1、商英学院2005级国贸1、2班 2007.9.-2008.1. 主讲人:曾利沙 联系电话:36206398 E-mail: ,教学目的与要求,教学目的:阐释翻译的性质与特点、介绍翻译的基本理论、概括翻译的常用技巧、揭示英汉语言、文化、思维的差异、提高英语理解和汉语表达水平,加强文字素养、培养跨文化交流的能力。 教学要求:能灵活地运用所学翻译理论与常用技巧,发挥主观能动性,做到忠实、通顺地翻译中等难度的文学作品节录,以及英美报刊杂志有关政治、经济、历史、文化等时文;提高逻辑思维、形象思维、经验思维等认知能力,通过翻译表现出较高的综合素养。,译者的基本要求,有扎实双语基础有较广百科知识有较高理论素
2、养会高超翻译技巧持严肃认真态度具一丝不苟精神应勤查勤用词典培养多种思维力不断总结与完善,课堂教学活动环节,常用翻译技巧与方法(约40分钟) 基本理论(约30分钟) III.实践讨论 (20分钟),本学期教学内容安排,常用翻译技巧/方法安排,第一周:翻译的性质 第二周:词义的选择及其理据:概念的内 涵与外延() 第三周:词义的引申 第四周:词义的褒贬 第五周:词类的转换 第六周:增译(或增益)法 第七周:省略法,常用翻译技巧/方法安排,第八周: 重译法 第九周: 正反译法 第十周: 分句译法 第十一周:合句译法 第十二周:拆译法 第十三周:名词从句的译法 第十四周:定语从句的译法,常用翻译技巧/
3、方法安排,第十五周:状语从句的译法 第十六周:词序调整法 第十七周:语态变换译法 第十八周:长句译法 第十九周:释义(意)法,翻译理论,主要内容翻译原则、标准、策略与准则; 文本类型与特征;意义类型;思维形式:分析、判断、推理、概括、抽象、;译者主体性、创造性;主题/主题倾向与翻译;语篇连贯与语篇衔接;语义关联、语用意图、交际意图与翻译,实践讨论,Pair or group work(no more than three): 1、各组自己选择翻译材料,长度100-150词;2、重点讨论其中的难词、难句或表达方式,或最 能体现英中思维差异的表达方式;3、归纳英译中过程中出现的问题,对其进行分析和
4、概括,总结经验,发现规律,形成普遍原理性认识。4、于周六晚上将原文和译文用电子邮件发给老师 和各位同学。5. 周一课堂上就小组翻译过程的讨论向同学们进行讲解和介绍。(* 可参考应用翻译中心网页本科生翻译教学栏目相关的优秀翻译作业),第一周:翻译的性质与特点,The nature and characteristics of translation,翻译的性质(定义),定义1:“传四裔之语者曰译,故称译必从其义”(胡以鲁)。 定义2:翻译是“把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来”(的活动括号内词语为本书作者所加)(词海) 定义3:“翻译就是用接受语复制出原语信息最接近的自然本质体首先就意
5、义而言,其次就其风格而言。”(Nida),翻译的性质(定义),定义4:“翻译是跨语言、跨文化、跨社会的交际活动”(陈宏微) 定义5:翻译就是“把一种语言(源发语)的文本材料替换成另一种语言(目的语)中对等的文本材料” (Catford) 定义6:“翻译是把一种语言文字所表达的思想内容和艺术风格正确无误地(恰如其分地、等值地、确切地)转移到另一种语言文字中去的创造性活动。”(彭卓吾),翻译的性质(定义),定义7:“文学翻译是“创造性地反映原作的艺术现实。”(加切奇拉泽) 定义8:“文学翻译是用另一种语言,把原作的艺术意境(artisitic conception)传达出来,使读者在读原文的时候能
6、够感受到像原作一样的得到启发,感动和美的感受。”(矛盾) 定义9:“翻译是一种需要艺术创造性形象思维的语际转换操作活动” ,“翻译是一种需要运用相应科学(即有关学科理论)知识的语际转换操作活动”。(曾利沙),翻译的特点之一,语言、文化、思维差异往往造成不同民族语言使用者所用的语言具有不可对应的表达形式。,to go to sleep to be no more to lay down ones life to die martyr to expire to pass away to end ones day to breath ones last to go west to come to a
7、 violent death to give up to the ghost,to kick the bucket to kick ones heel to abandon the world to pay the debt of nature to departure to the world of shadows to pass over to the great beyond to go to the glory to return to dust to join the choir invisible to release souls from suffering to go to t
8、he Nirvana to demise,翻译的特点之二,不同民族的文化影响其语言的使用和表达,其文化渗透于日常用语之中,如颜色词的文化内涵等。,1)Im feeling blue today. 2) That man who makes the air blue is capable of anything. 3) He is the black sheep of the family. 4) She began to cry when the black tidings reached her. 5) The young man is a green hand in doing this
9、work. 6) The thief was caught red-handed. 7) When we started to criticize her work, she saw red.,8) Everything is black-and-white to Bill; if youre not his friend, you are his enemy. 9) The car we bought last year was a white elephant. 10) Don be yellow dogs. 11) The yellow journal you referred to s
10、hould be panned.,翻译的特点之三,词的多义性与搭配能力,rain clouds crops wine news road sea heart firesmoker bread wire load storm traffic,heavy,knife rebuke sword work temper boy Pin trader Angle ears edge turn peak flavorwords smell feature nose curve watch cry voice desire pain,sharp,一词多义与上下文,: 1 事件、事情、情况、情形等 This
11、war is becoming the most important story of this generation. It is quite another story now. 2 报道、消息、电讯等 Last December, the Post first reported probes were being made in wade of those cities, but officials refused to confirm the story. 3 内情、内容、真相等 Some reporters who were not included in the session b
12、roke the story.,一词多义与上下文,4 传说、说法等 Hell be very happy if that story holds up.5 热门、有意的渲染、谎言等 The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American television.6 身世、遭遇等 The Rita Hayworth story is one of the saddest.,一词多义与上下文,7 情节、案情等young man came to Scottis office with a story. ,
13、Translation Practice,The three men sat down facing each other and began their casual chat.2. They usually go to bed early, especially on school nights .3. I buried my head under the miserable sheet and the rug, and cried like a child.,4.The old man lay all night on his sleepless bed .,5. He spent an
14、 anxious day in the lockup.6. All these things were distressful memories to her. 7. The thief made a trembling confession of his wrongdoings,8.The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two men,9. Lying on the sea, I enjoyed the clean voluptuousness of the warm breaze on my skin and the cool asupport of water.10. The fan, with its modern, elegant, bright, and harmoniously colored design, is an electrical household applicance for cooling purpose on hot summer days.,The End,