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1、英语作文多种体裁写作技巧及范文示例高考英语作文多种体裁写作技巧及范文示例文章来源:本站原创 点击数:更新时间:2008-12-18 15:30:42 英语议论文写作技巧:议题要开门见山议论文是作者对某个问题或某件事进行分析、评论,表明自己的观点、立场、态度、看法和主张的一种文体。议论文有三要素,即论点、论据和论证。论点的基本要求是:观点正确,认真概括,有实际意义;论据的基本要求是:真实可靠,充分典型;论证的基本要求是:推理必须符合逻辑。 英语议论文的结构一般较为固定,通常包括以下三部分: 1. 在导语部分提出需要议论的议题; 2. 在正文部分对所提出的问题进行议论; 3. 在结论部分对以上的讨

2、论进行总结和归纳。 写议论文要考虑论点,考虑用什么作论据来证明,怎样来论证,然后得出结论。它可以是先提出一个总论点,然后分别进行论述,分析各个分论点,最后得出结论;或者先引述一个故事,一段对话,或描写一个场面,再一层一层地从事实中分析出道理,归纳引申出一个新的结论;也可以在文章开头先提出一个人们关心的问题,然后一一作答,逐层深入;还可以把两个不同事物以对立的方式提出来加以比较、对照,然后得出结论。 在具体写作中要注意下列几点: 1. 议题的提出要开门见山,不要拖泥带水。 2. 议论时可以采用不同的方法。如:可以摆出正反两方面观点,进行对比;也可引经据典论证作者自己观点的正确性,从而使读者接受自

3、己的观点;亦可提出一种错误的观点然后论证其错误,最终提出正确的观点。正文部分是写作的重点,论证方法可用归纳法、推理法、比较法等。 3. 在结论部分必须表明作者的观点,对讨论的问题做出总结。 4. 注意连接词和过渡词等词语的使用,以增强文章的条理性和逻辑性。常用的过渡词和连接词包括:first, second, third, finally, in addition, furthermore, besides, what was worse, more importantly, in contrast, because, since, now that, therefore,consequent

4、ly,in that case, as a result/consequence, in conclusion, to sum up 等等。 请看下面的范文: Shall we send children to study abroad? With more and more people becoming rich in recent years, it is a new tendency for them to send their children to study abroad. But I dont think it is a good idea. First of all, chi

5、ldren are too young to look after themselves. Second, the language barrier is a serious problem. Many children are not proficient in the foreign language before going abroad. As a result, they have difficulty in understanding what the native speakers are talking about. Third, they may get into troub

6、le when dealing with various situations for lack of knowledge of the customs in the strange land. Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, which might cause a heavy burden to the family. In conclusion, there are more disadvantages in sending children to study abroad.

7、So, wed better not do it.英语新闻报道写作技巧:标题要幽默风趣新闻报道的结构一般分为四个部分:(一)标题、 (二)导语、 (三)主体、 (四)结语。标题是新闻的题目,是编辑对最有新闻价值内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造。撰写标题是为了撷取新闻要点、诠释新闻意义、吸引读者阅读。在今天繁忙的现代社会中,报纸的读者大多是标题浏览者。导语是消息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容。主体是消息的主要部分,它用充足的事实表现主题,是对导语内容的进一步开展和阐释。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测。有时

8、,作者根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。 一般来说,标题、导语和主体是构成新闻报道的必不可少的三部分。可根据新闻报道的内容而确定是否要结语或其它内容(如事件和历史背景等) ,有时,还可将它们暗含在主体中。 在写新闻报道时,首先要注意新闻的标题具有语言幽默风趣的特点,有较强的吸引力。同时,写作依据的材料要充分,要用事实来说话,语言力求简洁。最后,报道中要有亮点,能引人深思或能让人产生强烈的兴趣。 请阅读下面一则关于刘翔获得奥运金牌的体育报道,并试着找出这则新闻报道的标题、 导语和主体: Liu Xiang:Dark Horse in the Athens Olympics Liu Xia

9、ng , born on July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China, is a Chinese hurdling athlete. In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF (国际业余田径联合会) Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian record time of 13.12 seconds in the 110 metres hurdles. He has since made the finals

