趣味英语教学法在一堂课中,学生的无意注意和有意注意只能保持一定的时间,有的孩子能保持得长一些,而有的孩子保持得要短一些。所以当孩子们累了的时候,就让他们动一动,跳一跳,说一说,唱一唱,让他们又兴奋一下,把注意力集中在课堂上。一、Lets act (做一做) ,即听音做动作。我通常根据教材中的内容,尽
1、趣味英语教学法在一堂课中,学生的无意注意和有意注意只能保持一定的时间,有的孩子能保持得长一些,而有的孩子保持得要短一些。所以当孩子们累了的时候,就让他们动一动,跳一跳,说一说,唱一唱,让他们又兴奋一下,把注意力集中在课堂上。一、Lets act (做一做) ,即听音做动作。我通常根据教材中的内容,尽量采取先听后做再说的方式逐步进行。首先教师做示范,用动作告示学生该动作的意思;等学生明白后,再进行操练,进行比赛;最后让学生当指挥者,老师扮演机器人,学生就可以用才学来的句子指挥老师,或请一个学生当机器人,全班。
2、二、幼儿英语教学的必要性和可行性 (一)外语学习对幼儿语言、认知和社会性发展具有促进作用 (二)幼儿期是外语学习的最佳期 (三)幼儿具有学习外语的心理优势 (四)幼儿学习外语不会干扰母语的掌握,反而会促进 (五)幼儿学习英语是社会和时代发展的需要 一、英语故事的特点 学前儿童英语故事既可以是幼儿园英语教育活动的形式,又可以是教育的内容。从教育的意义上说,它至少有以下这些特点: 1重点词语的重复 2词语的替换 3易于向其它教育形式转换 4. 内容的伸缩 5英语故事整合相关的学习内容 6提供多种途径发展幼儿的语言及其他。
3、English Language Teaching Methodology,Unit 8 Teaching Vocabulary,Outline,Presentation(G7): vocabulary teaching A brief revision of Unit 8 Unit 9 Teaching Listening,Presentation: Mini-demonstration of vocabulary teaching,Design a lesson plan for teaching some new vocabulary items to senior high school students. Focus on (1) 3 effective ways of presenting the items; (2) 3 ways of consolidating the newly learned vocabulary. Demonstrate to the class next week. For Group 7.,A revision of Teaching。
4、1Revision contents:Unit 1 Language and Learning Views on languageViews on language learning1. What are the major views of language? What are their implications to language teaching or learning?2. Some language teachers argue that we should “teach the language” rather than “teach about the language”. What are the major differences between these two approaches to language teaching?3. Audiolingual approach to language learning4. Socio-constructivist theory of language learning emphasizes intera。
5、英语测试理论及方法课程教学大纲课程编码:30615027 学分:2 总学时:36说 明课程性质英语测试理论及方法为英语专业的专业选修课。教学目的通过对考试流程中主要环节的介绍和演示,让学生了解语言测试的基本理论及具体操作方法,以便使他们在未来教学实践中提高命题水平和考试质量。教学任务在介绍国内外语言测试领域最新理论研究及实践的基础上,结合我国英语教学实际及学习特点,让学生了解语言测试流程中的诸多环节,如考试的宏观,微观功能,考试总体设计,掌握单项语言能力/技能的测试方法,包括命题,施考,考试分析及考试信息反馈。
6、ESA 教学法在大学英语精读课堂中的选择与应用添加日期:2011 年 01 月 04 日 来源:互联网 作者:admin 点击数:39 【字体:大 中 小】摘要无论采取什么样的教学方式或是什么样的课程类型,教学中都应包括投入、学习、运用这三要素,不过他们的先后顺序应该灵活掌握。可以根据课型的需要或者课文材料的选择确定不同的顺序,而且这三大要素不是贯穿一堂课的唯一步骤,在教学过程中的不同阶段均可采用,也就是说,这三大要素可以在同一堂课中重复使用。关键词 ESA 教学法 大学英语 精读课堂 应用0 引言(1)大学英语精读课现状与思考。目前占有很重课。
7、Grammar-translation approach 语法翻译法语言观语法翻译法起源于历史比较语言学(机械语言学理论) ,认为语言都起源于一种共同的原始语言,语言规律是相同的,词汇的所代表的概念也是相同的,不同的只是书写和语音形式。习得观学习者通过互译和语法关系的替换,就能够掌握另一种语言。教学观1. 为了完成互译和语法关系的转换,母语所起的翻译能力很重要。因此,重视母语在教学中的使用。2. 注重语言规则的学习,认为语言教学就是规则的理解和教学。代表教学步骤1. 教师在教学中需使用“规范”的语言书面语2. 教师在课堂上积极使用母语3.。
8、 英语教学法 1、 全身动作反应法:就是在教学中,根据教师设计的语言项目,通过手、脚、 等身体部位的动作来学 习语言的教学方法 。它的特点是采用刺激 -反应 -强化方式进行教学。 2、 口头作文法:在教学中,围绕一个具体的交际任务,引导学生进行语言形式联系和交际练习。 它的特点是不通过 母语翻译而直接用外语表达思想, 使学生的注意力完全集中在交际的内容上, 而不是语言的形式上, 语音、语法。
9、How can one become a good language teacher?,The most important and most difficult part of the making of a good language teacher is the development of professional competence, which is the quality of being qualified for the profession, and armed with a specific range of skills, strategies, knowledge and ability.,Teachers professional development (Adapted from Wallace, 1991: 15),Language development,Stage 1,Others experience,Received knowledge,Own experience,Practice,Reflection,Professional。
10、 英语教学法教程 - 课程设计概述:一、课程性质、任务和基本要求1.课程的性质和任务本课程是为英语教育专业学生开设,目的在于学生不仅具备扎实的语言基本功,掌握必要的语言基本知识和基本技能,具有较强的语言交际能力,而且还要掌握一定的教育基本理论和教学技能,即能够根据实际需要选择并运用恰当的教学方法和技巧,具备课堂管理的能力与评价的能力,同时具有驾驭教材的能力。本课程主要对象是四年制英语教育专业学生,全书共有18个单元,分别介绍了英语教学的基本概念、交际教学原则和活动、备课和写教案、课堂管理的方法、语言知识。
11、第三章、外语教学法的主要流派(八种)1.语法-翻译法A.从 19 世纪开始用于教学现代语言B.把目标语(外语)看成是一个规则系统,能在文本域句子中了解到,并与母语规则和意义有联系。C.主要课堂教学活动:对整篇课文大意的译述,吧课文逐句从外语译成母语的活动,对课文中语法规则作演绎式的讲解,以及直接阅读课文以加深对课文的理解等活动。E.重视词汇与语法的学习,强调阅读与写作能力的培养。重视语言准确性的培养。F.选材:外语的文学原著或简写本或改写本G.教师是课堂教学的权威,重视的传授者和课堂教学的组织者。H.母语是教学语言。
