1、第二章 英语习语与节日民俗,一、节日概论 二、以岁时节令为主的中国传统节日及习语 2.1 岁时节日的由来 2.2 岁时节日的发展 2.3 中国传统节日分类 2.4 习语与节庆活动 2.5 习语与节日饮食 2.6 习语与节日禁忌,三、以宗教为主的西方传统节日与习语 3.1 英语习语与节庆活动 3.2 英语习语与节日禁忌 四、中西相同或相似的节日比较 五、中西方节日差异 5.1 差异溯源 5.2 文化内涵,节日概论,节日是相对于常日而言,是日常生活的升华和集中展示。指一年中被赋予特殊社会文化意义并穿插于日常之间的日子,是人们丰富多彩的生活和社会活动的集中展现,是国家、民族、各地区的政治、经济、文化
2、、宗教等的总结和延伸。节日是人类日常生活中的精华,它区隔出一个生活周期中的各个阶段,集中展现了各个阶段的含义,并在节日活动中,保留了该民族文化中最精致、最具代表性的一面。,A festival is a special occasion of feasting or celebration, that is usually religious. Types of festivals1) religious 2) seasonal change 3) of cultural significance Function of festivals: 1) provide entertainment.
3、 2) meet specific needs offer a sense of belonging inform members of their traditions. provide a means for unity amony memebers,节日的社会功能,1反映弘扬民族文化 节日就是这个民族的象征,反映了民族文化的理念和价值观.节日是文化民俗式的集中体现,集物质民俗、精神民俗、语言民俗、组织民俗为一体,将文化以民众喜闻乐见的形式展现出来,使得文化更加鲜活,更加贴近民众。而民众也通过节日中大量的民俗事象对文化的记录和解读而接受文化、领悟文化。 2. 增强民族凝聚力 3.节日是对民
4、众施以文化濡化的重要途径。 enculturation 濡化 aculturation 涵化,3节日是对民众施以文化濡化的重要途径。,二、岁时节令为主的中国传统节日,中国传统节日是中国古人通过对天候、物候和气候的周期性转换之观察与把握而逐渐约定俗成的;节庆民俗与农业文明发生发展同步萌芽而出现,最终形成了的一系列适应自然环境、调谐人际关系、传承文化理念的包括 禁忌、祭祀、庆祝、娱乐等活动。 岁时:一年四季 节令: 对不同季节自然物侯的认识与区分 climate and other natural phenomena specific to a season.,岁时节令的区分,最初是基于农业生产的
5、需要,以便按时安排相应的农事活动,历法称为农历。中国古代以农业耕作为主要生产生活方式,而农事活动的直接决定因素是岁时节令的变化,形成了以岁节令命名的中国传统节日。如元宵节、端午节。中秋节、重阳节等一般均在农闲或秋收之后。节日对中国古人不是外在的、偶然的,而是天、地、人本身的存在方式和节奏,体现人与万物的和谐相处。,2.1节日的由来,1历法:1)四时八节二十四节气 春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连, 秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。 24 seasonal divisions by which the solar year is divided/24 solar terms indicating
6、the change of climate and timing for agricultural activities. 2)各月的朔望(月的缺圆) 朔:月亏之日,各月之首 the 1st day of lunar month; 望:月圆之日,月之十五,the 15th day of lunar month,2.原始崇拜 以龙图腾崇拜最为典型。龙图腾崇拜对中华民族的影响极为深远,古代吴越人每年在端午节这天都要举行祭祀龙图腾的“龙舟竞渡”活动,这种龙图腾崇拜是端午节风俗形成的渊源之一。 3.祭祀祖先 清明节、中元节(七月十五)和寒衣节(十月初一),俗称三“鬼节“。 4.宗教5.多神信仰,如一月
7、二十五日仓生日,祀仓神,可保粮丰囤满;二月一日太阳生日,祀太阳神;二月二日龙抬头日,又为土地神诞辰 ,二月三日文昌帝君诞辰,有文昌庙会;二月十二日花王生日,祭花神,有花神庙会;三月六日,麦王生日,是日天晴麦可丰收;三月十五日龙王节,祀龙王,有龙王庙会;三月二十八日东岳大帝诞辰,有东岳庙会、泰山庙会;四月十二日毒蛇生日,祀蛇王,四月二十八日药王诞辰,祀神农,有药王庙会;五月十三日关帝诞辰,别称关公单刀赴会日,有关帝庙会;六月十三日(一说五月七日)鲁班诞辰,木石泥瓦等行业祀鲁班先师,举行鲁班会;六月二十三日雷公诞辰,祀雷公;六月二十四日二郎神诞辰,祀二郎神;七月七日七夕节,又称乞巧节、鹊桥会,拜祭
8、牛郎织女,是日雨称洒泪雨;八月五日万寿节,又称圣节,祀皇帝生日;八月二十七日圣诞节,孔子诞辰,有祭孔庙会;十月一日牛王神生日,祀牛王;十二月二十三日祭灶节,别称灶君升天日,祭社神,以佛教为例,有二月十五日薪尽日(佛离世日),二月十九日观音菩萨诞辰日,四月八日浴佛节(佛祖释迦牟尼诞辰日),五月十八日母连僧母诞辰,七月十五日盂兰盆节,七月三十日地藏节(地藏菩萨诞辰日),八月八日转法轮日(释迦牟尼说法日),十二月八日腊八节(佛祖成道日)。 属于道教的节日有:一月九日天诞节(玉皇大帝诞辰),一月十五日上元节(天官生日),一月十九日燕九节,二月一日天正节,二月十五日真元节(太上老君生日),三月三日蟠桃节
9、(王母娘娘寿诞),四月十四日八仙吕洞宾诞辰,四月十八日碧霞元君诞辰,七月十五日中元节(地官生日),十月十五日下元节(水官生日)。上述宗教节日流传到民间,逐渐形成了庙会等一系列节俗活动。,2.2 节日的发展,1萌芽期(先秦以前) 原始宗教活动包括原始神话、图腾崇拜、自然崇拜和 鬼神崇拜等是构成了先秦以前节日风俗最重要的要素。 2. 定型期(汉代) 3. 融合转化期(魏晋南北朝) 宗教:道教、佛教如四月八日的浴佛节和道家的三元节;七月十五日,是道家的中元节,同时又是佛教的“盂兰盆会节”。 4变异期(唐宋)religious to secular节日风俗开始大规模地与城市生活相结合,从迷信、禁忌等神
10、秘气氛中解放出来,节日风俗遂趋向世俗和娱乐化,成为民间真正的佳节良辰。 5. 稳定期(明清以后),汉代,中国主要节日如除夕、元旦、元宵、上巳、寒食、端午、七夕、重阳等都已基本定型。形成这一局面的原因是:首先,汉代大一统局面的出现,促进了各地区风俗的融合,先秦时期的荆楚文化圈、巴蜀文化圈、吴越文化圈、齐鲁文化圈、秦文化圈等,到汉代逐渐融为一体,强有力的国家政权对节日风俗的统一起了重要促进作用。其次,汉代节日定型与当时科学的发展有密切关系,尤其是“太初历”确立了以建寅月为岁首,打破了先秦时代的原始崇拜信仰,为节日风俗注入了新的活力和生机。此外,汉代儒家独尊地位确立以后,儒家伦理道德观念对节日风俗也