10、at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics. Two of the three cases has seen American hurdling great Allen Johnson take the major prize, but in the last in May at Osaka, Liu managed to beat Johnson with an Asian-record time of 13.06 seconds. Still yo

11、ung, Liu has improved steadily, and won a gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in the 110 meters hurdles event. In the final, he equaled the world record of 12.91 seconds held since 1993 by Colin Jackson of Wales. This is the first time an athlete of non-African descent (后裔) has dipped under 13 se

12、conds for the 110 meter hurdles.巧写英语日记:谓语动词多用一般过去时英语日记一般记录某一天发生的事件,或者是自己感受最深的一件事,如一节课、一次郊游活动、一场晚会、一场体育比赛等等。也可是观看某场电影、电视剧或阅读某一篇文章后的体会等。写英语日记要注意下面几点: 一、英语日记的格式 英语日记通常由两部分组成,即书端和正文。书端指写日记的日期、星期和天气。英语日记的书端顶格写在正文上边的左边。先写星期,再写日期。日期的写法与书信的相同。天气可写在正文的右上方或写在日期之后。通常用形容词如 Fine, Cloudy, Rainy, Windy, Foggy 等。 二

13、、英语日记的时态 由于日记记载的事情通常已经发生过,谓语动词多用一般过去时态。三、写日记正文时应注意的问题 1. 考试中所给的话题作文通常把词数控制在 100-120 个单词。 2. 主题要突出。整篇日记要围绕一个主题来展开。切忌面面俱到,记流水帐。因此,要精心选择内容,记下最有意义的、感受最深的内容。 3. 语言表达要贴切。写日记时,遣词造句要符合语法和英语习惯表达。切忌汉语句式表达。如果我们不能用已学的语言知识来表达某种意思,最好换另一种同义的表达法。 4. 注意结构的完整性。在结尾要有结束语,用自己的感想或体会对前面的内容作总结。 请看范文: Wednesday July 20, 200

14、5 Fine I had an unforgettable trip to Cambridge today. The weather was fine today. My classmates and I went on a guided trip to Cambridge by coach. It took us about three hours to get there. As soon as we got there, we were divided into several groups, with a professional guide to show us around. Fi

15、rst, we were shown the Kings College, whose chapel (礼拜堂) impressed me most. It is the most spectacular (壮观的) building that I have ever seen. Then we visited other places such as Trinity College, and Fitzwilliam Museum. In the end, we walked along the Cambridge river and enjoyed the beautiful view. A

16、lthough tired, I spent the most exciting day in my life. I hope one day I can study in Cambridge University my dream college.高考英语景物写作技巧:充分发挥想象力景物描写属于描写文的范畴。描写景物通常采用一般现在时态。描写景物时要注意以下几点: (1)抓住景物的主要特征写; (2)选好主题,突出主题,用细节来烘托主题; (3)要充分发挥想象力,从不同的方面描写事物的特征,唤起读者的想象和情感共鸣;(4)要精心设计描写的角度和顺序。 描写景物时,要着力展示其最具有代表性的东

17、西,突出它的主要特征,把它活灵活现地呈现在读者的面前。请读下面的一篇习作: Tiananmen Square Located at the center of Beijing City, Tiananmen Square is the largest square in the world. It covers an area of 44 hectares, big enough to hold one million people. From the north to the south, it measures some 880 meters, and 500 meters from th

18、e east to the west. In the center stands the Monument to the Peoples Heroes. On the east is the Museum of Chinese Revolution and Chinese History and on the west the Great Hall of the People. The Qianmen Gate and Chairman Mao Memorial Hall sit in the south, with Tiananmen Tower in the north. Tiananme

19、n Square is one of the most famous and popular places in China. Every year thousands of people come to Beijing to visit it. 2009 年高考英语作文例文解析:金融危机文章来源:本站原创 点击数:更新时间:2008-12-15 15:14:31 EVEN by the standards of the worst financial crisis for at least a generation, the events of Sunday Spetember14th an

