1、 “:SE 9(85-31-03) = l : 1998-11-19; s : 1999-05-26f DDNAL.Mss王桂荣, 樊叶杨, 庄杰云, 郑康乐, 张志涛(S ,s 310006)1oM:f D; RAPD;M “ ;L.Msms |: Q963 DS M : A cI|: 0454-6296 (2001) 01-0123-04f DNilaparvata lugens 3s,V 1 K a 3%1 # s, L.Ms? p L.sbRAPD/ f DL.Ms ,)f D i A 3sb1 材料与方法111 k 1S ! ibsY TN1 ( F y)aMudgo (z F yB
2、ph1)ASD7 (z F ybph2) !30 b7 B3 us ,T aM A b“ 12 hI , k28e 30e/, T,v/ S, |14h I TV“ b 5mg Tf D S, 8 k bV1 sf D STable 1 The standard for discriminating brown planthopper populationsf D Brown planthopper population! Ricevarietiesfor rearingkY Ricevarieties fortestTN1 Mudgo ASD7T TN1 + - -M Mudgo + + -
3、A ASD7 + - +V U v5mg Honeydew excretionexceeds 5mg;-V U l5mg Honeydew excretion isbelow 5mg112 DNA4 |54h f DI Bh,100%Y?!115 mL 5, F 100LL (200mmol/L Tris-HClpH 810, 25 mmol/L EDTA, 015% SDS) A,F 50LL 3 mol/LZ )(pH 512),- 20ebQ10min, 13000r/min 5min, | bA 6B 5,F 8sd?, ib20 min, 13000 r/min 25 min, bA
4、,70%Y?!BQ, b44 1 2001 M2 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SINICAVol144, No11Feb., 2001# 123 #bKF 50LL TE A(100 mmol/L Tris-HCl, 1 mmol/L EDTA pH 8. 0),4ebQ,!b113 RAPD-PCRQHqv d +4ZEbBritishColumbiav 310mer , 30b114 d9sNTSYS qd9sb2 结果与分析 |2z“ ,30RAPDs,G 9a 6,s13T 8a13M 814A 8(: zDNA“ $ , )b 68H H, s011 kb 3kbbm1A U
5、 P-498158_Tbm1 P-49815f D8 9TFig. 1 RAPD patterns of 15 ricebrown planthopperswith primerP-498M. 1 kb fragment; C. bvcontrol; 1 5. T T population;6 10. M M population; 11 15. A A population68H $,9 WM “ , ( E s,y m(m2)bVm2 V A ( Vs 7,+Y F sY !,f D L.? 3 M,V RAPDS: ?r_f DL.Msb Vm V A, WMsS, ,B 8WM Ms
6、v,7 O WL.s s,E| sFbV f DL. MbBs?C, T C q M A C qs vb 8H F f D C, OM A C qAs,2HT 8CbTV ,sRAPDS: ,+y V ? +sb3 讨论f D 3 i As2,Z?3f D 3 3124 44 m2 40f D8UPGMA mFig. 2 Dendrogramof 40brown planthoppersbyUPGMA clusteranalysisTaMAVTN1aMudgoASD7 T, M and A represent TN1, MudgoandASD7 population respectivelyW
7、i sbTV , F !f D WL.i AsbV, UDNAMs,f D 3Ws i = “,BbShufran4RAPD/ S= ! f D , TV , W As,T Bb V ? /y/: n5, P B !,9 4Bf D bShufran V L |V“ ,5 T, B , “ B 8 ; Q, V ? y i = !f D S= L. B/, 8yBbL.ZE 4f DL.Ms“d, Vs0 3/ 1251 I :f DDNAL.Mss)bV RAPDS: ?r_f DL.Ms, V ? us Fa !f D b Vn,YV, V ? B RAPDS:, ?+skY ,V7 ?r
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