
HYPERTENSION Emergencies & Urgencies,Stephen S. Levin, D.O.,Definitions,Emergencies Symptomatic Acute End-Organ Damage Diastolic B.P. usually 130 mmHg


1、HYPERTENSION Emergencies & Urgencies,Stephen S. Levin, D.O.,Definitions,Emergencies Symptomatic Acute End-Organ Damage Diastolic B.P. usually 130 mmHg Urgencies Asymptomatic NO Acute End-Organ Damage Diastolic B.P. usually 110 mmHg; Systolic B.P. usually 180 mmHg,Begin Treatment! This is a Hypertensive Emergency Begin to look for other causes of symptoms,Principles of Therapy,Lower B.P. over hours Initial goal B.P. 160s/90s Too rapid lowering may cause dire consequences (CVA, MI) May ta。

2、Hypertension 2011 update,Salam Ishak AL Sammak.MD,FACP Nephrology associate medical group,Hypertension 2011 update,Epidemiology and Back ground JNC Seven definition and classification Sub classification and types of Hypertension Treatment options Lessons learned from New Trials of hypertension Take home message,Hypertension 2011 update,Types of Hypertension Low Renin Hypertension White coat Hypertension Resistant Hypertension Secondary Hypertension,Hypertension 2011 update,Low Renin Hypertensi。

3、HYPERTENSION IN THE INPATIENT SETTING Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Management,Dedicated to the memory of LEON I. GOLDBERG, MD, PHD A pioneer in the research of dopamine receptor pharmacology and physiology,Learning Objectives,Outline the prevalence, pathology, and pathophysiology of hypertension in the inpatient setting.Identify treatment goals and treatment options for the severely hypertensive patient.Discuss the pharmacologic profile and potential benefits of fenoldopam in the treatment of。

4、Hypertension(haptenn ),高血压病,What Is Hypertension?,Hypertension (HTN) is a chronic(krnik慢性的 ) medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries(:triz动脉 ) is elevated(elvetd提高的).,Diagnosis(dainusis诊断 ),Lead to,Hypertension高血压,systolic blood pressure140 diastolic blood pressure 90,Either of them,Danger Zone,systolic blood pressure120 diastolic blood pressure 80,Both of them,Normal blood pressure正常血压范围,A warning sign,If your BP are 120/80 or highe。

5、Hypertension in Pregnancy,Lianne Beck, MD Assistant Professor Emory Family Medicine,OBJECTIVES,Know criteria for the diagnosis of chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension and preeclampsia List criteria for the diagnosis of severe preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome Discuss current management considerations,Introduction,Most common medical complication of pregnancy 6 to 8 % of gestations in the US. In 2000, the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in P。

6、Hypertension and the Kidney,Chong Myung Kang, M.D.Department of Internal MedicineHanyang University Hospital,Hypertension and the Kidney,A. The Role of the Kidney in Hypertension B. Hypertension as a Cause of Renal Disease C. Hypertension as a Risk Factor for the Progression of Renal Disease D. Hypertension as a Consequence of Renal Disease,Role of Kidney in Hypertension,1. Pressure-Volume Regulation 2. Congenital Oligonephropathy 3. Renal Transplantation Studies 4. Salt and Hyper。

7、Case Based Presentation: Hypertension in the ICU,By Noemie Chessex and colleagues UBC,Case,A 19-year-old man presents to ED with episodic headaches that resolved spontaneously. In the last week, the headaches have become much more severe and frequent, occurring almost daily, and are accompanied by throbbing chest pain, sweating, dizziness and palpitations.,Case,On arrival in ED, the pt is complaining of a severe headache, BP is 235/135 mm Hg, HR 90. He has profuse sweating and is complaining of 。

8、Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia: Are our children safe?,Patrick R,Hints and exam tips,HTN is a hot topic for exams particularly, what is really malignant HTN and who needs urgent treatment. Also be sure that you know how to recognize the secondary causes of HTN Lipids are less beloved by examiners though they do like to ask about niacin and flushing,Cardiovascular risk in your clinic patients,Do not approach HTN, Hyperlipidemia as individual problems. Look upon them as part of your patients cardi。