20、d the day before were extraordinary. The weekend began with hopes that a deal could be struck, with or without government backing, to save Lehman Brothers, Americas fourth-largest investment bank. It ended with Lehmans set for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and the bank preparing to wind itself up

21、 after those efforts failed. Other vulnerable financial giants scrambled to sell themselves or raise enough capital to stave off a similar fate. Merrill Lynch, the third-biggest investment bank, sold itself to Bank of America (BofA), an erstwhile Lehman suitor, in a $50 billion all-stock deal. Ameri

22、can International Group (AIG) brought forward a potentially life-saving overhaul and went cap-in-hand to the Federal Reserve. 即使以至少一代人所经历的最坏的金融危机的标准来看,上周六及周日(9 月 14 日)的事件仍是非同寻常的。那个周末开始于拯救美国第四大投行雷曼兄弟的交易有望达成,无论有或者没有政府的支持。然而却以雷曼兄弟的所有努力均告失败后,根据美国破产法案第 11 章申请破产保护而告终。其它脆弱的金融巨头同样努力地将自己卖出或是筹集足够的资金以避免与雷曼相同的命

23、运。第三大投行美林以 500 亿美元全额换股交易将自己卖给了以前雷曼的收购者美国银行。美国国际集团(AIG)正在提出一个潜在的挽救重整方案,并且毕恭毕敬地照美联储脸色行事。 On Sunday night the situation was still fluid, with bankers and regulators working to limit the fallout. They were girding themselves for a dreadful Monday in the markets. Australias stockmarket opened sharply low

24、er on Monday (most other Asian bourses were closed). American stock futures were deep in the red too, and the dollar weaker. Spreads on risky credit, already elevated, widened further. 在周日晚上,形势仍然非常不明朗。银行家们和监管者都在努力减小这次事件的辐射影响。他们准备应付非常糟糕的”黑色星期一” 。澳大利亚股市周一大幅低开(其它大多数亚洲股票交易所都停牌了) 。美国股指期货下跌非常厉害,同时美元汇率也走低。

25、已经很高的信贷风险的息差变得更高。 有用的单词和句子: American finance 美国金融 Nightmare on Wall Street 华尔街噩梦 A weekend of high drama reshapes American finance 一个极富戏剧性的周末重塑了美国的金融体系 The takeover of Merrill leaves just two large independent investment banks in America, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. 美林被收购后美国只剩下两家大型独立的投资银行摩根斯坦利

26、和高盛。高考英语试题中定语从句与强调句陷阱题详解文章来源:本站原创 点击数:更新时间:2008-12-15 15:10:32 1. The factory was built in a secret place, around _ high mountains. A. which was B. it was C. which were D. them were【陷阱】容易误选 A 或 B,将 A、B 中的 which 和 it 误认为是其后句子的主语。【分析】最佳答案是 C,around which were high mountains 是一个由“介词+which”引出的非限制性定语从句,而

27、在该从句中,主语是 high mountains,around which 是表语,所以句子谓语应用复数 were,而不是用单数 was。请做以下类例题目(答案均为 C):(1) Yesterday we visited a modern hospital, around _ some fruit shops.A. which is B. it is C. which are D. them are(2) The murder happened in an old building, beside _ the city police station.A. which are B. it is

28、C. which is D. them are(3) Next month well move to a new building, next to _ a nice restaurants where we can have Chinese food.A. which are B. it is C. which is D. them are 2. A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked, “Is there a hospital around _ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand”A

29、. that B. which C. where D. what【陷阱】容易误选 B,认为 around 是介词,选 which 用以代替前面的名词 hospital,在此用作介词 around 的宾语。【分析】最佳答案为 C。以上语法分析并不算错,但问题是,照此分析,此句的意思即为:有没有这样一个医院,我在它的附近可以买药治我的手伤?这样的语境显然有点不合情理,因为人们通常是在医院里面治伤,而不是在医院附近治伤。此题选 C 的理由是:句中的 around 不是介词,而是副词,意为“在附近” ;其后的 where 引导定语从句用以修饰其前的地点名词 hospital,句意为:附近有没有一家医院

