1、河南财经政法大学成功学院毕 业 论 文 (设 计) 开 题 报 告所在院系:外语系 专 业:英 语学 号:2010241330 姓 名:许利朋毕业论文题目: Analysis of Katherine in The Vampire Dairies1. Aim and Significance Once broadcast, TV sets The Vampire Diaries was greatly welcomed by thousands of fans around the world. In this TV sets, the traditional vampire image as
2、 ugly ,vicious was changed into handsome and beautiful. The plots are no longer violence and creep. They are endowed with more humanism.The character of Katherine in The Vampire Diaries is a typical representative. She is the most interesting and successful role designed in this play. She can either
3、 be important or not important, either a good person or bad. She adopted superpower, played among human beings freely, always could turn off her emotional part of humanism as she likes. Above all, her character design was very flexible. She carried out the principle of survival first, then freedom a
4、nd finally love. Therefore she lost her beloved men one by one, thats the tragedy and this tragedy is a very reflection of her character tragedy. Social reality and survival environment are the source of shaping her complex personality. And thats also the reason why this paper choose these three asp
5、ects survival ,freedom and love to analyze her personality. All these analyses of the paper is to unveil Katherines mysterious character to you and show you what the real vampire queen is like.2. Main Methods and Ways of Studies:. Freud claims that personality is an integration with interconnection
6、of id, ego and superego.The paper take Freuds personal theory as the basis to analyze Katherines personality and the tragedy source of her entire life, which is under the struggle of id, ego and superego. This theory is very fit for Katherines character analysis, first by analysing the desires under
7、 the drive of id, second by analysing the choice of love under the guidance of superego , third by analysing egos choice under id, superego and reality. Katherines image will definitely stand out markedly on paper.3. Reference Books and Materials Available:Freud,Sigmund.1971.The Complete Introductor
8、y Lectures on Psychoanalysis.M.London:Alden and Mowbray Ltd.Freud,Sigmund.1991.On Metapsychology.The Theory of Psychoanalysis.M.London:Penguin Books.Freud,Sigmund.1966.New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis.M.New York and London:W.W.Norton and company. Freud,Sigmund.1999.The Standard Edition of
9、 the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud.M.New York:W.W.Norton and company.Schultz,Duane.2007.Theories of Personality.M.Beijing:Peking University Press.Wilson,Katharina,1985.The History of the Word Vampire,J.Ideas.4:577-583 陈洁.2012.梦境与潜意识的流露狄更斯的弗洛伊德式研究J.名作欣赏12:125-126弗洛伊德.2003.弗洛伊德心理哲学M.杨韶
10、刚,等译,北京:九州出版社.弗洛伊德.1988.精神分析引论M.商务印书馆.刘烨.2005.弗洛伊德的智慧M.北京:中国电影出版社.倪海.2002.论弗洛伊德人格理论及其贡献J.学术论坛 10:23-24石向实.2008.弗洛伊德精神分析说在中国J.博览群书(5):19-23霍尔.1986.弗洛伊德心理学与西方文学M.包华富,等译.长沙:湖南文艺出版 社孙贵林.2011.论弗洛伊德人格理论对传统道德观念的批判J. 法制与社会 2:275-276 4. Timetable of the Thesis Writing:Time arrangement for the writing plan is as follows:Before Feb.24 , hand in the presentation of the paper.Before Apr.15 , hand in the first draft of the paper.Before Apr.30 , hand in the final paper.指导教师意见:指导教师签名:年 月 日