1、汉语长句翻译,汉语是以分析形式为主的语言,句子结构比较松散。有时一个句子里存在不少并列成分,但并没有连接词把其中的逻辑关系明显地表现出来。英语是以综合形式为主的语言,句子结构比较严谨,各个句子成分之间的逻辑关系需要明确彰显。两种语言在语法结构上的差异加大了长句翻译的难度。,一、原序翻译,由于中西思维的共性,在汉译英中,按照汉语原来的句子顺序将其译成英文,原文是长句,译文也保持长句的表达形式。即顺译法。这种方法多用于单一主语的长句,但要分清句中的信息重心。,1. 从前有个俊俏的年轻人,名叫王小,人人都喜欢她,可他总是闷闷不乐,因为他有一个说法尖刻,唠叨不休的继母。 Once there live
2、d a handsome young man named Wang Xiao who, though a favorite with everyone, was unhappy because he had a sharp-tongued, nagging step mother.,2. 古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃地对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。 Throughout the ages, all accomplished men take their lives very seriously. As long as they are
3、 living, they would rather devote themselves to more work and study than let a single minute slip by in vain.,3. 我国目前正在修订专利法和商标法,拟议要修订的许多内容都要进一步向国际标准和国际化靠拢;有的即使准备分两步甚至三步走,那也是为了做好协调工作,稳妥前进,避免欲速而不达。China is at present revising its Patent Law and Trademark Law, and many of the contents recommended for
4、revision are coming closer to international standards and internationalization; in respects of some other contents, although preparations are being made to revise them in two or even three steps, it is only for the sake of accomplishing the task of harmonization properly, ensuring steady progress an
5、d avoiding the hazard of “more haste, less speed”.,二、断句分译,1. 按内容层次分译 汉语的长句里,有一部分说明一方面的情况,另一部分说明另一方面的情况,英译时往往根据内容的层次断句分译,使译文更清晰明快。,1). 秋天,无论在什么地方的秋天,总是好的;可是啊,北国的秋, 却特别地来得清,来得静,来得悲凉。(郁达夫:故都的秋)Autumn, wherever it is, always has something to recommend itself. In North China, however, it is particularly,
6、 limpid, serene and melancholy.,2). 长城,东起山海关,西至嘉峪关,横跨中国北部七个省、自治区,全长六千多公里,号称万里长城,是中国古代劳动人民智慧的结晶,是世界伟大的建筑奇迹之一。 Starting at Shanhai Pass in the east and ending up at Jiayu Pass in the west, the Great Wall traverses, up and down, over numerous mountains and valleys in Chinas five northern provinces and
7、two autonomous regions. As it extends over a distance of more than 6,000kms, it is called in Chinese the Wanlichangcheng, which means “Ten Thousand Li Long Wall”. It is a symbol of intelligence of the working people in ancient times and also one of the great architectural wonders/miracles in the wor
8、ld.,3)接着,他继续设想,鸡又生鸡,用鸡卖钱,钱买母牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛得钱,用钱放债,这么一连串的发则计划,当然也不能算是生产计划。译文:He went on indulging in wishful thinking Chickens would buy mom chickens. Selling them would bring him money. With this he could buy cows. The cows would become mom and selling oxen would make more money for him. With the money,
9、he could become a money lender. Such a succession of steps of getting rich,of course had nothing at all to do with production.,2. 带有反问句、反诘句或感叹句,1)应当承认,每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展? It must be admitted that every nation has its strong points. If not, how can it survive? How can it progress?,2)盛夏炎日,一走进
10、浙江莫干山的林间小道就汗止心凉,加上轻风拂煦,忍不住要赞叹一声:“莫干山,好一个清凉世界!”No matter how hot it is outside, once you step onto the trail through the forest on Mogan Mountain in Zhejiang Province, the sweat withdraws from your body. In addition, the breeze refreshes you with a gentle caress. How cool it is!,3. 、比方句的汉语长句翻译,拿我们这些人