30、,我可以去治我的手伤?3. David is such a good boy _ all the teachers like.A. that B. who C. as D. whom【陷阱】此题容易误选 A,许多同学一看到题干中的 such,再联系到选项中的 that,便认为这是考查 such that 句式。况且,这样理解意思也还通顺。【分析】最佳答案为 C,不是 A,因为在 such that (如此以至)结构中,that 引导的是结果状语从句,并且 that 在从句中不充当句子成分,若在上句填入 such that ,句末的动词 like 缺宾语。选 C 的理由如下:as 用作关系代词,

31、用以引导定语从句,修饰其前的名词 boy,同时 as 在定语从句中用作动词 like 的宾语,句意为“所有老师都喜欢的一位好男孩” 。有的同学可能还会问,假若选 A,能否将其后的 that 视为引导定语从句的关系代词呢?不能,因为当先行词受到 such 的修饰时,其后的定语从句应用关系代词 as 来引导,而不用 that。比较下面一题,答案为 A,因为 like 后有自己的宾语 him:David is such a good boy _ all the teachers like him.A. that B. who C. as D. whom请再做以下试题(答案选 D):It was no

32、t such a good dinner _ she had promised us.A. like B. that C. which D. as 4. The buses, most of _ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.A. that B. it C. them D. which【陷阱】容易误选 C,用 them 代指 the buses。【分析】最佳答案是 D。most of which were already full 为非限制性定语从句,修饰 the buses。类似地,以下各题也选 D:(1) His

33、house, for _ he paid $10, 000, is now worth $50, 000.A. that B. it C. them D. which(2) Ashdown forest, through _ well be driving, isnt a forest any longer.A. that B. it C. them D. which(3) This I did at nine oclock, after _ I sat reading the paper.A. that B. it C. them D. which类似地,以下各题选 whom,不选 them

34、:(4) George, with _ I played tennis on Sundays, was a warm-hearted person.A. that B. him C. them D. whom (5) Her sons, both of _ work abroad, will come back home this summer.A. that B. who C. them D. whom(6) I met the fruit-pickers, several of _ were still university students. A. that B. who C. them

35、 D. whom5. He had a lot of friends, only a few of _ invited to his wedding.A. whom B. them C. which D. who【陷阱】容易误选 A,认为这是非限制性定语从句。【分析】最佳答案是 B,这不是非限制性定语从句,而是一个独立主格结构,因为空格后的动词 invited 并不是一个完整的谓语,而是一个过去分词。当然,假若在 invited 前加上助动词 were,则是一个非限制性定语从句,答案便应选 A。比较:(1) They put forward a lot of plans at the meet

36、ing, none of _ carried out in their work.A. which B. them C. what D. that答案选 B,none of them carried out in their work 是独立主格结构,其中的 carried out 为过去分词(2) They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, none of _ were carried out in their work.A. which B. them C. what D. that答案选 A,none of them were carr

37、ied out in their work 是非限制性定语从句,注意与上例比较句中多了一个助动词 were。(3) They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, but none of _ were carried out in their work.A. which B. them C. what D. that答案选 B,由于两句之间增加了一个并列连词 but,使得该句成了一个并列句。6. On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents seate

38、d together joking.A. their B. whose C. which D. that【陷阱】容易误选 B,认为这是非限制性定语从句。nextpgae【分析】最佳答案是 A。与上面一题相似,their parents seated together joking 不是非限制性定语从句,而是一个独立主格结构,因为空格后的动词 seated 不是谓语,而是一个过去分词,因为 seat 作动词用时,是及物动词。比较以下相似题:(1) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents were

39、 seated together joking.A. their B. whose C. which D. that选 B。whose parents were seated together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为其后有完整的谓语 were seated。(2) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, and _ parents were seated together joking.A. their B. whose C. which D. that选 A。因为句中有并列连词 and,整个句子

40、为并列句。(3) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents sitting together joking.A. their B. whose C. which D. that选 A。their parents sitting together joking 为独立主格结构。(4) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents sat together joking.A. their B. whose

41、 C. which D. that选 B。whose parents sat together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为句中有完整的谓语 sat。(5) On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents were sitting together joking.A. their B. whose C. which D. that选 B。whose parents were sitting together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为句中有完整的谓语 were sitting。

