1、 湖 南 农 业 大 学高 等 教 育 自 学 考 试 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文商务合同的翻译学生姓名:贺荣葵 考籍号:910912103695年级专业: 2010级 应 用 英 语指导老师及职称:肖付良副教授学院:外国语学院湖南长沙提交日期:2013 年 4 月学生毕业设计 (论文)中文题目: 商务合同的翻译 英文题目:On the Translation of Business Contracts姓 名: 贺荣葵 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 英语(外贸英语方向) 本科 指导老师: 贺荣葵 开题时间: 2012. 12 完成时间: 2013. 4 湖南农业大学制 On the Tran
2、slation of Business Contracts商务合同的翻译 He Rongkui贺荣葵Supervisor: Prof. Xiao FuliangMajor: Foreign Trade EnglishForeign Language CollegeHunan Agricultural UniversityApril, 2013AbstractAbstract: In international trade activities, business contracts are an important basis for the documents. Business Engli
3、sh language has become an indispensable communication tool and it is also the starting point of economic contracts in English. International business contracts involve a wide variety and complexity and also have their own characteristics, such as accuracy profession, and normalization. Therefore, th
4、e quality of the translation of business contracts needs high demand. In this paper, through a large number of examples, the characteristics and translation of business contracts are analyzed comprehensively.Key Words: business contracts; translation; strategy摘 要在国际贸易活动中,商务合同作为一种重要法律文件,涉及面广泛而复杂,同时也有
5、其自身的特点,准确性,专业性和规范性。因此,对商务合同翻译的质量提出了非常高的要求。本文用大量的例子对商务合同的特征及对策做了全面的分析和讨论。关键词:商务合同;翻译;对策Contents Abstract.I摘 要 .IIContents .IIIIntroduction .11. The Definition of Business Contract.22.The Characteristics of Business Contracts.32.1 Text Characteristics .32.1.1 Prociseness .32.1.2 Normolization .32.1.3
6、Prefession .32.2 Sentense Charasteristics .42.2.1 Attributive Clauses.42.2.2 Adverbial Clauses.5 3.The Translation Strategies of Business Contracts .63.1 Translation Accuraccy.63.1.1 Vocabulary Translation .63.1.2 Number Accuracy .63.2 Translation Profession.73.3 Translation Normalization.73.3.1 Lan
7、guage Normalization.93.3.2 Style Normalization.93.3.3 Profession Normalization.11Conclusion .13Bibliography.14Acknowledgements .15IntroductionIn the 21st century, international trade has becoming more and more frequent, and the reforming China is actively engaged in international trade activities. I
8、n the process of global trade, English has become an indispensable communication tool. It is the basis of business contracts. In todays society, citizens, corporations and other organizations sometimes have the problem on how to sign contracts directly in English. Lawyers, legal advisers and other l
9、egal professionals will meet the needs to review and modify the contracts in English, and sometimes will be asked to come to Chinese translation, and even to draft a contract in English. So more and more fans of English and the lawyers want to familiarize themselves with the contracts in English wit
10、h China s entry into WTO, this requirement turns more and more urgent to resolve contract issues in English.1. The Definition of Business ContractContract means to abide by the conditions established, working in cooperation. “Peoples Republic of China Civil Law“中国人民共和国民法通则The Article 85th provides t
11、hat “A contract shall be an agreement whereby the parties establish, exchange, terminate their civil relationship“,( 合同是当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议) and international business contract, as one of them, from the general sense, It is involved with two or more States. To a country, international business
12、contracts are also foreign contracts. In China, according to the different nature and content of the major categories in contracts, We do the following classification: sale contract(销售合同); the transfer contract(转让合同); the joint venture contract(合资或合营合同); compensation trade contracts(补偿贸易合同); Agent a
13、greement(代理合同) and other contracts, agreements, etc. It is the parties to economic activities, the agreement reached by negotiation, legally binding on both parties. This agreement may be formal or informal. As the contract with legal effect, the parties must accordance with the provisions of the contract fully and meet their obligations strictly, which requires the contract terms and sentences are rigorous and accurate.2. The Characteristics of Business Contracts