11、来说,很多人每年都有一些进步。 Take for example those of us present here. Many of us make some progress each year.,4. 概括句,灾难深重的中华民族一百年来,其优秀人物奋斗牺牲,前赴后继,摸索救国救民的真理, 是可歌可泣的。 For a hundred years,the finest sons and daughters of the disaster-ridden Chinese nation fought and sacrificed their lives, one stepping into the
12、breach as another fell, in quest of the truth that would save the country and the people. This moved us to songs and tears. 原句先分后总.前而的内容作一概括或评论。翻译时在结尾处断开,最后的判断部分单独译成一个独立的简单句,译文顺畅.不显累赘。,5. 对立句,此时,前后两部分说明不同方面的情况,表达一定并列转折或者递进的逻辑关系等。 与会者对这个问题的观点差别很大,以致发生了争吵,一时会场的气氛紧张起来。 译文:The opinions of the attendants
13、 were far away from unanimous about this issue that some of them began to quarrel with each other. The atmosphere at the meeting became tense at the moment.,5. 原句出现总说或分述时要分译,我们的政策是实行“一个国家,两种制度”,具体说,就是在中华人名共和国内,十亿人口的大陆实行社会主义制度,香港、台湾实行资本主义制度。We are pursing a policy of “one country with two systems”. M
14、ore specifically, this means that within the Peoples Republic of China, the main land with its one billion people will maintain the socialist system, while Hong Kong and Taiwan continue under the capitalist system.,思考练习 1.中国民族自古以来从不把人看作高于一切,在哲学文艺方面的表现都反映出人在自然界中与万物占着一个比例较为恰当的地位,而非绝对统治万物的主宰。 2. 我的导师是亚
15、裔人,嗜好烟酒,脾气暴躁,但他十分欣赏亚裔学生的勤奋与扎实的基础知识,也特别了解亚裔学生的心理. 3.一定要言行一致,理论与实践相结合,反对华而不实和任何浮夸,少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。,4.本世纪上半叶的上海曾经是中国工业、贸易、金融和商业的中心,有着远东大都会浪漫而传奇的历史,吸引着不少外来资本,因而一度成为“冒险家的乐园”。 5.浦东新区1990年的国内生产总值约为60亿元,1999年达到800亿元,年均递增20%左右,呈现出良好的经济增长结构。,中国民族自古以来从不把人看作高于一切,在哲学文艺方面的表现都反映出人在自然界中与万物占着一个比例较为恰当的地位,而非绝对统治万物
16、的主宰。译文:Chinese people has never regarded human being as the highest creature among everything else since ancient times, whose behavior in both philosophy and arts takes a rather appropriate proportion with all others in the natural world, but not as an absolute dominant ruler.,我的导师是亚裔人,嗜好烟酒,脾气暴躁,但他十
17、分欣赏亚裔学生的勤奋与扎实的基础知识,也特别了解亚裔学生的心理. My tutor was a man of Asian descent. He liked drinking and smoking very much and had a hot temper. He highly appreciated the diligence and the basic and sound knowledge acquired by students from Asia. He also had a special understanding of their minds.,一定要言行一致,理论与实践相
18、结合,反对华而不实和任何浮夸,少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。 Deed and word must match and theory and practice must be closely integrated. We must reject flashiness without substance and every sort of boasting. There must be less empty talk and more hard work. We must be steadfast and dedicated.,本世纪上半叶的上海曾经是中国工业、贸易、金融和商业的中心,
19、有着远东大都会浪漫而传奇的历史,吸引着不少外来资本,因而一度成为“冒险家的乐园”。 译文:In the fist half of this century,Shanghai served as the industrial track financial and commercial centre of the country. It attracted many foreign investors as a mysterious oriental city and adventures paradise.,浦东新区1990年的国内生产总值约为60亿元,1999年达到800亿元,年均递增20%
20、左右,呈现出良好的经济增长结构。Pudongs GDP for 1990 was only about 6 billion yuan, but rose to 80 billion yuan in 1999, with an average annual growth of approximately 20 percent. This indicate a good economic growth structure. (介词短语断句),三、合译,中西方思维方式的不同决定了它们的语言语性的差异。中国传统思维重悟性,导致语言过度地模糊化,常常需要用悟性来理解语句的逻辑关系和内容,句子中很少用、甚
21、至根本不用连接词。而英语的一篇文章中连接性词语(connecting words)能占整个篇幅的大约百分之三十。这就对翻译者提出一个要求,那就是:先分析汉语语句之间的逻辑关系,然后在译文中适当增加起过渡作用的连接词,使上下文保持表达上的连贯性。这些词汇在保持长句或整个段落的融会贯通、前后一致方面具有重要的调节作用,是承前启后必不可少的词。,有个年轻人,名叫颜回,家里很穷,缺吃少穿,住的房子又小又破。译文1:There was a young man. He was called Yanhui. His family was very poor. They did not have enough
22、 food to eat or enough clothing to wear. The house they lived in was small and dilapidated. 译文2: There was a young man named Yanhui, who was so poor that his family lived in a small, dilapidated house with insufficient food and clothing.,1. 连接词并句,1)在元朝末年,朝廷变得腐败无能。许多读书人都坚信蒙古人已失掉了天命,不再能统治天下了。 Toward t
23、he end of the Yuan Dynasty, the imperial government had become so corrupt and incompetent that many scholars were convinced that Mongols had lost the mandate of heaven to rule the country.,2).改革价格体系关系国民经济全局,涉及千家万户。一定要采取十分慎重的态度,有计划、有步骤地进行。As the price system reforms will affect every household and th
24、e national economy, they must be carried out extremely prudently in a planned and systematic way.,3) 我上汽车不久就注意到一个外貌很怪的男人。他穿着一件不合身的上衣,一动不动地坐在位子上。Soon after I boarded the bus, I noticed a strange-looking man who wore an ill-fitting coat and sat rooted in his seat.,4) 我们往往可以从一个人所交往的朋友以及所阅读的书去看他的为人。因为人与
25、人之间有友谊,同样的,人与书也就有友谊。A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps, for there is a companionship of books as well as of men.,思考练习,1). 自从在海边第一次看见这个美丽的少女,他就像着了迷似的爱上了她。他是个小心谨慎,处世稳健的人。他知道过早地表露是一种危险。因此,他一直按捺着自己的感情。只是根据道静的情形适可而止地谈着各种使她中意的话。2)一些希腊的科学家们认为一切物质都是由四种所谓元素构成,
26、那就是土、火、空气和水。于是很多人就认为如果把这些元素重新组合的话,一种物质就可能变成另一种物质。例如一种贱金属兴许能变成金子。,1). 自从在海边第一次看见这个美丽的少女,他就像着了迷似的爱上了她。他是个小心谨慎,处世稳健的人。他知道过早地表露是一种危险。因此,他一直按捺着自己的感情。只是根据她的情形适可而止地谈着各种使她中意的话。He had fallen in love with this beautiful girl when he met her at the seasideHowever,he was such a sophisticated and cautious man th
27、at he knew that revealing his love too eagerly might spoil their friendship,so he had held back his feelings and talked only of subjects likely to please her,一些希腊的科学家们认为一切物质都是由四种所谓元素构成,那就是土、火、空气和水。于是很多人就认为如果把这些元素重新组合的话,一种物质就可能变成另一种物质。例如一种贱金属兴许能变成金子。Some Greek philosophers held that all matter was ma
28、de up of the same four “elements”-earth,fire,air and water;and many people therefore thought that if these elements could be rearranged,one substance could be changed into another,for example,a base metal could perhaps be turned into gold,2. 非连接词并句,通常,中国英语学习者对使用连接词合并分句是比较熟悉的,但他们未必熟悉使用非连接词手段将两个分句合并在一
29、起。两个分句之间必然是有语义联系的,这就构成了并句的语义基础。有时,可将其中一个分句转成一个修饰词(副词或形容词)并移到另一个从句之中起到修饰作用。有时则可添加一个介词,将两个分句中的动宾意义连接起来。有时可将一个汉语短句浓缩成一个英语名词词组来充当另一分句中的一个语法成分。,1)副词并句:简化译文,1.我们中国人为神州六号而骄傲,这是理所当然的。a. We Chinese are proud of Shenzhou ,and this is rightful.justifiablereasonable.b. We Chinese are justifiably proud of Shenzh
30、ou .2. 他看着词典飞过花园的小道,最后掉在杰米玛小姐的脚边,把她下了一跳。 He had seen the dictionary, flying over the pavement of the little garden, fall at length at the feet of the astonished Miss Jemima.,3.当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对中宾开放。a. At the time the friendship store was open only to foreign visitors but not to Chinese visitors.b. At
