1、Hypertension(haptenn ),高血压病,What Is Hypertension?,Hypertension (HTN) is a chronic(krnik慢性的 ) medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries(:triz动脉 ) is elevated(elvetd提高的).,Diagnosis(dainusis诊断 ),Lead to,Hypertension高血压,systolic blood pressure140 diastolic blood pressure 90,Either of
2、 them,Danger Zone,systolic blood pressure120 diastolic blood pressure 80,Both of them,Normal blood pressure正常血压范围,A warning sign,If your BP are 120/80 or higher but below 140/90,It is called,Pre-hypertension高血压前期,Hypertension,Essential Hypertension 原发性高血压(高血压病)9095%,Secondary Hypertension继发性高血压 510%
3、,primary or essential hypertension: high blood pressure with no obvious underlying(潜在的,根本的) medical cause. Secondary Hypertension: High blood pressure that is caused by another medical condition(医疗条件) or medication(药物).,Classification Of Hypertension,Primary or Essential Hypertension,Benign(binain )
4、 Hypertension (Chronic Hypertension) 良性/缓进性高血压,Malignant (mlinnt )Hypertension (Accelerated Hypertension)恶性/急进性高血压,肾上腺功能紊乱,慢性肾疾病,甲状旁腺功能亢进症,肾动脉狭窄,避孕丸、节食丸、感冒药、偏头痛药,孕妇,Causes Of Hypertension,Genes(遗传因素) Diet(膳食因素) Social And Mental Condition(社会心理应激因素) Stress(压力) Anger(愤怒) Frightened(惊吓) Others(其它因素) Ob
5、esity(bi:sti:肥胖症) Smoke(吸烟) Older Age(老龄) Inactivity(缺乏锻炼) Race(种族),Who is at risk?,Anyone can have high blood pressure. Some people are more likely to have high blood pressure including: African Americans(more sensitive to salt) People over age 55 People with a family history of high blood pressure
6、,Who is at risk?,Your chances of having high blood pressure are higher if you: Are overweight Eat foods high in salt Do not get regular exercise Smoke Drink alcohol heavily Under Stress,anger,frightened or sad in a long time,Hypertension Symptoms,High blood pressure is sometimes called a silent kill
7、er(无症状杀伤者) because it may have no outward symptoms for years (可能没有外在症状长达数年).In fact, one in five people with the condition dont know they have it. Internally(nt:nl,在体内地), it can quietly damage the heart, lungs, blood vessels, brain, and kidneys if left untreated. Its a major risk factor for strokes(
8、中风/脑卒中) and heart attacks(心脏病).,Pathological Changes(病变),Left ventricle in hypertensive heart disease. 左心室壁明显增厚,hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage(高血压病脑出血):Internal capsule(内囊) or Basal ganglia(beisl li,基底神经节) instead of blood clots(被血凝块代替).,Hypertensive retinopathy(retinpi,视网膜病变) (高血压性视网膜病变),Complica
9、tions(并发症),When blood pressure is not well controlled, you are at risk for: Bleeding from the aorta(e:t,主动脉出血), the large blood vessel that supplies blood to the abdomen(bdmn), pelvis(pelvs), and legs(给腹部、骨盆和腿部供血的大血管) Chronic kidney disease(慢性肾疾病) Heart attack and heart failure(心脏病和心力衰竭) Poor blood
10、supply to the legs(下肢供血不足) Stroke(中风/脑卒中) Problems with your vision(视觉障碍),Treatment,The DASH Diet - Dietary Approaches(饮食疗法) to Stop Hypertension - involves eating more fruits, vegetables, whole-grain foods(全谷类食物), low-fat dairy(低脂奶), fish, poultry(禽肉), and nuts(坚果). You should eat less red meat(红肉)
11、, saturated fats(饱和脂肪), and sweets(甜食). Exercise,Prevention,Adults over 18 should have their blood pressure checked regularly. Lifestyle changes may help control your blood pressure. Exercise often. Eat foods low in salt. Lose weight or keep weight at a healthy level. Do not smoke. Limit alcohol.,世界高血压日,5月第二个周末(星期六),