11、产生了深远的影响。今天,许多节日礼俗大多可以在汉代找到它的源头。,2.3 中国传统节日分类,1.农业耕作: 2.宗教祭祀 3.人伦孝悌 4.驱瘟辟邪,中国岁时节日,随着一年四季的变化和农作物安排的需要,逐渐形成了一系列丰富多彩的节俗活动,表现了鲜明的农业文化特色。对于靠天吃饭的农民来说,立春是很值得庆贺的。春节又称过年,年原是稔的初义,是五谷丰稔的意思,因禾谷多一年一熟,年乃逐渐由农业生产周期的名称引申成为节日的名称。源于原始社会的腊祭,春节既是年终庆贺丰收的日子,更是新的一年农业生活开始的大好时光。七月七日乞巧节,从牛郎织女神话传说演变而来的妇女乞巧习俗,反映了男耕女织的经济生活。,人伦:封
12、建礼教所规定的人与人之间的关系。特指尊卑长幼之间的等级关系。 interpersonal relations especially those between superior and inferior, old and young in feudal ethics, such as the relationship between monarch and court minister, father and son, husband and wife, between friends and between brothers. 孝悌: filial piety and fraternal l
13、ove 孝是尽心善事父母,悌是兄弟和睦友爱,2.4 汉语习语与节庆活动,节日之称为节日,有相对固定的节期是一个必要条件;有特定的节俗活动是一个节日的另一个必要条件。在中国的节日框架中,传统节日大都是以先赋性的社会关系为基础,它们首先是以血缘群体,其次是以地域群体为依托,如最重要的春节、清明节、端午节、中秋节等都以祭祀祖先、孝敬长辈、家人团聚、姻亲往来为主要活动;而元宵节灯会、端午节玩龙灯、“鬼节”等都是地域性的群体活动。,1.春节,迎春接福;开门大吉大年三十打浆糊贴门对豆腐渣贴门联粘不到一块爆竹店失火自己恭贺自己打一千,骂一万,全靠三十晚上一顿饭大年初一吃饺子没外人额头上放爆竹响头哑巴拜年只作
14、揖,不说话反贴门神不对脸大年初一起五更,大年初二日头红”不等二十四到,二十三就要送灶上天言好事,下地保平安”,折射出中国神仙信仰活动的功利性和对待神灵的实用主义态度。,春联:门对,对联,对子,源于古代 桃符.依其使用场所,分为门心、框对、 横批、春条、斗方等。,2、中秋节,又称仲秋节、八月节、追月节、玩月节、拜月节、团圆节、女儿节。 是原始崇拜之敬月习俗之演变。周代已有中秋献良裘、秋分拜月之俗,至唐代嫦娥奔月、吴刚伐桂、玉兔捣药等神话故事结合起来,玩月之风大兴。 习语与节庆八月十五月儿圆,西瓜月饼摆得全 月半十五正团圆 男不拜月,女不祭灶 月到中秋分外明 七月十五鬼节,八月十五人节 八月十五月
15、正圆,瓜果石榴列满盘 八月十五停活的 ,冬至节,教学的 (山西,中秋做工人停活,冬至宴请教师) 七月烧纸盂兰节,八月赚钱买饼尝中秋 。 八月摸个秋,摘柚抱瓜不算偷,3 元宵节,古称上元节、又称元宵节、元夕节、灯节。 由来:诸吕之乱 汉文帝刘恒将平定之日正月十五定为元宵节,出宫与民同庆。三十的火,月半(十五)的灯 吃了月半饭(指正月十五),大家把事干 上元赏花灯,中秋吃月饼正月里,正月正,正月十五闹花灯肉汤里煮元宵浑蛋只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯,4. 清明节,清明是由“清明”节气、寒食节、上巳节三者融合而成的重大节日,其习俗活动丰富多彩,有祭奠与嬉游两类。 清明扫墓,重九登高 清明到,儿尽孝 清
16、明戴柳:避邪驱鬼,柳枝:鬼怖木 清明不戴柳,红颜成皓首 清明不戴柳,死后变黄狗 清明前后,点瓜种豆、植树造林,莫过清明,5.端午节,端午节,又称“午日节、天中节、龙日”,等,“五”与“午”通,“五”又为阳数,故端午又名端五、重五、端阳、中天等。 五月初五端午节,吃罢粽子忙插秧未成三尺水,休想划龙船端午节,划龙船,挂蒲挂艾在屋檐。端午佳节,菖蒲插壁惟有儿时不能忘,持艾簪蒲额头王(额头王,即在端午是用雄黄酒在孩子额头上画个王) 清明插柳,端午插艾,6. 盂兰盆节(佛教徒称之为盂兰盆节,道教则称之为中元节),“七月半,鬼节饭,吃饱鬼饭栽大蒜。”,“年年有个七月半,前人做给后人看”,2.4 汉语习语与
17、节日饮食 2.5 汉语习语与节日禁忌,三.以宗教为主的西方传统节日,God 的重要性 He loses nothing that loses no God./Have God and have all. A man without religion is a horse without a bridle. A danger past and God forgotten.过河拆桥 God bless me; godsend godspeed God damn you; God speed you; Good God By God; Man proposes, God disposes.; God
18、 helps these who help themselves.; God comes to see without a bell; Make a God of ones belly;with God ;on Gods earth,西方的传统节日以宗教为主。基督教不但是现代西方文化的酵母之一,而且目前仍然是西方社会精神的重要元素。自从欧洲大陆被基督教文明浸染后,西方几乎所有影响最大的传统节日都与基督教有关。Christmas ,Easter, Epiphany(主显节.纪念耶稣三次向世人显示其神性,与前述两个节日并称为基督教历史上最悠久的三大节日 Jan.6) Ascension(耶稣升天节
19、,纪念耶稣“复活”后第四十天升上天堂,与前三个节日一道为基督教各教派普遍庆祝的节日 the 40th day after Easter “Pentecost,圣灵降临节,为基督教重大节日之一。the seventh Sunday after Easter,Advent基督降临节是准备迎接基督重临世界的节期,为基督教历年的第一个节日)、 “耶稣受难节”(Good Friday) “三位一体主日”(Trinity Sunday) “圣母圣诞节”(Nativity of St. Mary)、 “报喜节”(Lady Day)、“ 圣母行洁净礼节”(Purification of Mary)、“圣彼得保
20、罗节”(Saint Peter and Pauls Day)、 “万圣节”(All Saints Day)、“万灵节”(All Souls DAy)、“悼婴节”(Feast of the Holy innocents)、 “四旬斋”(Lent)、“狂欢节”(Carnival)、“棕枝主日”(Palm Sunday)、“圣星期六”(Holy Saturday)等,,英语习语与节庆活动,1.Christmas 1.1 Origin: the story of the nativity of Jesus Christ 1.2 Customs and activities,The Orign of C
