1、pET-30a 大肠杆菌表达载体, pET-30a 质粒,菌株编码 名称 规格 保存条件北京华越洋生物GHT-20MGpET-30a 20mg -20,避光,12 个月北京华越洋生物GHT-100mgpET-30a 100mg -20,避光,12 个月pET-30a 大肠杆菌表达载体, pET-30a 质粒,菌株载体信息:启动子: T7/lac复制子: pBR322 oripET-30a 大肠杆菌表达载体, pET-30a 质粒,菌株载体别名:pET-30a,pET30a,pET 30a载体分类:大肠杆菌表达载体载体大小: 5422 bp载体抗性:卡那霉素 Kan载体标签: N-His, N-
2、S, N-Thrombin, N-EK, C-His筛选标记:克隆菌株: DH5表达宿主: BL21 (DE3)培养条件: 37,LB5 测序引物 :T7:TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG3 测序引物 :T7-Ter: TGCTAGTTATTGCTCAGCGG备注:pET-30a 大肠杆菌表达载体 , pET-30a 质粒,菌株载体简介:The maps for pET-30b(+) and pET-30c(+) are the same as pET-30a(+) (shown) with the following exceptions: pET-30b(+) is a 5421b
3、p plasmid; subtract 1bp from each site beyond BamH I at 198. pET-30c(+) is a 5423bp plasmid; add 1bp to each site beyond BamH I at 198. The pET-30a-c(+) vectors carry an N-terminal HisTag/thrombin/STag/enterokinase configuration plus an optional C-terminal HisTag sequence. Unique sites are shown on
4、the circle map. Note that the sequence is numbered by the pBR322 convention, so the T7 expression region is reversed on the circular map. The cloning/expression region of the coding strand transcribed by T7 RNA polymerase is shown below. 操作说明:1.请使用华越洋生物定制开箱器打开外包装;2.该产品包含 20l 质粒,可保存在-20冰箱中;3.取 1l 质粒转化进合适的感受态中;4.大量提取质粒并保存适量的甘油菌,置于-80长期保藏;