31、 the time the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitors.,2)形容词并句:语言精练。,世界上矛盾多得很, 大得很,一些深刻的矛盾刚暴露出来。 A. There are so many contradictions in the world and so many serious ones. Some deep-seated ones have only recently surfaced.B . In this world there are plenty of complicated contradict
32、ions, and some deep-seated ones have just come to light.,3). 介词并句,老李坐在厨房的小登上,穿的是一件窄小的旧军服,两支胳膊桠叉着,膝盖漏了出来,显眼地往前支着,箭头高耸,活像一个口袋装着一捆柴火。Sitting there on the kitchen stool, in his ill-fitting old uniform, with his elbows and knees and shoulders sticking out at angles, Lao Li looked a bundle of firewood in
33、a bag.,太阳当顶了。田野,丛树,屋舍,都显现在光明的大平面上。(叶圣陶倪焕之)With the sun right overhead now, the field, the clumps of trees and the huts were all picked out clearly on a vast, flat surface, brilliantly lit and still.,在教育质量关上,要改变过去那种教师单项传授知识,学生被动学习,以考试分数作为衡量教育成果的唯一标准的观念,要用新的眼光判断什么是好的学校、什么是好的教育效果、什么是好的老师、什么是好的学生等问题。Wit
34、h regard to quality control, a shift must be made from the traditional way of teaching (with teacher elaborating all the time and students listening passively) and the concept that the score is the sole criteria of the result of education, to the new standard of evaluation which can distinctively te
35、ll what is good school, what is well-designed curriculum, effective educational result, what is qualified teacher and what is excellent student.,4)分词并句,允许美国战俘接受红十字会的食品包裹,允许他们写信,但信要经过审查。a. American prisoners are permitted to receive Red Cross food parcels and write letters which must be censored.b. A
36、merican prisoners are permitted to receive Red Cross food parcels and write censored letters.,卢嘉川挨近她,情不自禁地握住了她的手。这女孩的热情、大胆和奔向革命的赤诚深深感动了他。 (杨沫青春之歌)Lu Jiachuan, touched by her enthusiasm, her courage and revolutionary spirit, stepped up to her and could not resist raking her hands.,汉字含义精深,而且具有文化上、语言结构
37、上的复杂性。英语中常常找不到完全能表达原意的对应词语。 Given the implications and subtlety and the cultural and linguistic complexities of Chinese characters, there is often no English equivalent that can convey the whole meaning of an expression.,5)名词词组并句,这个超级大国如此粗暴使用军事力量打击他国,使其称霸世界的野心暴露无遗。 AThe superpowers brutal use of for
38、ce against other countries has clearly shown its ambition to dominate the world.(名词性主语)The superpower has clearly shown its ambition to dominate the world through its brutal use of force against other countries. (名词性宾语),练习,1.他自豪地谈起这个仪器的发明,这是可以理解的. 2.秦始皇陵是秦朝第一个皇帝花三十多年时间才为自己建成的一个壮伟的陵墓,一起陪葬的兵马俑共有八千多个。
39、3.我满怀希望来参加会议,以为我们的改革 定会得到支持,但讨论来讨论去, 还是外甥 打灯笼照旧,未免大失所望。,他自豪地谈起这个仪器的发明,这是可以理解的. He spoke with understandable pride of the invention of the instrument.,秦始皇陵是秦朝第一个皇帝花三十多年时间才为自己建成的一个壮伟的陵墓,一起陪葬的兵马俑共有八千多个。 Qin Shi Huangs Mausoleum is a great tomb which the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty spent over 30 ye
40、ars builidng for himself, with about 8000 lifesize figures of soldiers and horses buried here to protect the emperor after his death.,我满怀希望来参加会议,以为我们的改革 定会得到支持,但讨论来讨论去, 还是外甥 打灯笼照旧,未免大失所望。 Sure of the full support for our reform, I came to the conference. However, my expectation turned out to be in v