21、hristmas,Time: In Ancient Roman Empire under the rule of Caser Augustus When Israel was governed by King Herod . Setting: a manger in a stable room in Bethlehem Charchers: Mary (Virgin Mother), Joseph, shepherds, the Three Wise Men, The three gifts: Gold, frankincese(乳香)Myrrh 没药,When Rome was a grea
22、t Empire ruled by Caesar Augustus and Israel was governed by King Herod, in the village of Nazareth lived Joseph and Mary. Joseph was a carpenter and Mary was a young virgin who would become his wife. Mary told Joseph of a dream in which she was visited by an angel who told her she had been chosen t
23、o bear the Son of God and his name was to be Jesus.,One day the emperor sent notice that all persons were to register for a new tax. They were instructed to return to the towns of their birth. Joseph and Mary left Nazareth for Bethlehem. Mary who was with child, and close to the birth, rode on a don
24、key while Joseph walked beside her. They traveled for many days and only rested at night. When they reached Bethlehem it was night.,They looked for a place to rest but there were no empty rooms when they reached the inn. Finally they went up into the hills and found the caves where shepherds stay wi
25、th cows and sheep. In one cave was a stable room. It is in the stable where Mary gave birth to Son of God and Put him in the manger.,When the child was born a great star appeared over Bethlehem that could be seen for miles around. In the fields nearby shepherds were tending their flocks. An angel ap
26、peared to them surrounded by bright light and told them“I bring you tidings of great joy. For unto you is born this day in Bethlehem - a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.“ Then the shepherds set out for Bethlehem.,wise men in the desert,As the star shined over Bethlehem, in the east three kings would
27、see it. They knew it was a sign and they set off to follow the star. There was Caspar - the young King of Tarsus, Melchior - a long bearded old man and leader of Arabia, and Balthazar - the king from Ethiopia. They traveled on camels for many days over the mountains, and through the deserts, and pla
28、ins.,When they finally arrived in Bethlehem they found the child in the manger. The 3 kings bowed to their knees and offered gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They would stay the night in the cave and the next day returned to their lands to spread the news.,Customs and activities,Christmas Tid
29、e(圣诞节节期)Dec.24-1.6 Epiphany: - January 6 is known in western Christian tradition as Epiphany. Epiphany is the climax of the Christmas Season and the Twelve Days of Christmas, which are counted from December 25th until January 5th.The term epiphany means to show“ or “to make known“ or even “to reveal
30、.“ In Western churches, it remembers the coming of the wise men bringing gifts to visit the Christ child, who by so doing “reveal“ Jesus to the world as Lord and King.“ Christmas carols 圣诞颂歌 Christmas Waits: 报佳音 wreath: holly mistletoe 斛寄生 kiss under the mistletoe,GOD SPEED THE PLOUGH; PLOUGH MONDAY
31、 - “God speed the plough, a wish for success or prosperity, was originally a phrase in a 15th-century song sung by ploughmen on Plough Monday; the first Monday after the Twelfth Day, which is the end of the Christmas holidays, when farm laborers returned to the plough, soliciting plough money to spe
32、nd in celebration.“ Boxing Day (Britain):节礼日,Easter,orgin: to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus two days after his crucifixion,(commonly referred to as the “third day“ including the day of crucifixion), Christians commemorate Good Friday as the day that Jesus Christ died and Easter Sunday as the d
33、ay that He was resurrected. The word “Easter“ is named after Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox (春分).,Time:Easter is termed a moveable feast because it is not fixed in relation to the civil calendar. It falls at some point bet
34、ween late March and late April each year following the cycle of the moon.Its generally accepted by churchesEaster is the first Sunday after the first fourteenth day of the moon (the Paschal Full Moon) that is on or after the ecclesiastical vernal equinox.(春分月圆后的第一个星期天)。.,Symbols Easter bunny:a rabbi
35、t-spirit. Long ago, he was called the“ Easter Hare.“ Hares and rabbits have frequent multiple births so they became a symbol of fertility. Dyed Eggs:The Romans believed that “All life comes from an egg.“ Christians consider eggs to be “the seed of life“ and so they are symbolic of the resurrection o
36、f Jesus Christ the Food:hot cross buns十字小面包,Activities: Festival Greeting: The Lords risen. Easter Egg hunt:The custom of an Easter egg hunt began because children believed that hares laid eggs in the grass. Egg-rolling:In England, Germany and some other countries, children rolled eggs down hills on
37、 Easter morning, a game which has been connected to the rolling away of the rock from Jesus Christs tomb when he was resurrected. British settlers brought this custom to the New World.,Other Festivals around Easter,1.Passover 逾越节,Jewish holy day and festival,commemorating God sparing the Jews when H
38、e killed the first born of Egypt. It takes place just before the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. In the story of Moses, God set ten plagues upon the Egyptians to convince Pharaoh to release the Israelites. The tenth plague was the killing of the firstborn sons. However, the Israelites were i
39、nstructed to mark the doorposts of their homes with the blood of a spring lamb, and upon seeing this, the spirit of the Lord passed over these homes, hence the term passover.,When Pharaoh then freed the Israelites, it is said that they left in such a hurry that they could not wait for bread to rise.
40、 In commemoration, for the duration of Passover, no leavened bread is eaten, for which reason it is also called “The Festival of the Unleavened Bread( 无酵饼)commemorating the Exodus(出埃及记)from Egypt and the liberation of the Israelites from slavery.,2.Lent: 大斋期、四旬斋 the forty days from Ash Wensday to Ea
