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1、第二临床学院内科教研室,Anemia,content,Definition Classification Clinic feature History taking Examination Investigation Treatment,definition,Reduction of red cells volumn below reference value 外周血红细胞容量低于正常值Not a disease but a sign of an underlying disease,Criterion,我国标准:在我国海平面地区,成年男性Hb低于120g/L, 女性低于110g/L, 孕妇低

2、于100g/L。 高原地区居民Hb正常值高。 Spurious anemia 假性贫血:due to changed plasma volumn e.g. pregnant,Type of anemia (mean corpuscular volume),Microcytic,Normocytic,缺铁性贫血、 铁粒幼细胞贫血、 地中海贫血,巨幼细胞贫血、伴网织红细胞大量增生的溶血性贫血、 骨髓增生异常综合征,再障、 纯红再障、 溶血性贫血、骨髓病性贫血、急性失血,Based on MCV 红细胞平均体积 80-100fl,Macrocytic,Type of anemia,Based on

3、degree 30g/L 极重度 30- 重度 60- 中度 90- 轻度,Type of anemia,Based on cause and mechanism 1、decreased production: 生成不足 2、increased destruction:溶血性贫血 hemolytic anemia 3 、loss:失血性贫血,再障、纯红再障、先天性红细胞生成异常性贫血、 造血系统恶性克隆性疾病,1.造血干祖细胞异常所致贫血2.造血微环境 造血基质及基质细胞受损:造血调节因子异常:3.造血原料不足或利用障碍,骨髓坏死、骨髓纤维化、骨髓硬化症、髓外肿瘤的骨髓移转、各种感染。,肾功能

4、不全、肝病和垂体或甲状腺功能低下( EPO低);肿瘤性疾病、病毒感染(TNF、IFN、炎症因子等),巨幼细胞贫血、缺铁性贫血,Clinic feature,一般表现 1 困倦、乏力:fatigue headache faintness 2 皮肤粘膜苍白:pallor,Clinic feature,呼吸、心血管系统:心悸、气促;palpitation breathlessness 心脏扩大、心力衰竭;cardiac failure 活动后气促; breathlessness after activity 重度贫血者平静状态下亦有气促。,Clinic feature,中枢神经系统:头痛、头晕、耳鸣

5、等 泌尿生殖系统:多尿、蛋白尿、氮质血症;闭经、性功能减退。 消化系统:食欲不振、恶心、腹胀和便秘等。,History taking,Whats the complaint Duration Age of onset History of worm mainfestation 肠道寄生虫表现 Abdominal complaint 肠道不适 History of fever 发热史 History of swelling in the neck/axilla/groin 颈/腋窝/腹股沟 Is anemia episodic 发作性贫血,History of recent bleed 近期有无

6、出血 History of menorhea 月经增多 Family history of anemia 贫血家族史 History of drug intake 药物史 Dietary habit 饮食习惯,examination,Skin: pallor, jaundice 苍白,黄疸 Glossitis 舌炎 Shape of skull 头颅形状 Lymph nodes palpable 淋巴结触诊 Stomatitis 胃炎 Hepatomegaly 肝大 Splenomegaly 脾大,investigation,Begin with Complete blood count (C

7、BC) 血常规 Peripheral film 外周血涂片 Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) Reticulocyte count (retic count) 网织红细胞 Next bone marrow aspiration / biopsy Further investigation on mechanism 发病机制检查,Treatment,支持治疗:输血 transfusion 病因治疗: 针对不同种贫血采用不同的方式。Causal treatment,summary,Definition Classification Clinic feature Histo

8、ry taking Examination Investigation Treatment,IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA,content,Definition Metabolism of iron Manifestation Laboratory tests Diagnosis Differential diagnosis Treatment,Iron deficiency anemia,概念:体内储存铁被用尽,致使血红蛋白合成减少而引起的贫血,特点是小细胞低色素贫血。,原卟啉血红素铁珠蛋白,HB,IDA是铁缺乏症的最终阶段,因各种原因造成缺铁时,先导致体内贮存铁耗尽(ID),

9、继之红细胞内铁缺乏(IDE),最终引起缺铁性贫血(IDA),铁缺乏症的年发病率,缺铁性贫血的年发病率,Distribution of iron functional iron,铁蛋白与含铁血黄素二种形式男性约1000mg,女性约300400mg。铁总量约:5055mg/kg(男)3540mg/kg(女),铁分布储存铁,每天造血约需2025mg铁,主要来自衰老破坏红细胞;食物中每天可摄取11.5mg,孕、乳妇需24mg。动物食品铁吸收率高,植物食品则吸收率低。,Origin & Absorption of Iron,metabolism of iron 转运与利用:,肠粘膜,血液,铜蓝蛋白,Fe

