体,目 标 明确。最后他 对项目报告进行了综合评价并完成了项目报告的撰写。项目报告符合要求,格式规范,并提供了附件材料。初评成绩 62 设计过程成绩 42 报告成绩 20指导教师签字 时间 2014 年 6 月27 日答辩成绩 综合成绩答辩组成员签名 年 月 日 分校集中实践环节教学指导小组意见成绩评定审阅核准意见负责人签字_( 系公章)年 月 日省校集中实践环节教学领导小组意见成绩评定审阅核准意见
8、:负责人签字_( 系公章)年 月 日说明:1. 答辩小组应填写评价意见,小组成员均应签名(盖章) 。答辩小组不应少于 3 人。 2. 由分校自行复制。- 5 -Project Title: How to improve the students interest in learning EnglishInvestigatorDingxi Branch of Gansu Radio In class, Stimulate students interest through a variety of teaching methods; to use multimedia to induce stu
9、dents interest in learning English; to provide the opportunity to experience success to stimulate students interest.Keywords: English, Pupil, interest- 8 -Main headings of the project ReportAcknowledgment.Abstract (inEnglish).Contents.Text.I: Introduction 1II: Problem identification . 1III: Problem
10、analysis。 . 11. The analytic method. 12.Cause analysis. 23.Observation. 2IV:Research Design. 3V:Implementation. 6VI:Data Analysis. 13References . 15- 9 -I. Introduction.My name is liang Xiaobin. I was born on June 28, 1985. I have been teaching English for ten years. I teach primary school English.I
11、I. Problem identificationIn my teaching, Ive found there is a problem. Most of the students are not interested in learning English. They dont like English.III. Problem analysis。 1. The analytic methodThe atmosphere of the classroom teaching is the classroom a dominant attitudes and emotional perform
12、ance is a unique psychological atmosphere. Pleasant learning atmosphere conducive to cultivate interest in learning, so that students full of energy, excited, cross contamination, so that everyone involved in the teaching and learning activities. Active and orderly classroom atmosphere, every succes
13、sful experience there are likely to promote the success of the secondary. Many times success will enhance the students self-confidence, and gradually experience the fun of learning English, to lay the foundation to learn English. The language of the classroom, teachers should use as much as possible
14、 self-assured, humorous, full of temptation or suspense, and with facial expressions, gestures to organize classroom teaching. In an open, harmonious and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, students can, with a relaxed and happy mood into learning. Therefore, we must create a classroom atmosphere t
15、hrough various means, to stimulate the enthusiasm of students, enhance students English Interest in learning, students change from interested to participate in the practice of power, the better to cultivate and improve the ability of students to learn and use the language. Classroom teaching is a tw
16、o-way teaching and learning activities, we teachers must pay attention to the accuracy and validity of the transfer of information. To do this, it is necessary to pass the information to re-combination of knowledge into orderly, multi-level wisdom, vivid and simple language “pass“ to the students in
17、 the classroom, inspired interested mobilize students to think, take the initiative to absorb information and then the information absorbed into their own wisdom. Summed up the following use of language skills in the language teaching process. 2. Cause analysis Primary school students in grade three
18、 new English is full of interest, interest in learning also unusually strong, but in the higher grades, most of the students have lost interest in learning English, What is the reason for rural pupils at such a fast speed to lose the interest in learning English? In elementary school, the teaching g
19、oal should be to cultivate the students interest in learning English, can learn some simple English knowledge and skills to use English, the development of communication activity, make the students interest in learning English gradually to form development interests in learning, teachers in evaluati
20、ng students can consist of a combination of a variety of forms, such as the usual class performance, homework writing, oral practice and - 10 -childrens songs, sing together such as evaluation of the students so that students pay and income is proportional to the, students will be more confident, mo
21、re effort, therefore, teachers should have for a good evaluation method and the beginning of students, to avoid the final temporary decided to evaluation methods, making students caught off guard, interest in learning bruised. As students age growing, their psychological and also began to change. “W
22、e need to strive to learn with unrestrained atmosphere, make students and teachers in the classroom can breathe freely, if you cant make such a good teaching atmosphere, that any kind of teaching method can play a role.“ Therefore, design some grade suitable for various psychological characteristics
23、 of the teaching form, lets the student in the classroom relaxed and happy learning can well improve the students interest in learning. 3. Observation.“Interest is the best teacher, is the foundation of learning motivation and source“. Therefore, teaching English, the first to cultivate the students
24、 interest in learning, in a variety of games and other ways of lively, let them in the interest of learning English. Teachers should consciously mining students interest in learning, to make the students happy to learn, consciously learn, so it can improving primary school English teaching quality.
25、After me in the last few years of teaching practice at the time of the peace, I think the time is especially important. Has many colorful pictures in primary school English textbooks, interesting characters, using songs, poems, rhyme, etc form fo the children, to conform to the childrens interests,
26、to arouse the students interest. Therefore, in the teaching, we should use the teaching material, teaching material. Active is the nature of elementary school students. Games and activities conform to the elementary students psychological characteristics. Teachers in the classroom with games, activi
27、ties, and even in group games, outdoor activities, can make originally the boring, mechanical word learning and pattern practice become lively and interesting. Encouragement is help beginners to overcome difficult good method to learn English. I have taught students are new to English, they the door
28、 schedule shows a strong thirst for knowledge of English, to read or listen to the tape and read the teacher teaches, everyone can seriously, read aloud, When to let go to let the students read and part of the reading and listening to students attitude, sound obvious decreases, and asked the reason
29、for this is that some students red the face said: “Afraid to read wrong,“ then the teachers can give them timely encouragement to faith and strength and make them bold reading and speaking. The right to use “Good! Very Good!“ Or awards to small stickers to encourage; Wrong everyone together to help
30、students to read, has made a little progress can also add applause to encourage, let the students feel the warmth of the collective. To enhance the learning interest and confidence.IV. Research DesignI designed four activities to be tried out in four weeks to test the hypothesis. And these activities are reported as follows: