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3、愀一一遂宁市旅游企业人才培养机制研究工商管理硕士专业研究生向黎 指导教师王静摘要随着我国经济和旅游产业的不断发展,各地旅游企业竞争日益激烈,人力资源对于企业保持竞争优势发挥着日益突出的作用,人力资源作为现代企业管理的第一资源已成为不争的事实,人才因素已成为企业跨越发展,实现战略目标的关键因素。2012 年遂宁市出台的十二五旅游业发展规划纲要 ,确立了把遂宁建设成为国内一流、国际知名休闲度假旅游目的地定位和加快实现旅游产业现代化、旅游城市品牌化、旅游市场国际化的目标, 旅游产业的发展前景广阔,这给遂宁市旅游企业的发展带来了重要的战略机遇, 但遂宁市旅游从业人员综合素质和服务技能与遂宁市旅游行业发
5、行调查、分析,找出遂宁市旅游企业在人力资源和人才培养方面存在的问题,从企业营造良好人才培养环境、建立科学的企业人才培养机制、建立完善人才开发配套机制等方面提出遂宁市旅游企业建立人才培养机制的对策建议。本论文对本地区旅游企业实现战略目标,旅游产业的快速发展具有重要的实际应用意义,为旅游企业四川师范大学硕士学位论文 摘 要控制人力资本,制定科学人力资源发展规划提供参考,对遂宁市旅游行业积累人力资本起到积极的促进作用。关键词:旅游企业 人才 人力资源 培养机制II四川师范大学硕士学位论文Research on Cultivation Mechanism of the talent ofSuining
6、 city tourism enterprisesAbstract:With the development of the economy and tourism in China,the competition between travel agencies is getting more fierceThe quality of humanresources plays a more important role in maintaining a leading place for themThere isobviously no doubt that it has been No1 fa
7、ctor for them to achieve a leapingdevelopment and their strategic objectivesIn 2012,the government of the Suining City set it a goal to build this city into afirst-class in China and internationally famous place for leisure vacation and to speedup the achievement of the modernization of tourism indu
8、stry;to make tourism a bigband and to explore the international tourism marketWith such broad prospects,travel agencies are offered a significant opportunity for developmentHowever,the comprehe nsive quality and professional skills of the staffs in tourism are quite behind the require ments for the
9、development of tourismThe shortage of qualified staffs exposes the short board in personnel trainingAs a result,the development of local tourism is restricted and this entire district suffers from this negative effectMeanwhile because overalleconomical advantage of Suining is not prominent,its touri
10、sm started latemost of the local enterprises are small,with few people and a shortage of funds,even though therehas been a certain amount,it is difficultto attract nonlocal talent Therefore, tourismenterprises want to give full play to the value of human resources,the keyis setting up a systematic a
11、nd scientific mechanism for personnel training,continuetraining and reserving talents through a variety of incentives,it does help to optimizethe distribution ofhuman resources,improve enterprises abilities in competition,SO that enable enterprises to gain considerable developmentfind out its proble
12、m in talentstraining,make recommendations for SuiningS tourism enterprises to establishpersonnel training mechanismNow we know that,to set up a systematic and scientific mechanism for personnel training does help to optimize the distribution of humanresourcesAnd this is the key to improve meir abili
13、ty in competitionKeyword:Tourism enterprises a person of ability HumanresourcesTraining mechanismIII四川师范大学硕士学位论文 目次0 次 摘要 IABST 队 CT III0 次 V 1 绪论 111 选题背景 1111 遂宁市促进旅游业发展的战略举措 1112 遂宁市旅游企业人才与旅游业快速发展的矛盾 11。2 选题目的和意义 3121 选题目的 312。2 选题意义 413 研究思路及方法 4131 研究思路 4132 研究方法 42 人才培养的相关理论和研究综述 521 人力资源相关理论和研究综述 5211 人才流动理论 5212 人才激励理论 6213 人力资源的开发与培训理论 622 国内外文献综述 7221 国外文献综述 7222 国内文献综述 723 国内外企业人才培养实践分析 8231 国外企业人才培养实践分析 8232 我国企业人才培养实践分析 93 遂宁市旅游企业人才培养机制的现状分析 1031 遂宁市旅游企业的现状分析 10311 遂宁市旅游企业的现状 10312 遂宁市旅游企业的人力资源现状 1 1313遂宁市旅游企业人力资源存在的问题分析 1232 遂宁市旅游企业人才培养机制现状分析 14321 企业人才培养机制的内涵和特点 14V