10、3+ + 转铁蛋白,血清铁(运铁蛋白复合体),单核巨噬细胞系统,骨髓,幼红细胞,铁受体,胞饮作用,细胞内,Fe 2+,转铁蛋白,原卟啉,血红素,珠蛋白,血红蛋白,Fe2+,Metabolism of iron,origin:food & destroy of red cells Absorption : duodenum & jejunum 十二指肠,空肠 Transportion : transferrin 转铁蛋白 Store : hemosiderin & ferritin 含铁血黄素和铁蛋白 loss:urine, feces, nails and skin, in menstruat

11、ing females as blood 尿液,粪便,指甲,皮肤,月经,Etiology,(一)increased iron requirement and decreased iron intake 需铁量增加而铁摄入不足 (二)malabsorption胃大部切除术后、肠道炎症等,(三)chronic bleeding 慢性胃肠道失血; 月经过多; 咯血和肺泡出血; 血红蛋白尿; 其他。,(一)对铁代谢的影响:当贮存铁减少,发展到不足以补偿功能状态铁时,会出现铁代谢指标异常:,Mechanism,贮铁指标(铁蛋白、含铁血黄素)减低; 血清铁和转铁蛋白饱和度减低; 总铁结合力和未结合铁的转铁

12、蛋白升高; 细胞内铁铁粒幼细胞显著减少或消失; 转铁蛋白受体在血清中增高。,(二)缺铁对造血系统的影响:红细胞内缺铁,血红素合成障碍,大量原卟啉不能与铁结合成为血红素FEP。由于Hb生成减少,红细胞浆少、体积小,发生小细胞低色素性贫血。,(三)缺铁对组织细胞代谢的影响: 组织缺铁,细胞中含铁酶和铁依赖酶活性降低,影响患者精神、行为、体务、免疫力及患儿生长发育和智力。 缺铁可致外胚叶组织营养障碍。,Manifestation,一般表现 缺铁的特殊表现:1皮肤及其附属结构的改变;2神经系统的改变。 缺铁原发病的表现,spoon shaped nails Dry skin Pica Dysphagi

13、a,Blood film,microcytosis, hypochromasia细胞小,中央淡染区扩大 。,BONE MARROW SMEAR,high cellularity mild to moderate erythroid hyperplasia (25-35%; N 16 18%) micronormoblastic erythropoiesis 老核幼浆 absence of stainable iron,Metabolism of iron,血清铁、TiBc、STfR、血清铁蛋白。骨髓细胞外铁阴性,内铁减少或消失,铁粒幼细胞15%。,红细胞内卟啉代谢:FEPFEP/Hb4.5ug

14、/gHb。,IRON DEFICENCY - STAGES,ID reduction in iron stores without reduced serum iron levels Hb (N), MCV (N), iron absorption (), transferin saturation (N), serum ferritin (), marrow iron () IDE iron stores are exhausted, but the blood hemoglobin level remains normal Hb (N), MCV (N), TIBC (), serum f

15、erritin (), transferrin saturation (), marrow iron (absent) IDA blood hemoglobin concentration falls below the lower limit of normal Hb (), MCV (), TIBC (), serum ferritin (), transferrin saturation (), marrow iron (absent),诊断与鉴别诊断,一、诊断: (一)ID(贮存铁耗尽)符合1条以上血清铁蛋白(12ug/L);骨髓小粒中可染铁(外铁)消失,铁粒幼细胞15%;,(二)ID

16、E(红细胞内铁缺乏)ID的+;血清铁低于8.95umol/L,总铁结合力升高大于64.44umol/L,转铁蛋白饱和度4.5ug/gHb;Hb尚正常。,(三)IDA:IDE的+;小细胞低色素性贫血:Hb正常,MCV、MCH、MCHC均正常。 (四)病因诊断:只有明确病因,IDA才能根治。有时病因比贫血本身更严重。,鉴别诊断,铁粒幼细胞性贫血;sideroblast anemia 地中海贫血; thalassemia 慢性疾病性贫血。 Chronic disease anemia,Management,History and physical examination is sufficient

17、to exclude serious disease (e.g pregnant women, adolescents) - CURE ANEMIA History and/or physical examination is insufficient (e.g old men, postmenopausal women) - FIND ETIOLOGY OF ANEMIA AND CURE (CAUSAL TREATMENT) Benzidine test Gastroscopy Colonoscopy Gynaecological examination,Treatment,iron:or

18、al iron. Enhanced : fish, meat, vit Cinhibited: milk, cereals, tea how long to judge the effect?- 5-10天网织红细胞升高;- 2周后Hb升高;- 2月恢复正常;- Hb恢复正常后补充4-6月。 Causal treatment,PARENTERAL IRON SUBSTITUTION,Bad oral iron tolerance (nausea, diarrhoea) Necessity of quick management (CHD, CHF) 50 - 100 mg daily I.v only in hospital (risk of shock) I.m in outpatient department,summary,Definition Metabolism of iron Manifestation Laboratory tests Diagnosis Differential diagnosis Treatment,Questions,我国贫血的诊断标准是什么? 口服补铁需要多长时间?,谢 谢!,


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