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1、1小 学 英 语教学 法教 程教案A Course in Primary English Language Teaching PlanUnit 1 Children as language learners1. Teaching Aims:To understand children as language learners and know how to be a good primary English teacher.2. Teaching Content:1. How do we learn our first language?2. What are the similarities

2、 and differences between the learning of a first language and a foreign language?3. What are some of the characteristics of children as language learners?4. How children are individual differences affect their learning?5. Why should we treat children as equal human being?6. What makes a good primary

3、 English teacher?3. Teaching Hours: 3 periods4. Teaching materials:1. Textbook2. Handout3. Videotape5. Teaching Methods:1) Lecture (Computer-aided Instruction)2) Demonstration6. Teaching Procedures:1) Information about language and language learningThe views about the nature of language: There are m

4、any possible theoretical positions about the nature of language. Here are three different views which explicitly or implicitly is reflected in current approaches to language learning.The structural view of languageThe structural view of language is that language is a system of structurally related e

5、lements for the transmission of meaning.a. These elements are usually described as phonological units (phonemes) grammatical units (phrases, clauses, sentences) grammatical operations (adding, shifting, joining or transforming elements) lexical items (function words and structure words)2b. Target of

6、 language learningThe target of language learning, in the structural view, is the mastery of elementsof this system.2) Differences and similarities between learning L1 and L2For L2 learners, the language input is limited. The time spent on learning L2 is much shorter. The learning context is formal

7、and errors are often corrected. Also, the development of the four skills begins almost at the same time. Moreover, L2 learners often do not have the need to communicate in the target languages: therefore, there are few opportunities for pupils to interact except in the classroom and little real cont

8、ext for children to experiment with the language.However, there are some similarities between the learning of L1 and L2. Rich context and input, opportunities for using the language, interaction with others, etc. are important in learning any languages. Teachers should create a nice environment and

9、interesting activities for pupils to use the language to do things.3) Multiple intelligencesDr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University, developed the theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. It suggests that everyone has at least seven different intelligences and everyone is d

10、ifferent in terms of the intelligences they have.Therefore, teachers need to be aware of the differences and try to help develop each students potentials and learn how to make good use of the theory of multiple intelligences to motivate students in learning.4) Total Physical Response Method:This app

11、roach to second language teaching is based on the belief that listening comprehension should be fully developed before any active oral participation from students is expected (just as it is with children when they are learning their native language).37. Homework:1. What are difference between learni

12、ng the first language and a foreign language?2. What are the qualities of a good language teacher? To what extent have you got these qualities? What do you think you should do so as to become a good teacher in the future?3. What are the qualities of good language learner? What do they suggest to lan

13、guage teaching?8. Self-assessment:Because students are not familiar with these theory on the language and view of the language, it is very difficult to help Ss understand it. So it requires T explain it in details with the help of clear illustration and examples by using vediotapes. To get students

14、read more on linguistics and schools of language methods is also necessary.4Unit 2 Understanding the National English Curriculum 1. Teaching Aims:To discuss one of the most important trends in second/ foreign language teaching in the past three decades, that is the practice of communicative language

15、 teaching2. Teaching Content:1) Why is English offered in the primary school?2)What are the objectives for primary English?3) How to understand the requirement of Level 1-2 in the National English Curriculum?3. Teaching Hours: 2 periods4. Teaching materials:1) Textbook2) Handout3) Videotape4) Pictur

16、es and real objects5. Teaching Methods:1) Lecture (Computer-aided Instruction)2) Demonstration6. Teaching Procedures目前小学英语课程存在的主要困难与问题:1. 对课程的认识尚不统一;重视程度差异大;2. 地区之间、学校之间发展不平衡;3. 师资数量不足,质量急需提高;4. 课堂教学效果需要给予更多关注;5. 评价方式的改革有待进一步深化。新课标理念:(一)注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值(二)面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异(三)整体设计目标,充分考虑语

