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1、bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the partys principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandable. “Collectors see Vulgaris, Gong Lian first diffi

2、culties“, said was probably associated with the human. But for party members and leading cadres, and not swayed by personal considerations, fairness, should be the most basic requirements. Over the years, some leading cadres are only emotions, not principled, even put people above all else, above al

3、l, human above the interests of the people and the party discipline and state laws. On spouse, and children, and relatives and side staff proposed of not reasonable requirements, due Yu sensibilities, knows not, also not refused to; on they of errors not criticism, and not education, discipline not

4、strict; on they using himself of status and power effect seek illegal interests, blind, stop poor, even allowed asylum, last even himself also on has illegal crime of road, to party of career caused bad of effect. As leading party cadres, we must bear in mind that “treatment of officers not in priva

5、te“, “accept private party likes and dislikes, are trapped in evil“ and other ancient writings, testimonies, and good and keep their own, love for the people, in the face of family friendship when you want to provide convenient and be able to “public“ lured to an abrupt end. To strictly enforce the

6、influence of leading cadres are not allowed to take advantage of their positions and duties, relevant provisions seek illegal benefits for spouses, children, and managing their families, children and staff effectively manage everything around. Good leisure, and firmly establish a correct concept of

7、taste. “Sexy view“ is about personal hobbies and interests in view of peoples lives. Mao Ze-Dongs life has a wide range of interests, he has a passion for nature, reading, passion poems, like calligraphy, favorite sport, swimming rivers, like walking, like snow, bamboo, plum blossom, and prefer Oper

8、a, as well as making friends and so on. He has diverse tastes, there is a wealth of emotions, a noble sentiment. In memory of Norman Bethune, Mao Ze-Dongs early in an article called on us to do “a noble man, a pure person, a moral person, a man above vulgar interests, a person who is useful to the p

9、eople.“ However, in our party members and cadres, but there are some people on some vulgar things in society, not vulgar, but as fashion, love and trying to pursue careers, seriously damaged the partys image, it must arouse a high degree of attention. Currently, some of our party members and cadres

10、in the crude mainly has following several aspects: Lake habits, buddy loyalty. Gay not gay, but commensurate with the guys, wine and meat on the table of friends, friendship on the Mahjong table; found cousins, and nominal kinship, clique, cliques, water park juyiting children moved into a Socialist

11、 family. This Lake habits and buddy loyalty, go on is sectarianism, and sectarianism. Say dirty, said Huang. Toasts are flushed, when gossip chat chat chat and travel drive, talk dirty, talk about HuangDuan seem to have become a . We must always adhere to “the Corporation“, using dichotomy to analys

12、is and treatment. Decision making, as well as favourable conditions and unfavourable factors, carefully weigh the objective analysis of the situation and make decisions carefully. Secondly, to select “frame“, standing in the global awareness and analysis of the problem. To put things in similar term

13、s, comparing and see things their level, recognizing its advanced and backward, or is in the middle position. To put things into the development process, compare and see things moving track, recognizing its progress, setbacks, or the State of stagnation. To put things in to the trend of the times, c

14、onducted a comprehensive comparison, see the position and recognize its lead, lag or in step with the times. Third, enhance research capabilities. Throughout the history of our party and revolution, construction and reform an important turning point, implementation of major initiatives when our part

15、y to carry out all the actual research, colorful practice of the masses looking for the right way to solve the problem. Leaders to insisted put learning as first need, to strongly of learning enthusiasm, in-depth study science theory, widely dabbled in economic, and political, and legal, and technol

16、ogy, and history, and culture, aspects of knowledge; right processing survey and research of relationship, recognize survey is “mining“, research is “smelting“, survey is “eclectic“, research is “chaff“, both willing to bows in-depth survey, and diligent concentrated thinking study. Does not the tru

17、th may not stop, not the toughness of the truth can not be reconciled, and habits. Four is to improve problem-solving skills. Practicing the “three represents“ important thought, assuming power for the people, we must study and solve problems. Some contradictions and problems are often more than a f

18、ruit, more fruit and more comprehensively reflect solution is difficult, you must do the following four points: first, there is a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism. Own work, seek the cause. Establish a firm political style, study hard and maintain unity, truth-seeking, the right to

19、 use the good image of the impartial, live clean. B to have a down-to-earth work attitude. To persist in proceeding from reality, thinking problems, make decisions not only appreciate superior intention, taking into account the actual needs, take into account grass-roots capacity. Three scientific a

20、nd realistic working methods. First-line depth, forward command, and more problematic, complex units, implement face to face instruction. Four to keep pace with the spirit of the times. With daring courage and unyielding spirit, bold, tenacious tackling, continue troubleshooting new strategies and i

