1、广东省开展国际友城交往 30 周年庆祝活动欢迎晚宴上的致辞广东省省长 黄华华时间:2009 年 11 月 11 日地点:东方宾馆金色大厅各位嘉宾、女士们、先生们、朋友 们:在这个金风送爽,满城飞花的时节,我们欢聚一堂,举杯同庆广东省开展国际友城交往 30 周年。分隔的大洲没有使我们彼此孤立,友城的纽带让我们心手相牵。首先,请允许我代表广东省人民政府和广东省人民,向今晚出席晚宴的贵宾们,表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的问候。两千年前,一条穿越风浪与暗礁的海上丝绸之路从这里延伸,将岭南的问候与神州的风物送达遥远的欧洲和亚非国家,这是一段传唱千年的佳话, 这是一个说不尽的一方水土拥抱世界的情怀;30 年前,一
2、缕改革开放的春风复苏了沉睡的中华大地,广东开风气之先,敞开大门,广泛开展对外友好合作;如今,全省已正式缔结友城关系 88 对,其中省级友城 20 对,市级友城 68 对。同时,还有一批关系比较密切的“ 准友城”。我 们的朋友遍及五洲,回望历史,展望未来,我们分外珍视与国际友城携手卅载的真挚情谊。欧洲有句谚语:“良伴同行,途不知 远”。在广东 30 年翻天覆地的发展中,国 际友城既是良师益友,又是合作伙伴,友城的交流合作无论在过去、 现在、 还是将来,都是广 东对外交往的重要组成部分。友城的情谊植根于人民对和平友好的美好未来的向往,它伴随着时代进步的浪潮不断加深。最后,让我们大家举起酒杯,为各位
3、来宾的健康,为了共同的友谊,干杯!今天,新朋故交跨越千山万水,聚首南粤,羊城的夜空显得格外璀璨,这是一 场友谊的盛会,是广东省开展国际友城交往三十周年的里程碑,也是广东与国际友城走向更美好未来的新起点。我们用最动人的迎宾曲,迎接好朋友,用最真诚的语言表达深情厚谊。今夜,让我们分享欢乐,分享喜悦;明天,让我们开启旅程,开启未来。我的译文:Speech by Huang Huahua, Provincial Governor of Guangdong at the Welcome Dinner for Activities in Celebration of the 30th Anniversar
4、y of Guangdongs International Sister Cities Exchange ProgramGolden Hall, Dongfang Hotel, 11 November2009 Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends,On this wonderful time of the year with fresh autumn breeze and numerous beautiful flowers, we get together in celebration of the 30th ann
5、iversary of Guangdongs International Sister Cities Exchange Program. Rather than isolated by distant continents, we have been linked together by sister city ties. Now, permit me first to extend, on behave of the Peoples Government of Guangdong Province and its people, warm welcome and sincere greeti
6、ng to all the distinguished guests tonight. 2000 years ago, originating here, a silk road on the sea extended across winds and waves as well as reefs to the distant countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, bringing them greeting from Lingnan and specialties from China. This has been a story on everyone
7、s lips for thousands of years, which is still telling how Lingnan is ready to brace the world. 30 years ago, the spring wind of reform and opening up policy woke up the Chinese nation. Since then, continuing its tradition of firsts, Guangdong has laid its door wide open for extensive friendly cooper
8、ative relations with overseas countries and cities. Now, Guangdong has officially concluded sister city relationship with 88 cities, with 20 of them at provincial level and 68, municipal level. Meanwhile, Guangdong remains close tie to some potential sister cities. We have friends all over the world
9、. Looking back on the past and looking ahead to the future, we cherish even more the genuine friendship with our twin cities, with whom we have walked together for 30 years. As a European proverb goes that He who has a good companion cares not how far the journey is. During these 30 years when Guang
10、dongs economy crackles with the dynamics of change, our sister cities have become our good teachers and friends as well as partners. Sister cities exchange and cooperation was, is and will always be an important part of Guangdongs overseas relations. Our relationship is deeply-rooted in peoples aspi
11、ration for a beautiful future with peace and friendliness, and will be deepened along with the rolling tide of progress of the time. In this evening with numerous stars glistening in the sky, we friends, old or new, come all the way from all over the world to meet here in Guangdong. This is a gather
12、ing of friendship, which marks the 30th anniversary of Guangdongs International Sister Cities Exchange Program. Its also a new starting point for Guangdong and its sister cities heading towards a better future. We welcome good friends with a tune of welcome and express affection and friendship in sincere words. Tonight, let us share our joy and delight; tomorrow, let us set off for a new journey and embark on a new future. In closing, may I propose a toast,To the health of all the distinguished guests here,To our friendship.Cheers!