17、言学习的渐进性和持续性(四)强调学习过程, 重视语言学习的实践性和应用性(五)优化评价方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力5(六)丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习的渠道新课标性质:英语学科不再是单纯的工具性课程,而是一门工具性与人文性相结合的课程。什么样的课程是工具性课程?什么样的课程是人文性课程?工具性:英语课程承担培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务,即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的听说读写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,进一步促进思维发展,为继续学习英语和用英语学习其他相关科学文化知识奠定基础。人文性:英语课程承担着提高学生综合人文素养的任务,即学生通过英语课

18、程能够开阔视野,丰富生活经历,形成跨文化意识,增强爱国主义精神,发展创新能力,形成良好的品格和正确的人生观与价值观。课程总目标:综合语言运用能力建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等诸方面整体发展的基础之上。语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础;文化意识有利于正确地理解语言和得体地使用语言;有效的学习策略有利于提高学习效率和发展自主学习能力;积极的情感态度有利于促进主动学习和持续发展。 6综合语言运用能力情感态度学习策略 文化意识语言技能 语言知识国际视野 祖国意识 合作精神 自信意志 兴趣动机交际策略 资源策略 调控策略 认知策略 跨文化交际文化理解文化知识话题 功能

19、语法 词汇 语音写读说听总体设计思路:这一课程体系以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,使英语课程既重视培养学生的语言基础知识和基本技能,也注重优化学习过程,引导学生形成有效的学习策略和较强的文化意识,培养积极向上的情感态度和价值观。一级目标描述: 对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。 能根据教师的简单指令做动作、做游戏、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能做简单的角色表演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的感觉和情感。能模仿范例书写词句。7 在学习中乐于模仿,敢于表达,对英语具有一定的感知能力。 对学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。 一级语言技能:听,

20、做1能根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物;2能听懂课堂简短的指令并做出相应的反应;3能根据指令做事情,如指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作等;(删除了做手工)4能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出适当反应。说,唱1能根据录音模仿说话;2能相互致以简单的问候;3能相互交流简单的个人信息,如姓名、年龄等4能表达简单的情感和感觉,如喜欢和不喜欢;5能根据表演猜测意思、说出词语;6能学唱英语儿童歌曲和歌谣 15 首左右;7能根据图、文说出单词或短句。玩,演1能在教师的指导下用英语做游戏并在游戏中进行简单的交际;2能做简单的角色表演。(删除了表演歌曲、童话剧)读,写1. 能看图识词;82. 能在指认物

21、体的前提下认读所学词语;3. 能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的小故事;4. 能正确书写字母和单词;5. 能模仿范例写词句。视,听能看懂语言简单的英文动画片或程度相当的英语教学节目,课堂视听时间每学年不少于 10 小时(平均每周 20-25 分钟)二级语言技能:听1. 能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料;2能听懂简单的配图小故事;3能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问;4能听懂常用指令和要求并做出适当反应。说1能在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意;2能就所熟悉的个人和家庭情况进行简短对话;3能运用一些最常用的日常用语(如问候、告别、致谢、道歉等);4能就日常生活话题作简短叙述; 5能在教师的帮助

22、和图片的提示下描述或讲述简单的小故事。读1能认读所学词语;2能根据拼读规律,读出简单的单词;93能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令;4能看懂贺卡等所表达的简单信息;5能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯;6能正确朗读所学故事或短文。写1. 能正确地使用大小写字母和常用的标点符号;2能写出简单的问候语和祝福语;3能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。(原为根据要求为图片、实物等写出简短的标题或描述)玩,演,视,听1能按要求用简单的英语做游戏;2能在教师的帮助下表演小故事或小短剧;3 能学唱简单的英语歌曲和歌谣 30 首左右(含一级要求);4能看懂程度相当的英语动画片和英语教