41、ain, for the repeated discussion didnt produce any expected result. The expectation with which I came to the conference that our reform would win full support turned out to be in vain by the repeated fruitless discussions.,练习,4.这位教授引经据典,反复阐释,许多学生仍感到不得要领,如坠入五里云雾。如此看来,深入浅出,乃教学之秘诀也。 5.我刚刚打开书卷,正在绞尽脑汁撰写博
42、士论文,我那小侄女却连蹦带跳地跑上楼来,冲进房间,一头钻到我的怀里。 6.一定要争辩说你的办法胜我的一筹是没有意义的,因为解决一个问题,办法多种多样,孰优孰劣,只有用实践检验,现在就下结论未免有些武断。,这位教授引经据典,反复阐释,许多学生仍感到不得要领,如坠入五里云雾。如此看来,深入浅出,乃教学之秘诀也。Although the professor quoted from classics and scriptures and explained the point repeatedly, the students remained puzzled and failed to get any
43、 nearer to the point. This illustrates that profound ideas expressed in intelligible terms is of great significance in teaching.The fact that the professors repeated quotations and patient explanations did not bring the puzzled students an inch nearer to the point necessitates expression of profound
44、 ideas in intelligible terms in teaching.,我刚刚打开书卷,正在绞尽脑汁撰写博士论文,我那小侄女却连蹦带跳地跑上楼来,冲进房间,一头钻到我的怀里。 a) I had opened my books and was racking my brain for ideas to be used in my dissertation, and my little niece bounced upstairs, rushed into my study and threw herself into my arms. b) With my books opened,
45、 I was racking my brain preparing my dissertation when my little niece bounced upstairs, burst into my study and threw herself into my arms.,一定要争辩说你的办法胜我的一筹是没有意义的,因为解决一个问题,办法多种多样,孰优孰劣,只有用实践检验,现在就下结论未免有些武断。a) It is meaningless to argue that your methods are superior to mine, because there are many po
46、ssible solutions to one problem. The superiority of one solution to another awaits verification. It would be arbitrary to draw a conclusion at this moment. b) The meaninglessness of the argument about the superiority of your approach to mine lies in the possibility of different solutions to one prob
47、lem and in the testability of the superiority of one solution over another, not in the arbitrary conclusion at such an early stage.,一定要争辩说你的办法胜我的一筹是没有意义的,因为解决一个问题,办法多种多样,孰优孰劣,只有用实践检验,现在就下结论未免有些武断。The argument about the superiority of your approach over mine without any proof is meaningless and arbit
48、rary since there do exist the possibility of different solutions to a single problem.,四、变序翻译,按照译入语的表达习惯,重新组织和排列句子的语序。1) 中国式世界上最早的文明古国之一,对人类文化的发展,曾作出了不可磨灭的贡献,但在过去一段很长时期内,由于受到自然地理条件等的限制,特别是语言的隔阂,因此在国外,除了有极少数的所谓“汉学”专家外,对于产生在中国,尤其是作为一种“时代精神的精华”的哲学,那就很难有正确的理解了。 With her indelible contribution to the cult
49、ural development of mankind, China is one of the earliest civilized countries in the world. But due to the limitations such as geographic partition, and especially due to the language barriers, for foreigners except only a few so called “sinologists”, there could scarcely be fair understanding of th
50、ings Chinese, particularly of her philosophy, “the intellectual quintessence of the time” in quite long a time.,思考练习,四十年来,武汉杂技,在继承了传统杂技技巧的基础上,大胆吸收其他姊妹艺术之长,运用多种艺术手段 将布景、灯光、服装、道具、美术融为一体,是杂技表演成为综合性的表演形式。凡外商投资企业有能力也愿意与天津市工业企业通过技术转让,引进人才,技术帮助、经济支持等途径共同开发国家统一经营以外的制成品,特别是开发机电产品和精细化工产品, 并通过外方的销售渠道, 直接为外国公司提供制成品, 可以向市外经贸委申请扩大联合开发的业务。,