9、HYPERTENSION,Hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure, sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated.,What is Hypertension?,Diagnosis of Hypertension,Lead to,Hypertension高血压,systolic blood pressure140 diastolic blood pressure 90,Either of them,Danger Zone,systolic blood pressure120 diastolic blood pressure 80,Both of them,Normal blood pressure正常血压范围,A warning sign,If your BP are 120/80 or higher but belo。

10、2019/6/1,贵阳医学院内科学教研室心血管科,1,循环系统疾病,原发性高血压 (高血压病) Primary hypertension,2019/6/1,贵阳医学院内科学教研室心血管科,2,一、血压分类和定义,2019/6/1,贵阳医学院内科学教研室心血管科,3,高血压,体循环动脉压增高 SBP140mmHg 和/或 DBP90mmHg,2019/6/1,贵阳医学院内科学教研室心血管科,4,高血压,原发性高血压(高血压病) 90%-95% 继发性高血压(症状性高血压) 5%-10%,2019/6/1,贵阳医学院内科学教研室心血管科,5,原发性高血压,血压升高为主要临床表现 伴或不伴多重心血管危险因素 综合征 多种心、脑血管疾病的。

11、高血压及其护理,(hypertension),优点:测量值准确 缺点:笨重、玻璃易碎 水银易漏,优点:易携带 缺点:测量值不准确,优点:操作方便,不用听诊器 缺点:准确性较差,常用血压计的种类及优缺点,测量规范,至少安静休息5分钟 使用标准的水银柱式血压计和大小合适的袖带(小孩使用小儿血压计) 取坐位,测右上臂,上臂与心脏同一水平;首诊时测双臂血压;必要时加测立位血压 开始使用前, 血压计要进行校准:- 打开水银壶水银柱是否位于零点- 水银有无泄漏- 玻璃管是否清洁,有无裂痕- 袖带、橡皮球有无漏气现象,打开血压计,垂直放妥,开启水。

12、高血压病 (Hypertension),概述,高血压(hypertension)是以体循环动脉血压升高为主要表现的临床综合征,是最常见的心血管疾病。 高血压分为原发性高血压(高血压病)原因不明,占95%以上,为多种心血 管疾病的重要危险因素,影响心、脑、肾功能继发性高血压继发于某些疾病的血压升高,占高血压不足5% 我国高血压病现状三高高患病率、高致残率、高死亡率三低低知晓率、低治疗率、低控制率 世界高血压日10月8日世界各国均十分重视高血压病从发病机理以致临床防治的研究,诊断标准,高血压的标准:收缩压(Systolic pressure )140mmHg舒张压。

13、西安交大医学院病理生理学科 冯 洁,高血压hypertension,血压的概念,血压(blood pressure):血管内的血液对单位面积血管壁的侧压力或侧压强。 血压是维持血液在血管系统循环流动的动力。,动脉血压:动脉内的血液对血管壁的侧压力或侧压强。 动脉血压是维持器官血液灌流量的关键因素。,收缩压:100120mmHg 舒张压:6080mmHg,血压稳定的调节机制,PVR=8L/r4,BP=COPVR,高血压的概念,高血压:安静状态未服抗高血压药物情况下,持续血压升高,即为高血压。,收缩压140 mmHg 或/和 舒张压90 mmHg,成人,前高血压:收缩压120139mmHg,舒张压8089mmH。

14、高 血 压 (hypertension) 概念: 体循环动脉血压持续升高 成人静息状态下, 收缩压140 mmHg(18.4kPa)和/或 90 mmHg(12.0kPa) 原发性高BP 症状性(继发性)高BP,原发性高血压(primary or essential hypertention),概念: 原因未明 体循环动脉血压升高 常见,中老年发病率高。 病程长,发展慢。 东北华北地区发病率较高。

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