12、英语教学法教程试题库Unit 1Part I Read the following statements or questions and choose the best answer for each statement or question.1. Much of human behavior is influenced by their_ _A. experiences B. wisdom C. knowledge D. parents2. What is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom?A. teaching attitude B. definitions of language C. structural view of language D. functional view3. What does the structural view of langu。
13、 英语教学法论文:商务英语教学法研究摘 要: 商务英语是在国际商务环境下使用的专业英语 ,在教学中应突破传统语言教学法,以培养学生应用能力为目的。本文立足于商务英语教学的特点,通过对案例教学法、交际教学法和任务教学法的比较分析,对如何开展商务英语教学进行了有益的探索。 关键词: 商务英语 教学方法 比较 商务英语是商务和英语的结合,课程主要包括基础商务英语课(如商务英语精读、听力和口语等) 和专业商务英语课 (如国际贸易、市场营销学、国际金融等 )。经过长期的探索,商务英语教学中出现了很多种教学方法,如案例教学法、任务。
14、Unit 8 Teaching vocabulary,By class of 105, Group 7.,Aims of the unit:,8.1 Understanding vocabulary &vocabulary learning,People have different understandings of: What a vocabulary item is; How an item can be learned and consolidate; Which items should be learned; To what extent the items should be learned and practised. (p. 117, Task 2),Task,8.2 What does knowing a word invovle?,A simple answer would be (1)knowing its pronunciation (4) knowing how & when to use it to express the intend。
15、Unit 1 language and language teaching1. What makes a good language teacher? Ethic devotion Professional qualities Personal styles2. Views on language learning and learning in general: Process-oriented theories: concerned with how the mind organizes new information such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization. Condition-oriented theories: emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which the language learning take place, such as th。
16、1小 学 英 语教学 法教 程教案A Course in Primary English Language Teaching PlanUnit 1 Children as language learners1. Teaching Aims:To understand children as language learners and know how to be a good primary English teacher.2. Teaching Content:1. How do we learn our first language?2. What are the similarities and differences between the learning of a first language and a foreign language?3. What are some of the characteristics of children as language learners?4. How children are individual diff。
17、小学英语教学法教程 -广东第二师范学院外语系 傅瑞屏,从剑桥英语教学能力认证考试想起,TKT: Teaching Knowledge Test剑桥英语教学能力认证考试includes 3 parts (modules): Module1Language and background to language learning and teaching1)Describing language and language skills: grammar, lexis, phonology, functions, reading, writing, listening, speaking2) Background to language learning:motivation, exposure and focus on form, the role of error, differences between L1 and L2 learning, learner characteristic。
18、1英语教学法教程教案A Course in English Language Teaching教 材:英语教学法教程主 编:王蔷出版社:高等教育出版社2绪论 外语教学法主要流派Teaching approaches pragmatics ; semantics b. Target of language learning : The target of language learning is to learn to 7express communication functions and categories of meaning c. Approaches and methods based on this view Some of the language learning approaches and methods based on this view of language are: communicative approaches functional-notional sylla。
19、Unit10 Teaching Speaking,Aims of the unit,1. What are the differences between spoken and written language? 2. What are the principles for teaching speaking? 3. How can we design speaking activities? 4. What are the typical types of speaking activities? 5. How to organise speaking activities?,Please read paragraph1,and think of “what is speaking ”and “why students should be taught spoken language”?,Speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most in real-life situations. Reaso。
20、绪论 外语教学法主要流派Teaching approaches pragmatics ; semantics b. Target of language learning : The target of language learning is to learn to express communication functions and categories of meaning c. Approaches and methods based on this view6?Some of the language learning approaches and methods based on this view of language are: communicative approaches? ?functional-notional syllabuses The Natural Approach C. The interactional view of language The interactional view of language sees lang。