23、学节目,课堂视听时间每学年不少于 10小时(平均每周 2025 分钟)。四基之间的关系语言技能分级标准的各个级别虽按照听、说、读、写等分项进行具体描述,但它们相互之间是密切相连、相互补充、相互促进的关系。比如二级标准围绕“故事”设置的目标在听、说、读、写、玩演视听等部分都有涉及,且相互照应。功能标准理解和运用有关下列功能的语言表达形式:问候、介绍、告别、请求、邀请、致谢、道歉、情感、喜好、建议、祝愿等。知识标准10理解和运用有关下列话题的语言表达形式:个人情况、家庭与朋友、身体与健康、学校与日常生活、文体活动、节假日、饮食、服装、季节与天气、颜色、动物等。(删除了植物,玩具)情感标准兴趣、态度

24、、动机、自信心、自主性和意志,祖国意识,国际视野策略标准1. 使用学习策略能够提高英语学习的效果。2. 发展学习策略有利于学生形成自主学习的能力。3. 培养学习策略有利于学生实现个性化学习。文化意识标准1. 文化知识学生了解的中外文化知识。2. 文化理解学生对中外文化及其差异的理解过程或理解能力。3. 跨文化交际意识对外国文化与本国文化的异同的敏感度以及在使用外语时根据目标语文化来调整自己的语言理解和语言产出的自觉性。4. 跨文化交际能力根据文化环境,在理解并尊重交际双方的文化背景的前提下,恰当、得体地使用语言进行交际的能力。 7. Homework:1) What are the benef

25、its of offering English in the primary school?2) What should be the overall aim for English language teaching in China?3) Can you list some communicative activities? What are the common features of these activities?4) What are the target requirements for Levels 1 and 2?5) What are the objectives for

26、 affects, strategies and culture awareness?118. Self-assessment:Because students are familiar with the English classroom, it is very easy to help Ss understand it. But they actually dont know how to manage class effectively. It requires T explain it in details with the help of clear illustration and

27、 examples by using real examples. To get students practice more and their experience is crucial.12Unit 3 Classroom Management1. Teaching Aims:To discuss how language teachers can manage the classroom more effectively and efficiently and how to write a good lesson plan.2. Teaching Content:The role of

28、 the teacherHow to write a good lesson plan?Discipline in the language classroom3. Teaching Hours: 4 periods4. Teaching materials:1) Textbook2) Handout3) CAI4) Flash charts5. Teaching Methods:1) Lecture (Computer-aided Instruction)2) Demonstration3) Students Practice6. Teaching Procedures:1) Create

29、a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom to achieve full student participation. Discipline and firmness are of paramount importance especially when students practice group work. The friendly relationship between you and the class has its vital impact on the students attitude towards learning the langua

30、ge.2) Teachers approachBe creative because much of the teachers success depends upon his/her imaginative power, originality and creativity. Teaching is more an art than a science. Be an example of a good planner and organizer. By doing so, you encourage your students to develop their planning and or

31、ganizational abilities Preparing the lessons regularly and adequately makes you surefooted in the classroom. It sets your mind at ease and makes you realize the main aim of the lesson. Do not over-plan. Make your lesson plan brief, informative, clear and 13purposeful. Include various activities to s

32、uit the individual differences in the classroom Be active. An active teacher means an active lesson. Avoid being indifferent because this creates a sort of boredom in the classroom. Make your lesson enjoyable because the ability to enjoy is the key to effective learning. Remember that what one learn

33、s through enjoyment, one never forgets and its effect on the memory never fades. Lack of interest means lack of response.3) Language production Involve your students in authentic communication situations, which encourage a continuous flow of speech. In fact, the acquisition of the language depends o

34、n practicing it naturally. Give your students every possible chance to use the language. Talk as little as possible to give the students the opportunity to interact. Do not over teach. Make the lesson student centered, not teacher centered. Teach the language in appropriate social contexts. Relate t