21、mprove the effectiveness of the new methods of work.信息技术与教育技术 (2)第一单元辅导第 1 章 教育技术概述 一、教育技术的定义 在教育科学的发展中,有意识的把教育技术作为一个独立的领域开始于 20 世纪初期。这时的世界仍处在第二次产业革命(或工业革命)期间,科学技术和工业化生产的发展影响着教育的进步,首先在美国形成了采用投影、幻灯、电影、广播等新工业技术的、称之为视听教育的一场教育实践运动。从那时起,随着新信息技术、新教育媒体的不断涌现和发明创造,心理学、传播学、信息科学、系统科学等人类科学的逐步形成和发展提高,在世界第三次科技浪潮的

22、推动下,教育技术在经历酝酿、徘徊、形成和发展的 80 多年后,已经初步形成了一个较为完整的教育学科领域和理论体系。其间,该领域的定义与内容几经更迭,从初始时的硬件(强调物化技术的应用)发展到软件(媒体硬件和教学软件结合),再进入到潜件(方法、方法论)的演变过程,先后形成过 5 次较为正式的定义。他们分别是:1963 年、1970 年、1972 年、1977 年和 1994 年的 5 个定义。这 5 种定义最好的反映了教育技术的进步,恰当地描述出教育技术的定义内容的进化历程。 在 1963 年的定义中指出“视听教育是教育理论和实践的一个分支,它主要研究对控制学习过程的信息进行设计和使用。”这是对

23、 20 世纪初至 60 年代初这一期间,视听教育(Audio-Visual Education)运动的一种概括和肯定,准确地表述了当时教育技术的研究对象、内容和领域的教育属性。这一时期的教育技术主要是视听教育,开展采用投影、幻灯、电影、广播、教学机器等媒体的教学应用和教学实验。1970 年,美国教育技术委员会向美国国会递交的报告中,提出了对教育技术的两种定义方式,反映了 7 年后教育技术实践的巨大变革和理论研究的重要突破,以及教育技术领域的扩展。它指出“教育技术可以按两种方式加以定义。在人们较为熟悉的教育技术的意义上,是指产生于传播革命的媒体,这些媒体可以与教师、课本和黑板一起为教学目的服务教

24、育技术由电视、电影、投影器、计算机等软件和硬件所组成的。”“第二种不太为人们熟悉的教育技术定义超过了任何特定的媒体或设备及其各组成部分的总和。它是按照具体的目标,根据对人类学习和传播的研究,并利用人力和非人力资源的结合,促进更有效的教学的一种系统的设计、实施和评价学与教的全过程的方法。” 两种新的定义方式暴露了人们在教育技术上新旧观点的冲突和正在酝酿中的一场飞跃。教育技术不但包括媒体技术,而且包括系统技术(设计、实施、评价学和教的过程的技术)。1972 年,时任美国教育传播与技术协会主席的伊利(Ely. D. P)在组织 100 多名专家经过一年时间的研讨后,于当年的 10 月发表了“教育技术

25、领域:定义的表述”(The Field of Educational Technology: A statement of Definition)的重要文章。文章中对教育技术的定义为“教育技术是这样的一个领域,它通过对所有的学习资源的系统鉴别、开发、组织和利用,以及通过对这些过程的管理,来促进人的学习。”并指出教育技术作为“开发和使用各种学习资源来便利学习的一种系统方法”,它的“主要目标是促进和改善人类学习的质量教育技术的特点,或它赖以存在的理由,在于它为达到这个目标所采用的哲学方法和实践方法。作为教育技术的特征,其方法也许已被三个先后发展起来的要素所揭示。这三个要素是:利用各种学习资源;强调

26、个别化学习;运用系统的方法。”在这个定义中揭示了教育技术作为一个独特的研究领域的核心内容:利用各种学习资源、以个别化学习为核心、使用系统方法,并以这三项内容综合成为一个作为促进学习总体方法,以达到实现学习最优化的目标。尽管如此,这个定义还不能有效的综合当时来自实践、理论和研究诸方面的认识与实际需要。 鉴于分歧的存在,美国教育传播与技术协会(Association for Educational Communications and Technology AECT)在 1977 年发布了修改后的“教育技术定义”。即“教育技术是分析问题,并对解决问题的方法进行设计、实施、评价和管理的一个综合完整的

27、过程,它涉及人员、程序、思想、设备和组织等各个方面,与人的学习的所有方面都有关系。在教育技术中,解决问题的方法的表现形式是所有为了促进学习而设计(或)选择与(或)使用的学习资源。学习资源分为信息、人员、材料、设备、技巧和环境。对问题进行分析,并对解决问题的方法进行设计、实施和评价的过程称为教育开发职能,它包括研究与理论、设计、制作、评价和选择、供应、使用与推行等项职能内容。对其中的某项或多项职能进行指导或协调的过程称为教育管理职能,它包括组织管理和人员管理。”并指出教育技术领域涉及 4 个方面内容:学习者、学习资源、教育开发职能、教育管理职能,4 方面的内容或运作模型可以用图 1.1 表示。在

28、这个定义中,人们对教育技术的认识更为深化,被描述为一个鉴别问题并对解决问题的方案进行设计、实施、评价和管理的综合完整的过程。它涉及思想、程序、人员、设备和组织等各个方面,与人的学习的所有方面都有关系。17 年后,1994 年由美国人西尔斯(Seels. B. A)和里奇(Richey. R. C)合著的教学技术领域的定义和范畴中提出了一种更新的定义,并绘制了结构图以说明教学技术的框架结构。这个定义既有效地阐明了教育理论和教育实践并重的内核和工作领域,提供了适合非线性教育活动的和便于交流的整体框架,又旗帜鲜明地指出教学技术研究和实践的对象,及在教育科学中的位置,更加符合现代的教育理念。因此,该定

29、义被认为是目前最完美的一个定义。 该教育技术定义的表述:教学(育)技术是对学习过程和学习资源进行设计、开发、利用、管理和评价的理论与实践。也可以说,教学(育)技术是关于学习活动和学习资源的设计、开发、利用、管理与评价的理论及实践。 这个内涵性质的定义是美国教育传播与技术协会组织专家、实际工作者、研究人员等经过五年时间的研究讨论,最后在对原有定义修订的基础上提出的。定义同时从宏观范围上提供了教学(育)技术的五个分支领域,见图 1.2。 该定义的外延涵盖了这样五个领域: 开发领域的印刷技术、视听技术、以计算机为基础的技术和综合(整合)技术的理论与实践; 应用领域的媒体应用、革新技术的推广、实施和制

30、度化、相关的规章制度的理论与实践; 管理领域的计划管理、资源管理、传递系统管理、信息管理的理论与实践; 设计领域的教学系统设计、讯息设计、教学策略、学习者特征的理论与实践; 评价领域的问题分析、标准参照测量、形成性评价、终结性评价的理论与实践。 这五个领域渗透在一切教育教学和与其相关的活动中,例如教育资源、教育教学活动、教育评价、教育改革、教育发展和教育管理等。 如果把教育技术观念的发展、变迁用定义的转换、更替来表述,可以得到这样的结论性表述:60 年代萌芽期,教育技术领域发轫于新视听媒体技术(视、听媒体和视听媒体)的教育应用;70 年代发展期,产生了媒体技术和系统技术(教育媒体技术和设计、实

31、施、评价学和教过程的技术)共存的认识、促进学习的总体方法(各种学习资源、个别化学习、系统方法三项内容综合为促进学习的总体方法)、综合完整的技术过程(设计、实施、评价和管理鉴别、解决问题方案的综合过程,涉及思想、程序、人员、设备和组织等各个方面,与人的学习的所有方面都有关系。)三个认识水平和阶段,不断地完善、扩充、发展和融合;90 年代成熟期,建构成为一个独立的实践领域、完整的学科专业和发展中的研究体系,即“学习过程和学习资源的设计、开发、应用、管理和评价的理论与实践。” 如图 1.3 所示。94 年前的定义认为教育技术只是一个“过程”,该过程包括与人类学习有关的各种因素(例如人和设备、思想和方

32、法等);而新定义认为教育技术是从设计、开发、应用、管理和评价等五个方面全面研究学习过程和学习资源的“理论与实践”。94 年前的定义所说的“过程”是指人们将先进的技术设备、思想方法应用与教育、教学并使之优化的过程。只是把教育技术看作是先进技术手段和方法的应用,而没有把它看作是一门独立的、有自身的理论体系和实践领域的学科。新定义则把教育技术作为设计、开发、应用、管理和评价学习过程与学习资源的各种活动的理论与实践,即认为教育技术已经形成或基本形成了一套自己的用于指导优化学习过程和学习资源的各种实践活动的理论与方法论体系。94 年前的认为教育技术是先进的技术手段和方法应用与教育的过程,其着眼点只是实际

33、应用;新定义认为教育技术是研究如何优化学习过程、学习资源的理论与实践,因此,着眼点是即重视理论研究又重视实践应用。94 年前的定义认为教育技术是与人类学习诸因素有关的过程,而人类学习诸因素的概念是比较笼统和抽象的,即不能为教学设计提供明确的指导思想,也不便为发展教育(教学)技术确定方向。新定义认为:教育技术是关于学习过程与学习资源的设计、开发、应用、管理和评价的理论与实践。学习过程是学习者学习新知识和掌握新技能的认知过程。学习资源是实现学习过程所需要的环境和条件,它有世界固有的资源和人类专门设计的资源的区别,分为:人、材料、工具、设施和活动五种形态。人是指组成教育教学系统的教职员工和有关人员,

34、例如,教师、辅导员、教育管理人员等;工具是指产生、传递和呈现教学信息的学习资源,例如,黑板粉笔、视听器材、多媒体计算机、教育电视、直播卫星等;设施是学生与其他信息资源发生相互作用的地方、场所或环境,例如,教室、图书馆、操场、博物馆、视听场所等;材料是指在由信息的学习资源,例如,印刷材料、教学录像、教学光盘、教育电影、挂图、计算机教学课件等;活动是发挥其它学习资源的专门行为和方法,包括教授、演示、讨论、人际或人机交互行为、参观、个别化学习、小组学习、协作学习、班级教学等。新定义具有鲜明的操作性强、具体的指导性和准确的方向性。 需要进一步说明的是,不能认为上述定义和内容是最终的。因为,信息时代的到

35、来,科学技术、心理科学和生物科学等的进步、发展,无时无刻不在影响着教育科学的变革,成为推动教育技术发展的力量,同时教育技术作为一个年轻的领域,其本身的研究和实践的广阔天地,也是推动教育技术不断发展的重要动力。 二、教育技术的学科性质 依据 1994 年的定义,教育技术的内涵和外延已经远远地超出了视听教育的意义。单从学习资源的角度看,教育bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the partys principles and loss of personal character. Ca

36、re of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandable. “Collectors see Vulgaris, Gong Lian first difficulties“, said was probably associated with the human. But for party members and leading cadres, and not swayed by personal conside

37、rations, fairness, should be the most basic requirements. Over the years, some leading cadres are only emotions, not principled, even put people above all else, above all, human above the interests of the people and the party discipline and state laws. On spouse, and children, and relatives and side

38、 staff proposed of not reasonable requirements, due Yu sensibilities, knows not, also not refused to; on they of errors not criticism, and not education, discipline not strict; on they using himself of status and power effect seek illegal interests, blind, stop poor, even allowed asylum, last even h

39、imself also on has illegal crime of road, to party of career caused bad of effect. As leading party cadres, we must bear in mind that “treatment of officers not in private“, “accept private party likes and dislikes, are trapped in evil“ and other ancient writings, testimonies, and good and keep thei

40、r own, love for the people, in the face of family friendship when you want to provide convenient and be able to “public“ lured to an abrupt end. To strictly enforce the influence of leading cadres are not allowed to take advantage of their positions and duties, relevant provisions seek illegal benef

41、its for spouses, children, and managing their families, children and staff effectively manage everything around. Good leisure, and firmly establish a correct concept of taste. “Sexy view“ is about personal hobbies and interests in view of peoples lives. Mao Ze-Dongs life has a wide range of interest

42、s, he has a passion for nature, reading, passion poems, like calligraphy, favorite sport, swimming rivers, like walking, like snow, bamboo, plum blossom, and prefer Opera, as well as making friends and so on. He has diverse tastes, there is a wealth of emotions, a noble sentiment. In memory of Norma

43、n Bethune, Mao Ze-Dongs early in an article called on us to do “a noble man, a pure person, a moral person, a man above vulgar interests, a person who is useful to the people.“ However, in our party members and cadres, but there are some people on some vulgar things in society, not vulgar, but as fa

44、shion, love and trying to pursue careers, seriously damaged the partys image, it must arouse a high degree of attention. Currently, some of our party members and cadres in the crude mainly has following several aspects: Lake habits, buddy loyalty. Gay not gay, but commensurate with the guys, wine an

45、d meat on the table of friends, friendship on the Mahjong table; found cousins, and nominal kinship, clique, cliques, water park juyiting children moved into a Socialist family. This Lake habits and buddy loyalty, go on is sectarianism, and sectarianism. Say dirty, said Huang. Toasts are flushed, wh

46、en gossip chat chat chat and travel drive, talk dirty, talk about HuangDuan seem to have become a . We must always adhere to “the Corporation“, using dichotomy to analysis and treatment. Decision making, as well as favourable conditions and unfavourable factors, carefully weigh the objective analysi

47、s of the situation and make decisions carefully. Secondly, to select “frame“, standing in the global awareness and analysis of the problem. To put things in similar terms, comparing and see things their level, recognizing its advanced and backward, or is in the middle position. To put things into th

48、e development process, compare and see things moving track, recognizing its progress, setbacks, or the State of stagnation. To put things in to the trend of the times, conducted a comprehensive comparison, see the position and recognize its lead, lag or in step with the times. Third, enhance researc

49、h capabilities. Throughout the history of our party and revolution, construction and reform an important turning point, implementation of major initiatives when our party to carry out all the actual research, colorful practice of the masses looking for the right way to solve the problem. Leaders to insisted put learning as first need, to strongly of learning enthusiasm, in-depth study science theory, widely dabbled in economic, and political, and legal, and technology, and history, and culture, aspects of knowledge; righ


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