41、ster eve observed as a time of fasting and penitence斋戒与忏悔. (No wine and flesh are taken during this period, with Good Friday as the most restricted day of fasting.)Why is it called Lent?Lent is an old English word meaning to lengthen. Lent is observed in spring, when the days begins to get longer.,3
42、. Ash Wednesday(圣灰星期三):the beginning of Lent for Western Christian churches. Its a day of penitence to clean the soul before the Lent fast. On this day, Christians receive a mark of ashes on the forehead as a token of penitence and mortality, reminding each churchgoer that Death comes to every one.
43、Man is born out of dust and shall return to it . They should be sad for their sins. They must change themselves for the better. God made the first human life by breathing life into dust, and without God, human beings are nothing more than dust and ashes,Holy Week 圣周 the last week of Lent, or the wee
44、k immdiately preceding Easter. It includes the religious holidays of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday) and Good Friday, and lasts from Palm Sunday ) until but not including Easter Sunday, It commemorates the last week of the earthly life of Jesus Christ culminating in his crucifixion on G
45、ood Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday.,the 1st day of Holy Week. It commerate the triumphal entry into Jerusalem where the crows laid palms at his feet.,Palm Sunday圣枝主日,commemorates the Last Supper, which was held the evening before the Crucifixion.when Jesus washed the feet of his discip
46、les and established the ceremony known as the Eucharist.(Holy Communion)圣餐:the bread and wine),Holy Thursday/Maundy Thursday:,Good Friday 耶稣受难日,Good Friday commemorates Jesus crucifixion. Its is a day of mourning in church.,Holy Saturday,Holy Saturday is the Saturday after Good Friday, the seventh d
47、ay of the week, the day Jesus rested in the tomb. Its traditionally observed with silence and solemnity Easter Vigil Service,e,Easter Vigil Service复活节前夜 Candle is lit : May the light of Christ rising in glory, banish all darkness from our hearts and minds The lit of Christ, risen as the light of the
48、 world, and come into the midst of the people.,3. Halloween,is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. Common Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, ghost tours, bonfires, costume parties, visiting “haunted houses“, carving Jack-o-lanterns, reading scary stories and watching horror
49、 movies. Halloween is celebrated in several countries of the Western world, most commonly in Ireland (where it originated), the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and occasionally in parts of Australia.,Symbols of Halloween,1. Jack-O-lantern: The carved pumpkin, lit
50、 by a candle inside, The name jack-o-lantern can be traced back to the Irish legend of Stingy Jack, a greedy, gambling, hard-drinking old farmer. He tricked the devil into climbing a tree and trapped him by carving a cross into the tree trunk. In revenge, the devil placed a curse on Jack, condemning him to forever wander the earth at night with the only light he had: a candle inside of a hollowed turnip.,