35、he world to a sentence, the sentence to a situation and the situation to real life. Use the teaching media properly to make the lesson more attractive and perceptive. They save time and effort. Use effective means to eradicate errors. Always look at what they have achieved rather than at what they h

36、ave failed to achieve. Be accurate in evaluating your students achievement. The marks given should be in conformity with the real standard of the class.Lesson Plan:1) Why is lesson planning necessary?2) Principles for good lesson planning3) Macro planning vs. micro planning4) Components of a lesson

37、plan5) A sample lesson plan14初一 英语下学期 Lesson 120 教学设 计Step 1 Revision,1. Check homework.2. Sing a song of your choosing. Step 2 Ask and answerSB Page 69, Part 1. Practice in pairs, talking about the people in the pictures. The students should use the model given. Have several pairs volunteer to talk

38、 about the pictures for the class. They may ask as many questions as they can, e.g. What (work) does he do? Where does he work? How does he go to work? Does he like his work? Whats he doing now? Wheres he going?Step 3 Read and write1. SB page 69, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 120. Students skim the

39、 passage for the main idea. (Its Wednesday and people are going to the Great Wall. These people are from many countries.)2. Play the tape, students listen and repeat.3. In small groups, hand each group a piece of paper with now they are getting on a big bus written at the top of the paper. The first

40、 member of the group writes a sentence, and then passes the paper to the right. Then the next student writes a sentence until the last student of the group, who writes the last sentence of the story. The endings do not necessarily have to be logical. They can be just for fun. Have several groups vol

41、unteer to read their endings for the class. For example, the first person may write, The people are waiting on the bus. The second person could write, The bus driver is not there, etc.Step 4 Listen and answerSB Page 70, Part 3, Listening Cassette Lesson 120. Let the students read the passage to be c

42、ompleted in Wb Lesson 120, Ex. 2. Ask what does Jim/Li Lei like doing? Play the tape several times if necessary.Do Ex. 2 orally first, then ask the students to fill in the blanks.The answers are: dad; swimming; uncle; fishing; fish; home; dad; eatStep 5 Look, ask and write1. SB Page 70, Part 4*. Rea

43、d through the business cards together as a class. Using the model given, write about the first business card on the Bb as a class. In pairs, have the students write about the remaining 3 cards.2. Have the students individually make their own business cards. Collect them and display them in the class

44、.15Step 6 Checkpoint 30Checkpoint 30 is NOT in the book. You may take this chance to explain the ten parts of speech of English words. Use this time to revise any particular points that your students find difficult. Ask them if they have any questions. This is a good way of preparing for the end of

45、semester test.Step 7 WorkbookSB Pages 152-154, Wb Lesson 120, Exx. 1 and 3-5. Do Ex. 1 orally to review the verb tenses taught this year. For Ex. 3 have the students interview another student in the class who they dont usually talk with. Exx. 4 and 5 may be given as homework. Exx. 6 and 7 are option

46、al. Ex. 7 may be used as an acting contest for the last day of class. You may give a prize to the best actors. This is a fun way to end school before summer break.HomeworkFinish off the Workbook exercises. Revise all the language items in the SB. Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment1 Encourag

47、e the students to speak, read and listen to as much English as they can even when they arent in school. They can watch English TV programmers, listen to English radio or songs on tapes or CDs and start noticing as many English signs as they can in their environment. All of this will help them to lea

48、rn English more easily.2 As well, if you have any ideas of your own to contribute to the some ideas for extra practice or enrichment section, please share them with us. We hope to provide the students with as many creative ideas for learning and practicing English as we can!7. Homework:1) What are t

49、he principles for good lesson planning?2) How can we motivate children in learning English?3) How to give effective instructions?4) How can we engage learners in asking questions?5) Choose a suitable textbook. Write a lesson plan.8. Self-assessment:Because students are not familiar with the English Teaching plan, although it is very easy to help Ss understand it. But they actually dont know how to plan lessons well. It requires T explain it in details with the help of clare illustration and examples by usin


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