42、7. If the man is only interested in your looks, _ just shows how shallow he is.A. as B. which C. what D. that【陷阱】容易误选 A 或 B,误这是非限制性定语从句。【分析】正确答案为 D,注意逗号前是一个条件状语从句,逗号后是该状语从句的主句,that 在此代表前文所述的情况,用作主句的主语。类似地,下面几道题也选 that,而不选 which:(1) If you promise to go with us, _ will be OK.A. as B. which C. and it

43、D. that(2) If you want a double room, _ will cost another 15. A. as B. which C. what D. that(3) Whether you go or not, _ is quite all right with me. A. that B. which C. and it D. so(4) When I say two hours, _ includes time for eating. A. as B. which C. what D. that 高考经验谈:超强应试技巧教你每门多拿 10 分文章来源:本站原创 点

44、击数:更新时间:2008-12-10 17:03:49 1.通览全卷,迅速摸透“题情”刚拿到试卷,一般心情比较紧张,建议拿到卷子以后看一下,看看考卷一共几页,有多少道题,了解试卷结构,通览全卷是克服“前面难题做不出,后面易题没时间做“的有效措施,也从根本上防止了“漏做题“。 2.答题顺序:从卷首依次开始一般地讲,全卷大致是先易后难的排列,所以,正确的做法是从卷首开始依次做题,先易后难,最后攻坚。有的考生愿意从卷末难题开始做,他们认为自己前面的题没有问题,好坏成败就看卷末的难题做得怎么样,开始时头脑最清醒,先做最难的题成功率高、效果好,想以攻坚胜利保证全局的胜利。这种想法看似有理,实际是错误的。

45、一般卷末的题比较难,除了个别水平特别高的学生,都没有做好该题的把握。很可能花了不少时间,也没有把这个题满意地做完。你这时的思绪多半已经被搅得很乱,又由于花了不少时间,别的题一点没有做,难免心里发慌,以慌乱之心做前面的题,效果也会大打折扣。但也不是坚决地“依次“做题,一份高考试卷,虽然大致是先易后难,但试卷前部特别是中间出现难题也是常见的,执着程度适当,才能绕过难题,先做好有保证的题,才能尽量多得分。3.答题策略 先易后难、先熟后生。先做简单题、熟悉的题,再做综合题、难题。应根据自己的实际,果断跳过啃不动的题目,从易到难,可以增强信心,但也要注意认真对待每一道题,力求有效,不能走马观花,有难就退



48、于考试时间的限制,“卡壳处“的攻克来不及了,那么可以把前面的写下来,再写出“证实某步之后,继续有“一直做到底,这就是跳步解答。若题目有两问,第一问想不出来,可把第一问作“已知“,“先做第二问“,这也是跳步解答。5.答题速度:以快为上高考数学试卷共有 22 个题,考试时间为两个小时,平均每题约为 5.5 分钟。为了给解答题的中高档题留下较充裕的时间,每道选择题、填空题应在二至三分钟之内解决。若这些题目用时太长,即使做对了也是“潜在丢分“,或“隐含失分“。一般,客观性试题与主观性试题的时间分配为 4:6。6.立足中下题目,力争高水平平时做作业,都是按所有题目来完成的,但高考却不然,只有个别的同学能

49、交满分卷,因为时间和个别题目的难度都不允许多数学生去做完、做对全部题目,所以在答卷中要立足中下题目。中下题目通常占全卷的 80%以上,是试题的主要构成,是考生得分的主要来源。学生能拿下这些题目,实际上就是数学科打了个胜仗,有了胜利在握的心理,对攻克高档题会更放得开。7.确保运算正确,立足一次性成功高考是限时限量的选拔性考试,在 120 分钟时间内完成大小 22 个题,时间很紧张,不允许做大量细致的解后检验,所以要尽量准确运算(关键步骤,力求准确,宁慢勿快) ,立足一次成功。解题速度是建立在解题准确度基础上,更何况数学题的中间数据常常不但从“数量“上,而且从“性质“上影响着后继各步的解答。所以,在答卷时,要在以快为上的前提下,要稳扎稳打


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